import asyncio import pytest from libp2p import new_node from libp2p.crypto.rsa import create_new_key_pair from import InsecureSession, InsecureTransport from tests.configs import LISTEN_MADDR from tests.utils import connect # TODO: Add tests for multiple streams being opened on different # protocols through the same connection def peer_id_for_node(node): return node.get_id() initiator_key_pair = create_new_key_pair() noninitiator_key_pair = create_new_key_pair() async def perform_simple_test( assertion_func, transports_for_initiator, transports_for_noninitiator ): # Create libp2p nodes and connect them, then secure the connection, then check # the proper security was chosen # TODO: implement -- note we need to introduce the notion of communicating over a raw connection # for testing, we do NOT want to communicate over a stream so we can't just create two nodes # and use their conn because our mplex will internally relay messages to a stream node1 = await new_node( key_pair=initiator_key_pair, sec_opt=transports_for_initiator ) node2 = await new_node( key_pair=noninitiator_key_pair, sec_opt=transports_for_noninitiator ) await node1.get_network().listen(LISTEN_MADDR) await node2.get_network().listen(LISTEN_MADDR) await connect(node1, node2) # Wait a very short period to allow conns to be stored (since the functions # storing the conns are async, they may happen at slightly different times # on each node) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # Get conns node1_conn = node1.get_network().connections[peer_id_for_node(node2)] node2_conn = node2.get_network().connections[peer_id_for_node(node1)] # Perform assertion assertion_func(node1_conn.muxed_conn.secured_conn) assertion_func(node2_conn.muxed_conn.secured_conn) # Success, terminate pending tasks. @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_single_insecure_security_transport_succeeds(): transports_for_initiator = {"foo": InsecureTransport(initiator_key_pair)} transports_for_noninitiator = {"foo": InsecureTransport(noninitiator_key_pair)} def assertion_func(conn): assert isinstance(conn, InsecureSession) await perform_simple_test( assertion_func, transports_for_initiator, transports_for_noninitiator ) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_default_insecure_security(): transports_for_initiator = None transports_for_noninitiator = None conn1 = None conn2 = None def assertion_func(conn): nonlocal conn1 nonlocal conn2 if not conn1: conn1 = conn elif not conn2: conn2 = conn else: assert conn1 == conn2 await perform_simple_test( assertion_func, transports_for_initiator, transports_for_noninitiator )