Clean up more language for inclusiveness

We had a number of references, mostly in docs, to the word master that
can now be changed to main.  This PR does that and makes the project a
bit more inclusive.


Signed-off-by: tomsweeneyredhat <>
tomsweeneyredhat 2023-01-21 20:16:45 -05:00
parent 8be5cea126
commit 9db657f40c
17 changed files with 35 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ branches, which you may occasionally see [red bars on the status graph
When the graph shows mostly green bars on the right, it's a good indication
the master branch is currently stable. Alternating red/green bars is indicative
the main branch is currently stable. Alternating red/green bars is indicative
of a testing "flake", and should be examined (anybody can do this):
* *One or a small handful of tests, on a single task, (i.e. specific distro/version)

View File

@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ storage differences, you can not see Podman containers from within Buildah or vi
In short, Buildah is an efficient way to create OCI images while Podman allows
you to manage and maintain those images and containers in a production environment using
familiar container cli commands. For more details, see the
[Container Tools Guide](
[Container Tools Guide](
## [Podman Hello](

View File

@ -1481,7 +1481,7 @@
## 2.2.0
### Features
- Experimental support for shortname aliasing has been added. This is not enabled by default, but can be turned on by setting the environment variable `CONTAINERS_SHORT_NAME_ALIASING` to `on`. Documentation is [available here](
- Experimental support for shortname aliasing has been added. This is not enabled by default, but can be turned on by setting the environment variable `CONTAINERS_SHORT_NAME_ALIASING` to `on`. Documentation is [available here](
- Initial support has been added for the `podman network connect` and `podman network disconnect` commands, which allow existing containers to modify what networks they are connected to. At present, these commands can only be used on running containers that did not specify `--network=none` when they were created.
- The `podman run` command now supports the `--network-alias` option to set network aliases (additional names the container can be accessed at from other containers via DNS if the `dnsname` CNI plugin is in use). Aliases can also be added and removed using the new `podman network connect` and `podman network disconnect` commands. Please note that this requires a new release (v1.1.0) of the `dnsname` plugin, and will only work on newly-created CNI networks.
- The `podman generate kube` command now features support for exporting container's memory and CPU limits ([#7855](

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ standards](
Significant versions
are tagged, including *release candidates* (`rc`).
All relevant **minor** releases (`vX.Y`) have their own branches. The **latest**
development efforts occur on the *master* branch. Branches with a
development efforts occur on the *main* branch. Branches with a
*rhel* suffix are use for long-term support of downstream RHEL releases.
## Release workflow expectations
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ development efforts occur on the *master* branch. Branches with a
## Major (***X***.y.z) release
These releases always begin from *master*, and are contained in a branch
These releases always begin from *main*, and are contained in a branch
named with the **major** and **minor** version. **Major** release branches
begin in a *release candidate* phase, with prospective release tags being
created with an `-rc` suffix. There may be multiple *release candidate*
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ tags before the final/official **major** version is tagged and released.
## Significant minor (x.**Y**.z) and patch (x.y.**Z**) releases
Significant **minor** and **patch** level releases are normally
branched from *master*, but there are occsaional exceptions.
branched from *main*, but there are occsaional exceptions.
Additionally, these branches may be named with `-rhel` (or another)
suffix to signify a specialized purpose. For example, `-rhel` indicates
a release intended for downstream *RHEL* consumption.
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ spelled with complete minutiae.
processing of release notes. Ensure your local clone is fully up to
date with the remote upstream (`git remote update`).
1. Check out (create) a local working branch for a release-notes PR,
based on the latest `upstream/master` or pre-existing version-named
based on the latest `upstream/main` or pre-existing version-named
branch - for example, if this is an additional *release-candidate*
you might use `vX.Y.Z-rc2`; **Note** this is a local branch name,
an upstream branch would never contain the `-rc?` suffix.
@ -94,14 +94,14 @@ spelled with complete minutiae.
actual version numbers).
1. Push your working branch to your github fork and create a new pull request.
* ***Ensure*** you properly select the base branch if not *master*.
* ***Ensure*** you properly select the base branch if not *main*.
For example, `vX.y.Z`.
* ***Before submitting*** the new PR, update the title with the
prefix `[CI:DOCS]` to avoid triggering lengthy automated testing.
1. If this is a release on a pre-existing version-named branch
(e.x. *release-candidate* or `-rhel`), open another PR against
the upstream *master* branch. This is needed to ensure the new
the upstream *main* branch. This is needed to ensure the new
notes are present for future releases.
@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ spelled with complete minutiae.
release, and no new features land after the *release-candidate* phases
are complete.
1. Ensure your local clone is fully up to date with the remote upstream
(`git remote update`). Switch to this branch (`git checkout upstream/master`).
1. Make a new local branch for the release based on *master*. For example,
(`git remote update`). Switch to this branch (`git checkout upstream/main`).
1. Make a new local branch for the release based on *main*. For example,
`git checkout -b vX.Y`. Where `X.Y` represent the complete release
version-name, including any suffix (if any) like `-rhel`. ***DO NOT***
include any `-rc` suffix in the branch name.
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ spelled with complete minutiae.
failures. This can be done by going directly to
1. If there are CI test or automation boops that need fixing on the branch,
attend to them using normal PR process (to *master* first, then backport
attend to them using normal PR process (to *main* first, then backport
changes to the new branch). Ideally, CI should be "green" on the new
branch before proceeding.
@ -220,15 +220,15 @@ spelled with complete minutiae.
"View All Tasks".
1. Keep this page open to monitor its progress and for use in future steps.
1. Bump master `-dev` version
1. Bump main `-dev` version
1. If you made a release branch and bumped **major** or **minor** version
Complete the "Update version numbers and push tag" steps above on the
*master* branch. Bump the **minor** version and set the **patch**
version to 0. For example, after pushing the v2.2.0 release, *master*
*main* branch. Bump the **minor** version and set the **patch**
version to 0. For example, after pushing the v2.2.0 release, *main*
should be set to v2.3.0-dev.
1. Create a "Bump to vX.Y.Z-dev" commit with these changes.
1. Bump the version number in `` (still on on *master*)
1. Bump the version number in `` (still on on *main*)
to reflect the new release. Commit these changes.
1. Create a PR with the above commits, and oversee it's merging.

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@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
| [podman-image-sign(1)]( | Create a signature for an image |
| [podman-image-tree(1)]( | Prints layer hierarchy of an image in a tree format |
| [podman-image-trust(1)]( | Manage container registry image trust policy |
| [podman-images(1)]( | List images in local storage | [![...](/docs/source/markdown/play.png)]( | [Here]( |
| [podman-images(1)]( | List images in local storage | [![...](/docs/source/markdown/play.png)]( | [Here]( |
| [podman-import(1)]( | Import a tarball and save it as a filesystem image |
| [podman-info(1)]( | Displays Podman related system information |
| [podman-init(1)]( | Initialize one or more containers |
| [podman-inspect(1)]( | Display a container or image's configuration | [![...](/docs/source/markdown/play.png)]( | [Here]( |
| [podman-inspect(1)]( | Display a container or image's configuration | [![...](/docs/source/markdown/play.png)]( | [Here]( |
| [podman-kill(1)]( | Kill the main process in one or more running containers |
| [podman-load(1)]( | Load an image from a container image archive into container storage |
| [podman-login(1)]( | Login to a container registry |
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
| [podman-network-inspect(1)]( | Displays the network configuration for one or more networks |
| [podman-network-ls(1)]( | Display a summary of networks |
| [podman-network-rm(1)]( | Remove one or more networks |
| [podman-pause(1)]( | Pause one or more running containers | [![...](/docs/source/markdown/play.png)]( | [Here]( |
| [podman-pause(1)]( | Pause one or more running containers | [![...](/docs/source/markdown/play.png)]( | [Here]( |
| [podman-play(1)]( | Play a pod |
| [podman-play-kube(1)]( | Create pods and containers based on Kubernetes YAML |
| [podman-pod(1)]( | Manage pods |
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
| [podman-tag(1)]( | Add an additional name to a local image | [![...](/docs/source/markdown/play.png)]( |
| [podman-top(1)]( | Display the running processes of a container |
| [podman-unmount(1)]( | Unmount a working container's root filesystem |
| [podman-unpause(1)]( | Unpause one or more containers | [![...](/docs/source/markdown/play.png)]( | [Here]( |
| [podman-unpause(1)]( | Unpause one or more containers | [![...](/docs/source/markdown/play.png)]( | [Here]( |
| [podman-unshare(1)]( | Run a command inside of a modified user namespace |
| [podman-version(1)]( | Display the Podman version information |
| [podman-volume(1)]( | Manage Volumes |

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ function branch_dance() {
# Try to leave things in relatively clean state; remove local branch copy
local tracking_branch=$(git branch --show-current)
git checkout master
git checkout main
git branch -d $tracking_branch

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<h1 align="center">
<img src="" alt="podman">
<img src="" alt="podman">
<br />
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ distributions.</p>
Snapcrafters ([join us](
are working to land snap install documentation and
the [snapcraft.yaml](
the [snapcraft.yaml](
upstream so `podman` can authoritatively publish future releases.
- [x] Fork the [Snapcrafters template]( repository to your own GitHub account.

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Many manpages include the OPTIONS **--all**, **-a** and/or **--latest**, **-l**.
Example for the first sentence: **podman command** is an example command.
Commands or files that are quoted from other podman manpages or podman repositories have to be linked to those. Non-podman commands are not to be linked.\
Example sentence: Use **[podman-run](** or **[containers.conf(5)](** for the problem.
Example sentence: Use **[podman-run](** or **[containers.conf(5)](** for the problem.
It should also be specified if the command can only be run as root. In addition, it should be described when a command, OPTION, or other content cannot be executed with the remote client or in combination with other commands, OPTIONS, or content. In this case, the following sentence is put at the end of a command, OPTION, or content:\
*IMPORTANT: This command/OPTION/content is not available with the command/OPTION/content/on the remote Podman client.*\

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ podman\-attach - Attach to a running container
**podman attach** attaches to a running *container* using the *container's name* or *ID*, to either view its ongoing output or to control it interactively.\
The *container* can be detached from (and leave it running) using a configurable key sequence. The default sequence is `ctrl-p,ctrl-q`. Configure the keys sequence using the **--detach-keys** OPTION, or specifying it in the `containers.conf` file: see **[containers.conf(5)](** for more information.
The *container* can be detached from (and leave it running) using a configurable key sequence. The default sequence is `ctrl-p,ctrl-q`. Configure the keys sequence using the **--detach-keys** OPTION, or specifying it in the `containers.conf` file: see **[containers.conf(5)](** for more information.
@@option detach-keys
@ -47,4 +47,4 @@ $ podman attach --no-stdin foobar
**[podman(1)](**, **[podman-exec(1)](**, **[podman-run(1)](**, **[containers.conf(5)](**
**[podman(1)](**, **[podman-exec(1)](**, **[podman-run(1)](**, **[containers.conf(5)](**

View File

@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ When using the `useradd` command within the build script, pass the
useradd to stop creating the lastlog file.
**[podman(1)](**, **[buildah(1)](**, **[containers-certs.d(5)](**, **[containers-registries.conf(5)](**, **[crun(1)](**, **[runc(8)](**, **[useradd(8)](**, **[podman-ps(1)](**, **[podman-rm(1)](**, **[Containerfile(5)](**, **[containerignore(5)](**
**[podman(1)](**, **[buildah(1)](**, **[containers-certs.d(5)](**, **[containers-registries.conf(5)](**, **[crun(1)](**, **[runc(8)](**, **[useradd(8)](**, **[podman-ps(1)](**, **[podman-rm(1)](**, **[Containerfile(5)](**, **[containerignore(5)](**
Aug 2020, Additional options and .containerignore added by Dan Walsh `<>`

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ $ podman container runlabel --display run foobar
**[podman(1)](**, **[crun(1)](**, **[runc(8)](**, **[containers-certs.d(5)](**, **[containers-auth.json(5)](**, **[containers-registries.conf(5)](**
**[podman(1)](**, **[crun(1)](**, **[runc(8)](**, **[containers-certs.d(5)](**, **[containers-auth.json(5)](**, **[containers-registries.conf(5)](**
August 2021, Refinements by Valentin Rothberg (rothberg at redhat dot com)

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Podman supports two network backends [Netavark](
and [CNI]( Netavark is the default network backend and was added in Podman v4.0. CNI will be
deprecated in the future in preference of Netavark. To configure
the network backend use the `network_backend`key under the `[Network]` in
New systems should use netavark by default, to check what backed is used run
`podman info --format {{.Host.NetworkBackend}}`.

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ The time until the session expires in _seconds_. The default is 5
seconds. A value of `0` means no timeout, therefore the session will not expire.
The default timeout can be changed via the `service_timeout=VALUE` field in containers.conf.
See **[containers.conf(5)](** for more information.
See **[containers.conf(5)](** for more information.
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ podman system service --time 5
**[podman(1)](**, **[podman-system-connection(1)](**, **[containers.conf(5)](**
**[podman(1)](**, **[podman-system-connection(1)](**, **[containers.conf(5)](**
January 2020, Originally compiled by Brent Baude `<>`

View File

@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ The Network File System (NFS) and other distributed file systems (for example: L
For more information, please refer to the [Podman Troubleshooting Page](
**[containers-mounts.conf(5)](**, **[containers.conf(5)](**, **[containers-registries.conf(5)](**, **[containers-storage.conf(5)](**, **[buildah(1)](**, **oci-hooks(5)**, **[containers-policy.json(5)](**, **[crun(1)](**, **[runc(8)](**, **[subuid(5)](**, **[subgid(5)](**, **[slirp4netns(1)](**, **[pasta(1)](**, **[conmon(8)](**
**[containers-mounts.conf(5)](**, **[containers.conf(5)](**, **[containers-registries.conf(5)](**, **[containers-storage.conf(5)](**, **[buildah(1)](**, **oci-hooks(5)**, **[containers-policy.json(5)](**, **[crun(1)](**, **[runc(8)](**, **[subuid(5)](**, **[subgid(5)](**, **[slirp4netns(1)](**, **[pasta(1)](**, **[conmon(8)](**
Dec 2016, Originally compiled by Dan Walsh <>

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Basic Networking Guide for Podman
It seems once people master the basics of containers, networking is one of the first
It seems once people understand the basics of containers, networking is one of the first
aspects they begin experimenting with. And regarding networking, it takes very
little experimentation before ending up on the deep end of the pool. The following
guide shows the most common network setups for Podman rootful and rootless containers.

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@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ no longer there.
* Inspect the error message(s) from `apply-podman-deltas`. Each message will list a specific `@test` name.
* Look at the diffs in `tests/bud.bats` between master and your PR. (I'm really sorry; there's no quick easy command-line way to do that. You will need a checked-out buildah tree, and you will need to know the old and new buildah tags).
* Look at the diffs in `tests/bud.bats` between main and your PR. (I'm really sorry; there's no quick easy command-line way to do that. You will need a checked-out buildah tree, and you will need to know the old and new buildah tags).
* In those diffs, look for changes related to each `@test` listed as an error. For example, a test being renamed or even removed.
* Update `test/buildah-bud/apply-podman-deltas` accordingly.

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@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Toolbox-specific testing", func() {
var session *PodmanSessionIntegration
// These should be most of the switches that Toolbox uses to create a "toolbox" container
session = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"create",
"--log-driver", "k8s-file",
"--dns", "none",