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synced 2024-04-18 07:30:55 +08:00
28 lines
688 B
28 lines
688 B
digraph G {
node [shape=record, fillcolor=lightgray, style="filled,rounded"]
capture [label="Traffic Capture"]
capture -> analyze
subgraph cluster0 {
label = "Same as\nNetwork Capture Assessment"
labeljust = left
style = "filled,rounded"
color = deepskyblue
analyze [label="Endpoint and Flow Analysis"]
analyze:0 -> known:n
analyze:1 -> unknown:n
known [label="Known Protocol Analysis"]
unknown [label="Unknown Protocol Decode"]
known:s -> enum:0
unknown:s -> enum:1
enum [label="Protocol Enumeration"]
enum -> fuzz
fuzz [label="Protocol Fuzzing"]
fuzz -> exploit
exploit [label="Protocol Exploitation"]