zhongdaohuan 6e8fbca745 genesis-3d engine version 1.3.
match the genesis editor version
2014-05-05 14:50:33 +08:00

144 lines
4.9 KiB

#pragma once
@class Tools::IDLCodeGenerator
Generate C++ source code from the parsed IDL object structure.
(C) 2006 Radon Labs GmbH
#include "core/refcounted.h"
#include "io/uri.h"
#include "io/textwriter.h"
#include "tools/idlcompiler/idldocument.h"
namespace Tools
class IDLCodeGenerator : public Core::RefCounted
/// constructor
/// set the output base filename
void SetURI(const IO::URI& uri);
/// get the output base filename
const IO::URI& GetURI() const;
/// build the header file uri
IO::URI BuildHeaderUri() const;
/// build the source file uri
IO::URI BuildSourceUri() const;
/// set the parser object tree
void SetDocument(IDLDocument* doc);
/// get the parser object tree
IDLDocument* GetDocument() const;
/// generate the include file
bool GenerateIncludeFile();
/// generate the source file
bool GenerateSourceFile();
/// get error message
const Util::String& GetError() const;
/// set an error string
void __cdecl SetError(const char* fmt, ...);
/// convert IDL data type to Nebula C++ reference type
Util::String GetNebulaRefType(const Util::String& idlType) const;
/// convert IDL data type to Nebula C++ type
Util::String GetNebulaType(const Util::String& idlType) const;
/// convert IDL data type to Nebula Arg::Type
Util::String GetNebulaArgType(const Util::String& idlType) const;
/// convert IDL data type to Nebula getter method
Util::String GetNebulaGetterMethod(const Util::String& idlType) const;
/// convert IDL data type to Nebula setter method
Util::String GetNebulaSetterMethod(const Util::String& idlType) const;
/// build a call back C++ function prototype
Util::String BuildCallbackPrototype(IDLCommand* cmd, bool withClassName) const;
/// write header for include file
void WriteIncludeHeader(IO::TextWriter* writer) const;
/// write command library declaration to include file
void WriteLibraryDeclarations(IO::TextWriter* writer) const;
/// write message protocol declaration to include file
void WriteProtocolDeclarations(IO::TextWriter* writer) const;
/// write a command declaration to include file
void WriteCommandDeclaration(IDLCommand* cmd, IO::TextWriter* writer) const;
/// write a message declaration to include file
void WriteMessageDeclaration(IDLProtocol* prot, IDLMessage* msg, IO::TextWriter* writer) const;
/// write declaration statements for a single message to the include file
void WriteMessageArg(IDLProtocol* prot, IDLMessage* msg, IDLArg* arg, IO::TextWriter* writer, bool isInputArg) const;
/// write footer for include file
void WriteIncludeFooter(IO::TextWriter* writer) const;
/// write the source header
void WriteSourceHeader(IO::TextWriter* writer) const;
/// write library implementation to source file
void WriteLibraryImplementations(IO::TextWriter* writer) const;
/// write source file footer to source file
void WriteSourceFooter(IO::TextWriter* writer) const;
/// write a command implementation to the source file
void WriteCommandImplementation(IDLCommand* cmd, IO::TextWriter* writer) const;
/// write encode function
void WriteEncodeImplementation(IDLMessage* msg, IO::TextWriter* writer) const;
/// write decode function
void WriteDecodeImplementation(IDLMessage* msg, IO::TextWriter* writer) const;
/// convert type to streamwriter type
Util::String ConvertToCamelNotation(const Util::String& lowerCaseType) const;
IO::URI uri;
Util::String error;
Ptr<IDLDocument> document;
inline const Util::String&
IDLCodeGenerator::GetError() const
return this->error;
inline void
IDLCodeGenerator::SetURI(const IO::URI& u)
this->uri = u;
inline const IO::URI&
IDLCodeGenerator::GetURI() const
return this->uri;
inline void
IDLCodeGenerator::SetDocument(IDLDocument* doc)
n_assert(0 != doc);
this->document = doc;
inline IDLDocument*
IDLCodeGenerator::GetDocument() const
return this->document;
} // namespace Tools