CVE-2024-1753 fix for main

Bump to the version of Buidah in it's main branch to get the
CVE-2024-1753 fix.


Signed-off-by: tomsweeneyredhat <>
tomsweeneyredhat 2024-03-18 16:30:00 -04:00
parent 8a643c243e
commit 079bfb085a
72 changed files with 838 additions and 2056 deletions

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@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ require ( v4.0.0 v1.0.4 v1.1.0 v7.0.0 v7.1.0 v1.4.0 v1.35.0 v0.58.0 v1.35.1-0.20240318192459-e64e6cc09dfd v0.58.1-0.20240318131753-6f1c96f53a78 v2.0.20+incompatible v0.7.3 v5.30.0
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ require ( v0.2.4 v0.0.0-20230711162256-2e3d0186973e v2.8.3+incompatible v25.0.3+incompatible v25.0.4+incompatible v0.5.0 v0.0.0-20211224144127-6eecb7beb651 v0.5.0
@ -216,8 +216,8 @@ require ( v0.3.0 // indirect v0.18.0 // indirect v1.6.8 // indirect v0.0.0-20231212172506-995d672761c0 // indirect v1.61.0 // indirect v0.0.0-20240123012728-ef4313101c80 // indirect v1.62.0 // indirect v2.6.3 // indirect v2.2.1 // indirect v1.0.0-20141024135613-dd632973f1e7 // indirect

View File

@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ v0.2.1/go.mod h1:f6KPmirojxKA v2.2.0 h1:DC2CZ1Ep5Y4k3ZQ899DldepgrayRUGE6BBZ/cd9Cj44= v1.1.0 h1:plS/2zBzbAXO6DH/H+TqD7ZGhz8iQVb+NLgsOJSTWaw= v1.1.0/go.mod h1:DtPd9M4bt/jdt+7DodFxm0lrzdevabk3cbni/FL4BY0= v7.0.0 h1:R4UF/njKOuq8ooG7naFGsCeKsjv5j+rIhgFgSSeC2KY= v7.0.0/go.mod h1:xD1v3cPww1QYpJR3+XTTdC8hYubPnptIPsT1daXhbr4= v7.1.0 h1:JbQyO4o+P8ycNTMLPiiDqXg49bAcy4WljWCzYQho35A= v7.1.0/go.mod h1:1svAtmbtvX4BKI45OFzgoTTLG7oYFKdColv/Vcsb2A8= v0.0.0-20211019084208-fb5309c8db06/go.mod h1:DH46F32mSOjUmXrMHnKwZdA8wcEefY7UVqBKYGjpdQY= v0.0.0-20221115062448-fe3a3abad311/go.mod h1:b583jCggY9gE99b6G5LEC39OIiVsWj+R97kbl5odCEk= v0.0.0-20230717121745-296ad89f973d h1:77cEq6EriyTZ0g/qfRdp61a3Uu/AWrgIq2s0ClJV1g0=
@ -74,10 +74,10 @@ v1.1.2 h1:wtRGZVv7olUHMOqouPpn3cXJWpJgM6+EUl3 v1.1.2/go.mod h1:sDpYKmGVENF3s6uvMvGgldDWeG8dMxakj/u+i9ht9vw= v1.4.0 h1:+w22VPYgk7nQHw7KT92lsRmuToHvb7wwSv9iTbXzzic= v1.4.0/go.mod h1:UYhcOyjefnrQvKvmmyEKsUA+M9Nfn7tqULPpH0Pkcj0= v1.35.0 h1:ayjY3TLmDG9mF/eqgub6TorEJbrR+H5UVcpWRlBLcas= v1.35.0/go.mod h1:vVSVUlTu8+99H5j43gBJscpkb/quZvdJg78+6X1HeTM= v0.58.0 h1:iQuwMxDD4ubZ9s1tmgdsiaHxMU4TdVBpV6kctJc6Bk8= v0.58.0/go.mod h1:l3vMqanJGj7tZ3W/i76gEJ128VXgFUO1tLaohJXPvdk= v1.35.1-0.20240318192459-e64e6cc09dfd h1:QVUSJsMYYUIQmMi+PU9NYXpbk/lgz0Xx6/naihFHFBQ= v1.35.1-0.20240318192459-e64e6cc09dfd/go.mod h1:kJEmpENlkUrZ39k4jVJC9RxDNH30qxSsfEOar4la8Ec= v0.58.1-0.20240318131753-6f1c96f53a78 h1:EObLO2IA9zAuRp2Qtf6/siVjxlxE2J8KvtS4H2Q47bc= v0.58.1-0.20240318131753-6f1c96f53a78/go.mod h1:axvr7QuM6sjs/nwukYpNvSgjE5/T2i6l+UhsKLgOvuI= v2.0.20+incompatible h1:YbCVSFSCqFjjVwHTPINGdMX1F6JXHGTUje2ZYobNrkg= v2.0.20+incompatible/go.mod h1:hgwZ2mtuDrppv78a/cOBNiCm6O0UMWGx1mu7P00nu5I= v0.7.3 h1:yORnf15sP+sLFhxLNLgmB5/lOhldn9dRMHx/tmYtSOQ=
@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ v0.5.0/go.mod h1:BbU0aIcezP1/5jX/8MP0YiH4SdvB5 v25.0.3+incompatible h1:KLeNs7zws74oFuVhgZQ5ONGZiXUUdgsdy6/EsX/6284= v2.8.3+incompatible h1:AtKxIZ36LoNK51+Z6RpzLpddBirtxJnzDrHLEKxTAYk= v2.8.3+incompatible/go.mod h1:J2gT2udsDAN96Uj4KfcMRqY0/ypR+oyYUYmja8H+y+w= v25.0.3+incompatible h1:D5fy/lYmY7bvZa0XTZ5/UJPljor41F+vdyJG5luQLfQ= v25.0.3+incompatible/go.mod h1:eEKB0N0r5NX/I1kEveEz05bcu8tLC/8azJZsviup8Sk= v25.0.4+incompatible h1:XITZTrq+52tZyZxUOtFIahUf3aH367FLxJzt9vZeAF8= v25.0.4+incompatible/go.mod h1:eEKB0N0r5NX/I1kEveEz05bcu8tLC/8azJZsviup8Sk= v0.8.1 h1:j/eKUktUltBtMzKqmfLB0PAgqYyMHOp5vfsD1807oKo= v0.8.1/go.mod h1:P3ci7E3lwkZg6XiHdRKft1KckHiO9a2rNtyFbZ/ry9M= v0.5.0 h1:USnMq7hx7gwdVZq1L49hLXaFtUdTADjXGp+uj1Br63c=
@ -788,17 +788,17 @@ v1.6.8/go.mod h1:1jJ3jBArFh5pcgW8gCtRJnepW8FzD1V44FJ v0.0.0-20180817151627-c66870c02cf8/go.mod h1:JiN7NxoALGmiZfu7CAH4rXhgtRTLTxftemlI0sWmxmc= v0.0.0-20190819201941-24fa4b261c55/go.mod h1:DMBHOl98Agz4BDEuKkezgsaosCRResVns1a3J2ZsMNc= v0.0.0-20200526211855-cb27e3aa2013/go.mod h1:NbSheEEYHJ7i3ixzK3sjbqSGDJWnxyFXZblF3eUsNvo= v0.0.0-20231211222908-989df2bf70f3 h1:1hfbdAfFbkmpg41000wDVqr7jUpK/Yo+LPnIxxGzmkg= v0.0.0-20231106174013-bbf56f31fb17 h1:JpwMPBpFN3uKhdaekDpiNlImDdkUAyiJ6ez/uxGaUSo= v0.0.0-20231212172506-995d672761c0 h1:/jFB8jK5R3Sq3i/lmeZO0cATSzFfZaJq1J2Euan3XKU= v0.0.0-20231212172506-995d672761c0/go.mod h1:FUoWkonphQm3RhTS+kOEhF8h0iDpm4tdXolVCeZ9KKA= v0.0.0-20240123012728-ef4313101c80 h1:KAeGQVN3M9nD0/bQXnr/ClcEMJ968gUXJQ9pwfSynuQ= v0.0.0-20240123012728-ef4313101c80 h1:Lj5rbfG876hIAYFjqiJnPHfhXbv+nzTWfm04Fg/XSVU= v0.0.0-20240123012728-ef4313101c80 h1:AjyfHzEPEFp/NpvfN5g+KDla3EMojjhRVZc1i7cj+oM= v0.0.0-20240123012728-ef4313101c80/go.mod h1:PAREbraiVEVGVdTZsVWjSbbTtSyGbAgIIvni8a8CD5s= v1.19.0/go.mod h1:mqu4LbDTu4XGKhr4mRzUsmM4RtVoemTSY81AxZiDr8c= v1.23.0/go.mod h1:Y5yQAOtifL1yxbo5wqy6BxZv8vAUGQwXBOALyacEbxg= v1.25.1/go.mod h1:c3i+UQWmh7LiEpx4sFZnkU36qjEYZ0imhYfXVyQciAY= v1.27.0/go.mod h1:qbnxyOmOxrQa7FizSgH+ReBfzJrCY1pSN7KXBS8abTk= v1.33.2/go.mod h1:JMHMWHQWaTccqQQlmk3MJZS+GWXOdAesneDmEnv2fbc= v1.61.0 h1:TOvOcuXn30kRao+gfcvsebNEa5iZIiLkisYEkf7R7o0= v1.61.0/go.mod h1:VUbo7IFqmF1QtCAstipjG0GIoq49KvMe9+h1jFLBNJs= v1.62.0 h1:HQKZ/fa1bXkX1oFOvSjmZEUL8wLSaZTjCcLAlmZRtdk= v1.62.0/go.mod h1:IWTG0VlJLCh1SkC58F7np9ka9mx/WNkjl4PGJaiq+QE= v0.0.0-20200109180630-ec00e32a8dfd/go.mod h1:DFci5gLYBciE7Vtevhsrf46CRTquxDuWsQurQQe4oz8= v0.0.0-20200221191635-4d8936d0db64/go.mod h1:kwYJMbMJ01Woi6D6+Kah6886xMZcty6N08ah7+eCXa0= v0.0.0-20200228230310-ab0ca4ff8a60/go.mod h1:cfTl7dwQJ+fmap5saPgwCLgHXTUD7jkjRqWcaiX5VyM=

View File

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ The following table shows the relation between go-criu and criu versions:
| Major version | Latest release | CRIU version |
| -------------- | -------------- | ------------ |
| v7             | 7.0.0         | 3.18         |
| v7             | 7.1.0         | 3.18         |
| v6             | 6.3.0         | 3.17         |
| v5             | 5.3.0         | 3.16         |
| v5             | 5.0.0         | 3.15         |

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
- "test"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package criu
import (
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ func (c *Criu) FeatureCheck(features *rpc.CriuFeatures) (*rpc.CriuFeatures, erro
if resp.GetType() != rpc.CriuReqType_FEATURE_CHECK {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected CRIU RPC response")
return nil, errors.New("unexpected CRIU RPC response")
return features, nil

View File

@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ func (c *Criu) StartPageServerChld(opts *rpc.CriuOpts) (int, int, error) {
return 0, 0, err
return int(resp.Ps.GetPid()), int(resp.Ps.GetPort()), nil
return int(resp.GetPs().GetPid()), int(resp.GetPs().GetPort()), nil
// GetCriuVersion executes the VERSION RPC call and returns the version
@ -230,22 +230,22 @@ func (c *Criu) GetCriuVersion() (int, error) {
if resp.GetType() != rpc.CriuReqType_VERSION {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unexpected CRIU RPC response")
return 0, errors.New("unexpected CRIU RPC response")
version := int(*resp.GetVersion().MajorNumber) * 10000
version += int(*resp.GetVersion().MinorNumber) * 100
if resp.GetVersion().Sublevel != nil {
version += int(*resp.GetVersion().Sublevel)
version := resp.GetVersion().GetMajorNumber() * 10000
version += resp.GetVersion().GetMinorNumber() * 100
if resp.GetVersion().GetSublevel() != 0 {
version += resp.GetVersion().GetSublevel()
if resp.GetVersion().Gitid != nil {
if resp.GetVersion().GetGitid() != "" {
// taken from runc: if it is a git release -> increase minor by 1
version -= (version % 100)
version += 100
return version, nil
return int(version), nil
// IsCriuAtLeast checks if the version is at least the same

View File

@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ Dockerfile*

View File

@ -218,5 +218,13 @@ lint:
# CAUTION: This is not a replacement for RPMs provided by your distro.
# Only intended to build and test the latest unreleased changes.
.PHONY: rpm
rpkg local
rpm: ## Build rpm packages
$(MAKE) -C rpm
# Remember that rpms install exec to /usr/bin/buildah while a `make install`
# installs them to /usr/local/bin/buildah which is likely before. Always use
# a full path to test installed buildah or you risk to call another executable.
.PHONY: rpm-install
rpm-install: package ## Install rpm packages
$(call err_if_empty,PKG_MANAGER) -y install rpm/RPMS/*/*.rpm
/usr/bin/buildah version

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ const (
// identify working containers.
Package = "buildah"
// Version for the Package. Also used by for Packit builds.
Version = "1.35.0"
Version = "1.36.0-dev"
// DefaultRuntime if containers.conf fails.
DefaultRuntime = "runc"

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
internalParse ""
@ -189,7 +190,11 @@ func GetBindMount(ctx *types.SystemContext, args []string, contextDir string, st
// buildkit parity: support absolute path for sources from current build context
if contextDir != "" {
// path should be /contextDir/specified path
newMount.Source = filepath.Join(contextDir, filepath.Clean(string(filepath.Separator)+newMount.Source))
evaluated, err := copier.Eval(contextDir, newMount.Source, copier.EvalOptions{})
if err != nil {
return newMount, "", err
newMount.Source = evaluated
} else {
// looks like its coming from `build run --mount=type=bind` allow using absolute path
// error out if no source is set

View File

@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ package buildah
import (
@ -207,3 +209,12 @@ type IDMaps struct {
processUID int
processGID int
// netResult type to hold network info for hosts/resolv.conf
type netResult struct {
entries etchosts.HostEntries
dnsServers []string
excludeIPs []net.IP
ipv6 bool
keepHostResolvers bool

View File

@ -55,50 +55,13 @@ import (
// addResolvConf copies files from host and sets them up to bind mount into container
func (b *Builder) addResolvConf(rdir string, chownOpts *idtools.IDPair, dnsServers, dnsSearch, dnsOptions []string, namespaces []specs.LinuxNamespace) (string, error) {
defaultConfig, err := config.Default()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to get config: %w", err)
nameservers := make([]string, 0, len(defaultConfig.Containers.DNSServers.Get())+len(dnsServers))
nameservers = append(nameservers, defaultConfig.Containers.DNSServers.Get()...)
nameservers = append(nameservers, dnsServers...)
keepHostServers := false
// special check for slirp ip
if len(nameservers) == 0 && b.Isolation == IsolationOCIRootless {
for _, ns := range namespaces {
if ns.Type == specs.NetworkNamespace && ns.Path == "" {
keepHostServers = true
// if we are using slirp4netns, also add the built-in DNS server.
logrus.Debugf("adding slirp4netns built-in DNS server")
nameservers = append([]string{""}, nameservers...)
searches := make([]string, 0, len(defaultConfig.Containers.DNSSearches.Get())+len(dnsSearch))
searches = append(searches, defaultConfig.Containers.DNSSearches.Get()...)
searches = append(searches, dnsSearch...)
options := make([]string, 0, len(defaultConfig.Containers.DNSOptions.Get())+len(dnsOptions))
options = append(options, defaultConfig.Containers.DNSOptions.Get()...)
options = append(options, dnsOptions...)
func (b *Builder) createResolvConf(rdir string, chownOpts *idtools.IDPair) (string, error) {
cfile := filepath.Join(rdir, "resolv.conf")
if err := resolvconf.New(&resolvconf.Params{
Path: cfile,
Namespaces: namespaces,
IPv6Enabled: true, // TODO we should check if we have ipv6
KeepHostServers: keepHostServers,
Nameservers: nameservers,
Searches: searches,
Options: options,
}); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("building resolv.conf for container %s: %w", b.ContainerID, err)
f, err := os.Create(cfile)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer f.Close()
uid := 0
gid := 0
@ -106,7 +69,7 @@ func (b *Builder) addResolvConf(rdir string, chownOpts *idtools.IDPair, dnsServe
uid = chownOpts.UID
gid = chownOpts.GID
if err = os.Chown(cfile, uid, gid); err != nil {
if err = f.Chown(uid, gid); err != nil {
return "", err
@ -116,57 +79,61 @@ func (b *Builder) addResolvConf(rdir string, chownOpts *idtools.IDPair, dnsServe
return cfile, nil
// generateHosts creates a containers hosts file
func (b *Builder) generateHosts(rdir string, chownOpts *idtools.IDPair, imageRoot string, spec *specs.Spec) (string, error) {
conf, err := config.Default()
// addResolvConf copies files from host and sets them up to bind mount into container
func (b *Builder) addResolvConfEntries(file string, networkNameServer []string,
namespaces []specs.LinuxNamespace, keepHostServers, ipv6 bool) error {
defaultConfig, err := config.Default()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get config: %w", err)
path, err := etchosts.GetBaseHostFile(conf.Containers.BaseHostsFile, imageRoot)
if err != nil {
return "", err
dnsServers, dnsSearch, dnsOptions := b.CommonBuildOpts.DNSServers, b.CommonBuildOpts.DNSSearch, b.CommonBuildOpts.DNSOptions
nameservers := make([]string, 0, len(defaultConfig.Containers.DNSServers.Get())+len(dnsServers))
nameservers = append(nameservers, defaultConfig.Containers.DNSServers.Get()...)
nameservers = append(nameservers, dnsServers...)
searches := make([]string, 0, len(defaultConfig.Containers.DNSSearches.Get())+len(dnsSearch))
searches = append(searches, defaultConfig.Containers.DNSSearches.Get()...)
searches = append(searches, dnsSearch...)
options := make([]string, 0, len(defaultConfig.Containers.DNSOptions.Get())+len(dnsOptions))
options = append(options, defaultConfig.Containers.DNSOptions.Get()...)
options = append(options, dnsOptions...)
if len(nameservers) == 0 {
nameservers = networkNameServer
var entries etchosts.HostEntries
isHost := true
if spec.Linux != nil {
for _, ns := range spec.Linux.Namespaces {
if ns.Type == specs.NetworkNamespace {
isHost = false
// add host entry for local ip when running in host network
if spec.Hostname != "" && isHost {
ip := netUtil.GetLocalIP()
if ip != "" {
entries = append(entries, etchosts.HostEntry{
Names: []string{spec.Hostname},
IP: ip,
targetfile := filepath.Join(rdir, "hosts")
if err := etchosts.New(&etchosts.Params{
BaseFile: path,
ExtraHosts: b.CommonBuildOpts.AddHost,
HostContainersInternalIP: etchosts.GetHostContainersInternalIP(conf, nil, nil),
TargetFile: targetfile,
ContainerIPs: entries,
if err := resolvconf.New(&resolvconf.Params{
Path: file,
Namespaces: namespaces,
IPv6Enabled: ipv6,
KeepHostServers: keepHostServers,
Nameservers: nameservers,
Searches: searches,
Options: options,
}); err != nil {
return "", err
return fmt.Errorf("building resolv.conf for container %s: %w", b.ContainerID, err)
return nil
// createHostsFile creates a containers hosts file
func (b *Builder) createHostsFile(rdir string, chownOpts *idtools.IDPair) (string, error) {
targetfile := filepath.Join(rdir, "hosts")
f, err := os.Create(targetfile)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer f.Close()
uid := 0
gid := 0
if chownOpts != nil {
uid = chownOpts.UID
gid = chownOpts.GID
if err = os.Chown(targetfile, uid, gid); err != nil {
if err := f.Chown(uid, gid); err != nil {
return "", err
if err := relabel(targetfile, b.MountLabel, false); err != nil {
@ -176,6 +143,25 @@ func (b *Builder) generateHosts(rdir string, chownOpts *idtools.IDPair, imageRoo
return targetfile, nil
func (b *Builder) addHostsEntries(file, imageRoot string, entries etchosts.HostEntries, exculde []net.IP) error {
conf, err := config.Default()
if err != nil {
return err
base, err := etchosts.GetBaseHostFile(conf.Containers.BaseHostsFile, imageRoot)
if err != nil {
return err
return etchosts.New(&etchosts.Params{
BaseFile: base,
ExtraHosts: b.CommonBuildOpts.AddHost,
HostContainersInternalIP: etchosts.GetHostContainersInternalIPExcluding(conf, nil, nil, exculde),
TargetFile: file,
ContainerIPs: entries,
// generateHostname creates a containers /etc/hostname file
func (b *Builder) generateHostname(rdir, hostname string, chownOpts *idtools.IDPair) (string, error) {
var err error
@ -354,6 +340,27 @@ func getNetworkInterface(store storage.Store, cniConfDir, cniPluginPath string)
return netInt, nil
func netStatusToNetResult(netStatus map[string]netTypes.StatusBlock, hostnames []string) *netResult {
result := &netResult{
keepHostResolvers: false,
for _, status := range netStatus {
for _, dns := range status.DNSServerIPs {
result.dnsServers = append(result.dnsServers, dns.String())
for _, netInt := range status.Interfaces {
for _, netAddress := range netInt.Subnets {
e := etchosts.HostEntry{IP: netAddress.IPNet.IP.String(), Names: hostnames}
result.entries = append(result.entries, e)
if !result.ipv6 && netUtil.IsIPv6(netAddress.IPNet.IP) {
result.ipv6 = true
return result
// DefaultNamespaceOptions returns the default namespace settings from the
// runtime-tools generator library.
func DefaultNamespaceOptions() (define.NamespaceOptions, error) {
@ -1122,7 +1129,7 @@ func runUsingRuntimeMain() {
func (b *Builder) runUsingRuntimeSubproc(isolation define.Isolation, options RunOptions, configureNetwork bool, networkString string,
moreCreateArgs []string, spec *specs.Spec, rootPath, bundlePath, containerName, buildContainerName, hostsFile string) (err error) {
moreCreateArgs []string, spec *specs.Spec, rootPath, bundlePath, containerName, buildContainerName, hostsFile, resolvFile string) (err error) {
// Lock the caller to a single OS-level thread.
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
@ -1227,7 +1234,7 @@ func (b *Builder) runUsingRuntimeSubproc(isolation define.Isolation, options Run
return fmt.Errorf("parsing pid %s as a number: %w", string(pidValue), err)
teardown, netstatus, err := b.runConfigureNetwork(pid, isolation, options, networkString, containerName)
teardown, netResult, err := b.runConfigureNetwork(pid, isolation, options, networkString, containerName, []string{spec.Hostname, buildContainerName})
if teardown != nil {
defer teardown()
@ -1237,9 +1244,14 @@ func (b *Builder) runUsingRuntimeSubproc(isolation define.Isolation, options Run
// only add hosts if we manage the hosts file
if hostsFile != "" {
entries := etchosts.GetNetworkHostEntries(netstatus, spec.Hostname, buildContainerName)
// make sure to sync this with (b *Builder) generateHosts()
err = etchosts.Add(hostsFile, entries)
err = b.addHostsEntries(hostsFile, rootPath, netResult.entries, netResult.excludeIPs)
if err != nil {
return err
if resolvFile != "" {
err = b.addResolvConfEntries(resolvFile, netResult.dnsServers, spec.Linux.Namespaces, netResult.keepHostResolvers, netResult.ipv6)
if err != nil {
return err

View File

@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ import (
butil ""
nettypes ""
netUtil ""
@ -202,21 +204,51 @@ func (b *Builder) Run(command []string, options RunOptions) error {
rootIDPair := &idtools.IDPair{UID: int(rootUID), GID: int(rootGID)}
hostFile := ""
hostsFile := ""
if !options.NoHosts && !slices.Contains(volumes, config.DefaultHostsFile) && options.ConfigureNetwork != define.NetworkDisabled {
hostFile, err = b.generateHosts(path, rootIDPair, mountPoint, spec)
hostsFile, err = b.createHostsFile(path, rootIDPair)
if err != nil {
return err
bindFiles[config.DefaultHostsFile] = hostFile
bindFiles[config.DefaultHostsFile] = hostsFile
// Only add entries here if we do not have to setup network,
// if we do we have to do it much later after the network setup.
if !configureNetwork {
var entries etchosts.HostEntries
// add host entry for local ip when running in host network
if spec.Hostname != "" {
ip := netUtil.GetLocalIP()
if ip != "" {
entries = append(entries, etchosts.HostEntry{
Names: []string{spec.Hostname},
IP: ip,
err = b.addHostsEntries(hostsFile, mountPoint, entries, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
resolvFile := ""
if !slices.Contains(volumes, resolvconf.DefaultResolvConf) && options.ConfigureNetwork != define.NetworkDisabled && !(len(b.CommonBuildOpts.DNSServers) == 1 && strings.ToLower(b.CommonBuildOpts.DNSServers[0]) == "none") {
resolvFile, err := b.addResolvConf(path, rootIDPair, b.CommonBuildOpts.DNSServers, b.CommonBuildOpts.DNSSearch, b.CommonBuildOpts.DNSOptions, nil)
resolvFile, err = b.createResolvConf(path, rootIDPair)
if err != nil {
return err
bindFiles[resolvconf.DefaultResolvConf] = resolvFile
// Only add entries here if we do not have to do setup network,
// if we do we have to do it much later after the network setup.
if !configureNetwork {
err = b.addResolvConfEntries(resolvFile, nil, nil, false, true)
if err != nil {
return err
runMountInfo := runMountInfo{
@ -290,7 +322,7 @@ func (b *Builder) Run(command []string, options RunOptions) error {
} else {
moreCreateArgs = nil
err = b.runUsingRuntimeSubproc(isolation, options, configureNetwork, networkString, moreCreateArgs, spec, mountPoint, path, containerName, b.Container, hostFile)
err = b.runUsingRuntimeSubproc(isolation, options, configureNetwork, networkString, moreCreateArgs, spec, mountPoint, path, containerName, b.Container, hostsFile, resolvFile)
case IsolationChroot:
err = chroot.RunUsingChroot(spec, path, homeDir, options.Stdin, options.Stdout, options.Stderr)
@ -417,7 +449,7 @@ func setupCapabilities(g *generate.Generator, defaultCapabilities, adds, drops [
return nil
func (b *Builder) runConfigureNetwork(pid int, isolation define.Isolation, options RunOptions, networkString string, containerName string) (teardown func(), netStatus map[string]nettypes.StatusBlock, err error) {
func (b *Builder) runConfigureNetwork(pid int, isolation define.Isolation, options RunOptions, networkString string, containerName string, hostnames []string) (func(), *netResult, error) {
//if isolation == IsolationOCIRootless {
//return setupRootlessNetwork(pid)
@ -451,19 +483,19 @@ func (b *Builder) runConfigureNetwork(pid int, isolation define.Isolation, optio
ContainerName: containerName,
Networks: networks,
_, err = b.NetworkInterface.Setup(mynetns, nettypes.SetupOptions{NetworkOptions: opts})
netStatus, err := b.NetworkInterface.Setup(mynetns, nettypes.SetupOptions{NetworkOptions: opts})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
teardown = func() {
teardown := func() {
err := b.NetworkInterface.Teardown(mynetns, nettypes.TeardownOptions{NetworkOptions: opts})
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("failed to cleanup network: %v", err)
return teardown, nil, nil
return teardown, netStatusToNetResult(netStatus, hostnames), nil
func setupNamespaces(logger *logrus.Logger, g *generate.Generator, namespaceOptions define.NamespaceOptions, idmapOptions define.IDMappingOptions, policy define.NetworkConfigurationPolicy) (configureNetwork bool, networkString string, configureUTS bool, err error) {

View File

@ -7,13 +7,11 @@ import (
@ -25,6 +23,7 @@ import (
butil ""
@ -260,30 +259,69 @@ func (b *Builder) Run(command []string, options RunOptions) error {
rootIDPair := &idtools.IDPair{UID: int(rootUID), GID: int(rootGID)}
hostFile := ""
hostsFile := ""
if !options.NoHosts && !slices.Contains(volumes, config.DefaultHostsFile) && options.ConfigureNetwork != define.NetworkDisabled {
hostFile, err = b.generateHosts(path, rootIDPair, mountPoint, spec)
hostsFile, err = b.createHostsFile(path, rootIDPair)
if err != nil {
return err
bindFiles[config.DefaultHostsFile] = hostFile
bindFiles[config.DefaultHostsFile] = hostsFile
// Only add entries here if we do not have to do setup network,
// if we do we have to do it much later after the network setup.
if !configureNetwork {
var entries etchosts.HostEntries
isHost := true
if spec.Linux != nil {
for _, ns := range spec.Linux.Namespaces {
if ns.Type == specs.NetworkNamespace {
isHost = false
// add host entry for local ip when running in host network
if spec.Hostname != "" && isHost {
ip := netUtil.GetLocalIP()
if ip != "" {
entries = append(entries, etchosts.HostEntry{
Names: []string{spec.Hostname},
IP: ip,
err = b.addHostsEntries(hostsFile, mountPoint, entries, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
if !options.NoHostname && !(slices.Contains(volumes, "/etc/hostname")) {
hostFile, err := b.generateHostname(path, spec.Hostname, rootIDPair)
hostnameFile, err := b.generateHostname(path, spec.Hostname, rootIDPair)
if err != nil {
return err
// Bind /etc/hostname
bindFiles["/etc/hostname"] = hostFile
bindFiles["/etc/hostname"] = hostnameFile
resolvFile := ""
if !slices.Contains(volumes, resolvconf.DefaultResolvConf) && options.ConfigureNetwork != define.NetworkDisabled && !(len(b.CommonBuildOpts.DNSServers) == 1 && strings.ToLower(b.CommonBuildOpts.DNSServers[0]) == "none") {
resolvFile, err := b.addResolvConf(path, rootIDPair, b.CommonBuildOpts.DNSServers, b.CommonBuildOpts.DNSSearch, b.CommonBuildOpts.DNSOptions, spec.Linux.Namespaces)
resolvFile, err = b.createResolvConf(path, rootIDPair)
if err != nil {
return err
bindFiles[resolvconf.DefaultResolvConf] = resolvFile
// Only add entries here if we do not have to do setup network,
// if we do we have to do it much later after the network setup.
if !configureNetwork {
err = b.addResolvConfEntries(resolvFile, nil, spec.Linux.Namespaces, false, true)
if err != nil {
return err
// Empty file, so no need to recreate if it exists
if _, ok := bindFiles["/run/.containerenv"]; !ok {
@ -362,7 +400,7 @@ rootless=%d
moreCreateArgs = append(moreCreateArgs, "--no-pivot")
err = b.runUsingRuntimeSubproc(isolation, options, configureNetwork, networkString, moreCreateArgs, spec,
mountPoint, path, define.Package+"-"+filepath.Base(path), b.Container, hostFile)
mountPoint, path, define.Package+"-"+filepath.Base(path), b.Container, hostsFile, resolvFile)
case IsolationChroot:
err = chroot.RunUsingChroot(spec, path, homeDir, options.Stdin, options.Stdout, options.Stderr)
case IsolationOCIRootless:
@ -371,7 +409,7 @@ rootless=%d
moreCreateArgs = append(moreCreateArgs, "--no-pivot")
err = b.runUsingRuntimeSubproc(isolation, options, configureNetwork, networkString, moreCreateArgs, spec,
mountPoint, path, define.Package+"-"+filepath.Base(path), b.Container, hostFile)
mountPoint, path, define.Package+"-"+filepath.Base(path), b.Container, hostsFile, resolvFile)
err = errors.New("don't know how to run this command")
@ -470,7 +508,7 @@ func addCommonOptsToSpec(commonOpts *define.CommonBuildOptions, g *generate.Gene
return nil
func setupSlirp4netnsNetwork(config *config.Config, netns, cid string, options []string) (func(), map[string]nettypes.StatusBlock, error) {
func setupSlirp4netnsNetwork(config *config.Config, netns, cid string, options, hostnames []string) (func(), *netResult, error) {
// we need the TmpDir for the slirp4netns code
if err := os.MkdirAll(config.Engine.TmpDir, 0o751); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create tempdir: %w", err)
@ -491,30 +529,27 @@ func setupSlirp4netnsNetwork(config *config.Config, netns, cid string, options [
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("get slirp4netns ip: %w", err)
// create fake status to make sure we get the correct ip in hosts
subnet := nettypes.IPNet{IPNet: net.IPNet{
IP: *ip,
Mask: res.Subnet.Mask,
netStatus := map[string]nettypes.StatusBlock{
slirp4netns.BinaryName: {
Interfaces: map[string]nettypes.NetInterface{
"tap0": {
Subnets: []nettypes.NetAddress{{IPNet: subnet}},
dns, err := slirp4netns.GetDNS(res.Subnet)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("get slirp4netns dns ip: %w", err)
result := &netResult{
entries: etchosts.HostEntries{{IP: ip.String(), Names: hostnames}},
dnsServers: []string{dns.String()},
ipv6: res.IPv6,
keepHostResolvers: true,
return func() {
syscall.Kill(res.Pid, syscall.SIGKILL) // nolint:errcheck
var status syscall.WaitStatus
syscall.Wait4(res.Pid, &status, 0, nil) // nolint:errcheck
}, netStatus, nil
}, result, nil
func setupPasta(config *config.Config, netns string, options []string) (func(), map[string]nettypes.StatusBlock, error) {
err := pasta.Setup(&pasta.SetupOptions{
func setupPasta(config *config.Config, netns string, options, hostnames []string) (func(), *netResult, error) {
res, err := pasta.Setup2(&pasta.SetupOptions{
Config: config,
Netns: netns,
ExtraOptions: options,
@ -523,35 +558,23 @@ func setupPasta(config *config.Config, netns string, options []string) (func(),
return nil, nil, err
var ip string
err = ns.WithNetNSPath(netns, func(_ ns.NetNS) error {
// get the first ip in the netns and use this as our ip for /etc/hosts
ip = netUtil.GetLocalIP()
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var entries etchosts.HostEntries
if len(res.IPAddresses) > 0 {
entries = etchosts.HostEntries{{IP: res.IPAddresses[0].String(), Names: hostnames}}
// create fake status to make sure we get the correct ip in hosts
subnet := nettypes.IPNet{IPNet: net.IPNet{
IP: net.ParseIP(ip),
Mask: net.IPv4Mask(255, 255, 255, 0),
netStatus := map[string]nettypes.StatusBlock{
slirp4netns.BinaryName: {
Interfaces: map[string]nettypes.NetInterface{
"tap0": {
Subnets: []nettypes.NetAddress{{IPNet: subnet}},
result := &netResult{
entries: entries,
dnsServers: res.DNSForwardIPs,
excludeIPs: res.IPAddresses,
ipv6: res.IPv6,
keepHostResolvers: true,
return nil, netStatus, nil
return nil, result, nil
func (b *Builder) runConfigureNetwork(pid int, isolation define.Isolation, options RunOptions, network, containerName string) (teardown func(), netStatus map[string]nettypes.StatusBlock, err error) {
func (b *Builder) runConfigureNetwork(pid int, isolation define.Isolation, options RunOptions, network, containerName string, hostnames []string) (func(), *netResult, error) {
netns := fmt.Sprintf("/proc/%d/ns/net", pid)
var configureNetworks []string
defConfig, err := config.Default()
@ -578,9 +601,9 @@ func (b *Builder) runConfigureNetwork(pid int, isolation define.Isolation, optio
switch {
case name == slirp4netns.BinaryName:
return setupSlirp4netnsNetwork(defConfig, netns, containerName, netOpts)
return setupSlirp4netnsNetwork(defConfig, netns, containerName, netOpts, hostnames)
case name == pasta.BinaryName:
return setupPasta(defConfig, netns, netOpts)
return setupPasta(defConfig, netns, netOpts, hostnames)
// Basically default case except we make sure to not split an empty
// name as this would return a slice with one empty string which is
@ -621,19 +644,19 @@ func (b *Builder) runConfigureNetwork(pid int, isolation define.Isolation, optio
ContainerName: containerName,
Networks: networks,
netStatus, err = b.NetworkInterface.Setup(mynetns, nettypes.SetupOptions{NetworkOptions: opts})
netStatus, err := b.NetworkInterface.Setup(mynetns, nettypes.SetupOptions{NetworkOptions: opts})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
teardown = func() {
teardown := func() {
err := b.NetworkInterface.Teardown(mynetns, nettypes.TeardownOptions{NetworkOptions: opts})
if err != nil {
options.Logger.Errorf("failed to cleanup network: %v", err)
return teardown, netStatus, nil
return teardown, netStatusToNetResult(netStatus, hostnames), nil
// Create pipes to use for relaying stdio.

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package etchosts
import (
@ -8,9 +10,16 @@ import (
// GetHostContainersInternalIP return the host.containers.internal ip
// GetHostContainersInternalIP returns the host.containers.internal ip
// if netStatus is not nil then networkInterface also must be non nil otherwise this function panics
func GetHostContainersInternalIP(conf *config.Config, netStatus map[string]types.StatusBlock, networkInterface types.ContainerNetwork) string {
return GetHostContainersInternalIPExcluding(conf, netStatus, networkInterface, nil)
// GetHostContainersInternalIPExcluding returns the host.containers.internal ip
// Exclude are ips that should not be returned, this is useful to prevent returning the same ip as in the container.
// if netStatus is not nil then networkInterface also must be non nil otherwise this function panics
func GetHostContainersInternalIPExcluding(conf *config.Config, netStatus map[string]types.StatusBlock, networkInterface types.ContainerNetwork, exclude []net.IP) string {
switch conf.Containers.HostContainersInternalIP {
case "":
// if empty (default) we will automatically choose one below
@ -27,7 +36,7 @@ func GetHostContainersInternalIP(conf *config.Config, netStatus map[string]types
// Only use the bridge ip when root, as rootless the interfaces are created
// inside the special netns and not the host so we cannot use them.
if unshare.IsRootless() {
return util.GetLocalIP()
return util.GetLocalIPExcluding(exclude)
for net, status := range netStatus {
network, err := networkInterface.NetworkInspect(net)
@ -51,7 +60,7 @@ func GetHostContainersInternalIP(conf *config.Config, netStatus map[string]types
if ip != "" {
return ip
return util.GetLocalIP()
return util.GetLocalIPExcluding(exclude)
// GetNetworkHostEntries returns HostEntries for all ips in the network status

View File

@ -158,7 +158,8 @@ func (n *Netns) setupPasta(nsPath string) error {
Netns: nsPath,
ExtraOptions: []string{"--pid", pidPath},
if err := pasta.Setup(&pastaOpts); err != nil {
res, err := pasta.Setup2(&pastaOpts)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("setting up Pasta: %w", err)
@ -185,11 +186,9 @@ func (n *Netns) setupPasta(nsPath string) error {
Namespaces: []specs.LinuxNamespace{
{Type: specs.NetworkNamespace},
// TODO: Need a way to determine if there is a valid v6 address on any
// external interface of the system.
IPv6Enabled: false,
IPv6Enabled: res.IPv6,
KeepHostServers: true,
Nameservers: []string{},
Nameservers: res.DNSForwardIPs,
}); err != nil {
return wrapError("create resolv.conf", err)

View File

@ -13,16 +13,23 @@ package pasta
import (
const (
BinaryName = "pasta"
dnsForwardOpt = "--dns-forward"
// dnsForwardIpv4 static ip used as nameserver address inside the netns,
// given this is a "link local" ip it should be very unlikely that it causes conflicts
dnsForwardIpv4 = ""
type SetupOptions struct {
@ -37,21 +44,25 @@ type SetupOptions struct {
ExtraOptions []string
// Setup start the pasta process for the given netns.
// The pasta binary is looked up in the HelperBinariesDir and $PATH.
// Note that there is no need any special cleanup logic, the pasta process will
// automatically exit when the netns path is deleted.
func Setup(opts *SetupOptions) error {
_, err := Setup2(opts)
return err
// Setup2 start the pasta process for the given netns.
// The pasta binary is looked up in the HelperBinariesDir and $PATH.
// Note that there is no need for any special cleanup logic, the pasta
// process will automatically exit when the netns path is deleted.
func Setup2(opts *SetupOptions) (*SetupResult, error) {
NoTCPInitPorts := true
NoUDPInitPorts := true
NoTCPNamespacePorts := true
NoUDPNamespacePorts := true
NoMapGW := true
NoDNS := true
path, err := opts.Config.FindHelperBinary(BinaryName, true)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not find pasta, the network namespace can't be configured: %w", err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find pasta, the network namespace can't be configured: %w", err)
cmdArgs := []string{}
@ -72,7 +83,7 @@ func Setup(opts *SetupOptions) error {
case "udp":
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, "-u")
return fmt.Errorf("can't forward protocol: %s", protocol)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't forward protocol: %s", protocol)
arg := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d-%d:%d-%d", addr,
@ -89,6 +100,7 @@ func Setup(opts *SetupOptions) error {
// then append the ones that were set on the cli
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, opts.ExtraOptions...)
var dnsForwardIPs []string
for i, opt := range cmdArgs {
switch opt {
case "-t", "--tcp-ports":
@ -103,11 +115,20 @@ func Setup(opts *SetupOptions) error {
NoMapGW = false
// not an actual pasta(1) option
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs[:i], cmdArgs[i+1:]...)
case "-D", "--dns", "--dns-forward":
NoDNS = false
case dnsForwardOpt:
// if there is no arg after it pasta will likely error out anyway due invalid cli args
if len(cmdArgs) > i+1 {
dnsForwardIPs = append(dnsForwardIPs, cmdArgs[i+1])
if len(dnsForwardIPs) == 0 {
// the user did not request custom --dns-forward so add our own.
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, dnsForwardOpt, dnsForwardIpv4)
dnsForwardIPs = append(dnsForwardIPs, dnsForwardIpv4)
if NoTCPInitPorts {
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, "-t", "none")
@ -123,12 +144,6 @@ func Setup(opts *SetupOptions) error {
if NoMapGW {
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, "--no-map-gw")
if NoDNS {
// disable pasta reading from /etc/resolv.conf which hides the
// "Couldn't get any nameserver address" warning when only
// localhost resolvers are configured.
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, "--dns", "none")
// always pass --quiet to silence the info output from pasta
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, "--quiet", "--netns", opts.Netns)
@ -140,10 +155,10 @@ func Setup(opts *SetupOptions) error {
if err != nil {
exitErr := &exec.ExitError{}
if errors.As(err, &exitErr) {
return fmt.Errorf("pasta failed with exit code %d:\n%s",
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pasta failed with exit code %d:\n%s",
exitErr.ExitCode(), string(out))
return fmt.Errorf("failed to start pasta: %w", err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to start pasta: %w", err)
if len(out) > 0 {
@ -154,5 +169,39 @@ func Setup(opts *SetupOptions) error {
logrus.Infof("pasta logged warnings: %q", string(out))
return nil
var ipv4, ipv6 bool
result := &SetupResult{}
err = ns.WithNetNSPath(opts.Netns, func(_ ns.NetNS) error {
addrs, err := net.InterfaceAddrs()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, addr := range addrs {
// make sure to skip localhost and other special addresses
if ipnet, ok := addr.(*net.IPNet); ok && ipnet.IP.IsGlobalUnicast() {
result.IPAddresses = append(result.IPAddresses, ipnet.IP)
if !ipv4 && util.IsIPv4(ipnet.IP) {
ipv4 = true
if !ipv6 && util.IsIPv6(ipnet.IP) {
ipv6 = true
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result.IPv6 = ipv6
for _, ip := range dnsForwardIPs {
ipp := net.ParseIP(ip)
// add the namesever ip only if the address family matches
if ipv4 && util.IsIPv4(ipp) || ipv6 && util.IsIPv6(ipp) {
result.DNSForwardIPs = append(result.DNSForwardIPs, ip)
return result, nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package pasta
import "net"
const BinaryName = "pasta"
type SetupResult struct {
// IpAddresses configured by pasta
IPAddresses []net.IP
// DNSForwardIP is the ip used in --dns-forward, it should be added as first
// entry to resolv.conf in the container.
DNSForwardIPs []string
// IPv6 says whenever pasta run with ipv6 support
IPv6 bool

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package slirp4netns
import "net"
const (
ipv6ConfDefaultAcceptDadSysctl = "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/accept_dad"
BinaryName = "slirp4netns"
@ -10,3 +12,13 @@ const (
// default slirp4ns subnet
defaultSubnet = ""
// SetupResult return type from Setup()
type SetupResult struct {
// Pid of the created slirp4netns process
Pid int
// Subnet which is used by slirp4netns
Subnet *net.IPNet
// IPv6 whenever Ipv6 is enabled in slirp4netns
IPv6 bool

View File

@ -86,16 +86,6 @@ type SetupOptions struct {
Pdeathsig syscall.Signal
// SetupResult return type from Setup()
type SetupResult struct {
// Pid of the created slirp4netns process
Pid int
// Subnet which is used by slirp4netns
Subnet *net.IPNet
// IPv6 whenever Ipv6 is enabled in slirp4netns
IPv6 bool
type logrusDebugWriter struct {
prefix string

View File

@ -59,14 +59,31 @@ func NormalizeIP(ip *net.IP) {
// If no ipv4 address is found it may return an ipv6 address.
// When no ip is found and empty string is returned.
func GetLocalIP() string {
return GetLocalIPExcluding(nil)
// GetLocalIPExcluding returns the first non loopback local IPv4 of the host.
// If no ipv4 address is found it may return an ipv6 address.
// Additionally you can specify a list of ips that should not be returned.
// When no ip is found and empty string is returned.
func GetLocalIPExcluding(exclude []net.IP) string {
addrs, err := net.InterfaceAddrs()
if err != nil {
return ""
ip := ""
for _, address := range addrs {
// check the address type and if it is not a loopback the display it
if ipnet, ok := address.(*net.IPNet); ok && ipnet.IP.IsGlobalUnicast() {
// cannot use slices.Contains for net.IP
for _, eip := range exclude {
if eip.Equal(ipnet.IP) {
// ip should be excluded skip to next one
continue outer
if IsIPv4(ipnet.IP) {
return ipnet.IP.String()

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package version
// Version is the version of the build.
const Version = "0.58.0"
const Version = "0.59.0-dev"

View File

@ -391,7 +391,11 @@ definitions:
description: |
Make the mount non-recursively read-only, but still leave the mount recursive
(unless NonRecursive is set to true in conjunction).
(unless NonRecursive is set to `true` in conjunction).
Addded in v1.44, before that version all read-only mounts were
non-recursive by default. To match the previous behaviour this
will default to `true` for clients on versions prior to v1.44.
type: "boolean"
default: false
@ -1743,8 +1747,12 @@ definitions:
description: |
Date and time at which the image was created, formatted in
[RFC 3339]( format with nano-seconds.
This information is only available if present in the image,
and omitted otherwise.
type: "string"
x-nullable: false
format: "dateTime"
x-nullable: true
example: "2022-02-04T21:20:12.497794809Z"
description: |

View File

@ -13,12 +13,13 @@ import (
// ContainerCreateConfig is the parameter set to ContainerCreate()
type ContainerCreateConfig struct {
Name string
Config *container.Config
HostConfig *container.HostConfig
NetworkingConfig *network.NetworkingConfig
Platform *ocispec.Platform
AdjustCPUShares bool
Name string
Config *container.Config
HostConfig *container.HostConfig
NetworkingConfig *network.NetworkingConfig
Platform *ocispec.Platform
AdjustCPUShares bool
DefaultReadOnlyNonRecursive bool
// ContainerRmConfig holds arguments for the container remove

View File

@ -72,7 +72,10 @@ type ImageInspect struct {
// Created is the date and time at which the image was created, formatted in
// RFC 3339 nano-seconds (time.RFC3339Nano).
Created string
// This information is only available if present in the image,
// and omitted otherwise.
Created string `json:",omitempty"`
// Container is the ID of the container that was used to create the image.

View File

@ -265,17 +265,22 @@ func (cli *Client) Close() error {
// This allows for version-dependent code to use the same version as will
// be negotiated when making the actual requests, and for which cases
// we cannot do the negotiation lazily.
func (cli *Client) checkVersion(ctx context.Context) {
if cli.negotiateVersion && !cli.negotiated {
func (cli *Client) checkVersion(ctx context.Context) error {
if !cli.manualOverride && cli.negotiateVersion && !cli.negotiated {
ping, err := cli.Ping(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// getAPIPath returns the versioned request path to call the API.
// It appends the query parameters to the path if they are not empty.
func (cli *Client) getAPIPath(ctx context.Context, p string, query url.Values) string {
var apiPath string
_ = cli.checkVersion(ctx)
if cli.version != "" {
v := strings.TrimPrefix(cli.version, "v")
apiPath = path.Join(cli.basePath, "/v"+v, p)
@ -307,7 +312,11 @@ func (cli *Client) ClientVersion() string {
// added (1.24).
func (cli *Client) NegotiateAPIVersion(ctx context.Context) {
if !cli.manualOverride {
ping, _ := cli.Ping(ctx)
ping, err := cli.Ping(ctx)
if err != nil {
// FIXME(thaJeztah): Ping returns an error when failing to connect to the API; we should not swallow the error here, and instead returning it.

View File

@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ func (cli *Client) ContainerCreate(ctx context.Context, config *container.Config
// Normally, version-negotiation (if enabled) would not happen until
// the API request is made.
if err := cli.checkVersion(ctx); err != nil {
return response, err
if err := cli.NewVersionError(ctx, "1.25", "stop timeout"); config != nil && config.StopTimeout != nil && err != nil {
return response, err

View File

@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ func (cli *Client) ContainerExecCreate(ctx context.Context, container string, co
// Normally, version-negotiation (if enabled) would not happen until
// the API request is made.
if err := cli.checkVersion(ctx); err != nil {
return response, err
if err := cli.NewVersionError(ctx, "1.25", "env"); len(config.Env) != 0 && err != nil {
return response, err

View File

@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ func (cli *Client) ContainerRestart(ctx context.Context, containerID string, opt
// Normally, version-negotiation (if enabled) would not happen until
// the API request is made.
if err := cli.checkVersion(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if versions.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(cli.version, "1.42") {
query.Set("signal", options.Signal)

View File

@ -27,7 +27,9 @@ func (cli *Client) ContainerStop(ctx context.Context, containerID string, option
// Normally, version-negotiation (if enabled) would not happen until
// the API request is made.
if err := cli.checkVersion(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if versions.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(cli.version, "1.42") {
query.Set("signal", options.Signal)

View File

@ -30,19 +30,22 @@ const containerWaitErrorMsgLimit = 2 * 1024 /* Max: 2KiB */
// synchronize ContainerWait with other calls, such as specifying a
// "next-exit" condition before issuing a ContainerStart request.
func (cli *Client) ContainerWait(ctx context.Context, containerID string, condition container.WaitCondition) (<-chan container.WaitResponse, <-chan error) {
resultC := make(chan container.WaitResponse)
errC := make(chan error, 1)
// Make sure we negotiated (if the client is configured to do so),
// as code below contains API-version specific handling of options.
// Normally, version-negotiation (if enabled) would not happen until
// the API request is made.
if err := cli.checkVersion(ctx); err != nil {
errC <- err
return resultC, errC
if versions.LessThan(cli.ClientVersion(), "1.30") {
return cli.legacyContainerWait(ctx, containerID)
resultC := make(chan container.WaitResponse)
errC := make(chan error, 1)
query := url.Values{}
if condition != "" {
query.Set("condition", string(condition))

View File

@ -11,15 +11,16 @@ import (
// errConnectionFailed implements an error returned when connection failed.
type errConnectionFailed struct {
host string
// Error returns a string representation of an errConnectionFailed
func (err errConnectionFailed) Error() string {
if == "" {
return "Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?"
return fmt.Sprintf("Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at %s. Is the docker daemon running?",
func (e errConnectionFailed) Error() string {
return e.error.Error()
func (e errConnectionFailed) Unwrap() error {
return e.error
// IsErrConnectionFailed returns true if the error is caused by connection failed.
@ -29,7 +30,13 @@ func IsErrConnectionFailed(err error) bool {
// ErrorConnectionFailed returns an error with host in the error message when connection to docker daemon failed.
func ErrorConnectionFailed(host string) error {
return errConnectionFailed{host: host}
var err error
if host == "" {
err = fmt.Errorf("Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?")
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at %s. Is the docker daemon running?", host)
return errConnectionFailed{error: err}
// IsErrNotFound returns true if the error is a NotFound error, which is returned
@ -60,7 +67,9 @@ func (cli *Client) NewVersionError(ctx context.Context, APIrequired, feature str
// Normally, version-negotiation (if enabled) would not happen until
// the API request is made.
if err := cli.checkVersion(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if cli.version != "" && versions.LessThan(cli.version, APIrequired) {
return fmt.Errorf("%q requires API version %s, but the Docker daemon API version is %s", feature, APIrequired, cli.version)

View File

@ -13,14 +13,17 @@ import (
// ImageList returns a list of images in the docker host.
func (cli *Client) ImageList(ctx context.Context, options types.ImageListOptions) ([]image.Summary, error) {
var images []image.Summary
// Make sure we negotiated (if the client is configured to do so),
// as code below contains API-version specific handling of options.
// Normally, version-negotiation (if enabled) would not happen until
// the API request is made.
if err := cli.checkVersion(ctx); err != nil {
return images, err
var images []image.Summary
query := url.Values{}
optionFilters := options.Filters

View File

@ -10,12 +10,16 @@ import (
// NetworkCreate creates a new network in the docker host.
func (cli *Client) NetworkCreate(ctx context.Context, name string, options types.NetworkCreate) (types.NetworkCreateResponse, error) {
var response types.NetworkCreateResponse
// Make sure we negotiated (if the client is configured to do so),
// as code below contains API-version specific handling of options.
// Normally, version-negotiation (if enabled) would not happen until
// the API request is made.
if err := cli.checkVersion(ctx); err != nil {
return response, err
networkCreateRequest := types.NetworkCreateRequest{
NetworkCreate: options,
@ -25,7 +29,6 @@ func (cli *Client) NetworkCreate(ctx context.Context, name string, options types
networkCreateRequest.CheckDuplicate = true //nolint:staticcheck // ignore SA1019: CheckDuplicate is deprecated since API v1.44.
var response types.NetworkCreateResponse
serverResp, err :=, "/networks/create", nil, networkCreateRequest, nil)
defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
if err != nil {

View File

@ -14,7 +14,10 @@ import (
// Ping pings the server and returns the value of the "Docker-Experimental",
// "Builder-Version", "OS-Type" & "API-Version" headers. It attempts to use
// a HEAD request on the endpoint, but falls back to GET if HEAD is not supported
// by the daemon.
// by the daemon. It ignores internal server errors returned by the API, which
// may be returned if the daemon is in an unhealthy state, but returns errors
// for other non-success status codes, failing to connect to the API, or failing
// to parse the API response.
func (cli *Client) Ping(ctx context.Context) (types.Ping, error) {
var ping types.Ping

View File

@ -134,17 +134,18 @@ func (cli *Client) sendRequest(ctx context.Context, method, path string, query u
return resp, errdefs.FromStatusCode(err, resp.statusCode)
// FIXME(thaJeztah): Should this actually return a serverResp when a connection error occurred?
func (cli *Client) doRequest(req *http.Request) (serverResponse, error) {
serverResp := serverResponse{statusCode: -1, reqURL: req.URL}
resp, err := cli.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
if cli.scheme != "https" && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "malformed HTTP response") {
return serverResp, fmt.Errorf("%v.\n* Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?", err)
return serverResp, errConnectionFailed{fmt.Errorf("%v.\n* Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?", err)}
if cli.scheme == "https" && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "bad certificate") {
return serverResp, errors.Wrap(err, "the server probably has client authentication (--tlsverify) enabled; check your TLS client certification settings")
return serverResp, errConnectionFailed{errors.Wrap(err, "the server probably has client authentication (--tlsverify) enabled; check your TLS client certification settings")}
// Don't decorate context sentinel errors; users may be comparing to
@ -156,12 +157,13 @@ func (cli *Client) doRequest(req *http.Request) (serverResponse, error) {
if uErr, ok := err.(*url.Error); ok {
if nErr, ok := uErr.Err.(*net.OpError); ok {
if os.IsPermission(nErr.Err) {
return serverResp, errors.Wrapf(err, "permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at %v",
return serverResp, errConnectionFailed{errors.Wrapf(err, "permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at %v",}
if nErr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok {
// FIXME(thaJeztah): any net.Error should be considered a connection error (but we should include the original error)?
if nErr.Timeout() {
return serverResp, ErrorConnectionFailed(
@ -190,7 +192,7 @@ func (cli *Client) doRequest(req *http.Request) (serverResponse, error) {
return serverResp, errors.Wrap(err, "error during connect")
return serverResp, errConnectionFailed{errors.Wrap(err, "error during connect")}
if resp != nil {

View File

@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ func (cli *Client) ServiceCreate(ctx context.Context, service swarm.ServiceSpec,
// Normally, version-negotiation (if enabled) would not happen until
// the API request is made.
if err := cli.checkVersion(ctx); err != nil {
return response, err
// Make sure containerSpec is not nil when no runtime is set or the runtime is set to container
if service.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec == nil && (service.TaskTemplate.Runtime == "" || service.TaskTemplate.Runtime == swarm.RuntimeContainer) {

View File

@ -16,18 +16,18 @@ import (
// It should be the value as set *before* the update. You can find this value in the Meta field
// of swarm.Service, which can be found using ServiceInspectWithRaw.
func (cli *Client) ServiceUpdate(ctx context.Context, serviceID string, version swarm.Version, service swarm.ServiceSpec, options types.ServiceUpdateOptions) (swarm.ServiceUpdateResponse, error) {
response := swarm.ServiceUpdateResponse{}
// Make sure we negotiated (if the client is configured to do so),
// as code below contains API-version specific handling of options.
// Normally, version-negotiation (if enabled) would not happen until
// the API request is made.
var (
query = url.Values{}
response = swarm.ServiceUpdateResponse{}
if err := cli.checkVersion(ctx); err != nil {
return response, err
query := url.Values{}
if options.RegistryAuthFrom != "" {
query.Set("registryAuthFrom", options.RegistryAuthFrom)

View File

@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ func (cli *Client) VolumeRemove(ctx context.Context, volumeID string, force bool
// Normally, version-negotiation (if enabled) would not happen until
// the API request is made.
if err := cli.checkVersion(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if versions.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(cli.version, "1.25") {
query.Set("force", "1")

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ type progressOutput struct {
sf formatProgress
out io.Writer
newLines bool
mu sync.Mutex
// WriteProgress formats progress information from a ProgressReader.
@ -120,6 +122,9 @@ func (out *progressOutput) WriteProgress(prog progress.Progress) error {
jsonProgress := jsonmessage.JSONProgress{Current: prog.Current, Total: prog.Total, HideCounts: prog.HideCounts, Units: prog.Units}
formatted = out.sf.formatProgress(prog.ID, prog.Action, &jsonProgress, prog.Aux)
_, err := out.out.Write(formatted)
if err != nil {
return err

View File

@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package jsonpb
import (
protoV2 ""
const wrapJSONUnmarshalV2 = false
// UnmarshalNext unmarshals the next JSON object from d into m.
func UnmarshalNext(d *json.Decoder, m proto.Message) error {
return new(Unmarshaler).UnmarshalNext(d, m)
// Unmarshal unmarshals a JSON object from r into m.
func Unmarshal(r io.Reader, m proto.Message) error {
return new(Unmarshaler).Unmarshal(r, m)
// UnmarshalString unmarshals a JSON object from s into m.
func UnmarshalString(s string, m proto.Message) error {
return new(Unmarshaler).Unmarshal(strings.NewReader(s), m)
// Unmarshaler is a configurable object for converting from a JSON
// representation to a protocol buffer object.
type Unmarshaler struct {
// AllowUnknownFields specifies whether to allow messages to contain
// unknown JSON fields, as opposed to failing to unmarshal.
AllowUnknownFields bool
// AnyResolver is used to resolve the google.protobuf.Any well-known type.
// If unset, the global registry is used by default.
AnyResolver AnyResolver
// JSONPBUnmarshaler is implemented by protobuf messages that customize the way
// they are unmarshaled from JSON. Messages that implement this should also
// implement JSONPBMarshaler so that the custom format can be produced.
// The JSON unmarshaling must follow the JSON to proto specification:
// Deprecated: Custom types should implement protobuf reflection instead.
type JSONPBUnmarshaler interface {
UnmarshalJSONPB(*Unmarshaler, []byte) error
// Unmarshal unmarshals a JSON object from r into m.
func (u *Unmarshaler) Unmarshal(r io.Reader, m proto.Message) error {
return u.UnmarshalNext(json.NewDecoder(r), m)
// UnmarshalNext unmarshals the next JSON object from d into m.
func (u *Unmarshaler) UnmarshalNext(d *json.Decoder, m proto.Message) error {
if m == nil {
return errors.New("invalid nil message")
// Parse the next JSON object from the stream.
raw := json.RawMessage{}
if err := d.Decode(&raw); err != nil {
return err
// Check for custom unmarshalers first since they may not properly
// implement protobuf reflection that the logic below relies on.
if jsu, ok := m.(JSONPBUnmarshaler); ok {
return jsu.UnmarshalJSONPB(u, raw)
mr := proto.MessageReflect(m)
// NOTE: For historical reasons, a top-level null is treated as a noop.
// This is incorrect, but kept for compatibility.
if string(raw) == "null" && mr.Descriptor().FullName() != "google.protobuf.Value" {
return nil
if wrapJSONUnmarshalV2 {
// NOTE: If input message is non-empty, we need to preserve merge semantics
// of the old jsonpb implementation. These semantics are not supported by
// the protobuf JSON specification.
isEmpty := true
mr.Range(func(protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, protoreflect.Value) bool {
isEmpty = false // at least one iteration implies non-empty
return false
if !isEmpty {
// Perform unmarshaling into a newly allocated, empty message.
mr = mr.New()
// Use a defer to copy all unmarshaled fields into the original message.
dst := proto.MessageReflect(m)
defer mr.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
dst.Set(fd, v)
return true
// Unmarshal using the v2 JSON unmarshaler.
opts := protojson.UnmarshalOptions{
DiscardUnknown: u.AllowUnknownFields,
if u.AnyResolver != nil {
opts.Resolver = anyResolver{u.AnyResolver}
return opts.Unmarshal(raw, mr.Interface())
} else {
if err := u.unmarshalMessage(mr, raw); err != nil {
return err
return protoV2.CheckInitialized(mr.Interface())
func (u *Unmarshaler) unmarshalMessage(m protoreflect.Message, in []byte) error {
md := m.Descriptor()
fds := md.Fields()
if jsu, ok := proto.MessageV1(m.Interface()).(JSONPBUnmarshaler); ok {
return jsu.UnmarshalJSONPB(u, in)
if string(in) == "null" && md.FullName() != "google.protobuf.Value" {
return nil
switch wellKnownType(md.FullName()) {
case "Any":
var jsonObject map[string]json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &jsonObject); err != nil {
return err
rawTypeURL, ok := jsonObject["@type"]
if !ok {
return errors.New("Any JSON doesn't have '@type'")
typeURL, err := unquoteString(string(rawTypeURL))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal Any's '@type': %q", rawTypeURL)
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(1), protoreflect.ValueOfString(typeURL))
var m2 protoreflect.Message
if u.AnyResolver != nil {
mi, err := u.AnyResolver.Resolve(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return err
m2 = proto.MessageReflect(mi)
} else {
mt, err := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByURL(typeURL)
if err != nil {
if err == protoregistry.NotFound {
return fmt.Errorf("could not resolve Any message type: %v", typeURL)
return err
m2 = mt.New()
if wellKnownType(m2.Descriptor().FullName()) != "" {
rawValue, ok := jsonObject["value"]
if !ok {
return errors.New("Any JSON doesn't have 'value'")
if err := u.unmarshalMessage(m2, rawValue); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal Any nested proto %v: %v", typeURL, err)
} else {
delete(jsonObject, "@type")
rawJSON, err := json.Marshal(jsonObject)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't generate JSON for Any's nested proto to be unmarshaled: %v", err)
if err = u.unmarshalMessage(m2, rawJSON); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal Any nested proto %v: %v", typeURL, err)
rawWire, err := protoV2.Marshal(m2.Interface())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't marshal proto %v into Any.Value: %v", typeURL, err)
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(2), protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(rawWire))
return nil
case "BoolValue", "BytesValue", "StringValue",
"Int32Value", "UInt32Value", "FloatValue",
"Int64Value", "UInt64Value", "DoubleValue":
fd := fds.ByNumber(1)
v, err := u.unmarshalValue(m.NewField(fd), in, fd)
if err != nil {
return err
m.Set(fd, v)
return nil
case "Duration":
v, err := unquoteString(string(in))
if err != nil {
return err
d, err := time.ParseDuration(v)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad Duration: %v", err)
sec := d.Nanoseconds() / 1e9
nsec := d.Nanoseconds() % 1e9
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(1), protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(sec)))
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(2), protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(nsec)))
return nil
case "Timestamp":
v, err := unquoteString(string(in))
if err != nil {
return err
t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, v)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad Timestamp: %v", err)
sec := t.Unix()
nsec := t.Nanosecond()
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(1), protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(sec)))
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(2), protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(nsec)))
return nil
case "Value":
switch {
case string(in) == "null":
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(1), protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(0))
case string(in) == "true":
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(4), protoreflect.ValueOfBool(true))
case string(in) == "false":
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(4), protoreflect.ValueOfBool(false))
case hasPrefixAndSuffix('"', in, '"'):
s, err := unquoteString(string(in))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized type for Value %q", in)
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(3), protoreflect.ValueOfString(s))
case hasPrefixAndSuffix('[', in, ']'):
v := m.Mutable(fds.ByNumber(6))
return u.unmarshalMessage(v.Message(), in)
case hasPrefixAndSuffix('{', in, '}'):
v := m.Mutable(fds.ByNumber(5))
return u.unmarshalMessage(v.Message(), in)
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(in), 0)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized type for Value %q", in)
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(2), protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(f))
return nil
case "ListValue":
var jsonArray []json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &jsonArray); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad ListValue: %v", err)
lv := m.Mutable(fds.ByNumber(1)).List()
for _, raw := range jsonArray {
ve := lv.NewElement()
if err := u.unmarshalMessage(ve.Message(), raw); err != nil {
return err
return nil
case "Struct":
var jsonObject map[string]json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &jsonObject); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad StructValue: %v", err)
mv := m.Mutable(fds.ByNumber(1)).Map()
for key, raw := range jsonObject {
kv := protoreflect.ValueOf(key).MapKey()
vv := mv.NewValue()
if err := u.unmarshalMessage(vv.Message(), raw); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad value in StructValue for key %q: %v", key, err)
mv.Set(kv, vv)
return nil
var jsonObject map[string]json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &jsonObject); err != nil {
return err
// Handle known fields.
for i := 0; i < fds.Len(); i++ {
fd := fds.Get(i)
if fd.IsWeak() && fd.Message().IsPlaceholder() {
continue // weak reference is not linked in
// Search for any raw JSON value associated with this field.
var raw json.RawMessage
name := string(fd.Name())
if fd.Kind() == protoreflect.GroupKind {
name = string(fd.Message().Name())
if v, ok := jsonObject[name]; ok {
delete(jsonObject, name)
raw = v
name = string(fd.JSONName())
if v, ok := jsonObject[name]; ok {
delete(jsonObject, name)
raw = v
field := m.NewField(fd)
// Unmarshal the field value.
if raw == nil || (string(raw) == "null" && !isSingularWellKnownValue(fd) && !isSingularJSONPBUnmarshaler(field, fd)) {
v, err := u.unmarshalValue(field, raw, fd)
if err != nil {
return err
m.Set(fd, v)
// Handle extension fields.
for name, raw := range jsonObject {
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "[") || !strings.HasSuffix(name, "]") {
// Resolve the extension field by name.
xname := protoreflect.FullName(name[len("[") : len(name)-len("]")])
xt, _ := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindExtensionByName(xname)
if xt == nil && isMessageSet(md) {
xt, _ = protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindExtensionByName(xname.Append("message_set_extension"))
if xt == nil {
delete(jsonObject, name)
fd := xt.TypeDescriptor()
if fd.ContainingMessage().FullName() != m.Descriptor().FullName() {
return fmt.Errorf("extension field %q does not extend message %q", xname, m.Descriptor().FullName())
field := m.NewField(fd)
// Unmarshal the field value.
if raw == nil || (string(raw) == "null" && !isSingularWellKnownValue(fd) && !isSingularJSONPBUnmarshaler(field, fd)) {
v, err := u.unmarshalValue(field, raw, fd)
if err != nil {
return err
m.Set(fd, v)
if !u.AllowUnknownFields && len(jsonObject) > 0 {
for name := range jsonObject {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown field %q in %v", name, md.FullName())
return nil
func isSingularWellKnownValue(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) bool {
if fd.Cardinality() == protoreflect.Repeated {
return false
if md := fd.Message(); md != nil {
return md.FullName() == "google.protobuf.Value"
if ed := fd.Enum(); ed != nil {
return ed.FullName() == "google.protobuf.NullValue"
return false
func isSingularJSONPBUnmarshaler(v protoreflect.Value, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) bool {
if fd.Message() != nil && fd.Cardinality() != protoreflect.Repeated {
_, ok := proto.MessageV1(v.Interface()).(JSONPBUnmarshaler)
return ok
return false
func (u *Unmarshaler) unmarshalValue(v protoreflect.Value, in []byte, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) (protoreflect.Value, error) {
switch {
case fd.IsList():
var jsonArray []json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &jsonArray); err != nil {
return v, err
lv := v.List()
for _, raw := range jsonArray {
ve, err := u.unmarshalSingularValue(lv.NewElement(), raw, fd)
if err != nil {
return v, err
return v, nil
case fd.IsMap():
var jsonObject map[string]json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &jsonObject); err != nil {
return v, err
kfd := fd.MapKey()
vfd := fd.MapValue()
mv := v.Map()
for key, raw := range jsonObject {
var kv protoreflect.MapKey
if kfd.Kind() == protoreflect.StringKind {
kv = protoreflect.ValueOf(key).MapKey()
} else {
v, err := u.unmarshalSingularValue(kfd.Default(), []byte(key), kfd)
if err != nil {
return v, err
kv = v.MapKey()
vv, err := u.unmarshalSingularValue(mv.NewValue(), raw, vfd)
if err != nil {
return v, err
mv.Set(kv, vv)
return v, nil
return u.unmarshalSingularValue(v, in, fd)
var nonFinite = map[string]float64{
`"NaN"`: math.NaN(),
`"Infinity"`: math.Inf(+1),
`"-Infinity"`: math.Inf(-1),
func (u *Unmarshaler) unmarshalSingularValue(v protoreflect.Value, in []byte, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) (protoreflect.Value, error) {
switch fd.Kind() {
case protoreflect.BoolKind:
return unmarshalValue(in, new(bool))
case protoreflect.Int32Kind, protoreflect.Sint32Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind:
return unmarshalValue(trimQuote(in), new(int32))
case protoreflect.Int64Kind, protoreflect.Sint64Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind:
return unmarshalValue(trimQuote(in), new(int64))
case protoreflect.Uint32Kind, protoreflect.Fixed32Kind:
return unmarshalValue(trimQuote(in), new(uint32))
case protoreflect.Uint64Kind, protoreflect.Fixed64Kind:
return unmarshalValue(trimQuote(in), new(uint64))
case protoreflect.FloatKind:
if f, ok := nonFinite[string(in)]; ok {
return protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(float32(f)), nil
return unmarshalValue(trimQuote(in), new(float32))
case protoreflect.DoubleKind:
if f, ok := nonFinite[string(in)]; ok {
return protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(float64(f)), nil
return unmarshalValue(trimQuote(in), new(float64))
case protoreflect.StringKind:
return unmarshalValue(in, new(string))
case protoreflect.BytesKind:
return unmarshalValue(in, new([]byte))
case protoreflect.EnumKind:
if hasPrefixAndSuffix('"', in, '"') {
vd := fd.Enum().Values().ByName(protoreflect.Name(trimQuote(in)))
if vd == nil {
return v, fmt.Errorf("unknown value %q for enum %s", in, fd.Enum().FullName())
return protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(vd.Number()), nil
return unmarshalValue(in, new(protoreflect.EnumNumber))
case protoreflect.MessageKind, protoreflect.GroupKind:
err := u.unmarshalMessage(v.Message(), in)
return v, err
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid kind %v", fd.Kind()))
func unmarshalValue(in []byte, v interface{}) (protoreflect.Value, error) {
err := json.Unmarshal(in, v)
return protoreflect.ValueOf(reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem().Interface()), err
func unquoteString(in string) (out string, err error) {
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(in), &out)
return out, err
func hasPrefixAndSuffix(prefix byte, in []byte, suffix byte) bool {
if len(in) >= 2 && in[0] == prefix && in[len(in)-1] == suffix {
return true
return false
// trimQuote is like unquoteString but simply strips surrounding quotes.
// This is incorrect, but is behavior done by the legacy implementation.
func trimQuote(in []byte) []byte {
if len(in) >= 2 && in[0] == '"' && in[len(in)-1] == '"' {
in = in[1 : len(in)-1]
return in

View File

@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package jsonpb
import (
protoV2 ""
const wrapJSONMarshalV2 = false
// Marshaler is a configurable object for marshaling protocol buffer messages
// to the specified JSON representation.
type Marshaler struct {
// OrigName specifies whether to use the original protobuf name for fields.
OrigName bool
// EnumsAsInts specifies whether to render enum values as integers,
// as opposed to string values.
EnumsAsInts bool
// EmitDefaults specifies whether to render fields with zero values.
EmitDefaults bool
// Indent controls whether the output is compact or not.
// If empty, the output is compact JSON. Otherwise, every JSON object
// entry and JSON array value will be on its own line.
// Each line will be preceded by repeated copies of Indent, where the
// number of copies is the current indentation depth.
Indent string
// AnyResolver is used to resolve the google.protobuf.Any well-known type.
// If unset, the global registry is used by default.
AnyResolver AnyResolver
// JSONPBMarshaler is implemented by protobuf messages that customize the
// way they are marshaled to JSON. Messages that implement this should also
// implement JSONPBUnmarshaler so that the custom format can be parsed.
// The JSON marshaling must follow the proto to JSON specification:
// Deprecated: Custom types should implement protobuf reflection instead.
type JSONPBMarshaler interface {
MarshalJSONPB(*Marshaler) ([]byte, error)
// Marshal serializes a protobuf message as JSON into w.
func (jm *Marshaler) Marshal(w io.Writer, m proto.Message) error {
b, err := jm.marshal(m)
if len(b) > 0 {
if _, err := w.Write(b); err != nil {
return err
return err
// MarshalToString serializes a protobuf message as JSON in string form.
func (jm *Marshaler) MarshalToString(m proto.Message) (string, error) {
b, err := jm.marshal(m)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(b), nil
func (jm *Marshaler) marshal(m proto.Message) ([]byte, error) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(m)
if m == nil || (v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && v.IsNil()) {
return nil, errors.New("Marshal called with nil")
// Check for custom marshalers first since they may not properly
// implement protobuf reflection that the logic below relies on.
if jsm, ok := m.(JSONPBMarshaler); ok {
return jsm.MarshalJSONPB(jm)
if wrapJSONMarshalV2 {
opts := protojson.MarshalOptions{
UseProtoNames: jm.OrigName,
UseEnumNumbers: jm.EnumsAsInts,
EmitUnpopulated: jm.EmitDefaults,
Indent: jm.Indent,
if jm.AnyResolver != nil {
opts.Resolver = anyResolver{jm.AnyResolver}
return opts.Marshal(proto.MessageReflect(m).Interface())
} else {
// Check for unpopulated required fields first.
m2 := proto.MessageReflect(m)
if err := protoV2.CheckInitialized(m2.Interface()); err != nil {
return nil, err
w := jsonWriter{Marshaler: jm}
err := w.marshalMessage(m2, "", "")
return w.buf, err
type jsonWriter struct {
buf []byte
func (w *jsonWriter) write(s string) {
w.buf = append(w.buf, s...)
func (w *jsonWriter) marshalMessage(m protoreflect.Message, indent, typeURL string) error {
if jsm, ok := proto.MessageV1(m.Interface()).(JSONPBMarshaler); ok {
b, err := jsm.MarshalJSONPB(w.Marshaler)
if err != nil {
return err
if typeURL != "" {
// we are marshaling this object to an Any type
var js map[string]*json.RawMessage
if err = json.Unmarshal(b, &js); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("type %T produced invalid JSON: %v", m.Interface(), err)
turl, err := json.Marshal(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal type URL %q to JSON: %v", typeURL, err)
js["@type"] = (*json.RawMessage)(&turl)
if b, err = json.Marshal(js); err != nil {
return err
return nil
md := m.Descriptor()
fds := md.Fields()
// Handle well-known types.
const secondInNanos = int64(time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
switch wellKnownType(md.FullName()) {
case "Any":
return w.marshalAny(m, indent)
case "BoolValue", "BytesValue", "StringValue",
"Int32Value", "UInt32Value", "FloatValue",
"Int64Value", "UInt64Value", "DoubleValue":
fd := fds.ByNumber(1)
return w.marshalValue(fd, m.Get(fd), indent)
case "Duration":
const maxSecondsInDuration = 315576000000
// "Generated output always contains 0, 3, 6, or 9 fractional digits,
// depending on required precision."
s := m.Get(fds.ByNumber(1)).Int()
ns := m.Get(fds.ByNumber(2)).Int()
if s < -maxSecondsInDuration || s > maxSecondsInDuration {
return fmt.Errorf("seconds out of range %v", s)
if ns <= -secondInNanos || ns >= secondInNanos {
return fmt.Errorf("ns out of range (%v, %v)", -secondInNanos, secondInNanos)
if (s > 0 && ns < 0) || (s < 0 && ns > 0) {
return errors.New("signs of seconds and nanos do not match")
var sign string
if s < 0 || ns < 0 {
sign, s, ns = "-", -1*s, -1*ns
x := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d.%09d", sign, s, ns)
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, "000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, "000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, ".000")
w.write(fmt.Sprintf(`"%vs"`, x))
return nil
case "Timestamp":
// "RFC 3339, where generated output will always be Z-normalized
// and uses 0, 3, 6 or 9 fractional digits."
s := m.Get(fds.ByNumber(1)).Int()
ns := m.Get(fds.ByNumber(2)).Int()
if ns < 0 || ns >= secondInNanos {
return fmt.Errorf("ns out of range [0, %v)", secondInNanos)
t := time.Unix(s, ns).UTC()
// time.RFC3339Nano isn't exactly right (we need to get 3/6/9 fractional digits).
x := t.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, "000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, "000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, ".000")
w.write(fmt.Sprintf(`"%vZ"`, x))
return nil
case "Value":
// JSON value; which is a null, number, string, bool, object, or array.
od := md.Oneofs().Get(0)
fd := m.WhichOneof(od)
if fd == nil {
return errors.New("nil Value")
return w.marshalValue(fd, m.Get(fd), indent)
case "Struct", "ListValue":
// JSON object or array.
fd := fds.ByNumber(1)
return w.marshalValue(fd, m.Get(fd), indent)
if w.Indent != "" {
firstField := true
if typeURL != "" {
if err := w.marshalTypeURL(indent, typeURL); err != nil {
return err
firstField = false
for i := 0; i < fds.Len(); {
fd := fds.Get(i)
if od := fd.ContainingOneof(); od != nil {
fd = m.WhichOneof(od)
i += od.Fields().Len()
if fd == nil {
} else {
v := m.Get(fd)
if !m.Has(fd) {
if !w.EmitDefaults || fd.ContainingOneof() != nil {
if fd.Cardinality() != protoreflect.Repeated && (fd.Message() != nil || fd.Syntax() == protoreflect.Proto2) {
v = protoreflect.Value{} // use "null" for singular messages or proto2 scalars
if !firstField {
if err := w.marshalField(fd, v, indent); err != nil {
return err
firstField = false
// Handle proto2 extensions.
if md.ExtensionRanges().Len() > 0 {
// Collect a sorted list of all extension descriptor and values.
type ext struct {
desc protoreflect.FieldDescriptor
val protoreflect.Value
var exts []ext
m.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
if fd.IsExtension() {
exts = append(exts, ext{fd, v})
return true
sort.Slice(exts, func(i, j int) bool {
return exts[i].desc.Number() < exts[j].desc.Number()
for _, ext := range exts {
if !firstField {
if err := w.marshalField(ext.desc, ext.val, indent); err != nil {
return err
firstField = false
if w.Indent != "" {
return nil
func (w *jsonWriter) writeComma() {
if w.Indent != "" {
} else {
func (w *jsonWriter) marshalAny(m protoreflect.Message, indent string) error {
// "If the Any contains a value that has a special JSON mapping,
// it will be converted as follows: {"@type": xxx, "value": yyy}.
// Otherwise, the value will be converted into a JSON object,
// and the "@type" field will be inserted to indicate the actual data type."
md := m.Descriptor()
typeURL := m.Get(md.Fields().ByNumber(1)).String()
rawVal := m.Get(md.Fields().ByNumber(2)).Bytes()
var m2 protoreflect.Message
if w.AnyResolver != nil {
mi, err := w.AnyResolver.Resolve(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return err
m2 = proto.MessageReflect(mi)
} else {
mt, err := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByURL(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return err
m2 = mt.New()
if err := protoV2.Unmarshal(rawVal, m2.Interface()); err != nil {
return err
if wellKnownType(m2.Descriptor().FullName()) == "" {
return w.marshalMessage(m2, indent, typeURL)
if w.Indent != "" {
if err := w.marshalTypeURL(indent, typeURL); err != nil {
return err
if w.Indent != "" {
w.write(`"value": `)
} else {
if err := w.marshalMessage(m2, indent+w.Indent, ""); err != nil {
return err
if w.Indent != "" {
return nil
func (w *jsonWriter) marshalTypeURL(indent, typeURL string) error {
if w.Indent != "" {
if w.Indent != "" {
w.write(" ")
b, err := json.Marshal(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// marshalField writes field description and value to the Writer.
func (w *jsonWriter) marshalField(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value, indent string) error {
if w.Indent != "" {
switch {
case fd.IsExtension():
// For message set, use the fname of the message as the extension name.
name := string(fd.FullName())
if isMessageSet(fd.ContainingMessage()) {
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, ".message_set_extension")
w.write("[" + name + "]")
case w.OrigName:
name := string(fd.Name())
if fd.Kind() == protoreflect.GroupKind {
name = string(fd.Message().Name())
if w.Indent != "" {
w.write(" ")
return w.marshalValue(fd, v, indent)
func (w *jsonWriter) marshalValue(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value, indent string) error {
switch {
case fd.IsList():
comma := ""
lv := v.List()
for i := 0; i < lv.Len(); i++ {
if w.Indent != "" {
if err := w.marshalSingularValue(fd, lv.Get(i), indent+w.Indent); err != nil {
return err
comma = ","
if w.Indent != "" {
return nil
case fd.IsMap():
kfd := fd.MapKey()
vfd := fd.MapValue()
mv := v.Map()
// Collect a sorted list of all map keys and values.
type entry struct{ key, val protoreflect.Value }
var entries []entry
mv.Range(func(k protoreflect.MapKey, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
entries = append(entries, entry{k.Value(), v})
return true
sort.Slice(entries, func(i, j int) bool {
switch kfd.Kind() {
case protoreflect.BoolKind:
return !entries[i].key.Bool() && entries[j].key.Bool()
case protoreflect.Int32Kind, protoreflect.Sint32Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind, protoreflect.Int64Kind, protoreflect.Sint64Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind:
return entries[i].key.Int() < entries[j].key.Int()
case protoreflect.Uint32Kind, protoreflect.Fixed32Kind, protoreflect.Uint64Kind, protoreflect.Fixed64Kind:
return entries[i].key.Uint() < entries[j].key.Uint()
case protoreflect.StringKind:
return entries[i].key.String() < entries[j].key.String()
panic("invalid kind")
comma := ""
for _, entry := range entries {
if w.Indent != "" {
s := fmt.Sprint(entry.key.Interface())
b, err := json.Marshal(s)
if err != nil {
return err
if w.Indent != "" {
w.write(` `)
if err := w.marshalSingularValue(vfd, entry.val, indent+w.Indent); err != nil {
return err
comma = ","
if w.Indent != "" {
return nil
return w.marshalSingularValue(fd, v, indent)
func (w *jsonWriter) marshalSingularValue(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value, indent string) error {
switch {
case !v.IsValid():
return nil
case fd.Message() != nil:
return w.marshalMessage(v.Message(), indent+w.Indent, "")
case fd.Enum() != nil:
if fd.Enum().FullName() == "google.protobuf.NullValue" {
return nil
vd := fd.Enum().Values().ByNumber(v.Enum())
if vd == nil || w.EnumsAsInts {
} else {
w.write(`"` + string(vd.Name()) + `"`)
return nil
switch v.Interface().(type) {
case float32, float64:
switch {
case math.IsInf(v.Float(), +1):
return nil
case math.IsInf(v.Float(), -1):
return nil
case math.IsNaN(v.Float()):
return nil
case int64, uint64:
w.write(fmt.Sprintf(`"%d"`, v.Interface()))
return nil
b, err := json.Marshal(v.Interface())
if err != nil {
return err
return nil

View File

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package jsonpb provides functionality to marshal and unmarshal between a
// protocol buffer message and JSON. It follows the specification at
// Do not rely on the default behavior of the standard encoding/json package
// when called on generated message types as it does not operate correctly.
// Deprecated: Use the ""
// package instead.
package jsonpb
import (
// AnyResolver takes a type URL, present in an Any message,
// and resolves it into an instance of the associated message.
type AnyResolver interface {
Resolve(typeURL string) (proto.Message, error)
type anyResolver struct{ AnyResolver }
func (r anyResolver) FindMessageByName(message protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.MessageType, error) {
return r.FindMessageByURL(string(message))
func (r anyResolver) FindMessageByURL(url string) (protoreflect.MessageType, error) {
m, err := r.Resolve(url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return protoimpl.X.MessageTypeOf(m), nil
func (r anyResolver) FindExtensionByName(field protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) {
return protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindExtensionByName(field)
func (r anyResolver) FindExtensionByNumber(message protoreflect.FullName, field protoreflect.FieldNumber) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) {
return protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindExtensionByNumber(message, field)
func wellKnownType(s protoreflect.FullName) string {
if s.Parent() == "google.protobuf" {
switch s.Name() {
case "Empty", "Any",
"BoolValue", "BytesValue", "StringValue",
"Int32Value", "UInt32Value", "FloatValue",
"Int64Value", "UInt64Value", "DoubleValue",
"Duration", "Timestamp",
"NullValue", "Struct", "Value", "ListValue":
return string(s.Name())
return ""
func isMessageSet(md protoreflect.MessageDescriptor) bool {
ms, ok := md.(interface{ IsMessageSet() bool })
return ok && ms.IsMessageSet()

View File

@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ptypes
import (
anypb ""
const urlPrefix = ""
// AnyMessageName returns the message name contained in an anypb.Any message.
// Most type assertions should use the Is function instead.
// Deprecated: Call the any.MessageName method instead.
func AnyMessageName(any *anypb.Any) (string, error) {
name, err := anyMessageName(any)
return string(name), err
func anyMessageName(any *anypb.Any) (protoreflect.FullName, error) {
if any == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("message is nil")
name := protoreflect.FullName(any.TypeUrl)
if i := strings.LastIndex(any.TypeUrl, "/"); i >= 0 {
name = name[i+len("/"):]
if !name.IsValid() {
return "", fmt.Errorf("message type url %q is invalid", any.TypeUrl)
return name, nil
// MarshalAny marshals the given message m into an anypb.Any message.
// Deprecated: Call the anypb.New function instead.
func MarshalAny(m proto.Message) (*anypb.Any, error) {
switch dm := m.(type) {
case DynamicAny:
m = dm.Message
case *DynamicAny:
if dm == nil {
return nil, proto.ErrNil
m = dm.Message
b, err := proto.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &anypb.Any{TypeUrl: urlPrefix + proto.MessageName(m), Value: b}, nil
// Empty returns a new message of the type specified in an anypb.Any message.
// It returns protoregistry.NotFound if the corresponding message type could not
// be resolved in the global registry.
// Deprecated: Use protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName instead
// to resolve the message name and create a new instance of it.
func Empty(any *anypb.Any) (proto.Message, error) {
name, err := anyMessageName(any)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mt, err := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return proto.MessageV1(mt.New().Interface()), nil
// UnmarshalAny unmarshals the encoded value contained in the anypb.Any message
// into the provided message m. It returns an error if the target message
// does not match the type in the Any message or if an unmarshal error occurs.
// The target message m may be a *DynamicAny message. If the underlying message
// type could not be resolved, then this returns protoregistry.NotFound.
// Deprecated: Call the any.UnmarshalTo method instead.
func UnmarshalAny(any *anypb.Any, m proto.Message) error {
if dm, ok := m.(*DynamicAny); ok {
if dm.Message == nil {
var err error
dm.Message, err = Empty(any)
if err != nil {
return err
m = dm.Message
anyName, err := AnyMessageName(any)
if err != nil {
return err
msgName := proto.MessageName(m)
if anyName != msgName {
return fmt.Errorf("mismatched message type: got %q want %q", anyName, msgName)
return proto.Unmarshal(any.Value, m)
// Is reports whether the Any message contains a message of the specified type.
// Deprecated: Call the any.MessageIs method instead.
func Is(any *anypb.Any, m proto.Message) bool {
if any == nil || m == nil {
return false
name := proto.MessageName(m)
if !strings.HasSuffix(any.TypeUrl, name) {
return false
return len(any.TypeUrl) == len(name) || any.TypeUrl[len(any.TypeUrl)-len(name)-1] == '/'
// DynamicAny is a value that can be passed to UnmarshalAny to automatically
// allocate a proto.Message for the type specified in an anypb.Any message.
// The allocated message is stored in the embedded proto.Message.
// Example:
// var x ptypes.DynamicAny
// if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(a, &x); err != nil { ... }
// fmt.Printf("unmarshaled message: %v", x.Message)
// Deprecated: Use the any.UnmarshalNew method instead to unmarshal
// the any message contents into a new instance of the underlying message.
type DynamicAny struct{ proto.Message }
func (m DynamicAny) String() string {
if m.Message == nil {
return "<nil>"
return m.Message.String()
func (m DynamicAny) Reset() {
if m.Message == nil {
func (m DynamicAny) ProtoMessage() {
func (m DynamicAny) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message {
if m.Message == nil {
return nil
return dynamicAny{proto.MessageReflect(m.Message)}
type dynamicAny struct{ protoreflect.Message }
func (m dynamicAny) Type() protoreflect.MessageType {
return dynamicAnyType{m.Message.Type()}
func (m dynamicAny) New() protoreflect.Message {
return dynamicAnyType{m.Message.Type()}.New()
func (m dynamicAny) Interface() protoreflect.ProtoMessage {
return DynamicAny{proto.MessageV1(m.Message.Interface())}
type dynamicAnyType struct{ protoreflect.MessageType }
func (t dynamicAnyType) New() protoreflect.Message {
return dynamicAny{t.MessageType.New()}
func (t dynamicAnyType) Zero() protoreflect.Message {
return dynamicAny{t.MessageType.Zero()}

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// source:
package any
import (
protoreflect ""
protoimpl ""
anypb ""
reflect "reflect"
// Symbols defined in public import of google/protobuf/any.proto.
type Any = anypb.Any
var File_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor
var file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_rawDesc = []byte{
0x0a, 0x2f, 0x67, 0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6c,
0x61, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x79,
0x70, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2f, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x79, 0x2f, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x79, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74,
0x6f, 0x1a, 0x19, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62,
0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x79, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x42, 0x2b, 0x5a, 0x29,
0x67, 0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x61, 0x6e,
0x67, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70, 0x65,
0x73, 0x2f, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x79, 0x3b, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x79, 0x50, 0x00, 0x62, 0x06, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f,
0x74, 0x6f, 0x33,
var file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_goTypes = []interface{}{}
var file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_depIdxs = []int32{
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for method output_type
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for method input_type
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for extension type_name
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for extension extendee
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for field type_name
func init() { file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_init() }
func file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_init() {
if File_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto != nil {
type x struct{}
out := protoimpl.TypeBuilder{
File: protoimpl.DescBuilder{
GoPackagePath: reflect.TypeOf(x{}).PkgPath(),
RawDescriptor: file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_rawDesc,
NumEnums: 0,
NumMessages: 0,
NumExtensions: 0,
NumServices: 0,
GoTypes: file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_goTypes,
DependencyIndexes: file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_depIdxs,
File_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto = out.File
file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_rawDesc = nil
file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_goTypes = nil
file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_depIdxs = nil

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package ptypes provides functionality for interacting with well-known types.
// Deprecated: Well-known types have specialized functionality directly
// injected into the generated packages for each message type.
// See the deprecation notice for each function for the suggested alternative.
package ptypes

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ptypes
import (
durationpb ""
// Range of google.protobuf.Duration as specified in duration.proto.
// This is about 10,000 years in seconds.
const (
maxSeconds = int64(10000 * 365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60)
minSeconds = -maxSeconds
// Duration converts a durationpb.Duration to a time.Duration.
// Duration returns an error if dur is invalid or overflows a time.Duration.
// Deprecated: Call the dur.AsDuration and dur.CheckValid methods instead.
func Duration(dur *durationpb.Duration) (time.Duration, error) {
if err := validateDuration(dur); err != nil {
return 0, err
d := time.Duration(dur.Seconds) * time.Second
if int64(d/time.Second) != dur.Seconds {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("duration: %v is out of range for time.Duration", dur)
if dur.Nanos != 0 {
d += time.Duration(dur.Nanos) * time.Nanosecond
if (d < 0) != (dur.Nanos < 0) {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("duration: %v is out of range for time.Duration", dur)
return d, nil
// DurationProto converts a time.Duration to a durationpb.Duration.
// Deprecated: Call the durationpb.New function instead.
func DurationProto(d time.Duration) *durationpb.Duration {
nanos := d.Nanoseconds()
secs := nanos / 1e9
nanos -= secs * 1e9
return &durationpb.Duration{
Seconds: int64(secs),
Nanos: int32(nanos),
// validateDuration determines whether the durationpb.Duration is valid
// according to the definition in google/protobuf/duration.proto.
// A valid durpb.Duration may still be too large to fit into a time.Duration
// Note that the range of durationpb.Duration is about 10,000 years,
// while the range of time.Duration is about 290 years.
func validateDuration(dur *durationpb.Duration) error {
if dur == nil {
return errors.New("duration: nil Duration")
if dur.Seconds < minSeconds || dur.Seconds > maxSeconds {
return fmt.Errorf("duration: %v: seconds out of range", dur)
if dur.Nanos <= -1e9 || dur.Nanos >= 1e9 {
return fmt.Errorf("duration: %v: nanos out of range", dur)
// Seconds and Nanos must have the same sign, unless d.Nanos is zero.
if (dur.Seconds < 0 && dur.Nanos > 0) || (dur.Seconds > 0 && dur.Nanos < 0) {
return fmt.Errorf("duration: %v: seconds and nanos have different signs", dur)
return nil

View File

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// source:
package duration
import (
protoreflect ""
protoimpl ""
durationpb ""
reflect "reflect"
// Symbols defined in public import of google/protobuf/duration.proto.
type Duration = durationpb.Duration
var File_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor
var file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_rawDesc = []byte{
0x0a, 0x39, 0x67, 0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6c,
0x61, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x79,
0x70, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2f, 0x64, 0x75, 0x72, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x2f, 0x64, 0x75, 0x72,
0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x1a, 0x1e, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6f,
0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x64, 0x75, 0x72,
0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x42, 0x35, 0x5a, 0x33, 0x67,
0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x67,
0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70, 0x65, 0x73,
0x2f, 0x64, 0x75, 0x72, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x3b, 0x64, 0x75, 0x72, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69,
0x6f, 0x6e, 0x50, 0x00, 0x62, 0x06, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x33,
var file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_goTypes = []interface{}{}
var file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_depIdxs = []int32{
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for method output_type
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for method input_type
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for extension type_name
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for extension extendee
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for field type_name
func init() { file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_init() }
func file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_init() {
if File_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto != nil {
type x struct{}
out := protoimpl.TypeBuilder{
File: protoimpl.DescBuilder{
GoPackagePath: reflect.TypeOf(x{}).PkgPath(),
RawDescriptor: file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_rawDesc,
NumEnums: 0,
NumMessages: 0,
NumExtensions: 0,
NumServices: 0,
GoTypes: file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_goTypes,
DependencyIndexes: file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_depIdxs,
File_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto = out.File
file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_rawDesc = nil
file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_goTypes = nil
file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_depIdxs = nil

View File

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ptypes
import (
timestamppb ""
// Range of google.protobuf.Duration as specified in timestamp.proto.
const (
// Seconds field of the earliest valid Timestamp.
// This is time.Date(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Unix().
minValidSeconds = -62135596800
// Seconds field just after the latest valid Timestamp.
// This is time.Date(10000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Unix().
maxValidSeconds = 253402300800
// Timestamp converts a timestamppb.Timestamp to a time.Time.
// It returns an error if the argument is invalid.
// Unlike most Go functions, if Timestamp returns an error, the first return
// value is not the zero time.Time. Instead, it is the value obtained from the
// time.Unix function when passed the contents of the Timestamp, in the UTC
// locale. This may or may not be a meaningful time; many invalid Timestamps
// do map to valid time.Times.
// A nil Timestamp returns an error. The first return value in that case is
// undefined.
// Deprecated: Call the ts.AsTime and ts.CheckValid methods instead.
func Timestamp(ts *timestamppb.Timestamp) (time.Time, error) {
// Don't return the zero value on error, because corresponds to a valid
// timestamp. Instead return whatever time.Unix gives us.
var t time.Time
if ts == nil {
t = time.Unix(0, 0).UTC() // treat nil like the empty Timestamp
} else {
t = time.Unix(ts.Seconds, int64(ts.Nanos)).UTC()
return t, validateTimestamp(ts)
// TimestampNow returns a google.protobuf.Timestamp for the current time.
// Deprecated: Call the timestamppb.Now function instead.
func TimestampNow() *timestamppb.Timestamp {
ts, err := TimestampProto(time.Now())
if err != nil {
panic("ptypes: time.Now() out of Timestamp range")
return ts
// TimestampProto converts the time.Time to a google.protobuf.Timestamp proto.
// It returns an error if the resulting Timestamp is invalid.
// Deprecated: Call the timestamppb.New function instead.
func TimestampProto(t time.Time) (*timestamppb.Timestamp, error) {
ts := &timestamppb.Timestamp{
Seconds: t.Unix(),
Nanos: int32(t.Nanosecond()),
if err := validateTimestamp(ts); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ts, nil
// TimestampString returns the RFC 3339 string for valid Timestamps.
// For invalid Timestamps, it returns an error message in parentheses.
// Deprecated: Call the ts.AsTime method instead,
// followed by a call to the Format method on the time.Time value.
func TimestampString(ts *timestamppb.Timestamp) string {
t, err := Timestamp(ts)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("(%v)", err)
return t.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
// validateTimestamp determines whether a Timestamp is valid.
// A valid timestamp represents a time in the range [0001-01-01, 10000-01-01)
// and has a Nanos field in the range [0, 1e9).
// If the Timestamp is valid, validateTimestamp returns nil.
// Otherwise, it returns an error that describes the problem.
// Every valid Timestamp can be represented by a time.Time,
// but the converse is not true.
func validateTimestamp(ts *timestamppb.Timestamp) error {
if ts == nil {
return errors.New("timestamp: nil Timestamp")
if ts.Seconds < minValidSeconds {
return fmt.Errorf("timestamp: %v before 0001-01-01", ts)
if ts.Seconds >= maxValidSeconds {
return fmt.Errorf("timestamp: %v after 10000-01-01", ts)
if ts.Nanos < 0 || ts.Nanos >= 1e9 {
return fmt.Errorf("timestamp: %v: nanos not in range [0, 1e9)", ts)
return nil

View File

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// source:
package timestamp
import (
protoreflect ""
protoimpl ""
timestamppb ""
reflect "reflect"
// Symbols defined in public import of google/protobuf/timestamp.proto.
type Timestamp = timestamppb.Timestamp
var File_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor
var file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_rawDesc = []byte{
0x0a, 0x3b, 0x67, 0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6c,
0x61, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x79,
0x70, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2f, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x2f, 0x74, 0x69,
0x6d, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x1a, 0x1f, 0x67,
0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x74,
0x69, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x42, 0x37,
0x5a, 0x35, 0x67, 0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6c,
0x61, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x79,
0x70, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2f, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x3b, 0x74, 0x69,
0x6d, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x50, 0x00, 0x62, 0x06, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f,
var file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_goTypes = []interface{}{}
var file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_depIdxs = []int32{
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for method output_type
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for method input_type
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for extension type_name
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for extension extendee
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for field type_name
func init() { file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_init() }
func file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_init() {
if File_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto != nil {
type x struct{}
out := protoimpl.TypeBuilder{
File: protoimpl.DescBuilder{
GoPackagePath: reflect.TypeOf(x{}).PkgPath(),
RawDescriptor: file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_rawDesc,
NumEnums: 0,
NumMessages: 0,
NumExtensions: 0,
NumServices: 0,
GoTypes: file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_goTypes,
DependencyIndexes: file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_depIdxs,
File_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto = out.File
file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_rawDesc = nil
file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_goTypes = nil
file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_depIdxs = nil

View File

@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
// protoc-gen-go v1.31.0
// protoc v4.22.0
// protoc-gen-go v1.32.0
// protoc v4.25.2
// source: grpc/binlog/v1/binarylog.proto
package grpc_binarylog_v1

View File

@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ package proto
import (
// Name is the name registered for the proto compressor.
@ -38,21 +39,34 @@ func init() {
type codec struct{}
func (codec) Marshal(v any) ([]byte, error) {
vv, ok := v.(proto.Message)
if !ok {
vv := messageV2Of(v)
if vv == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal, message is %T, want proto.Message", v)
return proto.Marshal(vv)
func (codec) Unmarshal(data []byte, v any) error {
vv, ok := v.(proto.Message)
if !ok {
vv := messageV2Of(v)
if vv == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal, message is %T, want proto.Message", v)
return proto.Unmarshal(data, vv)
func messageV2Of(v any) proto.Message {
switch v := v.(type) {
case protoadapt.MessageV1:
return protoadapt.MessageV2Of(v)
case protoadapt.MessageV2:
return v
return nil
func (codec) Name() string {
return Name

View File

@ -25,11 +25,12 @@ import (
binlogpb ""
type callIDGenerator struct {
@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ func NewTruncatingMethodLogger(h, m uint64) *TruncatingMethodLogger {
// in TruncatingMethodLogger as possible.
func (ml *TruncatingMethodLogger) Build(c LogEntryConfig) *binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry {
m := c.toProto()
timestamp, _ := ptypes.TimestampProto(time.Now())
timestamp := timestamppb.Now()
m.Timestamp = timestamp
m.CallId = ml.callID
m.SequenceIdWithinCall =
@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ func (c *ClientHeader) toProto() *binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry {
Authority: c.Authority,
if c.Timeout > 0 {
clientHeader.Timeout = ptypes.DurationProto(c.Timeout)
clientHeader.Timeout = durationpb.New(c.Timeout)
ret := &binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry{
Type: binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry_EVENT_TYPE_CLIENT_HEADER,

View File

@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ import (
binlogpb ""
var (

View File

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
//go:build !go1.21
// TODO: when this file is deleted (after Go 1.20 support is dropped), delete
// all of grpcrand and call the rand package directly.
* Copyright 2018 gRPC authors.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
//go:build go1.21
* Copyright 2024 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Package grpcrand implements math/rand functions in a concurrent-safe way
// with a global random source, independent of math/rand's global source.
package grpcrand
import "math/rand"
// This implementation will be used for Go version 1.21 or newer.
// For older versions, the original implementation with mutex will be used.
// Int implements rand.Int on the grpcrand global source.
func Int() int {
return rand.Int()
// Int63n implements rand.Int63n on the grpcrand global source.
func Int63n(n int64) int64 {
return rand.Int63n(n)
// Intn implements rand.Intn on the grpcrand global source.
func Intn(n int) int {
return rand.Intn(n)
// Int31n implements rand.Int31n on the grpcrand global source.
func Int31n(n int32) int32 {
return rand.Int31n(n)
// Float64 implements rand.Float64 on the grpcrand global source.
func Float64() float64 {
return rand.Float64()
// Uint64 implements rand.Uint64 on the grpcrand global source.
func Uint64() uint64 {
return rand.Uint64()
// Uint32 implements rand.Uint32 on the grpcrand global source.
func Uint32() uint32 {
return rand.Uint32()
// ExpFloat64 implements rand.ExpFloat64 on the grpcrand global source.
func ExpFloat64() float64 {
return rand.ExpFloat64()
// Shuffle implements rand.Shuffle on the grpcrand global source.
var Shuffle = func(n int, f func(int, int)) {
rand.Shuffle(n, f)

View File

@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import (
protov1 ""
protov2 ""
@ -38,15 +37,15 @@ const jsonIndent = " "
func ToJSON(e any) string {
switch ee := e.(type) {
case protov1.Message:
mm := jsonpb.Marshaler{Indent: jsonIndent}
ret, err := mm.MarshalToString(ee)
mm := protojson.MarshalOptions{Indent: jsonIndent}
ret, err := mm.Marshal(protov1.MessageV2(ee))
if err != nil {
// This may fail for proto.Anys, e.g. for xDS v2, LDS, the v2
// messages are not imported, and this will fail because the message
// is not found.
return fmt.Sprintf("%+v", ee)
return ret
return string(ret)
case protov2.Message:
mm := protojson.MarshalOptions{
Multiline: true,

View File

@ -31,10 +31,11 @@ import (
spb ""
// Status represents an RPC status code, message, and details. It is immutable
@ -130,14 +131,14 @@ func (s *Status) Err() error {
// WithDetails returns a new status with the provided details messages appended to the status.
// If any errors are encountered, it returns nil and the first error encountered.
func (s *Status) WithDetails(details ...proto.Message) (*Status, error) {
func (s *Status) WithDetails(details ...protoadapt.MessageV1) (*Status, error) {
if s.Code() == codes.OK {
return nil, errors.New("no error details for status with code OK")
// s.Code() != OK implies that s.Proto() != nil.
p := s.Proto()
for _, detail := range details {
any, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(detail)
any, err := anypb.New(protoadapt.MessageV2Of(detail))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -154,12 +155,12 @@ func (s *Status) Details() []any {
details := make([]any, 0, len(s.s.Details))
for _, any := range s.s.Details {
detail := &ptypes.DynamicAny{}
if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(any, detail); err != nil {
detail, err := any.UnmarshalNew()
if err != nil {
details = append(details, err)
details = append(details, detail.Message)
details = append(details, detail)
return details

View File

@ -535,8 +535,8 @@ const minBatchSize = 1000
// size is too low to give stream goroutines a chance to fill it up.
// Upon exiting, if the error causing the exit is not an I/O error, run()
// flushes and closes the underlying connection. Otherwise, the connection is
// left open to allow the I/O error to be encountered by the reader instead.
// flushes the underlying connection. The connection is always left open to
// allow different closing behavior on the client and server.
func (l *loopyWriter) run() (err error) {
defer func() {
if l.logger.V(logLevel) {
@ -544,7 +544,6 @@ func (l *loopyWriter) run() (err error) {
if !isIOError(err) {

View File

@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ import (
@ -45,6 +44,7 @@ import (
// NewServerHandlerTransport returns a ServerTransport handling gRPC from

View File

@ -451,7 +451,13 @@ func newHTTP2Client(connectCtx, ctx context.Context, addr resolver.Address, opts
go func() {
t.loopy = newLoopyWriter(clientSide, t.framer, t.controlBuf, t.bdpEst, t.conn, t.logger)
if err :=; !isIOError(err) {
// Immediately close the connection, as the loopy writer returns
// when there are no more active streams and we were draining (the
// server sent a GOAWAY). For I/O errors, the reader will hit it
// after draining any remaining incoming data.
return t, nil

View File

@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ import (
@ -322,8 +322,24 @@ func NewServerTransport(conn net.Conn, config *ServerConfig) (_ ServerTransport,
go func() {
t.loopy = newLoopyWriter(serverSide, t.framer, t.controlBuf, t.bdpEst, t.conn, t.logger)
t.loopy.ssGoAwayHandler = t.outgoingGoAwayHandler
err :=
if !isIOError(err) {
// Close the connection if a non-I/O error occurs (for I/O errors
// the reader will also encounter the error and close). Wait 1
// second before closing the connection, or when the reader is done
// (i.e. the client already closed the connection or a connection
// error occurred). This avoids the potential problem where there
// is unread data on the receive side of the connection, which, if
// closed, would lead to a TCP RST instead of FIN, and the client
// encountering errors. For more info:
select {
case <-t.readerDone:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
go t.keepalive()
return t, nil
@ -609,8 +625,8 @@ func (t *http2Server) operateHeaders(ctx context.Context, frame *http2.MetaHeade
// traceCtx attaches trace to ctx and returns the new context.
func (t *http2Server) HandleStreams(ctx context.Context, handle func(*Stream)) {
defer func() {
for {
@ -636,10 +652,6 @@ func (t *http2Server) HandleStreams(ctx context.Context, handle func(*Stream)) {
if err == io.EOF || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
@ -1329,6 +1341,7 @@ func (t *http2Server) outgoingGoAwayHandler(g *goAway) (bool, error) {
if err :=, g.code, g.debugData); err != nil {
return false, err
if retErr != nil {
return false, retErr
@ -1349,7 +1362,7 @@ func (t *http2Server) outgoingGoAwayHandler(g *goAway) (bool, error) {
return false, err
go func() {
timer := time.NewTimer(time.Minute)
timer := time.NewTimer(5 * time.Second)
defer timer.Stop()
select {
case <-t.drainEvent.Done():

View File

@ -189,6 +189,20 @@ type EmptyCallOption struct{}
func (EmptyCallOption) before(*callInfo) error { return nil }
func (EmptyCallOption) after(*callInfo, *csAttempt) {}
// StaticMethod returns a CallOption which specifies that a call is being made
// to a method that is static, which means the method is known at compile time
// and doesn't change at runtime. This can be used as a signal to stats plugins
// that this method is safe to include as a key to a measurement.
func StaticMethod() CallOption {
return StaticMethodCallOption{}
// StaticMethodCallOption is a CallOption that specifies that a call comes
// from a static method.
type StaticMethodCallOption struct {
// Header returns a CallOptions that retrieves the header metadata
// for a unary RPC.
func Header(md *metadata.MD) CallOption {
@ -958,6 +972,7 @@ const (
SupportPackageIsVersion5 = true
SupportPackageIsVersion6 = true
SupportPackageIsVersion7 = true
SupportPackageIsVersion8 = true
const grpcUA = "grpc-go/" + Version

View File

@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ import (
@ -131,7 +129,7 @@ type Server struct {
drain bool
cv *sync.Cond // signaled when connections close for GracefulStop
services map[string]*serviceInfo // service name -> service info
events trace.EventLog
events traceEventLog
quit *grpcsync.Event
done *grpcsync.Event
@ -670,7 +668,7 @@ func NewServer(opt ...ServerOption) *Server { = sync.NewCond(&
if EnableTracing {
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1) = trace.NewEventLog("grpc.Server", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", file, line)) = newTraceEventLog("grpc.Server", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", file, line))
if s.opts.numServerWorkers > 0 {
@ -1734,8 +1732,8 @@ func (s *Server) handleStream(t transport.ServerTransport, stream *transport.Str
ctx = contextWithServer(ctx, s)
var ti *traceInfo
if EnableTracing {
tr := trace.New("grpc.Recv."+methodFamily(stream.Method()), stream.Method())
ctx = trace.NewContext(ctx, tr)
tr := newTrace("grpc.Recv."+methodFamily(stream.Method()), stream.Method())
ctx = newTraceContext(ctx, tr)
ti = &traceInfo{
tr: tr,
firstLine: firstLine{

View File

@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import (
@ -431,7 +430,7 @@ func (cs *clientStream) newAttemptLocked(isTransparent bool) (*csAttempt, error)
var trInfo *traceInfo
if EnableTracing {
trInfo = &traceInfo{
tr: trace.New("grpc.Sent."+methodFamily(method), method),
tr: newTrace("grpc.Sent."+methodFamily(method), method),
firstLine: firstLine{
client: true,
@ -440,7 +439,7 @@ func (cs *clientStream) newAttemptLocked(isTransparent bool) (*csAttempt, error)
trInfo.firstLine.deadline = time.Until(deadline)
}, false)
ctx = trace.NewContext(ctx,
ctx = newTraceContext(ctx,
if == internal.GRPCResolverSchemeExtraMetadata {

View File

@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ import (
// EnableTracing controls whether to trace RPCs using the package.
@ -44,9 +42,31 @@ func methodFamily(m string) string {
return m
// traceEventLog mirrors
// It exists in order to avoid importing x/net/trace on grpcnotrace builds.
type traceEventLog interface {
Printf(format string, a ...any)
Errorf(format string, a ...any)
// traceLog mirrors
// It exists in order to avoid importing x/net/trace on grpcnotrace builds.
type traceLog interface {
LazyLog(x fmt.Stringer, sensitive bool)
LazyPrintf(format string, a ...any)
SetRecycler(f func(any))
SetTraceInfo(traceID, spanID uint64)
SetMaxEvents(m int)
// traceInfo contains tracing information for an RPC.
type traceInfo struct {
tr trace.Trace
tr traceLog
firstLine firstLine

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
//go:build grpcnotrace
* Copyright 2024 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package grpc
// grpcnotrace can be used to avoid importing, which in
// turn enables binaries using gRPC-Go for dead code elimination, which can
// yield 10-15% improvements in binary size when tracing is not needed.
import (
type notrace struct{}
func (notrace) LazyLog(x fmt.Stringer, sensitive bool) {}
func (notrace) LazyPrintf(format string, a ...any) {}
func (notrace) SetError() {}
func (notrace) SetRecycler(f func(any)) {}
func (notrace) SetTraceInfo(traceID, spanID uint64) {}
func (notrace) SetMaxEvents(m int) {}
func (notrace) Finish() {}
func newTrace(family, title string) traceLog {
return notrace{}
func newTraceContext(ctx context.Context, tr traceLog) context.Context {
return ctx
func newTraceEventLog(family, title string) traceEventLog {
return nil

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
//go:build !grpcnotrace
* Copyright 2024 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package grpc
import (
t ""
func newTrace(family, title string) traceLog {
return t.New(family, title)
func newTraceContext(ctx context.Context, tr traceLog) context.Context {
return t.NewContext(ctx, tr)
func newTraceEventLog(family, title string) traceEventLog {
return t.NewEventLog(family, title)

View File

@ -19,4 +19,4 @@
package grpc
// Version is the current grpc version.
const Version = "1.61.0"
const Version = "1.62.0"

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ if [[ "$1" = "-install" ]]; then
if [[ -z "${VET_SKIP_PROTO}" ]]; then
if [[ "${GITHUB_ACTIONS}" = "true" ]]; then
PROTOBUF_VERSION=22.0 # a.k.a v4.22.0 in pb.go files.
PROTOBUF_VERSION=25.2 # a.k.a. v4.22.0 in pb.go files.
pushd /home/runner/go

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package protoadapt bridges the original and new proto APIs.
package protoadapt
import (
// MessageV1 is the original [] type.
type MessageV1 = protoiface.MessageV1
// MessageV2 is the [] type used by the
// current [] module, adding support for reflection.
type MessageV2 = proto.Message
// MessageV1Of converts a v2 message to a v1 message.
// It returns nil if m is nil.
func MessageV1Of(m MessageV2) MessageV1 {
return protoimpl.X.ProtoMessageV1Of(m)
// MessageV2Of converts a v1 message to a v2 message.
// It returns nil if m is nil.
func MessageV2Of(m MessageV1) MessageV2 {
return protoimpl.X.ProtoMessageV2Of(m)

vendor/modules.txt vendored
View File

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
# v1.1.0
## explicit; go 1.18
# v7.0.0
# v7.1.0
## explicit; go 1.18
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
# v1.4.0
## explicit; go 1.20
# v1.35.0
# v1.35.1-0.20240318192459-e64e6cc09dfd
## explicit; go 1.20
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
# v0.58.0
# v0.58.1-0.20240318131753-6f1c96f53a78
## explicit; go 1.20
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
# v25.0.3+incompatible
# v25.0.4+incompatible
## explicit
@ -646,12 +646,7 @@
# v1.5.3
## explicit; go 1.9
# v0.6.0
## explicit; go 1.13
@ -1282,10 +1277,10 @@
# v0.0.0-20231212172506-995d672761c0
# v0.0.0-20240123012728-ef4313101c80
## explicit; go 1.19
# v1.61.0
# v1.62.0
## explicit; go 1.19
@ -1364,6 +1359,7 @@