Challenges will soon provide on-demand [incremental hints]( to help you arrive at the optimal solution.
* [Challenge Notebook] Provides on-demand [incremental hints]( to help you arrive at the optimal solution. Coming soon!
| Determine if a string contains unique characters | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Determine if a string is a permutation of another | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Determine if a string is a rotation of another | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Compress a string | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Reverse characters in a string | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Given two strings, find the single different char | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find two indices that sum to a specific value | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the first non-repeated character in a string | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Remove specified characters in a string | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Reverse words in a string | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Convert a string to an integer | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Convert an integer to a string | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Add a challenge | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Remove duplicates from a linked list | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the kth to last element of a linked list | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Delete a node in the middle of a linked list | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Partition a linked list around a given value | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Add two numbers whose digits are stored in a linked list | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the start of a linked list loop | [Challenge]()│[Solution]( |
| Determine if a linked list is a palindrome | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Implement a linked list | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Determine if a list is cyclic or acyclic | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Add a challenge | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Implement n stacks using a single array | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Implement a stack that keeps track of its minimum element | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Implement a set of stacks class that wraps a list of capacity-bounded stacks | [Challenge]()│[Solution]( |
| Implement a queue using two stacks | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Sort a stack using another stack as a buffer | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Implement a stack | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Implement a queue | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Implement a priority queue backed by an array | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Implement depth-first search (pre-, in-, post-order) on a tree | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Implement breadth-first search on a tree | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Determine the height of a tree | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Create a binary search tree with minimal height from a sorted array | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Create a linked list for each level of a binary tree | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Check if a binary tree is balanced | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Determine if a tree is a valid binary search tree | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the in-order successor of a given node in a binary search tree | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the second largest node in a binary search tree | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the lowest common ancestor | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Invert a binary tree | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Implement a binary search tree | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Implement a min heap | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Implement a trie | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Implement depth-first search on a graph | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Implement breadth-first search on a graph | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Determine if there is a path between two nodes in a graph | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find a build order given a list of projects and dependencies. | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the shortest path in a weighted graph. | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the shortest path in an unweighted graph. | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Sort an array of strings so all anagrams are next to each other | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find an item in a sorted, rotated array | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Search a sorted matrix for an item | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find an int not in an input of n integers | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Given sorted arrays A, B, merge B into A in sorted order | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Implement a stable selection sort | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Make an unstable sort stable | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Implement an efficient, in-place version of quicksort | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Given two sorted arrays, merge one into the other in sorted order | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Find an element in a rotated and sorted array of integers | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Add a challenge | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Maximize items placed in a knapsack | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Maximize unbounded items placed in a knapsack | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the longest common substring | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the longest increasing subsequence | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Minimize the cost of matrix multiplication | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Maximize stock prices given k transactions | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the minimum number of ways to represent n cents given an array of coins | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the unique number of ways to represent n cents given an array of coins | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Print all valid combinations of n-pairs of parentheses | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Navigate a maze | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Print all subsets of a set | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Print all permutations of a string | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the magic index in an array | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the number of ways to run up n steps | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Implement the Towers of Hanoi with 3 towers and N disks | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Implement factorial recursively, dynamically, and iteratively | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Perform a binary search on a sorted array of integers | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Print all combinations of a string | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Implement a paint fill function | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Find all permutations to represent n cents, given 1, 5, 10, 25 cent coins | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Generate a list of primes | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the digital root | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Create a class supporting insert, max, min, mean, mode in O(1) | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Determine if a number is a power of two | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Add two numbers without the + or - sign | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Subtract two numbers without the + or - sign | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Check if a number is prime | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Determine if two lines on a Cartesian plane intersect | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Using only add, implement multiply, subtract, and divide for ints | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Find the kth number such that the only prime factors are 3, 5, and 7 | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Add a challenge | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Implement common bit manipulation operations | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Determine number of bits to flip to convert a into b | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Draw a line on a screen | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Flip a bit to maximize the longest sequence of 1s | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Get the next largest and next smallest numbers | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Merge two binary numbers | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Swap odd and even bits in an integer | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Print the binary representation of a number between 0 and 1 | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Determine the number of 1s in the binary representation of a given integer | [Contribute](│[Contribute]( |
| Find the longest substring with at most k distinct chars | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the highest product of three numbers | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Maximize stocks profit from 1 buy and 1 sell | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Move all zeroes in a list to the end | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the products of every other int | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Given a list of entries and exits, find the busiest period | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Determine an island's perimeter | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Format license keys | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the longest absolute file path | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Assign cookies | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Determine if you can win in Nim | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Check if a magazine could have been used to create a ransom note | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
| Find the number of times a sentence can fit on a screen | [Challenge](│[Solution]( |
If you run into an issue about pyzmq, refer to the following [Stack Overflow post]( and run:
For detailed instructions, scripts, and tools to more optimally set up your development environment, check out the [dev-setup]( repo.
For more details on notebook installation, follow the directions [here](
This will launch your web browser with the list of challenge categories:
* Navigate to the **Challenge Notebook** you wish to solve
* Run the cells within the challenge notebook (Cell->Run All)
* This will result in an expected unit test error
* Solve the challenge and verify it passes the unit test
* Check out the accompanying **Solution Notebook** for further discussion
To **debug** your solution with pdb, refer to the following [ticket](
Note: If your solution is different from those listed in the Solution Notebook, consider submitting a pull request so others can benefit from your work. Review the [Contributing Guidelines]( for details.
* Notebooks currently contain mostly Python solutions (tested on both Python 2.7 and Python 3.x), but can be extended to include [44 supported languages](