zhongdaohuan 6e8fbca745 genesis-3d engine version 1.3.
match the genesis editor version
2014-05-05 14:50:33 +08:00

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@author Alexander Ptakhin
@date 01/2009
This file is part of MyGUI.
MyGUI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
MyGUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with MyGUI. If not, see <>.
#ifndef __MYGUI_CANVAS_H__
#define __MYGUI_CANVAS_H__
#include "MyGUI_Prerequest.h"
#include "MyGUI_Widget.h"
#include "MyGUI_ITexture.h"
namespace MyGUI
Widget wrapper over Texture - shows the texture.
Implemented: resizing of texture (see TextureResizeMode); recovery after loosing device;
class MYGUI_EXPORT Canvas :
public Widget,
public ITextureInvalidateListener
struct Event
Event( bool _textureChanged, bool _widgetResized, bool _requested ) :
textureChanged( _textureChanged ),
widgetResized( _widgetResized ),
requested( _requested )
bool textureChanged;
bool widgetResized;
/// This update was caused by calling updateTexture();
bool requested;
typedef delegates::CMultiDelegate1<Canvas*> EventHandle_CanvasPtr;
typedef delegates::CDelegate2<Canvas*, Event> EventHandle_CanvasPtrEvent;
Available resize and view modes of texture
@remarks PT - Power of Two (size)
enum TextureResizeMode
TRM_PT_CONST_SIZE, /// Texture doesn't resizes and fills all widget space
TRM_PT_VIEW_REQUESTED, /// You can view all pixels of texture, texture cropped by sizes of widget
TRM_PT_VIEW_ALL /// Texture resizes and fills all widget space
/// Creates texture
void createTexture(TextureResizeMode _resizeMode, TextureUsage _usage = getDefaultTextureUsage(), PixelFormat _format = getDefaultTextureFormat());
/// Creates texture
void createTexture(int _width, int _height, TextureResizeMode _resizeMode, TextureUsage _usage = getDefaultTextureUsage(), PixelFormat _format = getDefaultTextureFormat());
/// Creates texture
void createTexture(const IntSize& _size, TextureResizeMode _resizeMode, TextureUsage _usage = getDefaultTextureUsage(), PixelFormat _format = getDefaultTextureFormat());
/// [zhongdaohuan]Creates texture,<2C><EFBFBD><E2B2BB>mygui<75><69>ԭ<EFBFBD><D4AD><EFBFBD>ӿ<EFBFBD>
void createTexture(IRenderTarget* _renderTarget);
/// Destroys texture
void destroyTexture();
/// Call user delegate update and removes old texture if it isn't original.
void updateTexture();
/// Locks hardware pixel buffer.
void* lock(TextureUsage _usage = TextureUsage::Write);
/// Unlocks hardware pixel buffer.
void unlock();
/// Checks lockness of hardware _pixel buffer.
bool isLocked() const;
/// Returns real width of texture.
int getTextureRealWidth() const;
/// Returns real height of texture.
int getTextureRealHeight() const;
/// Returns real _size of texture.
IntSize getTextureRealSize() const;
/// Returns needed width while creating texture.
int getTextureSrcWidth() const;
/// Returns needed height while creating texture.
int getTextureSrcHeight() const;
/// Returns needed sizes while creating texture.
IntSize getTextureSrcSize() const;
/// Returns needed sizes while creating texture.
PixelFormat getTextureFormat() const;
/// Returns name of the current texture.
const std::string& getTextureName() const;
//! @copydoc Widget::setSize(const IntSize& _value)
virtual void setSize(const IntSize& _value);
//! @copydoc Widget::setCoord(const IntCoord& _value)
virtual void setCoord(const IntCoord& _value);
/** @copydoc Widget::setSize(int _width, int _height) */
void setSize(int _width, int _height);
/** @copydoc Widget::setCoord(int _left, int _top, int _width, int _height) */
void setCoord(int _left, int _top, int _width, int _height);
/// Returns resize mode
TextureResizeMode getResizeMode() const;
/// Sets resize mode of texture \sa TextureResizeMode
void setResizeMode(TextureResizeMode _value);
/// Checks if the texture has the source (required by user) size, otherwise real texture size are bigger.
bool isTextureSrcSize() const;
/// Returns true if the texture was created (and exists), otherwise false
bool isTextureCreated() const;
/// Returns true if we own the texture, otherwise false. \sa mManaged
bool isTextureManaged() const;
/// Reurns interface texture.
ITexture* getTexture() const;
/// Sets the texture managed @remarks Be careful with assigning managed status to texture, which wasn't created in Canvas! \sa mManaged
void setTextureManaged(bool _value);
/// Returns default GUI texture usage
static TextureUsage getDefaultTextureUsage();
/// Returns default GUI texture format
static PixelFormat getDefaultTextureFormat();
/** Event : Notify user texture instance will be changed \sa requestUpdateCanvas.\n
signature : void method(MyGUI::Canvas* _canvas)\n
@param _canvas, which will be updated
EventHandle_CanvasPtr eventPreTextureChanges;
/** Event : Texture instance was changed (May be caused by resizing texture or lossing device). User have to update all references to new instance of texture.\n
signature : void method(MyGUI::Canvas* _canvas, MyGUI::Canvas::Event _event)\n
@param _canvas, which needs to update
@param _event
EventHandle_CanvasPtrEvent requestUpdateCanvas;
virtual void shutdownOverride();
virtual void initialiseOverride();
/// Destroys texture
void _destroyTexture(bool _sendEvent);
/// Update entered parameters according to current texture resize mode(size) and restore (if can) parameters of usage and format from texture
void validate(int& _width, int& _height, TextureUsage& _usage, PixelFormat& _format) const;
/// Creates the texture itself
void createExactTexture(int _width, int _height, TextureUsage _usage, PixelFormat _format);
/// Checks if we need to create a texture with such sizes.
bool checkCreate(int _width, int _height) const;
/// Calls when resize widget
void resize(const IntSize& _size);
/// Correct texture uv-coordinates
void correctUV();
/// For updating once per frame.
void frameAdvise(bool _advise);
/// For updating once per frame.
void frameEntered(float _time);
virtual void textureInvalidate(ITexture* _texture);
void _setUVSet(const FloatRect& _rect);
/// Current texture
ITexture* mTexture;
/// Requested bu user sizes
IntSize mReqTexSize;
/// Generated texture name
std::string mGenTexName;
/// Texture resize mode \sa TextureResizeMode
TextureResizeMode mTexResizeMode;
/// Saved pointer from last calling lock. \sa lock
uint8* mTexData;
/// true if we own the texture (can delete it or replace by another instance), otherwise false
bool mTexManaged;
/// For updating once per frame. True state means updating before next frame starts.
bool mFrameAdvise;
bool mInvalidateData;
} // namespace MyGUI
#endif // __MYGUI_CANVAS_H__