import asyncio import pytest from libp2p.crypto.secp256k1 import create_new_key_pair from import IRawConnection from import ID from import NONCE_SIZE, create_secure_session class InMemoryConnection(IRawConnection): def __init__(self, peer, initiator=False): self.peer = peer self.recv_queue = asyncio.Queue() self.send_queue = asyncio.Queue() self.initiator = initiator self.current_msg = None self.current_position = 0 self.closed = False async def write(self, data: bytes) -> int: if self.closed: raise Exception("InMemoryConnection is closed for writing") await self.send_queue.put(data) return len(data) async def read(self, n: int = -1) -> bytes: """ NOTE: have to buffer the current message and juggle packets off the recv queue to satisfy the semantics of this function. """ if self.closed: raise Exception("InMemoryConnection is closed for reading") if not self.current_msg: self.current_msg = await self.recv_queue.get() self.current_position = 0 if n < 0: msg = self.current_msg self.current_msg = None return msg next_msg = self.current_msg[self.current_position : self.current_position + n] self.current_position += n if self.current_position == len(self.current_msg): self.current_msg = None return next_msg async def close(self) -> None: self.closed = True async def create_pipe(local_conn, remote_conn): try: while True: next_msg = await local_conn.send_queue.get() await remote_conn.recv_queue.put(next_msg) except asyncio.CancelledError: return @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_create_secure_session(): local_nonce = b"\x01" * NONCE_SIZE local_key_pair = create_new_key_pair(b"a") local_peer = ID.from_pubkey(local_key_pair.public_key) remote_nonce = b"\x02" * NONCE_SIZE remote_key_pair = create_new_key_pair(b"b") remote_peer = ID.from_pubkey(remote_key_pair.public_key) local_conn = InMemoryConnection(local_peer, initiator=True) remote_conn = InMemoryConnection(remote_peer) local_pipe_task = asyncio.create_task(create_pipe(local_conn, remote_conn)) remote_pipe_task = asyncio.create_task(create_pipe(remote_conn, local_conn)) local_session_builder = create_secure_session( local_nonce, local_peer, local_key_pair.private_key, local_conn, remote_peer ) remote_session_builder = create_secure_session( remote_nonce, remote_peer, remote_key_pair.private_key, remote_conn ) local_secure_conn, remote_secure_conn = await asyncio.gather( local_session_builder, remote_session_builder ) msg = b"abc" await local_secure_conn.write(msg) received_msg = await assert received_msg == msg await asyncio.gather(local_secure_conn.close(), remote_secure_conn.close()) local_pipe_task.cancel() remote_pipe_task.cancel() await local_pipe_task await remote_pipe_task