# GitPitch 4.0 Slide Deck gitpitch : 4.0 # Published to gitpitch.com published: true # Slide Deck Theme Settings theme : template theme-override : assets/css/PITCHME.css theme-background : [ "#FFF" ] theme-headline : [ "Montserrat", "#1C1C1C", "none", "#E67E22" ] theme-byline : [ "YanoneKaffeesatz-Medium", "#272626", "none", "#E67E22" ] theme-text : [ "YanoneKaffeesatz-Regular", "#272626", "none", "#E67E22" ] theme-links : [ "#5289F7", "#5254F7" ] theme-code : [ "Inconsolata", "100", "120" ] highlight : atom-one-light theme-controls : [ "#C0C0C0" ] theme-margins : [ "0", "15px" ] layout : center # logo : assets/img/logo.png # Slide Deck Custon Fonts custom-fonts : [ "assets/fonts/YanoneKaffeesatz-Medium.woff2", "assets/fonts/YanoneKaffeesatz-Regular.woff2" ] # MathJax Plugin Enabled mathjax : TeX-MML-AM_HTMLorMML-full title : "GitPitch Markdown" description : "The perfect slide deck solution for Tech Conferences, Training, Developer Advocates, and Educators." thumbnail : assets/img/gitpitch-40-splash.png