import pytest from libp2p.libp2p import new_node @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_simple_messages(): node_a = await new_node(transport_opt=["/ip4/"]) node_b = await new_node(transport_opt=["/ip4/"]) async def stream_handler(stream): while True: read_string = (await print("host B received:" + read_string) response = "ack:" + read_string print("sending response:" + response) await stream.write(response.encode()) node_b.set_stream_handler("/echo/1.0.0", stream_handler) # Associate the peer with local ip address (see default parameters of Libp2p()) node_a.get_peerstore().add_addr("node_b", "/ip4/", 10) print("node_a about to open stream") stream = await node_a.new_stream("node_b", "/echo/1.0.0") messages = ["hello" + str(x) for x in range(10)] for message in messages: await stream.write(message.encode()) response = (await print("res: " + response) assert response == ("ack:" + message) # Success, terminate pending tasks. return @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_double_response(): node_a = await new_node(transport_opt=["/ip4/"]) node_b = await new_node(transport_opt=["/ip4/"]) async def stream_handler(stream): while True: read_string = (await print("host B received:" + read_string) response = "ack1:" + read_string print("sending response:" + response) await stream.write(response.encode()) response = "ack2:" + read_string print("sending response:" + response) await stream.write(response.encode()) node_b.set_stream_handler("/echo/1.0.0", stream_handler) # Associate the peer with local ip address (see default parameters of Libp2p()) node_a.get_peerstore().add_addr("node_b", "/ip4/", 10) print("node_a about to open stream") stream = await node_a.new_stream("node_b", "/echo/1.0.0") messages = ["hello" + str(x) for x in range(10)] for message in messages: await stream.write(message.encode()) response1 = (await print("res1: " + response1) assert response1 == ("ack1:" + message) response2 = (await print("res2: " + response2) assert response2 == ("ack2:" + message) # Success, terminate pending tasks. return