Compare commits


13 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
fa292ae7c8 Cleanup 2019-05-08 20:08:27 -04:00
4c2bf6873a Move bee movie demo to examples and cleanup 2019-05-08 19:48:21 -04:00
7cc9ddda75 Add tree and two node bee movie tests 2019-04-04 17:40:29 -04:00
3b3ff61755 Add seven node tree test 2019-04-04 17:22:04 -04:00
853be062a2 Add 5 node ring test 2019-04-04 17:19:27 -04:00
7b67c9cb2f Add basic out of order tests 2019-04-04 17:05:53 -04:00
f4fb71e0cf Add random testing mechanism 2019-04-03 18:40:14 -04:00
c1d011ac64 Remove print statement 2019-04-03 18:40:14 -04:00
41b2a0c6d5 Add multiple message on same topic handlingC 2019-04-03 18:40:14 -04:00
437e9e9ee6 Modify perform_test_obj to handle messages received in any order 2019-04-03 18:40:14 -04:00
b31773f00b Increase timeouts significantly. Add visualization of graph structure 2019-04-03 18:39:05 -04:00
2a5aa14c42 Implement basic random topology 2019-04-03 18:39:05 -04:00
21bcf742a4 Brainstorming 2019-04-03 18:39:05 -04:00
9 changed files with 967 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
import asyncio
import multiaddr
from tests.pubsub.utils import message_id_generator, generate_RPC_packet
from libp2p import new_node
from libp2p.pubsub.pubsub import Pubsub
from libp2p.pubsub.floodsub import FloodSub
from .ordered_queue import OrderedQueue
SUPPORTED_PUBSUB_PROTOCOLS = ["/floodsub/1.0.0"]
BEE_MOVIE_TOPIC = "bee_movie"
class MsgOrderingNode():
def __init__(self):
self.balances = {}
self.next_msg_id_func = message_id_generator(0)
self.priority_queue = OrderedQueue()
self.libp2p_node = None
self.floodsub = None
self.pubsub = None
async def create(cls):
Create a new MsgOrderingNode and attach a libp2p node, a floodsub, and a pubsub
instance to this new node
We use create as this serves as a factory function and allows us
to use async await, unlike the init function
self = MsgOrderingNode()
libp2p_node = await new_node(transport_opt=["/ip4/"])
await libp2p_node.get_network().listen(multiaddr.Multiaddr("/ip4/"))
self.libp2p_node = libp2p_node
self.floodsub = FloodSub(SUPPORTED_PUBSUB_PROTOCOLS)
self.pubsub = Pubsub(self.libp2p_node, self.floodsub, "a")
return self
async def handle_incoming_msgs(self):
Handle all incoming messages on the BEE_MOVIE_TOPIC from peers
while True:
incoming = await self.queue.get()
seqno = int.from_bytes(incoming.seqno, byteorder='big')
word ='utf-8')
await self.handle_bee_movie_word(seqno, word)
async def setup_crypto_networking(self):
Subscribe to BEE_MOVIE_TOPIC and perform call to function that handles
all incoming messages on said topic
self.queue = await self.pubsub.subscribe(BEE_MOVIE_TOPIC)
async def publish_bee_movie_word(self, word, msg_id=None):
# Publish a bee movie word to all peers
my_id = str(self.libp2p_node.get_id())
if msg_id is None:
msg_id = self.next_msg_id_func()
packet = generate_RPC_packet(my_id, [BEE_MOVIE_TOPIC], word, msg_id)
await self.floodsub.publish(my_id, packet.SerializeToString())
async def handle_bee_movie_word(self, seqno, word):
# Handle bee movie word received
await self.priority_queue.put((seqno, word))
async def get_next_word_in_bee_movie(self):
# Get just the word (and not the seqno) and return the word
next_word = (await self.priority_queue.get())[1]
return next_word

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
import asyncio
class OrderedQueue():
asyncio.queue wrapper that delivers messages in order of subsequent sequence numbers,
so if message 1 and 3 are received and the following get calls occur:
get(), get(), get()
the queue will deliver message 1, will wait until message 2 is received to deliver message 2,
and then deliver message 3
def __init__(self):
self.last_gotten_seqno = 0
self.queue = asyncio.PriorityQueue()
self.task = None
async def put(self, item):
:param item: put item tuple (seqno, data) onto queue
seqno = item[0]
await self.queue.put(item)
if self.last_gotten_seqno + 1 == seqno and self.task is not None:
# Allow get future to return the most recent item that is put
async def get(self):
Get item with last_gotten_seqno + 1 from the queue
:return: (seqno, data)
if self.queue.qsize() > 0:
front_item = await self.queue.get()
if front_item[0] == self.last_gotten_seqno + 1:
self.last_gotten_seqno += 1
return front_item
# Put element back as it should not be delivered yet
await self.queue.put(front_item)
# Wait until item with subsequent seqno is put on queue
self.task = asyncio.Event()
await self.task.wait()
item = await self.queue.get()
# Remove task
self.task = None
self.last_gotten_seqno += 1
return item

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@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
import asyncio
from threading import Thread
import struct
import pytest
import urllib.request
from libp2p.peer.peerinfo import info_from_p2p_addr
from .msg_ordering_node import MsgOrderingNode
from tests.utils import cleanup
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
Test-cases demonstrating how to create nodes that continuously stream data
and ensure that data is delivered to each node with pre-determined ordering.
The ordering is such that if a peer A sends a publish 1 and 2 with seqno=1 and with seqno=2,
respectively, even if the publish 2 (with seqno=2) reaches the peers first, it will not
be processed until seqno=1 is received (and then publish 1 with seqno=1 must be
processed before publish 2 with seqno=2 will be).
This concept is demonstrated by streaming the script to the entire bee movie to several nodes
async def connect(node1, node2):
# node1 connects to node2
addr = node2.get_addrs()[0]
info = info_from_p2p_addr(addr)
await node1.connect(info)
def create_setup_in_new_thread_func(dummy_node):
def setup_in_new_thread():
return setup_in_new_thread
async def perform_test(num_nodes, adjacency_map, action_func, assertion_func):
Helper function to allow for easy construction of custom tests for msg ordering nodes
in various network topologies
:param num_nodes: number of nodes in the test
:param adjacency_map: adjacency map defining each node and its list of neighbors
:param action_func: function to execute that includes actions by the nodes
:param assertion_func: assertions for testing the results of the actions are correct
# Create nodes
dummy_nodes = []
for _ in range(num_nodes):
dummy_nodes.append(await MsgOrderingNode.create())
# Create network
for source_num in adjacency_map:
target_nums = adjacency_map[source_num]
for target_num in target_nums:
await connect(dummy_nodes[source_num].libp2p_node, \
# Allow time for network creation to take place
await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
# Start a thread for each node so that each node can listen and respond
# to messages on its own thread, which will avoid waiting indefinitely
# on the main thread. On this thread, call the setup func for the node,
# which subscribes the node to the BEE_MOVIE_TOPIC topic
for dummy_node in dummy_nodes:
thread = Thread(target=create_setup_in_new_thread_func(dummy_node))
# Allow time for nodes to subscribe to BEE_MOVIE_TOPIC topic
await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
# Perform action function
await action_func(dummy_nodes)
# Allow time for action function to be performed (i.e. messages to propogate)
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# Perform assertion function
for dummy_node in dummy_nodes:
await assertion_func(dummy_node)
# Success, terminate pending tasks.
await cleanup()
async def test_simple_two_nodes_one_word():
num_nodes = 2
adj_map = {0: [1]}
async def action_func(dummy_nodes):
await dummy_nodes[0].publish_bee_movie_word("aspyn")
# await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
await dummy_nodes[0].publish_bee_movie_word("hello")
# await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
async def assertion_func(dummy_node):
next_word = await dummy_node.get_next_word_in_bee_movie()
assert next_word == "aspyn"
next_word = await dummy_node.get_next_word_in_bee_movie()
assert next_word == "hello"
await perform_test(num_nodes, adj_map, action_func, assertion_func)
async def test_simple_two_nodes_ten_words():
num_nodes = 2
adj_map = {0: [1]}
words = ["aspyn", "is", "so", "good", "at", "writing", "code", "XD", ":)", "foobar"]
async def action_func(dummy_nodes):
for word in words:
await dummy_nodes[0].publish_bee_movie_word(word)
# await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
async def assertion_func(dummy_node):
for word in words:
assert await dummy_node.get_next_word_in_bee_movie() == word
await perform_test(num_nodes, adj_map, action_func, assertion_func)
async def test_simple_two_nodes_two_words_out_of_order_ids():
num_nodes = 2
adj_map = {0: [1]}
async def action_func(dummy_nodes):
await dummy_nodes[0].publish_bee_movie_word("word 2", struct.pack('>I', 2))
word, _, _ = await asyncio.gather(dummy_nodes[0].get_next_word_in_bee_movie(),\
asyncio.sleep(0.25), \
dummy_nodes[0].publish_bee_movie_word("word 1", struct.pack('>I', 1)))
assert word == "word 1"
assert await dummy_nodes[0].get_next_word_in_bee_movie() == "word 2"
async def assertion_func(dummy_node):
await perform_test(num_nodes, adj_map, action_func, assertion_func)
async def test_simple_two_nodes_two_words_read_then_publish_out_of_order_ids():
num_nodes = 2
adj_map = {0: [1]}
collected = None
async def collect_all_words(expected_len, dummy_node):
collected_words = []
while True:
word = await dummy_node.get_next_word_in_bee_movie()
if len(collected_words) == expected_len:
return collected_words
async def action_func(dummy_nodes):
words, _, _, _ = await asyncio.gather(collect_all_words(2, dummy_nodes[0]),\
asyncio.sleep(0.25), \
dummy_nodes[0].publish_bee_movie_word("word 2", struct.pack('>I', 2)),\
dummy_nodes[0].publish_bee_movie_word("word 1", struct.pack('>I', 1)))
# Store collected words to be checked in assertion func
nonlocal collected
collected = words
async def assertion_func(dummy_node):
assert collected[0] == "word 1"
assert collected[1] == "word 2"
await perform_test(num_nodes, adj_map, action_func, assertion_func)
async def test_simple_two_nodes_ten_words_out_of_order_ids():
num_nodes = 2
adj_map = {0: [1]}
collected = None
async def collect_all_words(expected_len, dummy_node):
collected_words = []
while True:
word = await dummy_node.get_next_word_in_bee_movie()
if len(collected_words) == expected_len:
return collected_words
async def action_func(dummy_nodes):
words = ["e", "b", "d", "i", "a", "h", "c", "f", "g", "j"]
msg_id_nums = [5, 2, 4, 9, 1, 8, 3, 6, 7, 10]
msg_ids = []
tasks = []
for msg_id_num in msg_id_nums:
msg_ids.append(struct.pack('>I', msg_id_num))
tasks.append(collect_all_words(len(words), dummy_nodes[0]))
for i in range(len(words)):
tasks.append(dummy_nodes[0].publish_bee_movie_word(words[i], msg_ids[i]))
res = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
nonlocal collected
collected = res[0]
async def assertion_func(dummy_node):
correct_words = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"]
for i in range(len(correct_words)):
assert collected[i] == correct_words[i]
assert len(collected) == len(correct_words)
await perform_test(num_nodes, adj_map, action_func, assertion_func)
async def test_simple_five_nodes_rings_words_out_of_order_ids():
num_nodes = 5
adj_map = {0: [1], 1: [2], 2: [3], 3: [4], 4: [0]}
collected = []
async def collect_all_words(expected_len, dummy_node):
collected_words = []
while True:
word = await dummy_node.get_next_word_in_bee_movie()
if len(collected_words) == expected_len:
return collected_words
async def action_func(dummy_nodes):
words = ["e", "b", "d", "i", "a", "h", "c", "f", "g", "j"]
msg_id_nums = [5, 2, 4, 9, 1, 8, 3, 6, 7, 10]
msg_ids = []
tasks = []
for msg_id_num in msg_id_nums:
msg_ids.append(struct.pack('>I', msg_id_num))
for i in range(num_nodes):
tasks.append(collect_all_words(len(words), dummy_nodes[i]))
for i in range(len(words)):
tasks.append(dummy_nodes[0].publish_bee_movie_word(words[i], msg_ids[i]))
res = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
nonlocal collected
for i in range(num_nodes):
async def assertion_func(dummy_node):
correct_words = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"]
for i in range(num_nodes):
assert collected[i] == correct_words
assert len(collected[i]) == len(correct_words)
await perform_test(num_nodes, adj_map, action_func, assertion_func)
async def test_simple_seven_nodes_tree_words_out_of_order_ids():
num_nodes = 7
adj_map = {0: [1, 2], 1: [3, 4], 2: [5, 6]}
collected = []
async def collect_all_words(expected_len, dummy_node):
collected_words = []
while True:
word = await dummy_node.get_next_word_in_bee_movie()
if len(collected_words) == expected_len:
return collected_words
async def action_func(dummy_nodes):
words = ["e", "b", "d", "i", "a", "h", "c", "f", "g", "j"]
msg_id_nums = [5, 2, 4, 9, 1, 8, 3, 6, 7, 10]
msg_ids = []
tasks = []
for msg_id_num in msg_id_nums:
msg_ids.append(struct.pack('>I', msg_id_num))
for i in range(num_nodes):
tasks.append(collect_all_words(len(words), dummy_nodes[i]))
for i in range(len(words)):
tasks.append(dummy_nodes[0].publish_bee_movie_word(words[i], msg_ids[i]))
res = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
nonlocal collected
for i in range(num_nodes):
async def assertion_func(dummy_node):
correct_words = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"]
for i in range(num_nodes):
assert collected[i] == correct_words
assert len(collected[i]) == len(correct_words)
await perform_test(num_nodes, adj_map, action_func, assertion_func)
def download_bee_movie():
url = ""
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data = # a `bytes` object
text = data.decode('utf-8') # a `str`; this step can't be used if data is binary
return text
async def test_simple_two_nodes_bee_movie():
print("Downloading Bee Movie")
bee_movie_script = download_bee_movie()
print("Downloaded Bee Movie")
bee_movie_words = bee_movie_script.split(" ")
print("Bee Movie Script Split on Spaces, # spaces = " + str(len(bee_movie_words)))
num_nodes = 2
adj_map = {0: [1]}
collected = []
async def collect_all_words(expected_len, dummy_node, log_nodes=[]):
collected_words = []
while True:
word = await dummy_node.get_next_word_in_bee_movie()
# Log if needed
if dummy_node in log_nodes:
print(word + "| " + str(len(collected_words)) + "/" + str(expected_len))
if len(collected_words) == expected_len:
print("Returned collected words")
return collected_words
async def action_func(dummy_nodes):
print("Start action function")
words = bee_movie_words
tasks = []
print("Add collect all words")
log_nodes = [dummy_nodes[0]]
for i in range(num_nodes):
tasks.append(collect_all_words(len(words), dummy_nodes[i], log_nodes))
print("Add sleep")
print("Add publish")
for i in range(len(words)):
print("Perform gather")
res = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
print("Filling collected")
nonlocal collected
for i in range(num_nodes):
print("Filled collected")
async def assertion_func(dummy_node):
print("Perform assertion")
correct_words = bee_movie_words
for i in range(num_nodes):
assert collected[i] == correct_words
assert len(collected[i]) == len(correct_words)
print("Assertion performed")
await perform_test(num_nodes, adj_map, action_func, assertion_func)
async def test_simple_seven_nodes_tree_bee_movie():
print("Downloading Bee Movie")
bee_movie_script = download_bee_movie()
print("Downloaded Bee Movie")
bee_movie_words = bee_movie_script.split(" ")
print("Bee Movie Script Split on Spaces, # spaces = " + str(len(bee_movie_words)))
num_nodes = 7
adj_map = {0: [1, 2], 1: [3, 4], 2: [5, 6]}
collected = []
async def collect_all_words(expected_len, dummy_node, log_nodes=[]):
collected_words = []
while True:
word = await dummy_node.get_next_word_in_bee_movie()
# Log if needed
if dummy_node in log_nodes:
print(word + "| " + str(len(collected_words)) + "/" + str(expected_len))
if len(collected_words) == expected_len:
print("Returned collected words")
return collected_words
async def action_func(dummy_nodes):
print("Start action function")
words = bee_movie_words
tasks = []
print("Add collect all words")
log_nodes = [dummy_nodes[0]]
for i in range(num_nodes):
tasks.append(collect_all_words(len(words), dummy_nodes[i], log_nodes))
print("Add sleep")
print("Add publish")
for i in range(len(words)):
print("Perform gather")
res = await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True)
print("Filling collected")
nonlocal collected
for i in range(num_nodes):
print("Filled collected")
async def assertion_func(dummy_node):
print("Perform assertion")
correct_words = bee_movie_words
for i in range(num_nodes):
assert collected[i] == correct_words
assert len(collected[i]) == len(correct_words)
print("Assertion performed")
await perform_test(num_nodes, adj_map, action_func, assertion_func)

View File

@ -78,9 +78,6 @@ class FloodSub(IPubsubRouter):
new_packet = rpc_pb2.RPC()
await stream.write(new_packet.SerializeToString())
# Implies publish did not write
print("publish did not write")
def join(self, topic):

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class Mplex(IMuxedConn):
# TODO: pass down timeout from user and use that
if stream_id in self.buffers:
data = await asyncio.wait_for(self.buffers[stream_id].get(), timeout=8)
data = await asyncio.wait_for(self.buffers[stream_id].get(), timeout=5000)
return data
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
return None

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@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ pytest-asyncio

View File

@ -176,8 +176,13 @@ async def perform_test_from_obj(obj):
topics_in_msgs_ordered = []
messages = obj["messages"]
tasks_publish = []
<<<<<<< HEAD
next_msg_id_func = message_id_generator(0)
all_actual_msgs = {}
>>>>>>> Modify perform_test_obj to handle messages received in any order
for msg in messages:
topics = msg["topics"]
@ -199,7 +204,10 @@ async def perform_test_from_obj(obj):
# TODO: Update message sender to be correct message sender before
# adding msg_talk to this list
for topic in topics:
topics_in_msgs_ordered.append((topic, msg_talk))
if topic in all_actual_msgs:
all_actual_msgs[topic] = [msg_talk.publish[0].SerializeToString()]
# Allow time for publishing before continuing
# await asyncio.sleep(0.4)
@ -207,15 +215,22 @@ async def perform_test_from_obj(obj):
await asyncio.gather(*tasks_publish)
# Step 4) Check that all messages were received correctly.
# TODO: Check message sender too
for i in range(len(topics_in_msgs_ordered)):
topic, actual_msg = topics_in_msgs_ordered[i]
# Look at each node in each topic
for topic in all_actual_msgs:
for node_id in topic_map[topic]:
all_received_msgs_in_topic = []
# Add all messages to message received list for given node in given topic
while (queues_map[node_id][topic].qsize() > 0):
# Get message from subscription queue
msg_on_node_str = await queues_map[node_id][topic].get()
assert actual_msg.publish[0].SerializeToString() == msg_on_node_str.SerializeToString()
msg_on_node = (await queues_map[node_id][topic].get()).SerializeToString()
# Ensure each message received was the same as one sent
for msg_on_node in all_received_msgs_in_topic:
assert msg_on_node in all_actual_msgs[topic]
# Ensure same number of messages received as sent
assert len(all_received_msgs_in_topic) == len(all_actual_msgs[topic])
# Success, terminate pending tasks.
await cleanup()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
import asyncio
import multiaddr
import pytest
import random
import pprint
from import Network
from tests.utils import cleanup
from libp2p import new_node
from libp2p.peer.peerinfo import info_from_p2p_addr
from libp2p.pubsub.pb import rpc_pb2
from libp2p.pubsub.pubsub import Pubsub
from libp2p.pubsub.floodsub import FloodSub
from utils import generate_message_id, generate_RPC_packet
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
async def connect(node1, node2):
Connect node1 to node2
addr = node2.get_addrs()[0]
info = info_from_p2p_addr(addr)
await node1.connect(info)
async def perform_test_from_obj(obj,timeout_len=2):
Perform a floodsub test from a test obj.
test obj are composed as follows:
"supported_protocols": ["supported/protocol/1.0.0",...],
"adj_list": {
"node1": ["neighbor1_of_node1", "neighbor2_of_node1", ...],
"node2": ["neighbor1_of_node2", "neighbor2_of_node2", ...],
"topic_map": {
"topic1": ["node1_subscribed_to_topic1", "node2_subscribed_to_topic1", ...]
"messages": [
"topics": ["topic1_for_message", "topic2_for_message", ...],
"data": "some contents of the message (newlines are not supported)",
"node_id": "message sender node id"
NOTE: In adj_list, for any neighbors A and B, only list B as a neighbor of A
or B as a neighbor of A once. Do NOT list both A: ["B"] and B:["A"] as the behavior
is undefined (even if it may work)
# Step 1) Create graph
adj_list = obj["adj_list"]
node_map = {}
floodsub_map = {}
pubsub_map = {}
supported_protocols = obj["supported_protocols"]
tasks_connect = []
for start_node_id in adj_list:
# Create node if node does not yet exist
if start_node_id not in node_map:
node = await new_node(transport_opt=["/ip4/"])
await node.get_network().listen(multiaddr.Multiaddr("/ip4/"))
node_map[start_node_id] = node
floodsub = FloodSub(supported_protocols)
floodsub_map[start_node_id] = floodsub
pubsub = Pubsub(node, floodsub, start_node_id)
pubsub_map[start_node_id] = pubsub
# For each neighbor of start_node, create if does not yet exist,
# then connect start_node to neighbor
for neighbor_id in adj_list[start_node_id]:
# Create neighbor if neighbor does not yet exist
if neighbor_id not in node_map:
neighbor_node = await new_node(transport_opt=["/ip4/"])
await neighbor_node.get_network().listen(multiaddr.Multiaddr("/ip4/"))
node_map[neighbor_id] = neighbor_node
floodsub = FloodSub(supported_protocols)
floodsub_map[neighbor_id] = floodsub
pubsub = Pubsub(neighbor_node, floodsub, neighbor_id)
pubsub_map[neighbor_id] = pubsub
# Connect node and neighbor
# await connect(node_map[start_node_id], node_map[neighbor_id])
tasks_connect.append(asyncio.ensure_future(connect(node_map[start_node_id], node_map[neighbor_id])))
await asyncio.gather(*tasks_connect)
# Allow time for graph creation before continuing
# await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
# Step 2) Subscribe to topics
queues_map = {}
topic_map = obj["topic_map"]
tasks_topic = []
tasks_topic_data = []
for topic in topic_map:
for node_id in topic_map[topic]:
# Subscribe node to topic
q = await pubsub_map[node_id].subscribe(topic)
# Create topic-queue map for node_id if one does not yet exist
if node_id not in queues_map:
queues_map[node_id] = {}
# Store queue in topic-queue map for node
queues_map[node_id][topic] = q
tasks_topic_data.append((node_id, topic))
# Gather is like Promise.all
responses = await asyncio.gather(*tasks_topic, return_exceptions=True)
for i in range(len(responses) - 1):
q = responses[i]
node_id, topic = tasks_topic_data[i]
if node_id not in queues_map:
queues_map[node_id] = {}
# Store queue in topic-queue map for node
queues_map[node_id][topic] = q
# Allow time for subscribing before continuing
# await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
# Step 3) Publish messages
topics_in_msgs_ordered = []
messages = obj["messages"]
tasks_publish = []
all_actual_msgs = {}
for msg in messages:
topics = msg["topics"]
data = msg["data"]
node_id = msg["node_id"]
# Get actual id for sender node (not the id from the test obj)
actual_node_id = str(node_map[node_id].get_id())
# Create correctly formatted message
msg_talk = generate_RPC_packet(actual_node_id, topics, data, generate_message_id())
# Publish message
# await floodsub_map[node_id].publish(actual_node_id, msg_talk.to_str())
actual_node_id, msg_talk.SerializeToString())))
# For each topic in topics, add topic, msg_talk tuple to ordered test list
# TODO: Update message sender to be correct message sender before
# adding msg_talk to this list
for topic in topics:
if topic in all_actual_msgs:
all_actual_msgs[topic] = [msg_talk.publish[0].SerializeToString()]
# Allow time for publishing before continuing
# await asyncio.sleep(0.4)
await asyncio.gather(*tasks_publish)
# Step 4) Check that all messages were received correctly.
for topic in all_actual_msgs:
for node_id in topic_map[topic]:
all_received_msgs_in_topic = []
# Add all messages to message received list for given node in given topic
while (queues_map[node_id][topic].qsize() > 0):
# Get message from subscription queue
msg_on_node = (await queues_map[node_id][topic].get()).SerializeToString()
# Ensure each message received was the same as one sent
for msg_on_node in all_received_msgs_in_topic:
assert msg_on_node in all_actual_msgs[topic]
# Ensure same number of messages received as sent
assert len(all_received_msgs_in_topic) == len(all_actual_msgs[topic])
def generate_test_obj_with_random_params(params):
return {
"num_nodes": random.randint(params["min_num_nodes"], params["max_num_nodes"]),
"density": random.uniform(0.01, params["max_density"]),
"num_topics": random.randint(1, params["max_num_topics"]),
"max_nodes_per_topic": random.randint(params["min_max_nodes_per_topic"], params["max_max_nodes_per_topic"]),
"max_msgs_per_topic": random.randint(params["min_max_msgs_per_topic"], params["max_max_msgs_per_topic"])
def generate_random_topology(num_nodes, density, num_topics, max_nodes_per_topic, max_msgs_per_topic):
# Give nodes string labels so that perform_test_with_obj works correctly
# Note: "n" is appended so that visualizations work properly ('00' caused issues)
nodes = ["n" + str(i).zfill(2) for i in range(0,num_nodes)]
# Adjust max_nodes_per_topic if it exceeds number of nodes
max_nodes_per_topic = min(max_nodes_per_topic, num_nodes)
# 1) Generate random graph structure
# Create initial graph by connecting each node to its previous node
# This ensures the graph is connected
graph = {}
graph[nodes[0]] = []
max_num_edges = num_nodes * (num_nodes - 1) / 2
num_edges = 0
for i in range(1, len(nodes)):
prev = nodes[i - 1]
curr = nodes[i]
graph[curr] = [prev]
num_edges += 1
# Add random edges until density is hit
while num_edges / max_num_edges < density:
selected_nodes = random.sample(nodes, 2)
# Only add the nodes as neighbors if they are not already neighbors
if selected_nodes[0] not in graph[selected_nodes[1]]:
num_edges += 1
# 2) Pick num_topics random nodes to perform random walks at
nodes_to_start_topics_from = random.sample(nodes, num_topics)
nodes_in_topic_list = []
for node in nodes_to_start_topics_from:
nodes_walked = []
curr = node
# TODO: Pick random num of nodes per topic
while len(nodes_walked) < max_nodes_per_topic:
# Pick a random neighbor of curr to walk to
neighbors = graph[curr]
rand_num = random.randint(0, len(neighbors) - 1)
neighbor = neighbors[rand_num]
curr = neighbor
if curr not in nodes_walked:
# 3) Start creating test_obj
test_obj = {"supported_protocols": ["/floodsub/1.0.0"]}
test_obj["adj_list"] = graph
test_obj["topic_map"] = {}
for i in range(len(nodes_in_topic_list)):
test_obj["topic_map"][str(i)] = nodes_in_topic_list[i]
# 4) Finish creating test_obj by adding messages at random start nodes in each topic
test_obj["messages"] = []
for i in range(len(nodes_in_topic_list)):
nodes_in_topic = nodes_in_topic_list[i]
rand_num = random.randint(0, len(nodes_in_topic) - 1)
start_node = nodes_in_topic[rand_num]
for j in range(max_msgs_per_topic):
"topics": [str(i)],
"data": str(random.randint(0, 100000)),
"node_id": str(start_node)
# 5) Return completed test_obj
return test_obj
def create_graph(test_obj):
net = Network()
adj_list = test_obj["adj_list"]
# print(list(adj_list.keys()))
nodes_to_add = list(adj_list.keys())
for node in adj_list:
neighbors = adj_list[node]
for neighbor in neighbors:
net.add_edge(node, neighbor)"random_topology.html")
async def test_simple_random():
num_nodes = 5
density = 1
num_topics = 2
max_nodes_per_topic = 5
max_msgs_per_topic = 5
print("Generating random topology")
topology_test_obj = generate_random_topology(num_nodes, density, num_topics,\
max_nodes_per_topic, max_msgs_per_topic)
print("*****Topology Summary*****")
print("# nodes: " + str(num_nodes))
print("Density: " + str(density))
print("# topics: " + str(num_topics))
print("Nodes per topic: " + str(max_nodes_per_topic))
print("Msgs per topic: " + str(max_msgs_per_topic))
print("Performing Test")
await perform_test_from_obj(topology_test_obj, timeout_len=20)
print("Test Completed")
print("Generating Graph")
print("Graph Generated")
# Success, terminate pending tasks.
await cleanup()
async def test_random_10():
min_num_nodes = 8
max_num_nodes = 10
max_density = 0.4
max_num_topics = 5
min_max_nodes_per_topic = 10
max_max_nodes_per_topic = 20
min_max_msgs_per_topic = 10
max_max_msgs_per_topic = 20
num_random_tests = 10
summaries = []
params_to_generate_random_params = {
"min_num_nodes": min_num_nodes,
"max_num_nodes": max_num_nodes,
"max_density": max_density,
"max_num_topics": max_num_topics,
"min_max_nodes_per_topic": min_max_nodes_per_topic,
"max_max_nodes_per_topic": max_max_nodes_per_topic,
"min_max_msgs_per_topic": min_max_msgs_per_topic,
"max_max_msgs_per_topic": max_max_msgs_per_topic
for i in range(0, num_random_tests):
random_params = generate_test_obj_with_random_params(params_to_generate_random_params)
print("Generating random topology")
topology_test_obj = generate_random_topology(random_params["num_nodes"], random_params["density"],\
random_params["num_topics"], random_params["max_nodes_per_topic"], \
summary = {
"num_nodes": random_params["num_nodes"],
"density": random_params["density"],
"num_topics": random_params["num_topics"],
"nodes_per_topics": random_params["max_nodes_per_topic"],
"msgs_per_topics": random_params["max_msgs_per_topic"]
summaries.append(pprint.pformat(summary, indent=4))
print("Performing Test")
await perform_test_from_obj(topology_test_obj, timeout_len=30)
print("Test Completed")
# print("Generating Graph")
# create_graph(topology_test_obj)
# print("Graph Generated")
print("***Test " + str(i + 1) + "/" + str(num_random_tests) + " Completed***")
with open('summaries.rand_test', 'a') as out_file:
out_file.write(pprint.pformat(summaries, indent=4))
# Success, terminate pending tasks.
await cleanup()