from ast import literal_eval import logging import random from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Sequence, Set from async_service import Service import trio from import StreamClosed from import ID from libp2p.pubsub import floodsub from libp2p.typing import TProtocol from libp2p.utils import encode_varint_prefixed from .exceptions import NoPubsubAttached from .mcache import MessageCache from .pb import rpc_pb2 from .pubsub import Pubsub from .pubsub_router_interface import IPubsubRouter PROTOCOL_ID = TProtocol("/meshsub/1.0.0") logger = logging.getLogger("libp2p.pubsub.gossipsub") class GossipSub(IPubsubRouter, Service): protocols: List[TProtocol] pubsub: Pubsub degree: int degree_high: int degree_low: int time_to_live: int mesh: Dict[str, List[ID]] fanout: Dict[str, List[ID]] peers_to_protocol: Dict[ID, str] time_since_last_publish: Dict[str, int] peers_gossipsub: List[ID] peers_floodsub: List[ID] mcache: MessageCache heartbeat_interval: int def __init__( self, protocols: Sequence[TProtocol], degree: int, degree_low: int, degree_high: int, time_to_live: int, gossip_window: int = 3, gossip_history: int = 5, heartbeat_interval: int = 120, ) -> None: self.protocols = list(protocols) self.pubsub = None # Store target degree, upper degree bound, and lower degree bound = degree self.degree_low = degree_low self.degree_high = degree_high # Store time to live (for topics in fanout) self.time_to_live = time_to_live # Create topic --> list of peers mappings self.mesh = {} self.fanout = {} # Create peer --> protocol mapping self.peers_to_protocol = {} # Create topic --> time since last publish map self.time_since_last_publish = {} self.peers_gossipsub = [] self.peers_floodsub = [] # Create message cache self.mcache = MessageCache(gossip_window, gossip_history) # Create heartbeat timer self.heartbeat_interval = heartbeat_interval async def run(self) -> None: if self.pubsub is None: raise NoPubsubAttached self.manager.run_task(self.heartbeat) await self.manager.wait_finished() # Interface functions def get_protocols(self) -> List[TProtocol]: """ :return: the list of protocols supported by the router """ return self.protocols def attach(self, pubsub: Pubsub) -> None: """ Attach is invoked by the PubSub constructor to attach the router to a freshly initialized PubSub instance. :param pubsub: pubsub instance to attach to """ self.pubsub = pubsub logger.debug("attached to pusub") def add_peer(self, peer_id: ID, protocol_id: TProtocol) -> None: """ Notifies the router that a new peer has been connected. :param peer_id: id of peer to add :param protocol_id: router protocol the peer speaks, e.g., floodsub, gossipsub """ logger.debug("adding peer %s with protocol %s", peer_id, protocol_id) if protocol_id == PROTOCOL_ID: self.peers_gossipsub.append(peer_id) elif protocol_id == floodsub.PROTOCOL_ID: self.peers_floodsub.append(peer_id) else: # We should never enter here. Becuase the `protocol_id` is registered by your pubsub # instance in multistream-select, but it is not the protocol that gossipsub supports. # In this case, probably we registered gossipsub to a wrong `protocol_id` # in multistream-select, or wrong versions. # TODO: Better handling raise Exception(f"protocol is not supported: protocol_id={protocol_id}") self.peers_to_protocol[peer_id] = protocol_id def remove_peer(self, peer_id: ID) -> None: """ Notifies the router that a peer has been disconnected. :param peer_id: id of peer to remove """ logger.debug("removing peer %s", peer_id) if peer_id in self.peers_gossipsub: self.peers_gossipsub.remove(peer_id) elif peer_id in self.peers_floodsub: self.peers_floodsub.remove(peer_id) if peer_id in self.peers_to_protocol: del self.peers_to_protocol[peer_id] async def handle_rpc(self, rpc: rpc_pb2.RPC, sender_peer_id: ID) -> None: """ Invoked to process control messages in the RPC envelope. It is invoked after subscriptions and payload messages have been processed. :param rpc: RPC message :param sender_peer_id: id of the peer who sent the message """ control_message = rpc.control # Relay each rpc control message to the appropriate handler if control_message.ihave: for ihave in control_message.ihave: await self.handle_ihave(ihave, sender_peer_id) if control_message.iwant: for iwant in control_message.iwant: await self.handle_iwant(iwant, sender_peer_id) if control_message.graft: for graft in control_message.graft: await self.handle_graft(graft, sender_peer_id) if control_message.prune: for prune in control_message.prune: await self.handle_prune(prune, sender_peer_id) async def publish(self, msg_forwarder: ID, pubsub_msg: rpc_pb2.Message) -> None: """Invoked to forward a new message that has been validated.""" self.mcache.put(pubsub_msg) peers_gen = self._get_peers_to_send( pubsub_msg.topicIDs, msg_forwarder=msg_forwarder, origin=ID(pubsub_msg.from_id), ) rpc_msg = rpc_pb2.RPC(publish=[pubsub_msg]) logger.debug("publishing message %s", pubsub_msg) for peer_id in peers_gen: stream = self.pubsub.peers[peer_id] # FIXME: We should add a `WriteMsg` similar to write delimited messages. # Ref: # TODO: Go use `sendRPC`, which possibly piggybacks gossip/control messages. try: await stream.write(encode_varint_prefixed(rpc_msg.SerializeToString())) except StreamClosed: logger.debug("Fail to publish message to %s: stream closed", peer_id) self.pubsub._handle_dead_peer(peer_id) def _get_peers_to_send( self, topic_ids: Iterable[str], msg_forwarder: ID, origin: ID ) -> Iterable[ID]: """ Get the eligible peers to send the data to. :param msg_forwarder: the peer id of the peer who forwards the message to me. :param origin: peer id of the peer the message originate from. :return: a generator of the peer ids who we send data to. """ send_to: Set[ID] = set() for topic in topic_ids: if topic not in self.pubsub.peer_topics: continue # floodsub peers for peer_id in self.pubsub.peer_topics[topic]: # FIXME: `gossipsub.peers_floodsub` can be changed to `gossipsub.peers` in go. # This will improve the efficiency when searching for a peer's protocol id. if peer_id in self.peers_floodsub: send_to.add(peer_id) # gossipsub peers in_topic_gossipsub_peers: List[ID] = None # TODO: Do we need to check `topic in self.pubsub.my_topics`? if topic in self.mesh: in_topic_gossipsub_peers = self.mesh[topic] else: # TODO(robzajac): Is topic DEFINITELY supposed to be in fanout if we are not # subscribed? # I assume there could be short periods between heartbeats where topic may not # be but we should check that this path gets hit appropriately if (topic not in self.fanout) or (len(self.fanout[topic]) == 0): # If no peers in fanout, choose some peers from gossipsub peers in topic. self.fanout[topic] = self._get_in_topic_gossipsub_peers_from_minus( topic,, [] ) in_topic_gossipsub_peers = self.fanout[topic] for peer_id in in_topic_gossipsub_peers: send_to.add(peer_id) # Excludes `msg_forwarder` and `origin` yield from send_to.difference([msg_forwarder, origin]) async def join(self, topic: str) -> None: # Note: the comments here are the near-exact algorithm description from the spec """ Join notifies the router that we want to receive and forward messages in a topic. It is invoked after the subscription announcement. :param topic: topic to join """ logger.debug("joining topic %s", topic) if topic in self.mesh: return # Create mesh[topic] if it does not yet exist self.mesh[topic] = [] topic_in_fanout: bool = topic in self.fanout fanout_peers: List[ID] = self.fanout[topic] if topic_in_fanout else [] fanout_size = len(fanout_peers) if not topic_in_fanout or (topic_in_fanout and fanout_size < # There are less than D peers (let this number be x) # in the fanout for a topic (or the topic is not in the fanout). # Selects the remaining number of peers (D-x) from peers.gossipsub[topic]. if topic in self.pubsub.peer_topics: selected_peers = self._get_in_topic_gossipsub_peers_from_minus( topic, - fanout_size, fanout_peers ) # Combine fanout peers with selected peers fanout_peers += selected_peers # Add fanout peers to mesh and notifies them with a GRAFT(topic) control message. for peer in fanout_peers: if peer not in self.mesh[topic]: self.mesh[topic].append(peer) await self.emit_graft(topic, peer) if topic_in_fanout: del self.fanout[topic] async def leave(self, topic: str) -> None: # Note: the comments here are the near-exact algorithm description from the spec """ Leave notifies the router that we are no longer interested in a topic. It is invoked after the unsubscription announcement. :param topic: topic to leave """ logger.debug("leaving topic %s", topic) if topic not in self.mesh: return # Notify the peers in mesh[topic] with a PRUNE(topic) message for peer in self.mesh[topic]: await self.emit_prune(topic, peer) # Forget mesh[topic] del self.mesh[topic] # Heartbeat async def heartbeat(self) -> None: """ Call individual heartbeats. Note: the heartbeats are called with awaits because each heartbeat depends on the state changes in the preceding heartbeat """ while True: await self.mesh_heartbeat() await self.fanout_heartbeat() await self.gossip_heartbeat() await trio.sleep(self.heartbeat_interval) async def mesh_heartbeat(self) -> None: # Note: the comments here are the exact pseudocode from the spec for topic in self.mesh: # Skip if no peers have subscribed to the topic if topic not in self.pubsub.peer_topics: continue num_mesh_peers_in_topic = len(self.mesh[topic]) if num_mesh_peers_in_topic < self.degree_low: # Select D - |mesh[topic]| peers from peers.gossipsub[topic] - mesh[topic] selected_peers = self._get_in_topic_gossipsub_peers_from_minus( topic, - num_mesh_peers_in_topic, self.mesh[topic] ) fanout_peers_not_in_mesh: List[ID] = [ peer for peer in selected_peers if peer not in self.mesh[topic] ] for peer in fanout_peers_not_in_mesh: # Add peer to mesh[topic] self.mesh[topic].append(peer) # Emit GRAFT(topic) control message to peer await self.emit_graft(topic, peer) if num_mesh_peers_in_topic > self.degree_high: # Select |mesh[topic]| - D peers from mesh[topic] selected_peers = self.select_from_minus( num_mesh_peers_in_topic -, self.mesh[topic], [] ) for peer in selected_peers: # Remove peer from mesh[topic] self.mesh[topic].remove(peer) # Emit PRUNE(topic) control message to peer await self.emit_prune(topic, peer) async def fanout_heartbeat(self) -> None: # Note: the comments here are the exact pseudocode from the spec for topic in self.fanout: # If time since last published > ttl # TODO: there's no way time_since_last_publish gets set anywhere yet if ( topic in self.time_since_last_publish and self.time_since_last_publish[topic] > self.time_to_live ): # Remove topic from fanout del self.fanout[topic] del self.time_since_last_publish[topic] else: num_fanout_peers_in_topic = len(self.fanout[topic]) # If |fanout[topic]| < D if num_fanout_peers_in_topic < # Select D - |fanout[topic]| peers from peers.gossipsub[topic] - fanout[topic] selected_peers = self._get_in_topic_gossipsub_peers_from_minus( topic, - num_fanout_peers_in_topic, self.fanout[topic], ) # Add the peers to fanout[topic] self.fanout[topic].extend(selected_peers) async def gossip_heartbeat(self) -> None: for topic in self.mesh: msg_ids = self.mcache.window(topic) if msg_ids: # TODO: Make more efficient, possibly using a generator? # Get all pubsub peers in a topic and only add them if they are gossipsub peers too if topic in self.pubsub.peer_topics: # Select D peers from peers.gossipsub[topic] peers_to_emit_ihave_to = self._get_in_topic_gossipsub_peers_from_minus( topic,, [] ) for peer in peers_to_emit_ihave_to: # TODO: this line is a monster, can hopefully be simplified if ( topic not in self.mesh or (peer not in self.mesh[topic]) ) and ( topic not in self.fanout or (peer not in self.fanout[topic]) ): msg_id_strs = [str(msg_id) for msg_id in msg_ids] await self.emit_ihave(topic, msg_id_strs, peer) # TODO: Refactor and Dedup. This section is the roughly the same as the above. # Do the same for fanout, for all topics not already hit in mesh for topic in self.fanout: if topic not in self.mesh: msg_ids = self.mcache.window(topic) if msg_ids: # TODO: Make more efficient, possibly using a generator? # Get all pubsub peers in topic and only add if they are gossipsub peers also if topic in self.pubsub.peer_topics: # Select D peers from peers.gossipsub[topic] peers_to_emit_ihave_to = self._get_in_topic_gossipsub_peers_from_minus( topic,, [] ) for peer in peers_to_emit_ihave_to: if peer not in self.fanout[topic]: msg_id_strs = [str(msg) for msg in msg_ids] await self.emit_ihave(topic, msg_id_strs, peer) self.mcache.shift() @staticmethod def select_from_minus( num_to_select: int, pool: Sequence[Any], minus: Sequence[Any] ) -> List[Any]: """ Select at most num_to_select subset of elements from the set (pool - minus) randomly. :param num_to_select: number of elements to randomly select :param pool: list of items to select from (excluding elements in minus) :param minus: elements to be excluded from selection pool :return: list of selected elements """ # Create selection pool, which is selection_pool = pool - minus if minus: # Create a new selection pool by removing elements of minus selection_pool: List[Any] = [x for x in pool if x not in minus] else: # Don't create a new selection_pool if we are not subbing anything selection_pool = list(pool) # If num_to_select > size(selection_pool), then return selection_pool (which has the most # possible elements s.t. the number of elements is less than num_to_select) if num_to_select > len(selection_pool): return selection_pool # Random selection selection: List[Any] = random.sample(selection_pool, num_to_select) return selection def _get_in_topic_gossipsub_peers_from_minus( self, topic: str, num_to_select: int, minus: Sequence[ID] ) -> List[ID]: gossipsub_peers_in_topic = [ peer_id for peer_id in self.pubsub.peer_topics[topic] if peer_id in self.peers_gossipsub ] return self.select_from_minus( num_to_select, gossipsub_peers_in_topic, list(minus) ) # RPC handlers async def handle_ihave( self, ihave_msg: rpc_pb2.ControlIHave, sender_peer_id: ID ) -> None: """Checks the seen set and requests unknown messages with an IWANT message.""" # Get list of all seen (seqnos, from) from the (seqno, from) tuples in seen_messages cache seen_seqnos_and_peers = [ seqno_and_from for seqno_and_from in self.pubsub.seen_messages.keys() ] # Add all unknown message ids (ids that appear in ihave_msg but not in seen_seqnos) to list # of messages we want to request # FIXME: Update type of message ID msg_ids_wanted: List[Any] = [ msg_id for msg_id in ihave_msg.messageIDs if literal_eval(msg_id) not in seen_seqnos_and_peers ] # Request messages with IWANT message if msg_ids_wanted: await self.emit_iwant(msg_ids_wanted, sender_peer_id) async def handle_iwant( self, iwant_msg: rpc_pb2.ControlIWant, sender_peer_id: ID ) -> None: """Forwards all request messages that are present in mcache to the requesting peer.""" # FIXME: Update type of message ID # FIXME: Find a better way to parse the msg ids msg_ids: List[Any] = [literal_eval(msg) for msg in iwant_msg.messageIDs] msgs_to_forward: List[rpc_pb2.Message] = [] for msg_id_iwant in msg_ids: # Check if the wanted message ID is present in mcache msg: rpc_pb2.Message = self.mcache.get(msg_id_iwant) # Cache hit if msg: # Add message to list of messages to forward to requesting peers msgs_to_forward.append(msg) # Forward messages to requesting peer # Should this just be publishing? No # because then the message will forwarded to peers in the topics contained in the messages. # We should # 1) Package these messages into a single packet packet: rpc_pb2.RPC = rpc_pb2.RPC() packet.publish.extend(msgs_to_forward) # 2) Serialize that packet rpc_msg: bytes = packet.SerializeToString() # 3) Get the stream to this peer peer_stream = self.pubsub.peers[sender_peer_id] # 4) And write the packet to the stream try: await peer_stream.write(encode_varint_prefixed(rpc_msg)) except StreamClosed: logger.debug( "Fail to responed to iwant request from %s: stream closed", sender_peer_id, ) self.pubsub._handle_dead_peer(sender_peer_id) async def handle_graft( self, graft_msg: rpc_pb2.ControlGraft, sender_peer_id: ID ) -> None: topic: str = graft_msg.topicID # Add peer to mesh for topic if topic in self.mesh: if sender_peer_id not in self.mesh[topic]: self.mesh[topic].append(sender_peer_id) else: # Respond with PRUNE if not subscribed to the topic await self.emit_prune(topic, sender_peer_id) async def handle_prune( self, prune_msg: rpc_pb2.ControlPrune, sender_peer_id: ID ) -> None: topic: str = prune_msg.topicID # Remove peer from mesh for topic, if peer is in topic if topic in self.mesh and sender_peer_id in self.mesh[topic]: self.mesh[topic].remove(sender_peer_id) # RPC emitters async def emit_ihave(self, topic: str, msg_ids: Any, to_peer: ID) -> None: """Emit ihave message, sent to to_peer, for topic and msg_ids.""" ihave_msg: rpc_pb2.ControlIHave = rpc_pb2.ControlIHave() ihave_msg.messageIDs.extend(msg_ids) ihave_msg.topicID = topic control_msg: rpc_pb2.ControlMessage = rpc_pb2.ControlMessage() control_msg.ihave.extend([ihave_msg]) await self.emit_control_message(control_msg, to_peer) async def emit_iwant(self, msg_ids: Any, to_peer: ID) -> None: """Emit iwant message, sent to to_peer, for msg_ids.""" iwant_msg: rpc_pb2.ControlIWant = rpc_pb2.ControlIWant() iwant_msg.messageIDs.extend(msg_ids) control_msg: rpc_pb2.ControlMessage = rpc_pb2.ControlMessage() control_msg.iwant.extend([iwant_msg]) await self.emit_control_message(control_msg, to_peer) async def emit_graft(self, topic: str, to_peer: ID) -> None: """Emit graft message, sent to to_peer, for topic.""" graft_msg: rpc_pb2.ControlGraft = rpc_pb2.ControlGraft() graft_msg.topicID = topic control_msg: rpc_pb2.ControlMessage = rpc_pb2.ControlMessage() control_msg.graft.extend([graft_msg]) await self.emit_control_message(control_msg, to_peer) async def emit_prune(self, topic: str, to_peer: ID) -> None: """Emit graft message, sent to to_peer, for topic.""" prune_msg: rpc_pb2.ControlPrune = rpc_pb2.ControlPrune() prune_msg.topicID = topic control_msg: rpc_pb2.ControlMessage = rpc_pb2.ControlMessage() control_msg.prune.extend([prune_msg]) await self.emit_control_message(control_msg, to_peer) async def emit_control_message( self, control_msg: rpc_pb2.ControlMessage, to_peer: ID ) -> None: # Add control message to packet packet: rpc_pb2.RPC = rpc_pb2.RPC() packet.control.CopyFrom(control_msg) rpc_msg: bytes = packet.SerializeToString() # Get stream for peer from pubsub peer_stream = self.pubsub.peers[to_peer] # Write rpc to stream try: await peer_stream.write(encode_varint_prefixed(rpc_msg)) except StreamClosed: logger.debug("Fail to emit control message to %s: stream closed", to_peer) self.pubsub._handle_dead_peer(to_peer)