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synced 2024-04-18 07:30:55 +08:00
The GitPitch server has been updated with support for GitPitch slideshow presentations powered by PITCHME.md within GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket public repos. The git.repo.services property in application.conf can be used to register and configure custom GRS (Git Repo Services) for any GitPitch server deployment.
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# Routes
# This file defines all application routes (Higher priority routes first)
# ~~~~
# Map static resources from the /public folder to the /assets URL path
GET /assets/*file controllers.Assets.versioned(path="/public", file: Asset)
# Serve GitPitch GIST iFrame for {gid}.
GET /pitchme/gist/:gid com.gitpitch.controllers.PitchController.gist(gid:String)
# Serve PITCHME.pdf.
GET /pitchme/print/:grs/:user/:repo/:b/:t/PITCHME.pdf com.gitpitch.controllers.PitchController.print(grs:String, user:String, repo:String, b:String, t:String, n:String ?= null)
# Serve PITCHME.zip.
GET /pitchme/offline/:grs/:user/:repo/:b/:t/PITCHME.zip com.gitpitch.controllers.PitchController.offline(grs:String, user:String, repo:String, b:String, t:String, n:String ?= null)
# Redirect to GitHub OAuth Access Request
# GET /pitchme/authreq com.gitpitch.controllers.AuthController.authreq()
# Handle GitHub OAuth Callback
# GET /pitchme/authorized com.gitpitch.controllers.AuthController.authorized(code:String ?= null, state:String ?= null)
# Serve PITCHME.md markdown.
GET /pitchme/markdown/:grs/:user/:repo/:b/PITCHME.md com.gitpitch.controllers.PitchController.markdown(grs:String, user:String, repo:String, b:String)
# Serve PITCHME.md slideshow.
GET /pitchme/slideshow/:grs/:user/:repo/:b com.gitpitch.controllers.PitchController.slideshow(grs:String, user:String, repo:String, b:String, t:String ?= null, n:String ?= null, fragments:String ?= null, offline:String ?= null)
# Serve PITCHME.md landing page.
GET /:user/:repo/:b com.gitpitch.controllers.PitchController.landing(user:String, repo:String, b:String, grs:String ?= null, t:String ?= null, n:String?= null, offline:String ?= null)
# Serve PITCHME.md landing page, short URI format.
GET /:user/:repo com.gitpitch.controllers.PitchController.landing(user:String, repo:String, b:String ?= null, grs:String ?= null, t:String ?= null, n:String?= null, offline:String ?= null)
# Catch-all route redirect to website.
GET /*path com.gitpitch.controllers.PitchController.catchall(path:String)