"This notebook was prepared by [Donne Martin](https://github.com/donnemartin). Source and license info is on [GitHub](https://github.com/donnemartin/interactive-coding-challenges)."
"# Challenge Notebook"
"## Problem: You are running up n steps. If you can take a single, double, or triple step, how many possible ways are there to run up to the nth step?\n",
"* [Constraints](#Constraints)\n",
"* [Test Cases](#Test-Cases)\n",
"* [Algorithm](#Algorithm)\n",
"* [Code](#Code)\n",
"* [Unit Test](#Unit-Test)\n",
"* [Solution Notebook](#Solution-Notebook)"
"## Constraints\n",
"* If n == 0, what should the result be?\n",
" * Go with 1, but discuss different approaches\n",
"* Can we assume the inputs are valid?\n",
" * No\n",
"* Can we assume this fits memory?\n",
" * Yes"
"## Test Cases\n",
"* None or negative input -> Exception\n",
"* n == 0 -> 1\n",
"* n == 1 -> 1\n",
"* n == 2 -> 2\n",
"* n == 3 -> 4\n",
"* n == 4 -> 7\n",
"* n == 10 -> 274"
"## Algorithm\n",
"Refer to the [Solution Notebook](). If you are stuck and need a hint, the solution notebook's algorithm discussion might be a good place to start."