Implemented PING fully-featured

First draft of PingService, which calculates RTT results
aratz-lasa 2020-02-27 09:12:09 +01:00
parent 99f505d6d7
commit ef2e2487af
5 changed files with 117 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
import logging
import math
import secrets
import time
from typing import Union
import trio
from libp2p.exceptions import ValidationError
from import IHost
from import StreamClosed, StreamEOF, StreamReset
from import INetStream
from import ID as PeerID
@ -14,6 +20,21 @@ RESP_TIMEOUT = 60
logger = logging.getLogger("")
async def handle_ping(stream: INetStream) -> None:
"""``handle_ping`` responds to incoming ping requests until one side errors
or closes the ``stream``."""
peer_id = stream.muxed_conn.peer_id
while True:
should_continue = await _handle_ping(stream, peer_id)
if not should_continue:
except Exception:
await stream.reset()
async def _handle_ping(stream: INetStream, peer_id: PeerID) -> bool:
"""Return a boolean indicating if we expect more pings from the peer at
@ -45,16 +66,65 @@ async def _handle_ping(stream: INetStream, peer_id: PeerID) -> bool:
return True
async def handle_ping(stream: INetStream) -> None:
"""``handle_ping`` responds to incoming ping requests until one side errors
or closes the ``stream``."""
peer_id = stream.muxed_conn.peer_id
class PingService:
"""PingService executes pings and returns RTT in miliseconds."""
while True:
def __init__(self, host: IHost):
self._host = host
async def ping(self, peer_id: PeerID) -> int:
stream = await self._host.new_stream(peer_id, (ID,))
should_continue = await _handle_ping(stream, peer_id)
if not should_continue:
rtt = await _ping(stream)
await _close_stream(stream)
return rtt
except Exception:
await stream.reset()
await _close_stream(stream)
async def ping_loop(
self, peer_id: PeerID, ping_amount: Union[int, float] = math.inf
) -> "PingIterator":
stream = await self._host.new_stream(peer_id, (ID,))
ping_iterator = PingIterator(stream, ping_amount)
return ping_iterator
class PingIterator:
def __init__(self, stream: INetStream, ping_amount: Union[int, float]):
self._stream = stream
self._ping_limit = ping_amount
self._ping_counter = 0
def __aiter__(self) -> "PingIterator":
return self
async def __anext__(self) -> int:
if self._ping_counter > self._ping_limit:
await _close_stream(self._stream)
raise StopAsyncIteration
self._ping_counter += 1
return await _ping(self._stream)
except trio.EndOfChannel:
await _close_stream(self._stream)
raise StopAsyncIteration
async def _ping(stream: INetStream) -> int:
ping_bytes = secrets.token_bytes(PING_LENGTH)
before = int(time.time() * 10 ** 6) # convert float of seconds to int miliseconds
await stream.write(ping_bytes)
pong_bytes = await
rtt = int(time.time() * 10 ** 6) - before
if ping_bytes != pong_bytes:
raise ValidationError("Invalid PING response")
return rtt
async def _close_stream(stream: INetStream) -> None:
await stream.close()
except Exception:

View File

@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ class GossipSub(IPubsubRouter, Service):
await trio.sleep(self.heartbeat_interval)
def mesh_heartbeat(
) -> Tuple[DefaultDict[ID, List[str]], DefaultDict[ID, List[str]]]:
peers_to_graft: DefaultDict[ID, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
peers_to_prune: DefaultDict[ID, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def security_transport_factory(
async def raw_conn_factory(
nursery: trio.Nursery
nursery: trio.Nursery,
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[IRawConnection, IRawConnection]]:
conn_0 = None
conn_1 = None
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ async def swarm_pair_factory(
async def host_pair_factory(
is_secure: bool
is_secure: bool,
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[BasicHost, BasicHost]]:
async with HostFactory.create_batch_and_listen(is_secure, 2) as hosts:
await connect(hosts[0], hosts[1])
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ async def swarm_conn_pair_factory(
async def mplex_conn_pair_factory(
is_secure: bool
is_secure: bool,
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[Mplex, Mplex]]:
muxer_opt = {MPLEX_PROTOCOL_ID: Mplex}
async with swarm_conn_pair_factory(is_secure, muxer_opt=muxer_opt) as swarm_pair:
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ async def mplex_conn_pair_factory(
async def mplex_stream_pair_factory(
is_secure: bool
is_secure: bool,
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[MplexStream, MplexStream]]:
async with mplex_conn_pair_factory(is_secure) as mplex_conn_pair_info:
mplex_conn_0, mplex_conn_1 = mplex_conn_pair_info
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ async def mplex_stream_pair_factory(
async def net_stream_pair_factory(
is_secure: bool
is_secure: bool,
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[INetStream, INetStream]]:
protocol_id = TProtocol("/example/id/1")

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ async def connect(node1: IHost, node2: IHost) -> None:
def create_echo_stream_handler(
ack_prefix: str
ack_prefix: str,
) -> Callable[[INetStream], Awaitable[None]]:
async def echo_stream_handler(stream: INetStream) -> None:
while True:

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import secrets
import pytest
import trio
from import ID, PING_LENGTH
from import ID, PING_LENGTH, PingService
from import host_pair_factory
@ -36,3 +36,32 @@ async def test_ping_several(is_host_secure):
# NOTE: this interval can be `0` for this test.
await trio.sleep(0)
await stream.close()
async def test_ping_service_once(is_host_secure):
async with host_pair_factory(is_host_secure) as (host_a, host_b):
ping_service = PingService(host_b)
rtt = await
assert rtt < 10 ** 6 # rtt is in miliseconds
async def test_ping_service_loop(is_host_secure):
async with host_pair_factory(is_host_secure) as (host_a, host_b):
ping_service = PingService(host_b)
ping_loop = await ping_service.ping_loop(
host_a.get_id(), ping_amount=SOME_PING_COUNT
async for rtt in ping_loop:
assert rtt < 10 ** 6
async def test_ping_service_loop_infinite(is_host_secure):
async with host_pair_factory(is_host_secure) as (host_a, host_b):
ping_service = PingService(host_b)
ping_loop = await ping_service.ping_loop(host_a.get_id())
with trio.move_on_after(1): # breaking loop after one second
async for rtt in ping_loop:
assert rtt < 10 ** 6