import asyncio import pytest from libp2p.peer.peerinfo import info_from_p2p_addr from libp2p.protocol_muxer.exceptions import MultiselectClientError from tests.utils import cleanup, set_up_nodes_by_transport_opt PROTOCOL_ID = "/chat/1.0.0" async def hello_world(host_a, host_b): async def stream_handler(stream): read = await assert read == b"hello world from host b" await stream.write(b"hello world from host a") await stream.close() host_a.set_stream_handler(PROTOCOL_ID, stream_handler) # Start a stream with the destination. # Multiaddress of the destination peer is fetched from the peerstore using 'peerId'. stream = await host_b.new_stream(host_a.get_id(), [PROTOCOL_ID]) await stream.write(b"hello world from host b") read = await assert read == b"hello world from host a" await stream.close() async def connect_write(host_a, host_b): messages = ["data %d" % i for i in range(5)] received = [] async def stream_handler(stream): while True: try: received.append((await except Exception: # exception is raised when other side close the stream ? break host_a.set_stream_handler(PROTOCOL_ID, stream_handler) # Start a stream with the destination. # Multiaddress of the destination peer is fetched from the peerstore using 'peerId'. stream = await host_b.new_stream(host_a.get_id(), [PROTOCOL_ID]) for message in messages: await stream.write(message.encode()) # Reader needs time due to async reads await asyncio.sleep(2) await stream.close() assert received == messages async def connect_read(host_a, host_b): messages = [b"data %d" % i for i in range(5)] async def stream_handler(stream): for message in messages: await stream.write(message) await stream.close() host_a.set_stream_handler(PROTOCOL_ID, stream_handler) # Start a stream with the destination. # Multiaddress of the destination peer is fetched from the peerstore using 'peerId'. stream = await host_b.new_stream(host_a.get_id(), [PROTOCOL_ID]) received = [] # while True: Seems the close stream event from the other host is not received for _ in range(5): try: received.append(await except Exception: # exception is raised when other side close the stream ? break await stream.close() assert received == messages async def no_common_protocol(host_a, host_b): messages = [b"data %d" % i for i in range(5)] async def stream_handler(stream): for message in messages: await stream.write(message) await stream.close() host_a.set_stream_handler(PROTOCOL_ID, stream_handler) # try to creates a new new with a procotol not known by the other host with pytest.raises(MultiselectClientError): await host_b.new_stream(host_a.get_id(), ["/fakeproto/0.0.1"]) @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test", [(hello_world), (connect_write), (connect_read), (no_common_protocol)] ) async def test_chat(test): transport_opt_list = [["/ip4/"], ["/ip4/"]] (host_a, host_b) = await set_up_nodes_by_transport_opt(transport_opt_list) addr = host_a.get_addrs()[0] info = info_from_p2p_addr(addr) await host_b.connect(info) await test(host_a, host_b) await cleanup()