README updated for 4.0 release.
- Introducing 4.0 slide deck markdown and assets added.
@ -1,363 +1,235 @@
# Welcome to **GitPitch**
[drag=35 10, drop=top, pad=10, fit=1.1]
---?image=assets/img/code.jpg&opacity=60&position=left&size=45% 100%
The Perfect Slide Deck Solution
@title[Slide Decks for Developers]
@snap[east span-50 text-center]
## GitPitch
#### Slide Decks
![drag=5, drop=23 17, rotate=5](assets/img/logo-circled.svg)
#### for
### Developers
[drag=30 3, drop=50 77 true false, set=text-gray, fit=0.5]
Press F for Fullscreen Mode
[drag=100 20, drop=bottom, fit=1.05]
For Tech Conferences, Training, **Developer** Advocates, and Educators
[drag=8 10, drop=-29 55, opacity=0.7, set=h2-silver, fit=0.8, animate=bouncedown, filter=contrast]
## 4.0
@title[Create, Preview, Present]
@snap[north span-50 text-center]
![drag=60 80, drop=right, opacity=0.1](assets/img/logo-circled.svg)
@fab[docker text-pink]
@snap[midpoint span-100 text-center]
[drag=40 55, drop=1 10, fit=0.9]
The GitPitch Desktop app lets you
**Create**, **Preview**, and **Present** Offline
@snap[south span-50 text-center]
## GitPitch **Desktop**
@fa[linux fa-2x] @fa[apple fa-2x] @fa[windows fa-2x]
@fab[docker fa-xs]
An app to develop,<br>preview, and present<br>slide decks offline.
[drag=40 10, drop=1 -25, flow=row]
@fa[linux fa-2x]
@fa[apple fa-2x]
@fa[windows fa-2x ]
[drag=40 10, drop=1 -15, set=fragmentx]
Available on Linux, MacOS, Windows
![drop=41 1, width=1100](assets/img/gitpitch-desktop-edit-mode.png)
![drop=-1 -1, width=600](assets/img/gitpitch-present.png)
@title[Export to PDF + PPTX]
@snap[north span-50 text-center]
[drag=40 10, drop=topleft, pad=10, fit=1.2]
@fab[docker text-pink]
@snap[midpoint span-100 text-center]
With the **Desktop** app you can...
Plus **export** any deck to **PDF** @fa[file-pdf] and **PPTX** @fa[file-powerpoint]
@snap[south span-50 text-center]
@ul[drag=40 80, drop=2 15, sync=true, list-spaced-bullets]
@fa[linux fa-2x] @fa[apple fa-2x] @fa[windows fa-2x]
- Develop slides using markdown<br>and powerful **markdown widgets**
- Using an embedded markdown editor
- Or your favorite IDE
- Enjoy live browser previews
- Dedicated speaker support
- And pixel-perfect slide export
- To **PDF @fa[file-pdf]** and PowerPoint **PPTX @fa[file-powerpoint]**
[drag=60 100, drop=right, flow=stack, pad=0 40, sync=true]
@fab[markdown fa-10x]
![width=950, rotate=10](assets/img/gitpitch-are-you-ready.png)
![width=900, rotate=-10](assets/img/gitpitch-desktop-ide-mode.png)
@title[Custom Visual Themes]
@snap[north span-50 text-center]
[drag=100 10, drop=top, fit=1.2]
@fa[palette text-pink]
@snap[midpoint span-100 text-center]
And with a simple **git-push** to GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket you can share...
The GitPitch Theme Builder lets you
create new **Visual Themes** for any Deck
@snap[south span-50 text-center]
[drag=100 40, drop=center, flow=row, bg=#232B2B, set=text-white]
@fa[users fa-4x]
@fa[user-shield fa-4x]
@fa[lock fa-4x]
[drag=100 20, drop=0 -5, set=fragment, fit=1.5]
...public, private, and **password-protected** slide decks on
@title[Custom Slide Layouts]
@snap[north-west span-50 text-center]
![drag=100, drop=center, stretch=true](assets/img/gitpitch-grid-outline.png)
@snap[north span-50 text-center]
[drag=85 10, drop=top, fit=1.2]
@fa[drafting-compass text-pink]
@snap[north-east span-50 text-center]
GitPitch 4.0 introduces brand new **grid layouts** for your slide content...
@snap[midpoint span-100 text-center]
@code[drag=37 41, drop=21 13, fit=0.66, border=2px dashed gray, elixir](src/demo.ex)
GitPitch Markdown Snap Layouts let you
create **Custom Layouts** for any Slide
@snap[south-west span-50 text-left]
[drag=35, drop=12 56, pad=40px, bg=#FFFFBF, border=2px dashed gray]
@snap[south span-50 text-center]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
@snap[south-east span-50 text-right]
[drag=25 70, drop=-18 16, rotate=35, border=2px dashed gray]
![width=400, filter=contrast, border=2px dashed gray](assets/img/gitpitch-sketch.png)
@mermaid[width=250, theme=forest, border=2px dashed gray](src/demo.mmd)
![drag=20 25, drop=-5 -15, filter=contrast, border=2px dashed black](assets/img/paint.png)
[drag=100 7, drop=bottom, flow=row, border=2px dashed gray, fit=0.8]
@fa[github] gitpitch
@fa[twitter] gitpitch
[drag=30 20, drop=-0 -11, bg=#232B2B, set=text-white fragment, fit=0.9, animate=bounceright]
The new grid layouts system<br>brings **drag-and-drop** layout precision<br>to GitPitch markdown presentations.
@title[Flexible Layout Grid]
[drag=100 10, drop=top, fit=1.1]
With Markdown **widgets** you can render rich slide content including...
@snap[west span-50 text-center]
@ul[drag=40 70, drop=0 20, sync=true, list-spaced-sm-bullets list-fade-fragments]
- Images with filters + transformations
- Mermaid + PlantUML diagrams
- Cloud architecture diagrams
- LaTeX Math formulas
- YouTube, Vimeo, Mp4 Videos
- Excalidraw whiteboard sketches
- Plus slide content synchronization **@fa[arrow-right]**
@snap[east span-50 text-center]
[drag=60 80, drop=-2 15, flow=stack, pad=0 30, fit=0.75, sync=true]
@snap[north span-100 text-center]
![rotate=10, filter=contrast](assets/img/paint.png)
Using a **Flexible Grid** System
@math[pad=30px, rotate=-25, fit=1.4]
@snap[north-east span-50 text-right]
\left( \sum_{k=22}^n a_k b_k \right)^{\!\!2} \leq
\left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \right) \left( \sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \right)
@snap[south span-50 text-center]
![Gravity, width=1000, border=6px solid gray](
### This slide is an example of<br>**slide content synchronization**.<br><br>The display of the list-content<br>on the left has been<br> synchronized with the display of<br>this stack-content on the right.
@snap[south-west span-50 text-left]
@title[Live Code Presenting]
@snap[north span-50 text-center]
[drag=60 10, drop=top, pad=20, fit=1.2]
@fa[search-plus text-pink]
@snap[midpoint span-100 text-center]
Enjoy **stunning** code slides with live **step-and-zoom**...
GitPitch Live Code Presenting lets you
**Step-and-ZOOM** into Source Code on any Slide
@snap[south span-50 text-center]
![drop=2 15, width=800 ](assets/img/gitpitch-sample-sql.png)
@fa[code fa-5x]
![drop=11 43, width=900](assets/img/gitpitch-sample-php.png)
![drop=-2 8, width=1100](assets/img/gitpitch-sample-elixir.png)
[drag=30 5, drop=-5 -24, fit=0.5]
<sup>*</sup> GitPitch 4.0 supports the use of the full slide area when rendering code.
- Selection of Monospaced Code Fonts
- 100+ Syntax Highlighting Styles
- Step-and-ZOOM into Code
- Including Fenced Code Blocks
- Repository Source Code Files
- And any public GitHub GIST
@title[Live Code Presenting Demo]
@snap[north span-100 text-center text-smallcaps text-08]
@code[drag=98, drop=1, fit=1.6, elixir](src/demo.ex)
Live Code Presenting
```sql zoom-19
[drag=50 6, drop=-2 1, flow=false, set=font-concert-one pull-right]
CREATE TABLE "topic" (
"forum_id" integer NOT NULL,
"subject" varchar(255) NOT NULL
@[1-4](Live code presenting with optional annotations.)
@[6,12](Filtering, casting, and validation of constraints.)
@[7-8, zoom-11](Taking advantage of Elixir's pipe operator.)
FOREIGN KEY ("forum_id")
@[7-9, zoom-11]
REFERENCES "forum" ("id");
@[7-10, zoom-11]
@[7-11, zoom-11]
@snap[south span-100 text-08]
@[1-5](Step-into and focus on specific lines of code on any slide.)
@[2-4, zoom-09](Zoom in-or-out to help guide your audience.)
@[6-9, zoom-14](Using optional annotations ( like this one ) for extra context.)
@title[Markdown Widgets]
@snap[north span-50 text-center]
[drag=100 10, drop=top, fit=1.2]
@fab[markdown text-pink]
@snap[midpoint span-100 text-center]
All powered using **modular** Markdown under Git **version control**...
GitPitch Markdown Widgets add
**Interactivity** and **Rich-Content** to any Slide
@snap[south span-50 text-center]
[drag=30 90, drop=5 15, rotate=-4, bg=#232B2B]
@fab[medapps fa-5x]
@fab[markdown fa-4x text-white]
@fab[git fa-4x text-white]
@code[drag=17 80, drop=50 16 true false, fit=0.5, text](src/demo.txt)
[drag=30 90, drop=-5 15, rotate=4, bg=#B70057]
[drag=30 90, drop=-5 15, pad=0 40, rotate=4, fit=1.4, set=text-white]
... so you can manage your presentation<br>+ training content<br>the same way you manage `code`.
@title[Markdown Widgets Demo]
@snap[west span-48 text-center bg-black]
![drag=35 100, drop=5 0, animate=bouncedown](assets/img/gitpitch-theme-builder.png)
@fab[markdown fa-3x text-white]
@snap[west span-50 text-center fragment]
[drag=60 90, drop=-5 5, fit=1.2]
@snap[east span-48 text-center]
And before you publish, stamp<br>your **brand** on any slide deck...
@ul[text-11 list-spaced-bullets list-fade-fragments]
- **Markdown**
- Modular
- **Git** Native
- Speaker Ready
- **Cross Platform**
![width=1000, height=580](
@title[Markdown Widgets Demo]
@snap[west span-48 text-center]
Using the GitPitch Presentation Theme Builder
## GitPitch
#### Slide Decks
#### for
### Developers
@snap[east span-48 text-center text-11 list-spaced-bullets]
You can activate custom fonts, color schemes, logos and more for any slide deck.
- **Markdown**
- Modular
- **Git** Native
- Speaker Ready
- **Cross Platform**
@title[Embed Tweets]
@snap[north-west span-50 text-center text-smallcaps text-08]
Rich Media Support
@snap[west span-50 text-center]
@fa[twitter fa-4x]
#### Tweets
@snap[east span-45]
@title[Embed Charts]
@snap[north-west span-50 text-center text-smallcaps text-08]
Rich Media Support
@snap[west span-50 text-center]
@fa[chart-pie fa-4x]
#### Charts
@snap[east span-45 text-left]
<canvas data-chart="line">
"data": {
"labels": ["January"," February"," March"," April"," May"," June"," July"],
"datasets": [
"label":"Sample Data X",
"label":"Sample Data Y",
"options": { "responsive": "true" }
@title[Embed UML Diagrams]
@snap[north-west span-50 text-center text-smallcaps text-08 text-black]
Rich Media Support
@snap[west span-50 text-center h4-black]
@fa[chart-pie fa-4x text-black]
#### UML Diagrams
@snap[east span-45 text-left]
@title[Embed Video]
@snap[north-west span-50 text-center text-smallcaps text-08]
Rich Media Support
@snap[west span-50 text-center]
@fa[youtube fa-4x text-white]
#### Video
@snap[east span-45 text-left]
@title[Embed LaTeX Math]
@snap[north-west span-50 text-center text-smallcaps text-08 text-black]
Rich Media Support
@snap[west span-50 text-center h4-black]
@fa[square-root-alt fa-4x text-black]
#### LaTeX Math
@snap[east span-45 text-left]
@title[Embed Font Awesome]
@snap[north-west span-50 text-center text-smallcaps text-08]
Rich Media Support
@snap[west span-50 text-center]
@fa[font-awesome fa-4x text-white]
#### Font Awesome
@snap[east span-45 text-left]
@fa[smile fa-8x text-gold]
@title[Available Everywhere]
#### Available Everywhere You Work
## MacOS, Linux,<br>and Windows 10<sup>*</sup>
@snap[south span-100 text-smallcaps text-06 text-gray]
<sup>*</sup>MacOS, Linux, Windows 10 Pro + Enterprise
---?image=assets/img/fireworks.gif&opacity=40&size=100% 50%&position=center
@title[Now It's Your Turn]
@title[Now It's Your Turn]
@snap[north span-100 text-smallcaps text-08]
[drag=30 10, drop=35 0, set=text-smallcaps]
Slide Decks for Developers
@snap[midpoint span-100 text-center text-13]
### Slide Decks for Developers
##### Are you ready to
## Git**Pitch**?
@snap[south span-100 font-bubblegum text-center text-10 fragment]
![drag=100 60, drop=center, opacity=0.4, stretch=true](assets/img/fireworks.gif)
[Start your free trial today @fa[external-link]](
[drag=100 40, drop=center, fit=1.3]
Are you ready to
# GitPitch?
[drag=100 15, drop=0 -0, set=bubblegum]
[GitPitch 4.0 is coming soon. Watch out for release announcements on @fab[twitter]](
@ -1,54 +1,33 @@
# GitPitch 4.0 Slide Deck
# GitPitch Markdown Presentations
gitpitch : 4.0
# Published to
# Theme Settings
# Doc:
theme : template
theme-background : [ "#000000" ]
theme-headline : [ "Montserrat", "#FBD95E", "none", "#FFFFFF", "100", "120", "15" ]
theme-byline : [ "Concert One", "#FFFFFF", "none", "#FBD95E", "100", "100", "0" ]
theme-text : [ "Ubuntu", "#FFFFFF", "none", "#A0C865", "100", "100", "15" ]
theme-links : [ "#FBD95E", "#5254F7" ]
theme-code : [ "Fira Code", "100", "120" ]
highlight : ir-black
theme-controls : [ "#C0C0C0" ]
theme-margins : [ "0", "15px" ]
logo : assets/img/logo.png
logo-position : top-left
layout : center
# Theme-Override Setting
# Doc:
theme-override : assets/css/PITCHME.css
# Twitter Card Settings
# Doc:
title : "GitPitch Markdown Presentations"
description : "Slide Decks for Developers on MacOS, Linux, Windows 10. Present offline. Share online. Export to PDF and PPTX."
# thumbnail : assets/img/thumbnail.png
# Footnote Setting
# Doc:
footnote: " "
# Published Setting
# Doc:
published: true
published: true
# Slide Deck Theme Settings
# Charts Plugin Setting
theme : template
# Doc:
theme-override : assets/css/PITCHME.css
theme-background : [ "#FFF" ]
charts : true
theme-headline : [ "Montserrat", "#1C1C1C", "none", "#E67E22" ]
theme-byline : [ "YanoneKaffeesatz-Medium", "#272626", "none", "#E67E22" ]
theme-text : [ "YanoneKaffeesatz-Regular", "#272626", "none", "#E67E22" ]
theme-links : [ "#5289F7", "#5254F7" ]
theme-code : [ "Inconsolata", "100", "120" ]
highlight : atom-one-light
theme-controls : [ "#C0C0C0" ]
theme-margins : [ "0", "15px" ]
layout : center
# logo : assets/img/logo.png
# Slide Deck Custon Fonts
custom-fonts : [
# MathJax Plugin Enabled
mathjax : TeX-MML-AM_HTMLorMML-full
title : "GitPitch Markdown"
description : "The perfect slide deck solution for Tech Conferences, Training, Developer Advocates, and Educators."
thumbnail : assets/img/gitpitch-40-splash.png
@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
[![GitPitch](]( [![Build Status](](
[![GitPitch](]( [![Build Status](](
# Slide Decks for Tech Conferences, Meetups, and Training
## GitPitch 4.0
#### WEBSITE: []( | HOW-TO : [GitPitch Docs]( | TWITTER: [@gitpitch](
#### WEBSITE: []( | HOW-TO : [GitPitch Docs]( | TWITTER: [@gitpitch](
### What is GitPitch?
### About
> Developers. Conference Speakers. Educators. Training Instructors. Pssst...
GitPitch 4.0 is the perfect slide deck solution for tech conferences, training, developer advocates, and educators. Available on MacOS, Linux, and Windows 10. Work and present offline. Export to PDF and PPTX. Or git-push to share public, private and password-protected slide decks online.
@ -25,50 +23,33 @@
# GitPitch Product Family
- [ ( Free )](
- [ ( Paid )](
- [GitPitch Desktop](
- [GitPitch Enterprise](
- [GitPitch CI](
# GitPitch Product Repos
# GitPitch Product Repos
I started working on GitPitch as an open-source project back in 2016. The
I started working on GitPitch as an open-source project back in 2016. Since early 2017 I have been working full time developing a number of [GitPitch products and services]( most of which are maintained in private repositories. This repository is now used to maintain the official GitPitch docs. You can also use this repository to report issues and request features for all GitPitch products using GitHub [issue tracking](
original code for that project is still found in this repository. Since
mid 2017 I have been working full time developing a number of
[GitPitch products and services](#gitpitch-product-family) most of which
are maintained in private repositories. But I encourage users to report
issues and request features for all GitPitch products using GitHub
[issue tracking]( on this
As you will see from the following [CHANGELOG](#changelog) the GitPitch
As you will see from the following [CHANGELOG](#changelog) the GitPitch project is actively under development with fixes, features and even new products being added all the time.
project is actively under development with fixes, features and even new
products being added all the time.
# Changelog
# Changelog
A high level change history for GitPitch projects. Unless otherwise
A high level change history for GitPitch projects. Unless otherwise indicated fixes and features shown below are integrated across the entire [GitPitch Product Family](
indicated fixes and features shown below are integrated across the
entire [GitPitch Product Family](#gitpitch-product-family).
## [Work In Progress]
## [Oct 1, 2020]
### Released
- Brand new product GitPitch 4.0
- See the [What's New in 4.0 Guide](
- [YouTube: Introducing GitPitch 4.0](#)
- GitPitch 4.0
![GITPITCH 4.0](assets/changelog/gitpitch-40-release.png)
## [Jun 25, 2020]
## [Jun 25, 2020]
### Added
### Added
- New product [GitPitch CI](
- New product [GitPitch CI](
- For seamless integration with your existing CI/CD pipelines
- For seamless integration with your existing CI/CD pipelines
- Initial support for [CircleCI](
- Initial support for [CircleCI](
- For any GitPitch slide deck in any repo you can...
- For any GitPitch slide deck in any repo you can...
@ -78,61 +59,61 @@ entire [GitPitch Product Family](#gitpitch-product-family).
## [Jun 08, 2020]
## [Jun 08, 2020]
### Added
### Added
- Brand new [Mermaid Diagram Markdown Widget]( for rendering diagrams and flowcharts on any slide
- Brand new [Mermaid Diagram Markdown Widget]( for rendering diagrams and flowcharts on any slide
- See the [Mermaid Diagrams + Flowcharts Official Docs](
- See the [Mermaid Diagrams + Flowcharts Official Docs](
- The [Cloud Diagram Markdown Widget]( updated to support [Diagrams As Code v0.13.1](
- The [Cloud Diagram Markdown Widget]( updated to support [Diagrams As Code v0.13.1](
![GITPITCH MERMAID DIAGRAMS](assets/changelog/mermaid-sequence.png)
![GITPITCH MERMAID DIAGRAMS](assets/changelog/mermaid-sequence.png)
## [May 27, 2020]
## [May 27, 2020]
### Added
### Added
- GitPitch [Desktop Whiteboard]( powered by the amazing [Excalidraw](
- GitPitch [Desktop Whiteboard]( powered by the amazing [Excalidraw](
- Create beautiful mockups, wireframes, system diagrams, UI flows, brainstorming, etc for any slide
- Create beautiful mockups, wireframes, system diagrams, UI flows, brainstorming, etc for any slide
![GITPITCH DESKTOP WHITEBOARD](assets/changelog/gitpitch-desktop-whiteboard.png)
![GITPITCH DESKTOP WHITEBOARD](assets/changelog/gitpitch-desktop-whiteboard.png)
## [May 23, 2020]
## [May 23, 2020]
### Added
### Added
- Brand new [Citations + Bibliography Support]( using BibTEX, EndNote, or RIS databases.
- Brand new [Citations + Bibliography Support]( using BibTEX, EndNote, or RIS databases.
![GITPITCH CITATIONS](assets/changelog/gitpitch-citations.gif)
![GITPITCH CITATIONS](assets/changelog/gitpitch-citations.gif)
## [May 12, 2020]
## [May 12, 2020]
### Added
### Added
- Brand new [Custom Fonts Support]( unlocks unlimited typography options for GitPitch slide decks
- Brand new [Custom Fonts Support]( unlocks unlimited typography options for GitPitch slide decks
![GITPITCH CUSTOM FONTS](assets/changelog/gitpitch-custom-fonts.png)
![GITPITCH CUSTOM FONTS](assets/changelog/gitpitch-custom-fonts.png)
## [May 06, 2020]
## [May 06, 2020]
### Added
### Added
- New PITCHME.yaml [Confidential Mode Challenge Form Settings]( for secure publishing on [](
- New PITCHME.yaml [Confidential Mode Challenge Form Settings]( for secure publishing on [](
![GITPITCH PASSWORD PROTECTED PUBLISHING](assets/changelog/gitpitch-publish-confidential.jpg)
![GITPITCH PASSWORD PROTECTED PUBLISHING](assets/changelog/gitpitch-publish-confidential.jpg)
## [May 02, 2020]
## [May 02, 2020]
### Fixed
### Fixed
- Audio Slide Deck [List Fragment Support](
- Audio Slide Deck [List Fragment Support](
## [Apr 28, 2020]
## [Apr 28, 2020]
### Changed
### Changed
- The [Cloud Diagram Markdown Widget]( updated to support [Diagrams As Code v0.9.0](
- The [Cloud Diagram Markdown Widget]( updated to support [Diagrams As Code v0.9.0](
![GITPITCH CLOUD DIAGRAMS](assets/changelog/gitpitch-cloud-diagrams-2.png)
![GITPITCH CLOUD DIAGRAMS](assets/changelog/gitpitch-cloud-diagrams-2.png)
## [Apr 24, 2020]
## [Apr 24, 2020]
### Added
### Added
- New PITCHME.yaml [theme-builder setting]( to control visibility of the builder
- New PITCHME.yaml [theme-builder setting]( to control visibility of the builder
- New PITCHME.yaml [favicon setting]( to activate a custom favicon for deck
- New PITCHME.yaml [favicon setting]( to activate a custom favicon for deck
- New PITCHME.yaml [lang setting]( to activate a custom HTML lang for deck
- New PITCHME.yaml [lang setting]( to activate a custom HTML lang for deck
## [Apr 18, 2020]
## [Apr 18, 2020]
### Changed
### Changed
- Simplified slide deck home menu logo + layout
- Simplified slide deck home menu logo + layout
- Updated [Fira Code Monospaced Font v3.1]( built-in support within [Theme Template](
- Updated [Fira Code Monospaced Font v3.1]( built-in support within [Theme Template](
## [Apr 09, 2020]
## [Apr 09, 2020]
### Added
### Added
- New [Cloud Diagram Markdown Widget]( for Cloud System Architecture Diagrams
- New [Cloud Diagram Markdown Widget]( for Cloud System Architecture Diagrams
![GITPITCH CLOUD DIAGRAMS](assets/changelog/gitpitch-cloud-diagrams-1.png)
![GITPITCH CLOUD DIAGRAMS](assets/changelog/gitpitch-cloud-diagrams-1.png)
@ -142,26 +123,26 @@ entire [GitPitch Product Family](#gitpitch-product-family).
## [Feb 08, 2020]
## [Feb 08, 2020]
### Added
### Added
- Support on [User Dashboard]( for quickstart one-click download of [GitPitch Desktop](
- Support on [User Dashboard]( for quickstart one-click download of [GitPitch Desktop](
![GITPITCH DASHBOARD DESKTOP DOWNLOAD](assets/changelog/gitpitch-dashboard-desktop-download.png)
![GITPITCH DASHBOARD DESKTOP DOWNLOAD](assets/changelog/gitpitch-dashboard-desktop-download.png)
## [Jan 28, 2020]
## [Jan 28, 2020]
### Added
### Added
- New [Inline Image Filters, Transformations, Behaviors](
- New [Inline Image Filters, Transformations, Behaviors](
- [YouTube: GitPitch Image Manipulation Video Tutorial](
- [YouTube: GitPitch Image Manipulation Video Tutorial](
![GITPITCH IMAGE MANIPULATION](assets/changelog/gitpitch-image-manipulation.png)
![GITPITCH IMAGE MANIPULATION](assets/changelog/gitpitch-image-manipulation.png)
## [Jan 22, 2020]
## [Jan 22, 2020]
### Changed
### Changed
- Added support for search directly within the [GitPitch Docs](
- Added support for search directly within the [GitPitch Docs](
![GITPITCH DOCS](assets/changelog/gitpitch-docs.png)
![GITPITCH DOCS](assets/changelog/gitpitch-docs.png)
## [Jan 9, 2020]
## [Jan 9, 2020]
### Added
### Added
- Brand new visual [Theme Builder]( for [GitPitch Desktop](
- Brand new visual [Theme Builder]( for [GitPitch Desktop](
- [YouTube: GitPitch Theme Builder Video Tutorial](
- [YouTube: GitPitch Theme Builder Video Tutorial](
![GITPITCH THEME BUILDER](assets/changelog/gitpitch-theme-builder.gif)
![GITPITCH THEME BUILDER](assets/changelog/gitpitch-theme-builder.gif)
@ -174,12 +155,12 @@ entire [GitPitch Product Family](#gitpitch-product-family).
## [Dec 06, 2019]
## [Dec 06, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- New PITCHME.yaml [speaker-mode setting]( to disable access to speaker window and notes
- New PITCHME.yaml [speaker-mode setting]( to disable access to speaker window and notes
## [Dec 02, 2019]
## [Dec 02, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- One-click compression for PNG, JPG, and GIF images within [GitPitch Desktop Image Manager](
- One-click compression for PNG, JPG, and GIF images within [GitPitch Desktop Image Manager](
![GITPITCH DESKTOP IMAGE MANAGER](assets/changelog/gitpitch-desktop-image-manager.png)
![GITPITCH DESKTOP IMAGE MANAGER](assets/changelog/gitpitch-desktop-image-manager.png)
@ -189,140 +170,133 @@ entire [GitPitch Product Family](#gitpitch-product-family).
## [Nov 09, 2019]
## [Nov 09, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- New [List Markdown Widget]( speaker mode hide and fade behaviors
- New [List Markdown Widget]( speaker mode hide and fade behaviors
- New [Table Data Markdown Widget]( speaker mode hide and fade behaviors
- New [Table Data Markdown Widget]( speaker mode hide and fade behaviors
![GITPITCH LIST WIDGET](assets/changelog/gitpitch-list-widget-fade-frags.gif)
![GITPITCH LIST WIDGET](assets/changelog/gitpitch-list-widget-fade-frags.gif)
## [Oct 25, 2019]
## [Oct 25, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- New [Iosevka Code Monospaced Font]( built-in support within [Theme Template](
- New [Iosevka Code Monospaced Font]( built-in support within [Theme Template](
## [Sept 13, 2019]
## [Sept 13, 2019]
### Changed
### Changed
- Updated [Fira Code Monospaced Font v2.x]( built-in support within [Theme Template](
- Updated [Fira Code Monospaced Font v2.x]( built-in support within [Theme Template](
## [Sept 11, 2019]
## [Sept 11, 2019]
### Changed
### Changed
- Updated [Font Awesome 5 Markdown Widget]( support for [FA Regular Icon Set](
- Updated [Font Awesome 5 Markdown Widget]( support for [FA Regular Icon Set](
## [Sept 09, 2019]
## [Sept 09, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- New [Code Line Number + Code Tag Filters]( support for source code files and GIST
- New [Code Line Number + Code Tag Filters]( support for source code files and GIST
- [YouTube: GitPitch Code Filters Video Tutorial](
- [YouTube: GitPitch Code Filters Video Tutorial](
## [Sept 03, 2019]
## [Sept 03, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- New Table Data Renderer for standard markdown table syntax within [Snap Layouts](
- New Table Data Renderer for standard markdown table syntax within [Snap Layouts](
- [YouTube: Table Data Widget for Markdown Presentations](
## [Aug 30, 2019]
## [Aug 30, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- New [Markdown Text Manipulation Guide]( added to the [GitPitch Docs](
- New [Markdown Text Manipulation Guide]( added to the [GitPitch Docs](
![GITPITCH MARKDOWN TEXT MANIPULATION](assets/changelog/gitpitch-markdown-text-manipulation.png)
![GITPITCH MARKDOWN TEXT MANIPULATION](assets/changelog/gitpitch-markdown-text-manipulation.png)
## [Aug 29, 2019]
## [Aug 29, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- New [Font Family Utility Styles]( built-in support within [Theme Template](
- New [Font Family Utility Styles]( built-in support within [Theme Template](
## [Aug 29, 2019]
## [Aug 29, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- [Code Power Properties]( now supported on [Code Delimiters]( and [GIST Delimiters](
- [Code Power Properties](
![Code Presenting with Annotations](assets/changelog/gitpitch-code-presenting-annotations.gif)
![Code Presenting with Annotations](assets/changelog/gitpitch-code-presenting-annotations.gif)
## [July 06, 2019]
## [July 06, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- New [Victor Mono Cursive + Code Ligatures Font]( built-in support within [Theme Template](
- New [Victor Mono Cursive + Code Ligatures Font]( built-in support within [Theme Template](
## [June 26, 2019]
## [June 26, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- New `code-noblend` control property added to list of supported [Code Power Properties](
- New `code-noblend` control property added to list of supported [Code Power Properties](
## [June 20, 2019]
## [June 20, 2019]
### Changed
### Changed
- Updated [GitPitch Pro Surveys]( support for [JotForm](
- Updated [GitPitch Pro Surveys]( support for JotForm
## [June 26, 2019]
## [June 26, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- Brand new [Theme Template]( becomes the default theme for all decks
- Brand new [Theme Template]( becomes the default theme for all decks
- [YouTube: Custom Themes for Markdown Presentations](
- [YouTube: Custom Themes for Markdown Presentations](
![GITPITCH THEME TEMPLATE](assets/changelog/gitpitch-theme-template.jpg)
![GITPITCH THEME TEMPLATE](assets/changelog/gitpitch-theme-template.jpg)
## [May 13, 2019]
## [May 13, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- Brand new voiceover-for-slides support powered by [GitPitch Audio Slide Decks](
- Brand new voiceover-for-slides support powered by [GitPitch Audio Slide Decks](
- [Blog Post: Presenting GitPitch Audio Slide Decks](
- [Blog Post: Presenting GitPitch Audio Slide Decks](
![GITPITCH AUDIO SLIDE DECKS](assets/changelog/gitpitch-audio-slide-decks.png)
![GITPITCH AUDIO SLIDE DECKS](assets/changelog/gitpitch-audio-slide-decks.png)
## [Mar 25, 2019]
## [Mar 25, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- New [Table Data Markdown Widget]( support for table rendering, styling, sizing and behaviors
- New [Table Data Markdown Widget]( support for table rendering, styling, sizing and behaviors
## [Mar 18, 2019]
## [Mar 18, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- New [Code Revealing Modes]( support for fenced code, source files, and GIST
- New [Code Revealing Modes]( support for fenced code, source files, and GIST
![GITPITCH CODE REVEALING](assets/changelog/gitpitch-code-revealing-fast-mode.gif)
![GITPITCH CODE REVEALING](assets/changelog/gitpitch-code-revealing-fast-mode.gif)
## [Mar 13, 2019]
## [Mar 13, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- New [Font Awesome 5 Markdown Widget]( support for [FA Solid + Brand Icon Sets](,solid)
- New [Font Awesome 5 Markdown Widget]( support for [FA Solid + Brand Icon Sets](,solid)
## [Feb 28, 2019]
## [Feb 28, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- New [GitHub Diff Markdown Widget]( to generate and render an interactive diff for any commit
- New [GitHub Diff Markdown Widget]( to generate and render an interactive diff for any commit
## [Feb 16, 2019]
## [Feb 16, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- New [Tweet Markdown Widget]( to render Twitter tweets on any slide
- New [Tweet Markdown Widget]( to render Twitter tweets on any slide
![TWEET MARKDOWN WIDGET](assets/changelog/gitpitch-markdown-tweet-widget.png)
![TWEET MARKDOWN WIDGET](assets/changelog/gitpitch-markdown-tweet-widget.png)
## [Feb 11, 2019]
## [Feb 11, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- New [UML Markdown Widget]( to render [PlantUML Diagrams]( on any slide
- New [UML Markdown Widget]( to render [PlantUML Diagrams]( on any slide
![GITPITCH PLANTUML DIAGRAMS](assets/changelog/gitpitch-plantuml.png)
![GITPITCH PLANTUML DIAGRAMS](assets/changelog/gitpitch-plantuml.png)
## [Jan 27, 2019]
## [Jan 27, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- [GitPitch Desktop]( adds slide deck export to **PDF** and **PowerPoint PPTX**
- [GitPitch Desktop]( adds slide deck export to **PDF** and **PowerPoint PPTX**
- [Blog Post: GitPitch embraces Microsoft PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides](
- [Blog Post: GitPitch embraces Microsoft PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides](
![GITPITCH DESKTOP EXPORT](assets/changelog/gitpitch-desktop-export.gif)
![GITPITCH DESKTOP EXPORT](assets/changelog/gitpitch-desktop-export.gif)
## [Jan 03, 2019]
## [Jan 03, 2019]
### Added
### Added
- New [Ascinema Recorded Terminal Sessions]( playback support on any slide
- New [Ascinema Recorded Terminal Sessions]( playback support on any slide
## [Dec 15, 2018]
## [Dec 15, 2018]
### Added
### Added
- New [Code ZOOM]( support for fenced code, source files, and GIST
- New [Code ZOOM]( support for fenced code, source files, and GIST
- [Blog Post: GitPitch adds Code ZOOM for Slide Decks](
- [Blog Post: GitPitch adds Code ZOOM for Slide Decks](
![GITPITCH CODE ZOOM](assets/changelog/gitpitch-code-zoom.png)
![GITPITCH CODE ZOOM](assets/changelog/gitpitch-code-zoom.png)
## [Dec 12, 2018]
## [Dec 12, 2018]
### Added
### Added
- New [Code Markdown Widget + GIST Markdown Widget]( support for source files and GIST
- New [Code Markdown Widget + GIST Markdown Widget]( support for source files and GIST
## [Dec 12, 2018]
### Added
- New [Box Markdown Widget]( support for boxed text on any slide
![GITPITCH BOX MARKDOWN WIDGET](assets/changelog/gitpitch-markdown-boxed-text.png)
## [Dec 04, 2018]
## [Dec 04, 2018]
### Added
### Added
- New [GitPitch In 60 Seconds]( quickstart tutorial on GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket
- New [GitPitch In 60 Seconds]( quickstart tutorial on GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket
## [Aug 01, 2018]
## [Aug 01, 2018]
### Added
### Added
- New [GitPitch Snap Layouts]( markdown syntax for flexible slide designs
- New [GitPitch Snap Layouts]( markdown syntax for flexible slide designs
- [Blog Post: Snap Layouts for GitPitch Markdown Presentations](
- [Blog Post: Snap Layouts for GitPitch Markdown Presentations](
- [YouTube: An Introduction to Snap Layouts for Markdown Presentations Video Tutorial](
- [YouTube: An Introduction to Snap Layouts for Markdown Presentations Video Tutorial](
@ -330,47 +304,47 @@ entire [GitPitch Product Family](#gitpitch-product-family).
## [Jun 26, 2018]
## [Jun 26, 2018]
### Added
### Added
- Brand new [GitPitch Documentation]( full of sample slide markdown snippets and live demos
- Brand new [GitPitch Documentation]( full of sample slide markdown snippets and live demos
- [Blog Post: GitPitch releases brand new documentation for everyone](
- [Blog Post: GitPitch releases brand new documentation for everyone](
## [May 21, 2018]
## [May 21, 2018]
### Added
### Added
- Announced general availability of [GitPitch Enterprise]( for on-premises deployment
- Announced general availability of [GitPitch Enterprise]( for on-premises deployment
- [Blog Post: GitPitch adds support for GitHub Enterprise On-Premises](
- [Blog Post: GitPitch adds support for GitHub Enterprise On-Premises](
- [Blog Post: GitPitch adds support for GitLab + Bitbucket On-Premises](
- [Blog Post: GitPitch adds support for GitLab + Bitbucket On-Premises](
## [Apr 17, 2018]
## [Apr 17, 2018]
### Added
### Added
- New SurveyMonkey, JotForm, and Google Forms embedded support using [GitPitch Surveys](
- New SurveyMonkey, JotForm, and Google Forms embedded support using [GitPitch Surveys](
- [Blog Post: Start a Two-Way Conversation with your Audience](
- [Blog Post: Start a Two-Way Conversation with your Audience](
## [Apr 05, 2018]
## [Apr 05, 2018]
### Added
### Added
- Announced general availability of [GitPitch Desktop]( for Linux, MacOS, and Windows 10
- Announced general availability of [GitPitch Desktop]( for Linux, MacOS, and Windows 10
![GITPITCH DESKTOP](assets/changelog/gitpitch-desktop.png)
![GITPITCH DESKTOP](assets/changelog/gitpitch-desktop.png)
## [Feb 19, 2018]
## [Feb 19, 2018]
### Added
### Added
- New [GitPitch Slide Deck Publishing]( using private repositories on GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket
- New [GitPitch Slide Deck Publishing]( using private repositories on GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket
- [Blog Post: Public Publishing using Private Repos](
- [Blog Post: Public Publishing using Private Repos](
- [Blog Post: Private Publishing using Private Repos](
- [Blog Post: Private Publishing using Private Repos](
- [Blog Post: Password Protected Publishing using Private Repos](
- [Blog Post: Password Protected Publishing using Private Repos](
## [Nov 08, 2017]
## [Nov 08, 2017]
### Added
### Added
- Manage decks as you manage code using [Slide Deck Modular Markdown](
- Manage decks as you manage code using [Slide Deck Modular Markdown](
- [Blog Post: Develop Course and Training Materials](
- [Blog Post: Develop Course and Training Materials](
## [Aug 29, 2017]
## [Aug 29, 2017]
### Added
### Added
- [GitPitch Speaker Support]( including speaker notes, live preview, and remote control
- [GitPitch Speaker Support]( including speaker notes, live preview, and remote control
![GITPITCH SPEAKER SUPPORT](assets/changelog/gitpitch-speaker-notes.gif)
![GITPITCH SPEAKER SUPPORT](assets/changelog/gitpitch-speaker-notes.gif)
## [May 31, 2017]
## [May 31, 2017]
### Added
### Added
- New [Live Code Presenting]( to *focus-on* and *step-through* code on any slide
- New [Live Code Presenting]( to *focus-on* and *step-through* code on any slide
- [Blog Post: Let Your Code Do The Talking](
- [Blog Post: Let Your Code Do The Talking](
## [Sep 07, 2016]
## [Sep 07, 2016]
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 223 KiB |
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#gp-logo img { height: 2.5em; }
.dashed {
div.progress { display: none !important; }
border: 2px dashed gray !important;
div.slide-number { display: none !important; }
#title-footer { display: none !important; }
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 259 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 427 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 38 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 86 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 279 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 6.8 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 114 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 143 KiB |
Normal file
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 120 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.7 MiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 238 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.3 MiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 153 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 156 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 127 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 97 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 8.1 MiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 98 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 97 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 92 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 292 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 148 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.2 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 46 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.4 MiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 225 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 182 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 169 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.6 KiB |
Normal file
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Normal file
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Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 205 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 429 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 300 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 135 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 181 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 145 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 19 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 432 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 207 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 191 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 223 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 151 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 150 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 180 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 591 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 474 KiB |
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Normal file
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Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 40 KiB |
Normal file
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 15 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 105 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.9 KiB |
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
# Hello, World!
## The End.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
[drag=54, drop=22 20, rotate=-5, bg=#5BC3EB, border=2px solid #232B2B]
[drag=54, drop=22 20, rotate=0, bg=#E67E22, border=2px solid #232B2B]
[drag=54, drop=22 20, rotate=5, bg=#232B2B]
[drag=54, drop=22 20, set=h1-white font-10]
# {{title}}
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
defmodule User do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
def changeset(user, params \\ %{}) do
|> cast(params, [:name, :email, :age])
|> validate_required([:name, :email])
|> validate_format(:email, ~r/@/)
|> validate_inclusion(:age, 18..100)
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Student->>Admin: Can I enrol this semester?
loop enrolCheck
Admin->>Admin: Check previous results
Note right of Admin: Exam results<br>may be delayed
Admin-->>Student: Enrolment success
Admin->>Professor: Assign student to tutor
Professor-->>Admin: Student is assigned
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} (a_i + b_i^2)
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from import ECS, EKS, Lambda
from import Redshift
from import SQS
from import S3
with Diagram("Event Processing", show=False):
source = EKS("k8s source")
with Cluster("Event Flows"):
with Cluster("Event Workers"):
workers = [ECS("worker1"),
queue = SQS("event queue")
with Cluster("Processing"):
handlers = [Lambda("proc1"),
store = S3("events store")
dw = Redshift("analytics")
source >> workers >> queue >> handlers
handlers >> store
handlers >> dw
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
├── PITCHME.yaml
├── assets
│ ├── css
│ │ └── PITCHME.css
│ ├── fonts
│ │ └── Kaffee.woff2
│ └── img
│ ├── design.jpg
│ ├── fireworks.gif
│ └── logo.png
├── src
│ ├── clojure
│ │ └── sample.clj
│ ├── elixir
│ │ └── sample.ex
│ └── haskell
│ └── sample.hs
└── topics
├── ast
│ └──
├── functions
│ └──
├── immutability
│ └──
└── recursion