import functools import math from p2pclient.pb import p2pd_pb2 import pytest import trio from import TrioTCPStream from import ID from libp2p.pubsub.pb import rpc_pb2 from libp2p.pubsub.subscription import TrioSubscriptionAPI from import PubsubFactory from import connect from libp2p.utils import read_varint_prefixed_bytes TOPIC_0 = "ABALA" TOPIC_1 = "YOOOO" async def p2pd_subscribe(p2pd, topic, nursery): stream = TrioTCPStream(await p2pd.control.pubsub_subscribe(topic)) send_channel, receive_channel = trio.open_memory_channel(math.inf) sub = TrioSubscriptionAPI(receive_channel, unsubscribe_fn=stream.close) async def _read_pubsub_msg() -> None: while True: msg_bytes = await read_varint_prefixed_bytes(stream) ps_msg = p2pd_pb2.PSMessage() ps_msg.ParseFromString(msg_bytes) # Fill in the message used in py-libp2p msg = rpc_pb2.Message( from_id=ps_msg.from_id,, seqno=ps_msg.seqno, topicIDs=ps_msg.topicIDs, signature=ps_msg.signature, key=ps_msg.key, ) await send_channel.send(msg) nursery.start_soon(_read_pubsub_msg) return sub def validate_pubsub_msg(msg: rpc_pb2.Message, data: bytes, from_peer_id: ID) -> None: assert == data and msg.from_id == from_peer_id @pytest.mark.parametrize( "is_pubsub_signing, is_pubsub_signing_strict", ((True, True), (False, False)) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("is_gossipsub", (True, False)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_p2pds", (2,)) @pytest.mark.trio async def test_pubsub( p2pds, is_gossipsub, security_protocol, is_pubsub_signing_strict, nursery ): pubsub_factory = None if is_gossipsub: pubsub_factory = PubsubFactory.create_batch_with_gossipsub else: pubsub_factory = PubsubFactory.create_batch_with_floodsub async with pubsub_factory( 1, security_protocol=security_protocol, strict_signing=is_pubsub_signing_strict ) as pubsubs: # # Test: Recognize pubsub peers on connection. # py_pubsub = pubsubs[0] # go0 <-> py <-> go1 await connect(p2pds[0], await connect(, p2pds[1]) py_peer_id = # Check pubsub peers pubsub_peers_0 = await p2pds[0].control.pubsub_list_peers("") assert len(pubsub_peers_0) == 1 and pubsub_peers_0[0] == py_peer_id pubsub_peers_1 = await p2pds[1].control.pubsub_list_peers("") assert len(pubsub_peers_1) == 1 and pubsub_peers_1[0] == py_peer_id assert ( len(py_pubsub.peers) == 2 and p2pds[0].peer_id in py_pubsub.peers and p2pds[1].peer_id in py_pubsub.peers ) # # Test: `subscribe`. # # (name, topics) # (go_0, [0, 1]) <-> (py, [0, 1]) <-> (go_1, [1]) sub_py_topic_0 = await py_pubsub.subscribe(TOPIC_0) sub_py_topic_1 = await py_pubsub.subscribe(TOPIC_1) sub_go_0_topic_0 = await p2pd_subscribe(p2pds[0], TOPIC_0, nursery) sub_go_0_topic_1 = await p2pd_subscribe(p2pds[0], TOPIC_1, nursery) sub_go_1_topic_1 = await p2pd_subscribe(p2pds[1], TOPIC_1, nursery) # Check topic peers await trio.sleep(0.1) # go_0 go_0_topic_0_peers = await p2pds[0].control.pubsub_list_peers(TOPIC_0) assert len(go_0_topic_0_peers) == 1 and py_peer_id == go_0_topic_0_peers[0] go_0_topic_1_peers = await p2pds[0].control.pubsub_list_peers(TOPIC_1) assert len(go_0_topic_1_peers) == 1 and py_peer_id == go_0_topic_1_peers[0] # py py_topic_0_peers = list(py_pubsub.peer_topics[TOPIC_0]) assert len(py_topic_0_peers) == 1 and p2pds[0].peer_id == py_topic_0_peers[0] # go_1 go_1_topic_1_peers = await p2pds[1].control.pubsub_list_peers(TOPIC_1) assert len(go_1_topic_1_peers) == 1 and py_peer_id == go_1_topic_1_peers[0] # # Test: `publish` # # 1. py publishes # - 1.1. py publishes data_11 to topic_0, py and go_0 receives. # - 1.2. py publishes data_12 to topic_1, all receive. # 2. go publishes # - 2.1. go_0 publishes data_21 to topic_0, py and go_0 receive. # - 2.2. go_1 publishes data_22 to topic_1, all receive. # 1.1. py publishes data_11 to topic_0, py and go_0 receives. data_11 = b"data_11" await py_pubsub.publish(TOPIC_0, data_11) validate_11 = functools.partial( validate_pubsub_msg, data=data_11, from_peer_id=py_peer_id ) validate_11(await sub_py_topic_0.get()) validate_11(await sub_go_0_topic_0.get()) # 1.2. py publishes data_12 to topic_1, all receive. data_12 = b"data_12" validate_12 = functools.partial( validate_pubsub_msg, data=data_12, from_peer_id=py_peer_id ) await py_pubsub.publish(TOPIC_1, data_12) validate_12(await sub_py_topic_1.get()) validate_12(await sub_go_0_topic_1.get()) validate_12(await sub_go_1_topic_1.get()) # 2.1. go_0 publishes data_21 to topic_0, py and go_0 receive. data_21 = b"data_21" validate_21 = functools.partial( validate_pubsub_msg, data=data_21, from_peer_id=p2pds[0].peer_id ) await p2pds[0].control.pubsub_publish(TOPIC_0, data_21) validate_21(await sub_py_topic_0.get()) validate_21(await sub_go_0_topic_0.get()) # 2.2. go_1 publishes data_22 to topic_1, all receive. data_22 = b"data_22" validate_22 = functools.partial( validate_pubsub_msg, data=data_22, from_peer_id=p2pds[1].peer_id ) await p2pds[1].control.pubsub_publish(TOPIC_1, data_22) validate_22(await sub_py_topic_1.get()) validate_22(await sub_go_0_topic_1.get()) validate_22(await sub_go_1_topic_1.get()) # # Test: `unsubscribe` and re`subscribe` # await py_pubsub.unsubscribe(TOPIC_0) await trio.sleep(0.1) assert py_peer_id not in (await p2pds[0].control.pubsub_list_peers(TOPIC_0)) assert py_peer_id not in (await p2pds[1].control.pubsub_list_peers(TOPIC_0)) await py_pubsub.subscribe(TOPIC_0) await trio.sleep(0.1) assert py_peer_id in (await p2pds[0].control.pubsub_list_peers(TOPIC_0)) assert py_peer_id in (await p2pds[1].control.pubsub_list_peers(TOPIC_0))