# Mermaid Diagrams ?> GitPitch widgets greatly enhance traditional markdown rendering capabilities for slide decks. The mermaid widget is a special markdown syntax that can be used to render [Mermaid Diagrams and Flowcharts](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid) on any slide. ### Widget Paths All paths to mermaid description files specified within [PITCHME.md](/conventions/pitchme-md.md) markdown must be relative to the *root directory* of your local working directory or Git repository. ### Widget Syntax The following markdown snippet demonstrates mermaid widget syntax: ```markdown @mermaid[properties...](path/to/file.mmd) ``` ?> The `properties...` list expects a comma-separated list of property `key=value` pairs. Each diagram is defined using a simple text-based syntax within a dedicated description file. The exact syntax is defined by the [Mermaid Project](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid). The following conventions are enforced: 1. *Mermaid* diagram descriptions **must** be defined in a file within your local repository. 1. These *Mermaid* diagram description files must have a **.mmd** extension. 1. The contents of your diagram description files must adhere to valid [Mermaid](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid) syntax. [Mermaid Properties](../_snippets/diagrams-mermaid-properties.md ':include') ### Sample Slide The following slide demonstrates a sample sequence diagram rendered using mermaid widget syntax. The markdown snippet used to create this slide takes advantage of both *mermaid-specific* and *grid native properties* to position, size, and transform the diagram on the slide: ![Sample slide demonstrating the mermaid widget](../_images/gitpitch-diagrams-mermaid-widget.png) ### Layout Orientation You can control the layout orientation of any Mermaid diagram by specifying one of the following orientation flags on the opening **graph** declaration in your diagram description file. - **TB** - top to bottom - **BT** - bottom to top - **LR** - left to right - **RL** - right to left - **TD** - same as TB For example, the following snippet demonstrates a Mermaid graph with a *top-to-bottom* orientation: ```text graph TB Start --> Stop ``` The following screenshot demonstrates a Mermaid graph being rendered using different layout orientations on a sample GitPitch slide: ![MERMAID DIAGRAM DIRECTION CONTROLS](../_images/mermaid-orientation.png) Given the default aspect ratio of GitPitch slides is **16:9** there are times when activating an **LR** or **RL** layout for your diagrams makes sense. Doing so lets you to take advantage of the full width of your slides.