from dataclasses import dataclass import hmac from typing import Tuple from Crypto.Cipher import AES class InvalidMACException(Exception): pass @dataclass(frozen=True) class EncryptionParameters: cipher_type: str hash_type: str iv: bytes mac_key: bytes cipher_key: bytes class MacAndCipher: def __init__(self, parameters: EncryptionParameters) -> None: self.authenticator = parameters.mac_key, digestmod=parameters.hash_type ) cipher = parameters.cipher_key, AES.MODE_CTR, initial_value=parameters.iv ) self.cipher = cipher def encrypt(self, data: bytes) -> bytes: return self.cipher.encrypt(data) def authenticate(self, data: bytes) -> bytes: authenticator = self.authenticator.copy() authenticator.update(data) return authenticator.digest() def decrypt_if_valid(self, data_with_tag: bytes) -> bytes: tag_position = len(data_with_tag) - self.authenticator.digest_size data = data_with_tag[:tag_position] tag = data_with_tag[tag_position:] authenticator = self.authenticator.copy() authenticator.update(data) expected_tag = authenticator.digest() if not hmac.compare_digest(tag, expected_tag): raise InvalidMACException(expected_tag, tag) return self.cipher.decrypt(data) def initialize_pair( cipher_type: str, hash_type: str, secret: bytes ) -> Tuple[EncryptionParameters, EncryptionParameters]: """ Return a pair of ``Keys`` for use in securing a communications channel with authenticated encryption derived from the ``secret`` and using the requested ``cipher_type`` and ``hash_type``. """ if cipher_type != "AES-128": raise NotImplementedError() if hash_type != "SHA256": raise NotImplementedError() iv_size = 16 cipher_key_size = 16 hmac_key_size = 20 seed = "key expansion".encode() result = bytearray(2 * (iv_size + cipher_key_size + hmac_key_size)) authenticator =, digestmod=hash_type) authenticator.update(seed) tag = authenticator.digest() i = 0 while i < len(result): authenticator =, digestmod=hash_type) authenticator.update(tag) authenticator.update(seed) another_tag = authenticator.digest() remaining_bytes = len(another_tag) if i + remaining_bytes > len(result): remaining_bytes = len(result) - i result[i : i + remaining_bytes] = another_tag i += remaining_bytes authenticator =, digestmod=hash_type) authenticator.update(tag) tag = authenticator.digest() half = len(result) / 2 first_half = result[:half] second_half = result[half:] return ( EncryptionParameters( cipher_type, hash_type, first_half[0:iv_size], first_half[iv_size : iv_size + cipher_key_size], first_half[iv_size + cipher_key_size :], ), EncryptionParameters( cipher_type, hash_type, second_half[0:iv_size], second_half[iv_size : iv_size + cipher_key_size], second_half[iv_size + cipher_key_size :], ), )