zhongdaohuan 6e8fbca745 genesis-3d engine version 1.3.
match the genesis editor version
2014-05-05 14:50:33 +08:00

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// This code contains NVIDIA Confidential Information and is disclosed to you
// under a form of NVIDIA software license agreement provided separately to you.
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// NVIDIA Corporation and its licensors retain all intellectual property and
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// Copyright (c) 2008-2013 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include "pxtask/PxTask.h"
#include "pxtask/PxGpuCopyDesc.h"
/* forward decl to avoid including <cuda.h> */
typedef struct CUstream_st* CUstream;
#ifndef PX_DOXYGEN
namespace physx
namespace pxtask
class CudaContextManager;
class TaskManager;
/** \brief A GpuTask dispatcher
* A GpuDispatcher executes GpuTasks submitted by one or more TaskManagers (one
* or more scenes). It maintains a CPU worker thread which waits on GpuTask
* "groups" to be submitted. The submission API is explicitly sessioned so that
* GpuTasks are dispatched together as a group whenever possible to improve
* parallelism on the GPU.
* A GpuDispatcher cannot be allocated ad-hoc, they are created as a result of
* creating a CudaContextManager. Every CudaContextManager has a GpuDispatcher
* instance that can be queried. In this way, each GpuDispatcher is tied to
* exactly one CUDA context.
* A scene will use CPU fallback Tasks for GpuTasks if the TaskManager provided
* to it does not have a GpuDispatcher. For this reason, the GpuDispatcher must
* be assigned to the TaskManager before the TaskManager is given to a scene.
* Multiple TaskManagers may safely share a single GpuDispatcher instance, thus
* enabling scenes to share a CUDA context.
* Only failureDetected() is intended for use by the user. The rest of the
* GpuDispatcher public methods are reserved for internal use by only both
* TaskManagers and GpuTasks.
class GpuDispatcher
/** \brief Record the start of a simulation step
* A TaskManager calls this function to record the beginning of a simulation
* step. The GpuDispatcher uses this notification to initialize the
* profiler state.
virtual void startSimulation() = 0;
/** \brief Record the start of a GpuTask batch submission
* A TaskManager calls this function to notify the GpuDispatcher that one or
* more GpuTasks are about to be submitted for execution. The GpuDispatcher
* will not read the incoming task queue until it receives one finishGroup()
* call for each startGroup() call. This is to ensure as many GpuTasks as
* possible are executed together as a group, generating optimal parallelism
* on the GPU.
virtual void startGroup() = 0;
/** \brief Submit a GpuTask for execution
* Submitted tasks are pushed onto an incoming queue. The GpuDispatcher
* will take the contents of this queue every time the pending group count
* reaches 0 and run the group of submitted GpuTasks as an interleaved
* group.
virtual void submitTask(Task& task) = 0;
/** \brief Record the end of a GpuTask batch submission
* A TaskManager calls this function to notify the GpuDispatcher that it is
* done submitting a group of GpuTasks (GpuTasks which were all make ready
* to run by the same prerequisite dependency becoming resolved). If no
* other group submissions are in progress, the GpuDispatcher will execute
* the set of ready tasks.
virtual void finishGroup() = 0;
/** \brief Add a CUDA completion prerequisite dependency to a task
* A GpuTask calls this function to add a prerequisite dependency on another
* task (usually a CpuTask) preventing that task from starting until all of
* the CUDA kernels and copies already launched have been completed. The
* GpuDispatcher will increment that task's reference count, blocking its
* execution, until the CUDA work is complete.
* This is generally only required when a CPU task is expecting the results
* of the CUDA kernels to have been copied into host memory.
* This mechanism is not at all not required to ensure CUDA kernels and
* copies are issued in the correct order. Kernel issue order is determined
* by normal task dependencies. The rule of thumb is to only use a blocking
* completion prerequisite if the task in question depends on a completed
* GPU->Host DMA.
* The GpuDispatcher issues a blocking event record to CUDA for the purposes
* of tracking the already submitted CUDA work. When this event is
* resolved, the GpuDispatcher manually decrements the reference count of
* the specified task, allowing it to execute (assuming it does not have
* other pending prerequisites).
virtual void addCompletionPrereq(BaseTask& task) = 0;
/** \brief Retrieve the CudaContextManager associated with this
* GpuDispatcher
* Every CudaContextManager has one GpuDispatcher, and every GpuDispatcher
* has one CudaContextManager.
virtual CudaContextManager* getCudaContextManager() = 0;
/** \brief Record the end of a simulation frame
* A TaskManager calls this function to record the completion of its
* dependency graph. If profiling is enabled, the GpuDispatcher will
* trigger the retrieval of profiling data from the GPU at this point.
virtual void stopSimulation() = 0;
/** \brief Returns true if a CUDA call has returned a non-recoverable error
* A return value of true indicates a fatal error has occurred. To protect
* itself, the GpuDispatcher enters a fall through mode that allows GpuTasks
* to complete without being executed. This allows simulations to continue
* but leaves GPU content static or corrupted.
* The user may try to recover from these failures by deleting GPU content
* so the visual artifacts are mimimized. But there is no way to recover
* the state of the GPU actors before the failure. Once a CUDA context is
* in this state, the only recourse is to create a new CUDA context, a new
* scene, and start over.
* This is our "Best Effort" attempt to not turn a soft failure into a hard
* failure because continued use of a CUDA context after it has returned an
* error will usually result in a driver reset. However if the initial
* failure was serious enough, a reset may have already occurred by the time
* we learn of it.
virtual bool failureDetected() const = 0;
/** \brief Force the GpuDispatcher into failure mode
* This API should be used if user code detects a non-recoverable CUDA
* error. This ensures the GpuDispatcher does not launch any further
* CUDA work. Subsequent calls to failureDetected() will return true.
virtual void forceFailureMode() = 0;
/** \brief Returns a pointer to the current in-use profile buffer
* The returned pointer should be passed to all kernel launches to enable
* CTA/Warp level profiling. If a data collector is not attached, or CTA
* profiling is not enabled, the pointer will be zero.
virtual void* getCurrentProfileBuffer() const = 0;
/** \brief Register kernel names with PlatformAnalyzer
* The returned PxU16 must be stored and used as a base offset for the ID
* passed to the KERNEL_START|STOP_EVENT macros.
virtual PxU16 registerKernelNames(const char**, PxU16 count) = 0;
/** \brief Launch a copy kernel with arbitrary number of copy commands
* This method is intended to be called from Kernel GpuTasks, but it can
* function outside of that context as well.
* If count is 1, the descriptor is passed to the kernel as arguments, so it
* may be declared on the stack.
* If count is greater than 1, the kernel will read the descriptors out of
* host memory. Because of this, the descriptor array must be located in
* page locked (pinned) memory. The provided descriptors may be modified by
* this method (converting host pointers to their GPU mapped equivalents)
* and should be considered *owned* by CUDA until the current batch of work
* has completed, so descriptor arrays should not be freed or modified until
* you have received a completion notification.
* If your GPU does not support mapping of page locked memory (SM>=1.1),
* this function degrades to calling CUDA copy methods.
virtual void launchCopyKernel(GpuCopyDesc* desc, PxU32 count, CUstream stream) = 0;
/** \brief protected destructor
* GpuDispatchers are allocated and freed by their CudaContextManager.
virtual ~GpuDispatcher() {};
} // end pxtask namespace
#ifndef PX_DOXYGEN
} // end physx namespace