2023-12-29 23:24:12 -08:00
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< h1 class = "page-title" > Source: core/updateMessage.js< / h1 >
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< pre class = "prettyprint source linenums" > < code > /**
* @author MinusGix ( https://github.com/MinusGix )
* @summary Change target message
* @version v1.0.0
* @description Will alter a previously sent message using that message's customId
* @module updateMessage
import {
} from '../utility/_Text.js';
import {
} from '../utility/_UAC.js';
import {
} from './chat.js';
* Executes when invoked by a remote client
channel ownership base, part 1
Fleshing out the new channel ownership feature, along with a typo fix and small syntax updates.
A claim can now be staked with /claimchannel, a channel owner may change a trip's level using /setlevel
To do: unclaimchannel, setmotd, makeprivate, makepublic, renewclaim, garbage keeping, update mod commands to accept channelOwner and channelModerator, etc
2024-01-05 00:30:28 -08:00
* @param {Object} env - Environment object with references to core, server, socket & payload
2023-12-29 23:24:12 -08:00
* @public
* @return {void}
export async function run({
server, socket, payload,
}) {
// undefined | "overwrite" | "append" | "prepend" | "complete"
const { customId } = payload;
let { mode, text } = payload;
if (!mode) {
mode = 'overwrite';
if (mode !== 'overwrite' & & mode !== 'append' & & mode !== 'prepend' & & mode !== 'complete') {
return server.police.frisk(socket, 13);
if (!customId || typeof customId !== 'string' || customId.length > MAX_MESSAGE_ID_LENGTH) {
return server.police.frisk(socket, 13);
if (typeof (text) !== 'string') {
return server.police.frisk(socket, 13);
if (mode === 'overwrite') {
text = parseText(text);
if (text === '') {
text = '\u0000';
if (!text) {
return server.police.frisk(socket, 13);
// TODO: What score should we use for this? It isn't as space filling as chat messages.
// But we also don't want a massive growing message.
// Or flashing between huge and small. Etc.
let message;
for (let i = 0; i < ACTIVE_MESSAGES.length; i += 1) {
const msg = ACTIVE_MESSAGES[i];
if (msg.userid === socket.userid & & msg.customId === customId) {
message = ACTIVE_MESSAGES[i];
if (mode === 'complete') {
ACTIVE_MESSAGES[i].toDelete = true;
if (!message) {
return server.police.frisk(socket, 6);
const outgoingPayload = {
cmd: 'updateMessage',
userid: socket.userid,
channel: socket.channel,
level: socket.level,
customId: message.customId,
if (isAdmin(socket.level)) {
outgoingPayload.admin = true;
} else if (isModerator(socket.level)) {
outgoingPayload.mod = true;
server.broadcast(outgoingPayload, { channel: socket.channel });
return true;
* The following payload properties are required to invoke this module:
* "text", "customId"
* @public
* @typedef {Array} addmod/requiredData
export const requiredData = ['text', 'customId'];
* Module meta information
* @public
* @typedef {Object} updateMessage/info
* @property {string} name - Module command name
* @property {string} category - Module category name
* @property {string} description - Information about module
* @property {string} usage - Information about module usage
export const info = {
name: 'updateMessage',
category: 'core',
description: 'Update a message you have sent.',
usage: `
API: { cmd: 'updateMessage', mode: 'overwrite'|'append'|'prepend'|'complete', text: '< text to apply>', customId: '< customId sent with the chat message>' }`,
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