# Grid Animations The grid *animate* property is used to activate a slide animation for a [layout block](grid-layouts/drag-and-drop.md). The animation applies to the block itself and all associated block items. ?> When discussing grid layouts *content-within-blocks* are referred to as *block items*. ### Animate Activation The following basic syntax is used to activate a *animation* behavior on a layout block: ``` [drag=width height, drop=x y, animate=type _speed] ``` Where the `type` option on the `animate=` property can take one of the following supported animation types: - slideup - slidedown - slideleft - slideright - bounceup - bouncedown - bounceleft - bounceright - speedleft - speedright - tada - flip - fadein - fadeout ?> The `_speed` option is optional. When specified it accepts a value of *slower* or *faster*. Here is a short video clip that demonstrates block animation in action: ![Sample slide demonstrating grid layouts animations](../_images/gitpitch-grid-layouts-animations.gif)