import asyncio import time from typing import Any, Awaitable, Callable, List import multiaddr from multiaddr import Multiaddr from p2pclient import Client import pytest from import ID from libp2p.peer.peerinfo import PeerInfo, info_from_p2p_addr from .constants import LOCALHOST_IP from .envs import GO_BIN_PATH P2PD_PATH = GO_BIN_PATH / "p2pd" TIMEOUT_DURATION = 30 async def try_until_success( coro_func: Callable[[], Awaitable[Any]], timeout: int = TIMEOUT_DURATION ) -> None: """ Keep running ``coro_func`` until either it succeed or time is up. All arguments of ``coro_func`` should be filled, i.e. it should be called without arguments. """ t_start = time.monotonic() while True: result = await coro_func() if result: break if (time.monotonic() - t_start) >= timeout: # timeout"{coro_func} is still failing after `{timeout}` seconds") await asyncio.sleep(0.01) class P2PDProcess: proc: asyncio.subprocess.Process cmd: str = str(P2PD_PATH) args: List[Any] is_proc_running: bool _tasks: List["asyncio.Future[Any]"] def __init__( self, control_maddr: Multiaddr, is_secure: bool, is_pubsub_enabled: bool = True, is_gossipsub: bool = True, is_pubsub_signing: bool = False, is_pubsub_signing_strict: bool = False, ) -> None: args = [f"-listen={str(control_maddr)}"] # NOTE: To support `-insecure`, we need to hack `go-libp2p-daemon`. if not is_secure: args.append("-insecure=true") if is_pubsub_enabled: args.append("-pubsub") if is_gossipsub: args.append("-pubsubRouter=gossipsub") else: args.append("-pubsubRouter=floodsub") if not is_pubsub_signing: args.append("-pubsubSign=false") if not is_pubsub_signing_strict: args.append("-pubsubSignStrict=false") # NOTE: # Two other params are possibly what we want to configure: # - gossipsubHeartbeatInterval: GossipSubHeartbeatInitialDelay = 100 * time.Millisecond # noqa: E501 # - gossipsubHeartbeatInitialDelay: GossipSubHeartbeatInterval = 1 * time.Second # Referece: # noqa: E501 self.args = args self.is_proc_running = False self._tasks = [] async def wait_until_ready(self) -> None: lines_head_pattern = (b"Control socket:", b"Peer ID:", b"Peer Addrs:") lines_head_occurred = {line: False for line in lines_head_pattern} async def read_from_daemon_and_check() -> bool: line = await self.proc.stdout.readline() for head_pattern in lines_head_occurred: if line.startswith(head_pattern): lines_head_occurred[head_pattern] = True return all([value for value in lines_head_occurred.values()]) await try_until_success(read_from_daemon_and_check) # Sleep a little bit to ensure the listener is up after logs are emitted. await asyncio.sleep(0.01) async def start_printing_logs(self) -> None: async def _print_from_stream( src_name: str, reader: asyncio.StreamReader ) -> None: while True: line = await reader.readline() if line != b"": print(f"{src_name}\t: {line.rstrip().decode()}") await asyncio.sleep(0.01) self._tasks.append( asyncio.ensure_future(_print_from_stream("out", self.proc.stdout)) ) self._tasks.append( asyncio.ensure_future(_print_from_stream("err", self.proc.stderr)) ) await asyncio.sleep(0) async def start(self) -> None: if self.is_proc_running: return self.proc = await asyncio.subprocess.create_subprocess_exec( self.cmd, *self.args, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=0, ) self.is_proc_running = True await self.wait_until_ready() await self.start_printing_logs() async def close(self) -> None: if self.is_proc_running: self.proc.terminate() await self.proc.wait() self.is_proc_running = False for task in self._tasks: task.cancel() class Daemon: p2pd_proc: P2PDProcess control: Client peer_info: PeerInfo def __init__( self, p2pd_proc: P2PDProcess, control: Client, peer_info: PeerInfo ) -> None: self.p2pd_proc = p2pd_proc self.control = control self.peer_info = peer_info def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"" @property def peer_id(self) -> ID: return self.peer_info.peer_id @property def listen_maddr(self) -> Multiaddr: return self.peer_info.addrs[0] async def close(self) -> None: await self.p2pd_proc.close() await self.control.close() async def make_p2pd( daemon_control_port: int, client_callback_port: int, is_secure: bool, is_pubsub_enabled: bool = True, is_gossipsub: bool = True, is_pubsub_signing: bool = False, is_pubsub_signing_strict: bool = False, ) -> Daemon: control_maddr = Multiaddr(f"/ip4/{LOCALHOST_IP}/tcp/{daemon_control_port}") p2pd_proc = P2PDProcess( control_maddr, is_secure, is_pubsub_enabled, is_gossipsub, is_pubsub_signing, is_pubsub_signing_strict, ) await p2pd_proc.start() client_callback_maddr = Multiaddr(f"/ip4/{LOCALHOST_IP}/tcp/{client_callback_port}") p2pc = Client(control_maddr, client_callback_maddr) await p2pc.listen() peer_id, maddrs = await p2pc.identify() listen_maddr: Multiaddr = None for maddr in maddrs: try: ip = maddr.value_for_protocol(multiaddr.protocols.P_IP4) # NOTE: Check if this `maddr` uses `tcp`. maddr.value_for_protocol(multiaddr.protocols.P_TCP) except multiaddr.exceptions.ProtocolLookupError: continue if ip == LOCALHOST_IP: listen_maddr = maddr break assert listen_maddr is not None, "no loopback maddr is found" peer_info = info_from_p2p_addr( listen_maddr.encapsulate(Multiaddr(f"/p2p/{peer_id.to_string()}")) ) return Daemon(p2pd_proc, p2pc, peer_info)