"This notebook was prepared by [Donne Martin](https://github.com/donnemartin). Source and license info is on [GitHub](https://github.com/donnemartin/interactive-coding-challenges)."
"# Challenge Notebook"
"## Problem: Determine the total number of unique ways to make n cents, given coins of denominations less than n cents.\n",
"* [Constraints](#Constraints)\n",
"* [Test Cases](#Test-Cases)\n",
"* [Algorithm](#Algorithm)\n",
"* [Code](#Code)\n",
"* [Unit Test](#Unit-Test)\n",
"* [Solution Notebook](#Solution-Notebook)"
"## Constraints\n",
"* Do the coins have to reach exactly n cents?\n",
" * Yes\n",
"* Can we assume we have an infinite number of coins to make n cents?\n",
" * Yes\n",
"* Do we need to report the combination(s) of coins that represent the minimum?\n",
" * No\n",
"* Can we assume the coin denominations are given in sorted order?\n",
" * No\n",
"* Can we assume this fits memory?\n",
" * Yes"
"## Test Cases\n",
"* coins: None or n: None -> Exception\n",
"* coins: [] or n: 0 -> 0\n",
"* coins: [1, 2, 3], n: 5 -> 5"
"## Algorithm\n",
"Refer to the [Solution Notebook](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/donnemartin/interactive-coding-challenges/blob/master/recursion_dynamic/coin_change/coin_change_solution.ipynb). If you are stuck and need a hint, the solution notebook's algorithm discussion might be a good place to start."
"Review the [Solution Notebook](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/donnemartin/interactive-coding-challenges/blob/master/recursion_dynamic/coin_change/coin_change_solution.ipynb) for a discussion on algorithms and code solutions."