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synced 2024-04-18 07:30:55 +08:00
A new parameter (p) on slideshow URLs accepts a relative path to a custom directory within a repo where PITCHME.* can be found for a given presentation. If (p) is not specified, the default behavior using the root directory within the repo is preserved. This feature supports the creation and management of multiple presentations within a single repo (branch), potentially sharing common assets such as images, styles, etc. The following changes were required to support this feature: - Optional parameter (p) on slideshow urls - Each (p) generates isolated print PDF - Each (p) generates isolated offline ZIP - Caching of YAML and Markdown is now (p) aware
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# Routes
# This file defines all application routes (Higher priority routes first)
# ~~~~
# Map static resources from the /public folder to the /assets URL path
GET /assets/*file controllers.Assets.versioned(path="/public", file: Asset)
# Serve GitPitch GIST iFrame for {gid}.
GET /pitchme/gist/:gid com.gitpitch.controllers.PitchController.gist(gid:String)
# Serve PITCHME.pdf.
GET /pitchme/print/:grs/:user/:repo/:b/:t/PITCHME.pdf com.gitpitch.controllers.PitchController.print(grs:String, user:String, repo:String, b:String, t:String, p:String ?= null, n:String ?= null)
# Serve PITCHME.zip.
GET /pitchme/offline/:grs/:user/:repo/:b/:t/PITCHME.zip com.gitpitch.controllers.PitchController.offline(grs:String, user:String, repo:String, b:String, t:String, p:String ?= null, n:String ?= null)
# Redirect to GitHub OAuth Access Request
# GET /pitchme/authreq com.gitpitch.controllers.AuthController.authreq()
# Handle GitHub OAuth Callback
# GET /pitchme/authorized com.gitpitch.controllers.AuthController.authorized(code:String ?= null, state:String ?= null)
# Serve PITCHME.md markdown.
GET /pitchme/markdown/:grs/:user/:repo/:b/PITCHME.md com.gitpitch.controllers.PitchController.markdown(grs:String, user:String, repo:String, b:String, p:String ?= null)
# Serve PITCHME.md slideshow.
GET /pitchme/slideshow/:grs/:user/:repo/:b com.gitpitch.controllers.PitchController.slideshow(grs:String, user:String, repo:String, b:String, t:String ?= null, p:String ?= null, n:String ?= null, fragments:String ?= null, offline:String ?= null)
# Serve PITCHME.md landing page.
GET /:user/:repo/:b com.gitpitch.controllers.PitchController.landing(user:String, repo:String, b:String, grs:String ?= null, t:String ?= null, p:String?= null, n:String ?= null, offline:String ?= null)
# Serve PITCHME.md landing page, short URI format.
GET /:user/:repo com.gitpitch.controllers.PitchController.landing(user:String, repo:String, b:String ?= null, grs:String ?= null, t:String ?= null, p:String?= null, n:String ?= null, offline:String ?= null)
# Catch-all route redirect to website.
GET /*path com.gitpitch.controllers.PitchController.catchall(path:String)