
569 lines
17 KiB

* This is the API to be used when optionally handling the integration with the web page, instead of
* using the default integration provided by mermaid.js.
* The core of this api is the [**render**]( function which, given a graph
* definition as text, renders the graph/diagram and returns an svg element for the graph.
* It is then up to the user of the API to make use of the svg, either insert it somewhere in the
* page or do something completely different.
* In addition to the render function, a number of behavioral configuration options are available.
import { select } from 'd3';
import { compile, serialize, stringify } from 'stylis';
// @ts-ignore: TODO Fix ts errors
import pkg from '../package.json';
import * as configApi from './config';
import { addDiagrams } from './diagram-api/diagram-orchestration';
import classDb from './diagrams/class/classDb';
import flowDb from './diagrams/flowchart/flowDb';
import ganttDb from './diagrams/gantt/ganttDb';
import Diagram, { getDiagramFromText, type ParseErrorFunction } from './Diagram';
import errorRenderer from './diagrams/error/errorRenderer';
import { attachFunctions } from './interactionDb';
import { log, setLogLevel } from './logger';
import getStyles from './styles';
import theme from './themes';
import utils, { directiveSanitizer } from './utils';
import DOMPurify from 'dompurify';
import { MermaidConfig } from './config.type';
import { evaluate } from './diagrams/common/common';
// diagram names that support classDef statements
const CLASSDEF_DIAGRAMS = ['graph', 'flowchart', 'flowchart-v2', 'stateDiagram'];
* @param text - The mermaid diagram definition.
* @param parseError - If set, handles errors.
function parse(text: string, parseError?: ParseErrorFunction): boolean {
const diagram = new Diagram(text, parseError);
return diagram.parse(text, parseError);
export const encodeEntities = function (text: string): string {
let txt = text;
txt = txt.replace(/style.*:\S*#.*;/g, function (s) {
const innerTxt = s.substring(0, s.length - 1);
return innerTxt;
txt = txt.replace(/classDef.*:\S*#.*;/g, function (s) {
const innerTxt = s.substring(0, s.length - 1);
return innerTxt;
txt = txt.replace(/#\w+;/g, function (s) {
const innerTxt = s.substring(1, s.length - 1);
const isInt = /^\+?\d+$/.test(innerTxt);
if (isInt) {
return 'fl°°' + innerTxt + '¶ß';
} else {
return 'fl°' + innerTxt + '¶ß';
return txt;
export const decodeEntities = function (text: string): string {
let txt = text;
txt = txt.replace(/fl°°/g, function () {
return '&#';
txt = txt.replace(/fl°/g, function () {
return '&';
txt = txt.replace(/¶ß/g, function () {
return ';';
return txt;
* Function that renders an svg with a graph from a chart definition. Usage example below.
* ```javascript
* mermaidAPI.initialize({
* startOnLoad: true,
* });
* $(function () {
* const graphDefinition = 'graph TB\na-->b';
* const cb = function (svgGraph) {
* console.log(svgGraph);
* };
* mermaidAPI.render('id1', graphDefinition, cb);
* });
* ```
* @param id - The id of the element to be rendered
* @param text - The graph definition
* @param cb - Callback which is called after rendering is finished with the svg code as param.
* @param container - Selector to element in which a div with the graph temporarily will be
* inserted. If one is provided a hidden div will be inserted in the body of the page instead. The
* element will be removed when rendering is completed.
* @returns - Resolves when finished rendering.
const render = async function (
id: string,
text: string,
cb: (svgCode: string, bindFunctions?: (element: Element) => void) => void,
container?: Element
): Promise<void> {
text = text.replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n'); // parser problems on CRLF ignore all CR and leave LF;;
const graphInit = utils.detectInit(text);
if (graphInit) {
const cnf = configApi.getConfig();
// Check the maximum allowed text size
if (text.length > cnf.maxTextSize!) {
text = 'graph TB;a[Maximum text size in diagram exceeded];style a fill:#faa';
let root: any = select('body');
// In regular execution the container will be the div with a mermaid class
if (typeof container !== 'undefined') {
// A container was provided by the caller
if (container) {
container.innerHTML = '';
if (cnf.securityLevel === 'sandbox') {
// IF we are in sandboxed mode, we do everything mermaid related
// in a sandboxed div
const iframe = select(container)
.attr('id', 'i' + id)
.attr('style', 'width: 100%; height: 100%;')
.attr('sandbox', '');
// const iframeBody = ;
root = select(iframe.nodes()[0]!.contentDocument!.body);
root.node().style.margin = 0;
} else {
root = select(container);
.attr('id', 'd' + id)
.attr('style', 'font-family: ' + cnf.fontFamily)
.attr('id', id)
.attr('width', '100%')
.attr('xmlns', '')
.attr('xmlns:xlink', '')
} else {
// No container was provided
// If there is an existing element with the id, we remove it
// this likely a previously rendered diagram
const existingSvg = document.getElementById(id);
if (existingSvg) {
// Remove previous tpm element if it exists
let element;
if (cnf.securityLevel === 'sandbox') {
element = document.querySelector('#i' + id);
} else {
element = document.querySelector('#d' + id);
if (element) {
// Add the tmp div used for rendering with the id `d${id}`
// d+id it will contain a svg with the id "id"
if (cnf.securityLevel === 'sandbox') {
// IF we are in sandboxed mode, we do everything mermaid related
// in a sandboxed div
const iframe = select('body')
.attr('id', 'i' + id)
.attr('style', 'width: 100%; height: 100%;')
.attr('sandbox', '');
root = select(iframe.nodes()[0]!.contentDocument!.body);
root.node().style.margin = 0;
} else {
root = select('body');
// This is the temporary div
.attr('id', 'd' + id)
// this is the seed of the svg to be rendered
.attr('id', id)
.attr('width', '100%')
.attr('xmlns', '')
text = encodeEntities(text);
// Important that we do not create the diagram until after the directives have been included
let diag;
let parseEncounteredException;
try {
// diag = new Diagram(text);
diag = await getDiagramFromText(text);
} catch (error) {
diag = new Diagram('error');
parseEncounteredException = error;
// Get the tmp element containing the the svg
const element ='#d' + id).node();
const graphType = diag.type;
// insert inline style into svg
const svg = element.firstChild;
const firstChild = svg.firstChild;
let userStyles = '';
// user provided theme CSS
// If you add more configuration driven data into the user styles make sure that the value is
// sanitized bye the sanitizeCSS function
if (cnf.themeCSS !== undefined) {
userStyles += `\n${cnf.themeCSS}`;
// user provided theme CSS
if (cnf.fontFamily !== undefined) {
userStyles += `\n:root { --mermaid-font-family: ${cnf.fontFamily}}`;
// user provided theme CSS
if (cnf.altFontFamily !== undefined) {
userStyles += `\n:root { --mermaid-alt-font-family: ${cnf.altFontFamily}}`;
// classDef
if (CLASSDEF_DIAGRAMS.includes(graphType)) {
const classes: any = diag.renderer.getClasses(text, diag);
const htmlLabels = cnf.htmlLabels || cnf.flowchart?.htmlLabels;
for (const className in classes) {
if (htmlLabels) {
userStyles += `\n.${className} > * { ${classes[className].styles.join(
' !important; '
)} !important; }`;
userStyles += `\n.${className} span { ${classes[className].styles.join(
' !important; '
)} !important; }`;
} else {
userStyles += `\n.${className} path { ${classes[className].styles.join(
' !important; '
)} !important; }`;
userStyles += `\n.${className} rect { ${classes[className].styles.join(
' !important; '
)} !important; }`;
userStyles += `\n.${className} polygon { ${classes[className].styles.join(
' !important; '
)} !important; }`;
userStyles += `\n.${className} ellipse { ${classes[className].styles.join(
' !important; '
)} !important; }`;
userStyles += `\n.${className} circle { ${classes[className].styles.join(
' !important; '
)} !important; }`;
if (classes[className].textStyles) {
userStyles += `\n.${className} tspan { ${classes[className].textStyles.join(
' !important; '
)} !important; }`;
const stylis = (selector: string, styles: string) =>
serialize(compile(`${selector}{${styles}}`), stringify);
const rules = stylis(`#${id}`, getStyles(graphType, userStyles, cnf.themeVariables));
const style1 = document.createElement('style');
style1.innerHTML = `#${id} ` + rules;
svg.insertBefore(style1, firstChild);
try {
await diag.renderer.draw(text, id, pkg.version, diag);
} catch (e) {
await errorRenderer.draw(text, id, pkg.version);
throw e;
.selectAll('foreignobject > *')
.attr('xmlns', '');
// Fix for when the base tag is used
let svgCode ='#d' + id).node().innerHTML;
log.debug('cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute', cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute);
if (!evaluate(cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute) && cnf.securityLevel !== 'sandbox') {
svgCode = svgCode.replace(/marker-end="url\(.*?#/g, 'marker-end="url(#', 'g');
svgCode = decodeEntities(svgCode);
// Fix for when the br tag is used
svgCode = svgCode.replace(/<br>/g, '<br/>');
if (cnf.securityLevel === 'sandbox') {
const svgEl ='#d' + id + ' svg').node();
const width = '100%';
let height = '100%';
if (svgEl) {
height = svgEl.viewBox.baseVal.height + 'px';
svgCode = `<iframe style="width:${width};height:${height};border:0;margin:0;" src="data:text/html;base64,${btoa(
'<body style="margin:0">' + svgCode + '</body>'
)}" sandbox="allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation allow-popups">
The “iframe” tag is not supported by your browser.
} else {
if (cnf.securityLevel !== 'loose') {
svgCode = DOMPurify.sanitize(svgCode, {
ADD_TAGS: ['foreignobject'],
ADD_ATTR: ['dominant-baseline'],
if (typeof cb !== 'undefined') {
switch (graphType) {
case 'flowchart':
case 'flowchart-v2':
cb(svgCode, flowDb.bindFunctions);
case 'gantt':
cb(svgCode, ganttDb.bindFunctions);
case 'class':
case 'classDiagram':
cb(svgCode, classDb.bindFunctions);
} else {
log.debug('CB = undefined!');
const tmpElementSelector = cnf.securityLevel === 'sandbox' ? '#i' + id : '#d' + id;
const node = select(tmpElementSelector).node();
if (node && 'remove' in node) {
if (parseEncounteredException) {
throw parseEncounteredException;
return svgCode;
let currentDirective: { type?: string; args?: any } | undefined = {};
const parseDirective = function (p: any, statement: string, context: string, type: string): void {
try {
if (statement !== undefined) {
statement = statement.trim();
switch (context) {
case 'open_directive':
currentDirective = {};
case 'type_directive':
if (!currentDirective) {
throw new Error('currentDirective is undefined');
currentDirective.type = statement.toLowerCase();
case 'arg_directive':
if (!currentDirective) {
throw new Error('currentDirective is undefined');
currentDirective.args = JSON.parse(statement);
case 'close_directive':
handleDirective(p, currentDirective, type);
currentDirective = undefined;
} catch (error) {
`Error while rendering sequenceDiagram directive: ${statement} jison context: ${context}`
// @ts-ignore: TODO Fix ts errors
const handleDirective = function (p: any, directive: any, type: string): void {
log.debug(`Directive type=${directive.type} with args:`, directive.args);
switch (directive.type) {
case 'init':
case 'initialize': {
['config'].forEach((prop) => {
if (typeof directive.args[prop] !== 'undefined') {
if (type === 'flowchart-v2') {
type = 'flowchart';
directive.args[type] = directive.args[prop];
delete directive.args[prop];
log.debug('sanitize in handleDirective', directive.args);
log.debug('sanitize in handleDirective (done)', directive.args);
case 'wrap':
case 'nowrap':
if (p && p['setWrap']) {
p.setWrap(directive.type === 'wrap');
case 'themeCss':
log.warn('themeCss encountered');
`Unhandled directive: source: '%%{${directive.type}: ${JSON.stringify(
directive.args ? directive.args : {}
/** @param options - Initial Mermaid options */
async function initialize(options: MermaidConfig) {
// Handle legacy location of font-family configuration
if (options?.fontFamily) {
if (!options.themeVariables?.fontFamily) {
options.themeVariables = { fontFamily: options.fontFamily };
// Set default options
if (options?.theme && options.theme in theme) {
// Todo merge with user options
options.themeVariables = theme[options.theme as keyof typeof theme].getThemeVariables(
} else if (options) {
options.themeVariables = theme.default.getThemeVariables(options.themeVariables);
const config =
typeof options === 'object' ? configApi.setSiteConfig(options) : configApi.getSiteConfig();
export const mermaidAPI = Object.freeze({
getConfig: configApi.getConfig,
setConfig: configApi.setConfig,
getSiteConfig: configApi.getSiteConfig,
updateSiteConfig: configApi.updateSiteConfig,
reset: () => {
globalReset: () => {
defaultConfig: configApi.defaultConfig,
export default mermaidAPI;
* ## mermaidAPI configuration defaults
* ```html
* <script>
* const config = {
* theme: 'default',
* logLevel: 'fatal',
* securityLevel: 'strict',
* startOnLoad: true,
* arrowMarkerAbsolute: false,
* er: {
* diagramPadding: 20,
* layoutDirection: 'TB',
* minEntityWidth: 100,
* minEntityHeight: 75,
* entityPadding: 15,
* stroke: 'gray',
* fill: 'honeydew',
* fontSize: 12,
* useMaxWidth: true,
* },
* flowchart: {
* diagramPadding: 8,
* htmlLabels: true,
* curve: 'basis',
* },
* sequence: {
* diagramMarginX: 50,
* diagramMarginY: 10,
* actorMargin: 50,
* width: 150,
* height: 65,
* boxMargin: 10,
* boxTextMargin: 5,
* noteMargin: 10,
* messageMargin: 35,
* messageAlign: 'center',
* mirrorActors: true,
* bottomMarginAdj: 1,
* useMaxWidth: true,
* rightAngles: false,
* showSequenceNumbers: false,
* },
* gantt: {
* titleTopMargin: 25,
* barHeight: 20,
* barGap: 4,
* topPadding: 50,
* leftPadding: 75,
* gridLineStartPadding: 35,
* fontSize: 11,
* fontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* numberSectionStyles: 4,
* axisFormat: '%Y-%m-%d',
* topAxis: false,
* },
* };
* mermaid.initialize(config);
* </script>
* ```