[CI:DOCS] Migrate podman container image

Moved to: https://github.com/containers/image_build

Signed-off-by: Chris Evich <cevich@redhat.com>
Chris Evich 2024-03-05 14:51:58 -05:00
parent 7f9f384c8a
commit d6d2601742
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 03EDC70FD578067F
6 changed files with 2 additions and 300 deletions

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@ -1,88 +1,2 @@
[comment]: <> (***ATTENTION*** ***WARNING*** ***ALERT*** ***CAUTION*** ***DANGER***)
[comment]: <> ()
[comment]: <> (ANY changes made to this file, once committed/merged must)
[comment]: <> (be manually copy/pasted -in markdown- into the description)
[comment]: <> (field on Quay at the following locations:)
[comment]: <> ()
[comment]: <> (https://quay.io/repository/containers/podman)
[comment]: <> (https://quay.io/repository/podman/stable)
[comment]: <> (https://quay.io/repository/podman/testing)
[comment]: <> (https://quay.io/repository/podman/upstream)
[comment]: <> ()
[comment]: <> (***ATTENTION*** ***WARNING*** ***ALERT*** ***CAUTION*** ***DANGER***)
![PODMAN logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/containers/common/main/logos/podman-logo-full-vert.png)
# podmanimage
## Overview
This directory contains the Containerfiles necessary to create the podmanimage container
images that are housed on quay.io under the Podman account. All repositories where
the images live are public and can be pulled without credentials. These container images are secured and the
resulting containers can run safely with privileges within the container.
The container images are built using the latest Fedora and then Podman is installed into them.
The PATH in the container images is set to the default PATH provided by Fedora. Also, the
ENTRYPOINT and the WORKDIR variables are not set within these container images, as such they
default to `/`.
The container images are:
* `quay.io/containers/podman:<version>` and `quay.io/podman/stable:<version>` -
These images are built daily. They are intended to contain an unchanging
and stable version of podman. For the most recent `<version>` tags (`vX`,
`vX.Y`, and `vX.Y.Z`) the image contents will be updated daily to incorporate
(especially) security upgrades. For build details, please [see the
configuration file](stable/Containerfile).
* `quay.io/containers/podman:latest` and `quay.io/podman/stable:latest` -
Built daily using the same Containerfile as above. The Podman version
will remain the "latest" available in Fedora, however the other image
contents may vary compared to the version-tagged images.
* `quay.io/podman/testing:latest` - This image is built daily, using the
latest version of Podman that was in the Fedora `updates-testing` repository.
The image is Built with [the testing Containerfile](testing/Containerfile).
* `quay.io/podman/upstream:latest` - This image is built daily using the latest
code found in this GitHub repository. Due to the image changing frequently,
it's not guaranteed to be stable or even executable. The image is built with
[the upstream Containerfile](upstream/Containerfile). Note the actual compilation
of upstream podman [occurs continuously in
## Sample Usage
podman pull docker://quay.io/podman/stable:latest
podman run --privileged stable podman version
# Create a directory on the host to mount the container's
# /var/lib/container directory to so containers can be
# run within the container.
mkdir /var/lib/mycontainer
# Run the image detached using the host's network in a container name
# podmanctr, turn off label and seccomp confinement in the container
# and then do a little shell hackery to keep the container up and running.
podman run --detach --name=podmanctr --net=host --security-opt label=disable --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --device /dev/fuse:rw -v /var/lib/mycontainer:/var/lib/containers:Z --privileged stable sh -c 'while true ;do sleep 100000 ; done'
podman exec -it podmanctr /bin/sh
# Now inside of the container
podman pull alpine
podman images
**Note:** If you encounter a `fuse: device not found` error when running the container image, it is likely that
the fuse kernel module has not been loaded on your host system. Use the command `modprobe fuse` to load the
module and then run the container image. To enable this automatically at boot time, you can add a configuration
file to `/etc/modules.load.d`. See `man modules-load.d` for more details.
### Blog Post with Details
Dan Walsh wrote a blog post on the [Enable Sysadmin](https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/) site titled [How to use Podman inside of a container](https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/podman-inside-container). In it, he details how to use these images as a rootful and as a rootless user. Please refer to this blog for more detailed information.
The podman container image build context and automation have been
moved to [https://github.com/containers/image_build/tree/main/podman](https://github.com/containers/image_build/tree/main/podman)

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@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
# stable/Containerfile
# Build a Podman container image from the latest
# stable version of Podman on the Fedoras Updates System.
# https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/?search=podman
# This image can be used to create a secured container
# that runs safely with privileges within the container.
FROM registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:latest
# Don't include container-selinux and remove
# directories used by dnf that are just taking
# up space.
# TODO: rpm --setcaps... needed due to Fedora (base) image builds
# being (maybe still?) affected by
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1995337#c3
RUN dnf -y update && \
rpm --setcaps shadow-utils 2>/dev/null && \
dnf -y install podman fuse-overlayfs openssh-clients \
--exclude container-selinux && \
dnf clean all && \
rm -rf /var/cache /var/log/dnf* /var/log/yum.*
RUN useradd podman; \
echo -e "podman:1:999\npodman:1001:64535" > /etc/subuid; \
echo -e "podman:1:999\npodman:1001:64535" > /etc/subgid;
ARG _REPO_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/containers/podman/main/contrib/podmanimage/stable"
ADD $_REPO_URL/containers.conf /etc/containers/containers.conf
ADD $_REPO_URL/podman-containers.conf /home/podman/.config/containers/containers.conf
RUN mkdir -p /home/podman/.local/share/containers && \
chown podman:podman -R /home/podman && \
chmod 644 /etc/containers/containers.conf
# Copy & modify the defaults to provide reference if runtime changes needed.
# Changes here are required for running with fuse-overlay storage inside container.
RUN sed -e 's|^#mount_program|mount_program|g' \
-e '/additionalimage.*/a "/var/lib/shared",' \
-e 's|^mountopt[[:space:]]*=.*$|mountopt = "nodev,fsync=0"|g' \
/usr/share/containers/storage.conf \
> /etc/containers/storage.conf
# Setup internal Podman to pass subscriptions down from host to internal container
RUN printf '/run/secrets/etc-pki-entitlement:/run/secrets/etc-pki-entitlement\n/run/secrets/rhsm:/run/secrets/rhsm\n' > /etc/containers/mounts.conf
# Note VOLUME options must always happen after the chown call above
# RUN commands can not modify existing volumes
VOLUME /var/lib/containers
VOLUME /home/podman/.local/share/containers
RUN mkdir -p /var/lib/shared/overlay-images \
/var/lib/shared/overlay-layers \
/var/lib/shared/vfs-images \
/var/lib/shared/vfs-layers && \
touch /var/lib/shared/overlay-images/images.lock && \
touch /var/lib/shared/overlay-layers/layers.lock && \
touch /var/lib/shared/vfs-images/images.lock && \
touch /var/lib/shared/vfs-layers/layers.lock

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
log_driver = "k8s-file"
cgroup_manager = "cgroupfs"

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
volumes = [
default_sysctls = []

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@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
# testing/Containerfile
# Build a Podman container image from the latest
# stable version of Podman on the Fedoras Updates System.
# https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/?search=podman
# This image can be used to create a secured container
# that runs safely with privileges within the container.
FROM registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:latest
# Don't include container-selinux and remove
# directories used by dnf that are just taking
# up space.
# TODO: rpm --setcaps... needed due to Fedora (base) image builds
# being (maybe still?) affected by
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1995337#c3
RUN dnf -y update && \
rpm --setcaps shadow-utils 2>/dev/null && \
dnf -y install podman fuse-overlayfs openssh-clients \
--exclude container-selinux --enablerepo updates-testing && \
dnf clean all && \
rm -rf /var/cache /var/log/dnf* /var/log/yum.*
RUN useradd podman; \
echo -e "podman:1:999\npodman:1001:64535" > /etc/subuid; \
echo -e "podman:1:999\npodman:1001:64535" > /etc/subgid;
ARG _REPO_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/containers/podman/main/contrib/podmanimage/stable"
ADD $_REPO_URL/containers.conf /etc/containers/containers.conf
ADD $_REPO_URL/podman-containers.conf /home/podman/.config/containers/containers.conf
RUN mkdir -p /home/podman/.local/share/containers && \
chown podman:podman -R /home/podman
# Copy & modify the defaults to provide reference if runtime changes needed.
# Changes here are required for running with fuse-overlay storage inside container.
RUN sed -e 's|^#mount_program|mount_program|g' \
-e '/additionalimage.*/a "/var/lib/shared",' \
-e 's|^mountopt[[:space:]]*=.*$|mountopt = "nodev,fsync=0"|g' \
/usr/share/containers/storage.conf \
> /etc/containers/storage.conf
# Setup internal Podman to pass secrets/subscriptions down from host to internal container
RUN printf '/run/secrets/etc-pki-entitlement:/run/secrets/etc-pki-entitlement\n/run/secrets/rhsm:/run/secrets/rhsm\n' > /etc/containers/mounts.conf
# Note VOLUME options must always happen after the chown call above
# RUN commands can not modify existing volumes
VOLUME /var/lib/containers
VOLUME /home/podman/.local/share/containers
# chmod containers.conf and adjust storage.conf to enable Fuse storage.
RUN chmod 644 /etc/containers/containers.conf && \
sed -i -e 's|^#mount_program|mount_program|g' \
-e '/additionalimage.*/a "/var/lib/shared",' \
-e 's|^mountopt[[:space:]]*=.*$|mountopt = "nodev,fsync=0"|g' \
RUN mkdir -p /var/lib/shared/overlay-images \
/var/lib/shared/overlay-layers \
/var/lib/shared/vfs-images \
/var/lib/shared/vfs-layers && \
touch /var/lib/shared/overlay-images/images.lock && \
touch /var/lib/shared/overlay-layers/layers.lock && \
touch /var/lib/shared/vfs-images/images.lock && \
touch /var/lib/shared/vfs-layers/layers.lock

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
# upstream/Containerfile
# Build a Podman container image from the latest
# upstream version of Podman on GitHub.
# https://github.com/containers/podman
# This image can be used to create a secured container
# that runs safely with privileges within the container.
# The containers created by this image also come with a
# Podman development environment in /root/podman.
FROM registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:latest
# Don't include container-selinux and remove
# directories used by dnf that are just taking
# up space. The latest podman + deps. come from
# https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/rhcontainerbot/podman-next/
# TODO: rpm --setcaps... needed due to Fedora (base) image builds
# being (maybe still?) affected by
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1995337#c3
RUN dnf -y update && \
rpm --setcaps shadow-utils 2>/dev/null && \
dnf -y install 'dnf-command(copr)' --enablerepo=updates-testing && \
dnf -y copr enable rhcontainerbot/podman-next && \
dnf -y install podman fuse-overlayfs openssh-clients \
--exclude container-selinux \
--enablerepo=updates-testing && \
dnf clean all && \
rm -rf /var/cache /var/log/dnf* /var/log/yum.*
RUN useradd podman; \
echo -e "podman:1:999\npodman:1001:64535" > /etc/subuid; \
echo -e "podman:1:999\npodman:1001:64535" > /etc/subgid;
ARG _REPO_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/containers/podman/main/contrib/podmanimage/stable"
ADD $_REPO_URL/containers.conf /etc/containers/containers.conf
ADD $_REPO_URL/podman-containers.conf /home/podman/.config/containers/containers.conf
RUN mkdir -p /home/podman/.local/share/containers && \
chown podman:podman -R /home/podman && \
chmod 644 /etc/containers/containers.conf
# Copy & modify the defaults to provide reference if runtime changes needed.
# Changes here are required for running with fuse-overlay storage inside container.
RUN sed -e 's|^#mount_program|mount_program|g' \
-e '/additionalimage.*/a "/var/lib/shared",' \
-e 's|^mountopt[[:space:]]*=.*$|mountopt = "nodev,fsync=0"|g' \
/usr/share/containers/storage.conf \
> /etc/containers/storage.conf
# Setup internal Podman to pass secrets/subscriptions down from host to internal container
RUN printf '/run/secrets/etc-pki-entitlement:/run/secrets/etc-pki-entitlement\n/run/secrets/rhsm:/run/secrets/rhsm\n' > /etc/containers/mounts.conf
# Note VOLUME options must always happen after the chown call above
# RUN commands can not modify existing volumes
VOLUME /var/lib/containers
VOLUME /home/podman/.local/share/containers
RUN mkdir -p /var/lib/shared/overlay-images \
/var/lib/shared/overlay-layers \
/var/lib/shared/vfs-images \
/var/lib/shared/vfs-layers && \
touch /var/lib/shared/overlay-images/images.lock && \
touch /var/lib/shared/overlay-layers/layers.lock && \
touch /var/lib/shared/vfs-images/images.lock && \
touch /var/lib/shared/vfs-layers/layers.lock