Merge pull request #18681 from Luap99/reexec-signals

pkg/rootless: correctly handle proxy signals on reexec
OpenShift Merge Robot 2023-05-27 17:19:58 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit e7dc5074a3
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 126 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -184,12 +184,7 @@ func joinUserAndMountNS(pid uint, pausePid string) (bool, int, error) {
return false, -1, fmt.Errorf("cannot re-exec process to join the existing user namespace")
ret := C.reexec_in_user_namespace_wait(pidC, 0)
if ret < 0 {
return false, -1, errors.New("waiting for the re-exec process")
return true, int(ret), nil
return waitAndProxySignalsToChild(pidC)
// GetConfiguredMappings returns the additional IDs configured for the current user.
@ -395,7 +390,6 @@ func becomeRootInUserNS(pausePid, fileToRead string, fileOutput *os.File) (_ boo
if ret < 0 {
return false, -1, errors.New("waiting for the re-exec process")
return true, 0, nil
@ -418,6 +412,10 @@ func becomeRootInUserNS(pausePid, fileToRead string, fileOutput *os.File) (_ boo
return false, -1, errors.New("setting up the process")
return waitAndProxySignalsToChild(pidC)
func waitAndProxySignalsToChild(pid (bool, int, error) {
signals := []os.Signal{}
for sig := 0; sig < numSig; sig++ {
if sig == int(unix.SIGTSTP) {
@ -426,24 +424,28 @@ func becomeRootInUserNS(pausePid, fileToRead string, fileOutput *os.File) (_ boo
signals = append(signals, unix.Signal(sig))
// Disable all existing signal handlers, from now forward everything to the child and let
// it deal with it. All we do is to wait and propagate the exit code from the child to our parent.
c := make(chan os.Signal, len(signals))
gosignal.Notify(c, signals...)
defer gosignal.Reset()
go func() {
for s := range c {
if s == unix.SIGCHLD || s == unix.SIGPIPE {
if err := unix.Kill(int(pidC), s.(unix.Signal)); err != nil {
if err := unix.Kill(int(pid), s.(unix.Signal)); err != nil {
if err != unix.ESRCH {
logrus.Errorf("Failed to propagate signal to child process %d: %v", int(pidC), err)
logrus.Errorf("Failed to propagate signal to child process %d: %v", int(pid), err)
ret := C.reexec_in_user_namespace_wait(pidC, 0)
ret := C.reexec_in_user_namespace_wait(pid, 0)
// child exited reset our signal proxy handler
if ret < 0 {
return false, -1, errors.New("waiting for the re-exec process")

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@ -1,54 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bats
load helpers
load helpers.sig-proxy
# Command to run in each of the tests.
SLEEPLOOP='trap "echo BYE;exit 0" INT;echo READY;while :;do sleep 0.1;done'
# Main test code: wait for container to exist and be ready, send it a
# signal, wait for container to acknowledge and exit.
function _test_sigproxy() {
local cname=$1
local kidpid=$2
# Wait for container to appear
local timeout=10
while :;do
sleep 0.5
run_podman '?' container exists $cname
if [[ $status -eq 0 ]]; then
timeout=$((timeout - 1))
if [[ $timeout -eq 0 ]]; then
run_podman ps -a
die "Timed out waiting for container $cname to start"
# Now that container exists, wait for it to declare itself READY
wait_for_ready $cname
# Signal, and wait for container to exit
kill -INT $kidpid
while :;do
sleep 0.5
run_podman logs $cname
if [[ "$output" =~ BYE ]]; then
timeout=$((timeout - 1))
if [[ $timeout -eq 0 ]]; then
run_podman ps -a
die "Timed out waiting for BYE from container"
run_podman rm -f -t0 $cname
# Each of the tests below does some setup, then invokes the above helper.
# Each of the tests below does some setup, then invokes the helper from helpers.sig-proxy.bash.
@test "podman sigproxy test: run" {
# We're forced to use $PODMAN because run_podman cannot be backgrounded

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
load helpers
load helpers.sig-proxy
function _check_pause_process() {
@ -77,3 +78,63 @@ function _check_pause_process() {
assert "$output" == "$tmpdir_userns" \
"podman with tmpdir2 should use the same userns created using a tmpdir"
@test "rootless reexec with sig-proxy" {
skip_if_not_rootless "pause process is only used as rootless"
skip_if_remote "system migrate not supported via remote"
# Use podman system migrate to stop the currently running pause process
run_podman system migrate
# We're forced to use $PODMAN because run_podman cannot be backgrounded
$PODMAN run -i --name c_run $IMAGE sh -c "$SLEEPLOOP" &
local kidpid=$!
_test_sigproxy c_run $kidpid
# our container exits 0 so podman should too
wait $kidpid || die "podman run exited $? instead of zero"
@test "rootless reexec with sig-proxy when rejoining userns from container" {
skip_if_not_rootless "pause process is only used as rootless"
skip_if_remote "unshare not supported via remote"
# System tests can execute in contexts without XDG; in those, we have to
# skip the pause-pid-file checks.
if [[ -z "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" ]]; then
skip "\$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not defined"
local pause_pid_file="$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/libpod/tmp/"
# First let's run a container in the background to keep the userns active
local cname1=c1_$(random_string)
run_podman run -d --name $cname1 $IMAGE top
run_podman unshare readlink /proc/self/ns/user
# check for pause pid and then kill it
kill -9 $pause_pid
# Now again directly start podman run and make sure it can forward signals
# We're forced to use $PODMAN because run_podman cannot be backgrounded
local cname2=c2_$(random_string)
$PODMAN run -i --name $cname2 $IMAGE sh -c "$SLEEPLOOP" &
local kidpid=$!
_test_sigproxy $cname2 $kidpid
# our container exits 0 so podman should too
wait $kidpid || die "podman run exited $? instead of zero"
# Check that podman joined the same userns as it tries to use the one
# from the running podman process in the background.
run_podman unshare readlink /proc/self/ns/user
assert "$output" == "$userns" "userns before/after kill is the same"
run_podman rm -f -t0 $cname1

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# -*- bash -*-
# BATS helpers for sig-proxy functionality
# Command to run in each of the tests.
SLEEPLOOP='trap "echo BYE;exit 0" INT;echo READY;while :;do sleep 0.1;done'
# Main test code: wait for container to exist and be ready, send it a
# signal, wait for container to acknowledge and exit.
function _test_sigproxy() {
local cname=$1
local kidpid=$2
# Wait for container to appear
local timeout=10
while :;do
sleep 0.5
run_podman '?' container exists $cname
if [[ $status -eq 0 ]]; then
timeout=$((timeout - 1))
if [[ $timeout -eq 0 ]]; then
run_podman ps -a
die "Timed out waiting for container $cname to start"
# Now that container exists, wait for it to declare itself READY
wait_for_ready $cname
# Signal, and wait for container to exit
kill -INT $kidpid
while :;do
sleep 0.5
run_podman logs $cname
if [[ "$output" =~ BYE ]]; then
timeout=$((timeout - 1))
if [[ $timeout -eq 0 ]]; then
run_podman ps -a
die "Timed out waiting for BYE from container"
run_podman rm -f -t0 $cname