
203 lines
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* @author Marzavec ( https://github.com/marzavec )
* @summary Color a user
* @version 1.0.0
* @description Forces a user nick to become a certain color
* @module forcecolor
import {
} from '../utility/_UAC.js';
import {
} from '../utility/_Constants.js';
import {
} from '../utility/_Channels.js';
* Validate a string as a valid hex color string
* @param {string} color - Color string to validate
* @private
* @todo Move into utility module
* @return {boolean}
const verifyColor = (color) => /(^[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(color);
* Executes when invoked by a remote client
* @param {Object} env - Environment object with references to core, server, socket & payload
* @public
* @return {void}
export async function run({
server, socket, payload,
}) {
// increase rate limit chance and ignore if not admin or mod
if (!isModerator(socket.level)) {
return server.police.frisk(socket, 10);
const { channel } = socket;
if (typeof payload.channel === 'undefined') {
payload.channel = channel;
// check user input
if (typeof payload.nick !== 'string') {
return true;
if (typeof payload.color !== 'string') {
return true;
// make sure requested nickname meets standards
const newColor = payload.color.trim().toUpperCase().replace(/#/g, '');
if (newColor !== 'RESET' && !verifyColor(newColor)) {
return server.reply({
cmd: 'warn',
text: 'Invalid color! Color must be in hex value',
id: Errors.ChangeColor.INVALID_COLOR,
channel, // @todo Multichannel
}, socket);
// find target user
const targetUser = findUser(server, payload);
if (!targetUser) {
return server.reply({
cmd: 'warn',
text: 'Could not find user in that channel',
id: Errors.Global.UNKNOWN_USER,
channel: socket.channel, // @todo Multichannel
}, socket);
// TODO: Change this uType to use level / uac
// i guess coloring mods or admins isn't the best idea?
if (targetUser.uType !== 'user') {
return true;
if (newColor === 'RESET') {
targetUser.color = false;
} else {
targetUser.color = newColor;
// build update notice with new color
const updateNotice = {
cmd: 'updateUser',
channel: socket.channel, // @todo Multichannel
// notify channel that the user has changed their color
// @todo this should be sent to every channel the user is in (multichannel)
server.broadcast(updateNotice, { channel: socket.channel });
return true;
* Automatically executes once after server is ready to register this modules hooks
* @param {Object} server - Reference to server environment object
* @public
* @return {void}
export function initHooks(server) {
server.registerHook('in', 'chat', this.colorCheck.bind(this), 20);
* Executes every time an incoming chat command is invoked;
* hooks chat commands checking for /forcecolor
* @param {Object} env - Environment object with references to core, server, socket & payload
* @public
* @return {(Object|boolean|string)} Object = same/altered payload,
* false = suppress action,
* string = error
export function colorCheck({
core, server, socket, payload,
}) {
if (typeof payload.text !== 'string') {
return false;
if (payload.text.startsWith('/forcecolor ')) {
const input = payload.text.split(' ');
// If there is no nickname target parameter
if (input[1] === undefined) {
cmd: 'warn',
text: 'Refer to `/help forcecolor` for instructions on how to use this command.',
id: Errors.ForceColor.MISSING_NICK,
channel: socket.channel, // @todo Multichannel
}, socket);
return false;
if (input[2] === undefined) {
cmd: 'warn',
text: 'Invalid color! Color must be in hex value',
id: Errors.ChangeColor.INVALID_COLOR,
channel: socket.channel, // @todo Multichannel
}, socket);
return false;
const target = input[1].replace(/@/g, '');
payload: {
cmd: 'forcecolor',
nick: target,
color: input[2],
return false;
return payload;
* The following payload properties are required to invoke this module:
* "nick", "color"
* @public
* @typedef {Array} forcecolor/requiredData
export const requiredData = ['nick', 'color'];
* Module meta information
* @public
* @typedef {Object} forcecolor/info
* @property {string} name - Module command name
* @property {string} category - Module category name
* @property {string} description - Information about module
* @property {string} usage - Information about module usage
export const info = {
name: 'forcecolor',
category: 'moderators',
description: 'Forces a user nick to become a certain color',
usage: `
API: { cmd: 'forcecolor', nick: '<target nick>', color: '<color as hex>' }
Text: /forcecolor <target nick> <color as hex>`,