zhongdaohuan 6e8fbca745 genesis-3d engine version 1.3.
match the genesis editor version
2014-05-05 14:50:33 +08:00

485 lines
18 KiB

// This code contains NVIDIA Confidential Information and is disclosed to you
// under a form of NVIDIA software license agreement provided separately to you.
// Notice
// NVIDIA Corporation and its licensors retain all intellectual property and
// proprietary rights in and to this software and related documentation and
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// distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
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// Information and code furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable.
// However, NVIDIA Corporation assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such
// information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may
// result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent
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// This code supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.
// NVIDIA Corporation products are not authorized for use as critical
// components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of
// NVIDIA Corporation.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2013 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2008 AGEIA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2001-2004 NovodeX AG. All rights reserved.
#ifndef PX_REPXH
#define PX_REPXH
/** \addtogroup repx
#include "foundation/PxSimpleTypes.h"
#include "common/PxTolerancesScale.h"
#include "common/PxPhysXCommon.h"
#include "common/PxIO.h"
namespace physx
class PxTriangleMesh;
class PxCooking;
class PxMaterial;
class PxPhysics;
class PxHeightField;
class PxStringTable;
namespace physx { namespace repx {
typedef PxU64 TRepXId;
typedef void* TDescriptor;
class RepXMemoryAllocator;
class RepXWriter;
class RepXReader;
class RepXReaderWriter;
class MemoryBuffer;
struct RepXErrorCode
enum Enum
#include "RepXErrorCodeDefs.h"
//Contains the mapping of id to object created when a repx object
//is added to a instantiated.
struct RepXObject
///Identifies the extension meant to handle this object
const char* mTypeName;
///Pointer to the live object this was created from
const void* mLiveObject;
///Id given to this object at some point
TRepXId mId;
RepXObject( const char* inTypeName = "", const void* inLiveObject = NULL, const TRepXId inId = 0 )
: mTypeName( inTypeName )
, mLiveObject( inLiveObject )
, mId( inId )
bool isValid() const { return mLiveObject != NULL; }
template<typename TDataType>
class RepXScopedPtr
TDataType* mObject;
RepXScopedPtr( const RepXScopedPtr& inOther );
RepXScopedPtr& operator=( const RepXScopedPtr& inOther );
PX_INLINE RepXScopedPtr( TDataType* inObj )
: mObject( inObj )
PX_INLINE ~RepXScopedPtr() { if ( mObject ) mObject->destroy(); }
PX_INLINE TDataType* release() { TDataType* retval( mObject ); mObject = NULL; return retval; }
PX_INLINE operator TDataType* () { return mObject; }
PX_INLINE TDataType* operator*() { return mObject; }
PX_INLINE TDataType* operator&() { return mObject; }
PX_INLINE TDataType* operator->() { return mObject; }
* Two way mapping from repx id to repx object.
* Clients can implement this themselves to provide objects
* to the repx system that haven't been loaded/added to a collection
* yet. Otherwise, a default implementation can be created.
class RepXIdToRepXObjectMap
virtual ~RepXIdToRepXObjectMap(){}
virtual void destroy() = 0;
virtual RepXIdToRepXObjectMap* clone() = 0;
virtual void addLiveObject( const RepXObject& inLiveObject ) = 0;
virtual RepXObject getLiveObjectFromId( const TRepXId inId ) = 0;
virtual TRepXId getIdForLiveObject( const void* inLiveObject ) const = 0;
static RepXIdToRepXObjectMap* create(PxAllocatorCallback& inAllocator);
typedef RepXScopedPtr<RepXIdToRepXObjectMap> RepXScopedIdToRepXObjectMap;
* Arguments required to instantiate a repx collection.
* Extra arguments can be added to the object map under
* special ids.
struct RepXInstantiationArgs
PxCooking* mCooker;
PxPhysics* mPhysics;
PxStringTable* mStringTable;
RepXInstantiationArgs( PxCooking* inCooking //Must have one of these
, PxPhysics* inPhysics //Must have one of these
, PxStringTable* inStringTable ) //String table is optional.
: mCooker( inCooking )
, mPhysics( inPhysics )
, mStringTable( inStringTable )
* A repx extension provides the ability to capture a live
* object to a descriptor or static state and the ability to
* write that state out to a file. Objects allocated
* by the extension using the allocator are freed when the
* collection itself is freed.
* RepXCoreExtensions.cpp implements a set of extensions
* for the core PhysX types.
class RepXExtension
virtual ~RepXExtension(){}
virtual void destroy() = 0;
* The type this extension is meant to operate on. Refers to
* RepXObject::mTypeName
virtual const char* getTypeName() = 0;
\brief Convert from a RepX object to a key-value pair hierarchy
\param[in] inLiveObject The object to convert to the passed in descriptor.
\param[in] inIdMap The map to use to find ids of references of this object.
\param[in] inWriter Interface to write data to.
\param[in] inTempBuffer used to for temporary allocations
virtual void objectToFile( RepXObject inLiveObject, RepXIdToRepXObjectMap* inIdMap, RepXWriter& inWriter, MemoryBuffer& inTempBuffer ) = 0;
\brief Convert from a descriptor to a live object. Must be an object of this extension type.
\param[in] inReader The inverse of the writer, a key-value pair database.
\param[in] inAllocator An allocator to use for temporary allocations. These will be freed after instantiation completes.
\param[in] inArgs The arguments used in create resources and objects.
\param[in] inIdMap The id map used to find references.
\return The new live object. It can be an invalid object if the instantiation cannot take place.
virtual RepXObject fileToObject( RepXReader& inReader, RepXMemoryAllocator& inAllocator, RepXInstantiationArgs& inArgs, RepXIdToRepXObjectMap* inIdMap ) = 0;
* The result of adding an object to the collection.
struct RepXAddToCollectionResult
enum Enum
InvalidParameters, //Null data passed in.
TRepXId mCollectionId;
Enum mResult;
RepXAddToCollectionResult( Enum inResult = Success, const TRepXId inId = 0 )
: mCollectionId( inId )
, mResult( inResult )
bool isValid() { return mResult == Success && mCollectionId != 0; }
* A result of attempting to instantiate an item in the repx collection.
* The collectionId was the id the object has in the collection.
* The live object contains a new id generated from the address of the scene
* object so that all the objects have valid ids.
struct RepXInstantiationResult
TRepXId mCollectionId;
void* mLiveObject;
const char* mExtensionName;
RepXInstantiationResult( const TRepXId inCollId, void* inLiveObject, const char* inExtensionName )
: mCollectionId( inCollId )
, mLiveObject( inLiveObject )
, mExtensionName( inExtensionName )
class RepXInstantiationResultHandler
virtual ~RepXInstantiationResultHandler(){}
virtual void addInstantiationResult( RepXInstantiationResult inResult ) = 0;
struct RepXNode;
struct RepXCollectionItem
RepXObject mLiveObject;
RepXNode* mDescriptor;
RepXCollectionItem( RepXObject inItem = RepXObject(), RepXNode* inDescriptor = NULL )
: mLiveObject( inItem )
, mDescriptor( inDescriptor )
struct RepXDefaultEntry
const char* name;
const char* value;
RepXDefaultEntry( const char* pn, const char* val ) : name( pn ), value( val ){}
* A RepX collection contains a set of static data objects that can be transformed
* into live objects. It uses extensions to do two transformations:
* live object <-> collection object (descriptor)
* collection object <-> file system.
* A live object is considered to be something live in the physics
* world such as a material or a rigidstatic.
* A collection object is a piece of data from which a live object
* of identical characteristics can be created.
* References to other objects must pass through the id system. Currently
* all objects added to the repx collection change any live object ptrs
* they have into repx ids using a supplied id map. Its id is added
* to the map when it itself is added to the collection.
* Thus dependant objects must be added after their parent
* dependencies i.e. a material must be added before a shape that
* refers to that material is added; etc. If a cycle were to occur
* clients must break the cycle themselves by added the ids
* to the map before any elements of the cycle are added to the collection.
* Similarly, when objects are instantiated the map is used to convert back
* from id to live object. Newly instantiated objects are added to the map
* under either their new auto-generated id or from the id in the file when
* they were serialized. Buffers such as materials or triangle meshes must be
* added under their original ids. Also, if the same collection is going to be
* instantiated multiple times most likely users will require a new map
* or will be required to clear the existing map in between instantiations.
* In the current map implementation if a newly added value conflicts with an
* existing value the map keeps the old value and ignores the new value.
* Clients need to pass in object maps so that objects can resolve
* references. In addition, objects must be added in an order such that
* references can be resolved in the first place. So objects must be added
* to the collection *after* objects they are dependent upon.
* When deserializing from a file, the collection will allocate char*'s that will
* not be freed when the collection itself is freed. The user must be responsible
* for these character allocations.
class RepXCollection
virtual ~RepXCollection(){}
virtual void destroy() = 0;
* Get the scale that was set at collection creation time or at load time.
* If this is a loaded file and the source data does not contain a scale
* this value will be invalid (PxTolerancesScale::isValid()).
virtual PxTolerancesScale getTolerancesScale() const = 0;
* Set the up vector on this collection. The up vector is saved with the collection.
* If the up vector wasn't set, it will be (0,0,0).
virtual void setUpVector( const PxVec3& inUpVector ) = 0;
* If the up vector wasn't set, it will be (0,0,0). Else this will be the up vector
* optionally set when the collection was created.
virtual PxVec3 getUpVector() const = 0;
\brief Add an object to the collection.
The live object map is used by extensions to created ids for objects this object refers to.
\param[in] inObject Object to save to descriptor format and add to collection.
\param[in] inLiveObjectIdMap Map used to find references. Also, the live object is added to this map upon successful completion.
\return The result of the add operations.
virtual RepXAddToCollectionResult addRepXObjectToCollection( const RepXObject& inObject, RepXIdToRepXObjectMap& inLiveObjectIdMap ) = 0;
\brief Instantiate this collection.
Each instantiated object creates a new scene object mapped to a new id.
The list of the old-id-to-new-scene-objects is returned.
The id map is used twice; to resolve references and when an object has been instantiated.
Instantiated objects can be added to the id map either under their new id or under the id
their descriptors were under originally. A collection of buffers should be added under their
original ids. A collection of objects referencing those buffers that will be instanced
several times should be added under new ids.
\param[in] inArgs Data arguments to the instantiation function.
\param[in] inLiveObjectIdMap Map used for references. Results of the instantiation are added to this map.
\param[in] inResultHandler container for the new results along with their instantiation ids. May be NULL.
\return The error code of the operations.
virtual RepXErrorCode::Enum instantiateCollection( RepXInstantiationArgs inArgs, RepXIdToRepXObjectMap* inLiveObjectIdMap
, RepXInstantiationResultHandler* inResultHandler ) = 0;
\brief Save this collection out to a file stream.
Uses the extensions to perform collection object->file conversions.
\param[in] inStream Write-only stream to save collection out to.
virtual void save( PxOutputStream& inStream ) = 0;
virtual const char* getVersion() = 0;
static const char* getLatestVersion();
//Necessary accessor functions for translation/upgrading.
virtual const RepXCollectionItem* begin() const = 0;
virtual const RepXCollectionItem* end() const = 0;
//Create a new empty collection that shares our memory allocator, tolerances scale,
//, up vector, and extensions.
virtual RepXCollection& createCollection( const char* inVersionStr ) = 0;
//Performs a deep copy of the repx node.
virtual RepXNode* copyRepXNode( const RepXNode* srcNode ) = 0;
virtual void addCollectionItem( RepXCollectionItem inItem ) = 0;
//Create a new repx node with this name. Its value is unset.
virtual RepXNode& createRepXNode( const char* name ) = 0;
//Release this when finished.
virtual RepXReaderWriter& createNodeEditor() = 0;
virtual PxAllocatorCallback& getAllocator() = 0;
\brief Create a new empty collection referencing these extensions.
The extensions will be destroyed when the collection itself is destroyed.
\param[in] inExtensions Extensions used to provide the collection with add/remove and serialization capabilities.
\param[in] inNumExtensions The number of provide extensions.
\param[in] inScale scale that this collection is created with. This is saved with the collection so future
users of the data can know if the current PxPhysics::getScale matches.
\param[in] inAllocator Allocator used for building the collection.
\return Empty collection.
static RepXCollection* create( RepXExtension** inExtensions, PxU32 inNumExtensions, const PxTolerancesScale& inScale, PxAllocatorCallback& inAllocator );
\brief Create a collection from a PxInputData object using these extensions.
The extensions will be destroyed when the collection itself is destroyed.
!!Char* name properties are not released (PxActor->getName(), PxShape->getName()) when the collection
itself is released. Thus these pointers become floating pointers. If you want to manage them
you can track outstanding allocations that are unreleased and release them when you know you don't
need them!!
\param[in] data the data from which to create this collection.
\param[in] inExtensions Array of extensions used to provide the collection with add/remove and serialization capabilities.
\param[in] inNumExtensions The number of provide extensions.
\param[in] inAllocator Allocator used for collection allocations and const char* name allocations.
\return new collection with items in the file transformed into a descriptor state.
static RepXCollection* create( PxInputData& data, RepXExtension** inExtensions, PxU32 inNumExtensions, PxAllocatorCallback& inAllocator );
\brief Create a repx collection from a PxCollection.
\param[in] inPxCollection source collection to instantiate.
\param[in] inAnonymousNameStart the start address of references of objects, it will be auto incremented by 1.
\param[in] inScale the scale the collection is created at.
\param[in] inAllocator Allocator used for building the collection.
\return a repx collection created from a PxCollection.
static RepXCollection* create( PxCollection& inPxCollection, PxU64& inAnonymousNameStart, const PxTolerancesScale& inScale, PxAllocatorCallback& inAllocator );
\brief Create a PxCollection collection from a RepXCollection.
\param[in] inCollection RepX collection to instantiate.
\param[in] inPhysics Physics object.
\param[in] inCooking cooking system to cook the mesh buffers.
\param[in] inAllocator Allocator used for collection allocations and const char* name allocations.
\param[in] inStringTable string table used for object names.
\param[in] inExternalRefs external references
\param[out] outBuffers The PxCollection that will contain the SDK-level objects.
\param[out] outSceneObjects the PxCollection that will contain the PxScene-level objects.
\param[out] userRefs the PxUserReferences to which ids of outBuffer serializables are written to.
static RepXErrorCode::Enum repXCollectionToPxCollections(RepXCollection& inCollection
, PxPhysics& inPhysics
, PxCooking& inCooking
, PxAllocatorCallback& inAllocator
, PxStringTable* inStringTable
, const PxUserReferences* inExternalRefs
, PxCollection& outBuffers
, PxCollection& outSceneObjects
, PxUserReferences* userRefs = NULL);
typedef RepXScopedPtr<RepXCollection> RepXScopedCollection;
RepXErrorCode::Enum ReportError( RepXErrorCode::Enum errCode, const char* context, const char* file, int line );
#define REPX_REPORT_ERROR_IF(cond, err, context) do { if (!cond) ReportError((err), (context), __FILE__, __LINE__); } while( 0 )
#define REPX_REPORT_ERROR_RET(err, context) return ReportError((err), (context), __FILE__, __LINE__)
} }
/** @} */
#endif //PX_REPXH