import asyncio import time from typing import Any, List import multiaddr from multiaddr import Multiaddr from p2pclient import Client from import ID from libp2p.peer.peerinfo import PeerInfo, info_from_p2p_addr from .constants import LOCALHOST_IP from .envs import GO_BIN_PATH P2PD_PATH = GO_BIN_PATH / "p2pd" TIMEOUT_DURATION = 30 async def try_until_success(coro_func, timeout=TIMEOUT_DURATION): """ Keep running ``coro_func`` until either it succeed or time is up. All arguments of ``coro_func`` should be filled, i.e. it should be called without arguments. """ t_start = time.monotonic() while True: result = await coro_func() if result: break if (time.monotonic() - t_start) >= timeout: # timeout assert False, f"{coro_func} is still failing after `{timeout}` seconds" await asyncio.sleep(0.01) class P2PDProcess: proc: asyncio.subprocess.Process cmd: str = str(P2PD_PATH) args: List[Any] is_proc_running: bool _tasks: List["asyncio.Future[Any]"] def __init__( self, control_maddr: Multiaddr, is_secure: bool, is_pubsub_enabled: bool = True, is_gossipsub: bool = True, is_pubsub_signing: bool = False, is_pubsub_signing_strict: bool = False, ) -> None: args = [f"-listen={str(control_maddr)}"] # NOTE: To support `-insecure`, we need to hack `go-libp2p-daemon`. if not is_secure: args.append("-insecure=true") if is_pubsub_enabled: args.append("-pubsub") if is_gossipsub: args.append("-pubsubRouter=gossipsub") else: args.append("-pubsubRouter=floodsub") if not is_pubsub_signing: args.append("-pubsubSign=false") if not is_pubsub_signing_strict: args.append("-pubsubSignStrict=false") # NOTE: # Two other params are possibly what we want to configure: # - gossipsubHeartbeatInterval: GossipSubHeartbeatInitialDelay = 100 * time.Millisecond # noqa: E501 # - gossipsubHeartbeatInitialDelay: GossipSubHeartbeatInterval = 1 * time.Second # Referece: # noqa: E501 self.args = args self.is_proc_running = False self._tasks = [] async def wait_until_ready(self): lines_head_pattern = (b"Control socket:", b"Peer ID:", b"Peer Addrs:") lines_head_occurred = {line: False for line in lines_head_pattern} async def read_from_daemon_and_check(): line = await self.proc.stdout.readline() for head_pattern in lines_head_occurred: if line.startswith(head_pattern): lines_head_occurred[head_pattern] = True return all([value for value in lines_head_occurred.values()]) await try_until_success(read_from_daemon_and_check) # Sleep a little bit to ensure the listener is up after logs are emitted. await asyncio.sleep(0.01) async def start_printing_logs(self) -> None: async def _print_from_stream( src_name: str, reader: asyncio.StreamReader ) -> None: while True: line = await reader.readline() if line != b"": print(f"{src_name}\t: {line.rstrip().decode()}") await asyncio.sleep(0.01) self._tasks.append( asyncio.ensure_future(_print_from_stream("out", self.proc.stdout)) ) self._tasks.append( asyncio.ensure_future(_print_from_stream("err", self.proc.stderr)) ) await asyncio.sleep(0) async def start(self) -> None: if self.is_proc_running: return self.proc = await asyncio.subprocess.create_subprocess_exec( self.cmd, *self.args, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=0, ) self.is_proc_running = True await self.wait_until_ready() await self.start_printing_logs() async def close(self) -> None: if self.is_proc_running: self.proc.terminate() await self.proc.wait() self.is_proc_running = False for task in self._tasks: task.cancel() class Daemon: p2pd_proc: P2PDProcess control: Client peer_info: PeerInfo def __init__( self, p2pd_proc: P2PDProcess, control: Client, peer_info: PeerInfo ) -> None: self.p2pd_proc = p2pd_proc self.control = control self.peer_info = peer_info def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"" @property def peer_id(self) -> ID: return self.peer_info.peer_id @property def listen_maddr(self) -> Multiaddr: return self.peer_info.addrs[0] async def close(self) -> None: await self.p2pd_proc.close() await self.control.close() async def make_p2pd( daemon_control_port: int, client_callback_port: int, is_secure: bool, is_pubsub_enabled=True, is_gossipsub=True, is_pubsub_signing=False, is_pubsub_signing_strict=False, ) -> Daemon: control_maddr = Multiaddr(f"/ip4/{LOCALHOST_IP}/tcp/{daemon_control_port}") p2pd_proc = P2PDProcess( control_maddr, is_secure, is_pubsub_enabled, is_gossipsub, is_pubsub_signing, is_pubsub_signing_strict, ) await p2pd_proc.start() client_callback_maddr = Multiaddr(f"/ip4/{LOCALHOST_IP}/tcp/{client_callback_port}") p2pc = Client(control_maddr, client_callback_maddr) await p2pc.listen() peer_id, maddrs = await p2pc.identify() listen_maddr: Multiaddr = None for maddr in maddrs: try: ip = maddr.value_for_protocol(multiaddr.protocols.P_IP4) # NOTE: Check if this `maddr` uses `tcp`. maddr.value_for_protocol(multiaddr.protocols.P_TCP) except multiaddr.exceptions.ProtocolLookupError: continue if ip == LOCALHOST_IP: listen_maddr = maddr break assert listen_maddr is not None, "no loopback maddr is found" peer_info = info_from_p2p_addr( listen_maddr.encapsulate(Multiaddr(f"/p2p/{peer_id.to_string()}")) ) return Daemon(p2pd_proc, p2pc, peer_info)