- Relax the protobuf dependency to play nicely with other libraries. It was pinned to 3.9.0, and now
permits v3.10 up to (but not including) v4. (`#354 <https://github.com/libp2p/py-libp2p/issues/354>`__)
- Fixes KeyError when peer in a stream accidentally closes and resets the stream, because handlers
for both will try to ``del streams[stream_id]`` without checking if the entry still exists. (`#355 <https://github.com/libp2p/py-libp2p/issues/355>`__)
Improved Documentation
- Use Sphinx & autodoc to generate docs, now available on `py-libp2p.readthedocs.io <https://py-libp2p.readthedocs.io>`_ (`#318 <https://github.com/libp2p/py-libp2p/issues/318>`__)
Internal Changes - for py-libp2p Contributors
- Added Makefile target to test a packaged version of libp2p before release. (`#353 <https://github.com/libp2p/py-libp2p/issues/353>`__)
- Move helper tools from ``tests/`` to ``libp2p/tools/``, and some mildly-related cleanups. (`#356 <https://github.com/libp2p/py-libp2p/issues/356>`__)