Ed Santiago 1141962e2a xref-helpmsgs-manpages: cross-check Commands.rst
Belated followup to #21981. (Looks like I started to add this
functionality back in 2020 but left it unfinished. Tsk tsk.)

docs/source/Commands.rst is unnecessary duplication. It _should_
be autogenerated, but I can't figure out how to cleanly add
that to our Make process. This PR is an interim cross-check
until we get that resolved:

  - everything in podman --help must have a matching entry
    in Commands.rst (top-level commands only)

  - check for dups and out-of-sequence in Commands.rst
    - also for anything in Commands.rst that is not in --help

Fix existing mismatches in Commands.rst.

Also, #21784 removed a format specifier that I was using in
regression tests. Switch to using something else, to get
test passing again. Given the fact the correct solution
is autogenerating Commands.rst, I choose not to add new
tests for the rst xref.

Also, executive decision, remove volume.rst. It is not referenced
from anywhere, it looks like a lonely orphan remnant from days
of yore.

Signed-off-by: Ed Santiago <santiago@redhat.com>
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