# Terminal Sessions Embed and playback [Asciinema](https://asciinema.org) *recorded terminal sessions* on any slide. ### Basics The basic slide delimiter syntax to embed an *terminal session* on a slide is as follows: ```text ---?terminal=path/to/recording/session.json ``` The *terminal delimiter syntax* takes the following options: - A relative path to a Asciinema terminal session file within your repo and - A **font** option - an optional *font-size* control for the player - A **theme** option - an optional *theme* control for the player - A **poster** option - an optional *preview* control for the player - An **autoplay** option - an optional *auto-play* control for the player - A **title** option - an optional title text for the slide - A **color** option - an optional slide background color override The **font** parameter can take a value of *small*, *medium*, *large*, or any CSS font-size value (eg. 15px). If unspecified, the default value is *medium*. This parameter should be used to ensure the *Asciinema Player* fits the *live terminal session* content within the bounds of the slide. The **theme** parameter can take a value of *asciinema*, *tango*, *solarized-dark*, *solarized-light*, or *monokai*. If unspecified, the default value is *asciinema*. The **poster** parameter can take any *npt time stamp* (npt:mm:ss) to preview the recording "frame" at the time indicated. For example, the *npt:2:34* stamp would cause the player to preview the "frame" at 2 minutes and 34 seconds into the recording. The **autoplay** parameter can be activated by setting it's value to true. When activated, the *Asciinema* player will auto-play on the slide. If unspecified, the default value is false. The **title** parameter can take any string value. If specified, the string value will be rendered as a title above the *Asciinema* player on the slide. The **color** parameter can take any valid [CSS Color](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/background-color) value to activate a custom background color for the slide. ### Sample Font This **PITCHME.md** markdown snippet: ```markdown ---?terminal=sessions/wordpress.json&color=#7FDBFF&font=small&title=WordPress Backup Demo ``` Results in the rendering of the following slide: ![Demonstration of Asciinema session on slide](../_images/terminal-session-1.png) ### Sample Poster This **PITCHME.md** markdown snippet: ```markdown ---?terminal=sessions/wordpress.json&poster=npt:1:33&color=orange ``` Results in the rendering of the following slide: ![Demonstration of Asciinema session on slide](../_images/terminal-session-2.png) ### Sample Theme This **PITCHME.md** markdown snippet: ```markdown ---?terminal=sessions/trino.json&font=16px&theme=monokai&poster=npt:0:37&color=#DDDDDD ``` Results in the rendering of the following slide: ![Demonstration of Asciinema session on slide](../_images/terminal-session-3.png)