zhongdaohuan 6e8fbca745 genesis-3d engine version 1.3.
match the genesis editor version
2014-05-05 14:50:33 +08:00

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// This code contains NVIDIA Confidential Information and is disclosed to you
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// Copyright (c) 2004-2008 AGEIA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2001-2004 NovodeX AG. All rights reserved.
//#ifdef REMOVED
/** \addtogroup common
#include "common/PxPhysXCommon.h"
#include "common/PxTypeInfo.h"
#include "common/PxFields.h"
#include "common/PxFieldDescriptor.h"
#include "foundation/PxFlags.h"
#ifndef PX_DOXYGEN
namespace physx
typedef PxU16 PxType;
class PxSerializable;
class PxOutputStream;
class PxSerialStream;
//! Serialized input data must be aligned to this value.
//! Objects are written in this fixed order within a serialized file.
struct PxSerialOrder
enum Enum
eCONVEX = 20,
eTRIMESH = 21,
eDEFMESH = 23,
eSHAPE = 80,
eSTATIC = 81,
eDYNAMIC = 82,
eDEFAULT = 100,
eJOINT = 150,
//! A unique reference to a serialized object.
typedef PxU64 PxSerialObjectRef;
\brief A struct to pair a serialized object and its reference number.
@see PxUserReferences
struct PxSerialObjectAndRef
PxSerializable* serializable;
PxSerialObjectRef ref;
\brief Class used to "resolve pointers" during deserialization.
The ref-resolver remaps pointers to PxSerializable objects within a deserialized memory block.
This class is mainly used by the serialization framework. Users should not have to worry about it.
@see PxSerializable
class PxRefResolver
virtual ~PxRefResolver() {}
\brief Retrieves new address of deserialized object.
This is called by the serialization framework.
\param[in] oldAddress Old address of serialized object
\return New address of serialized object
virtual void* newAddress(void* oldAddress) const = 0;
\brief Sets new address of deserialized object.
This is called by the serialization framework.
\param[in] oldAddress Old address of serialized object
\param[in] newAddress New address of serialized object
virtual void setNewAddress(void* oldAddress, void* newAddress) = 0;
\brief Sets current string table.
This is called by the serialization framework.
\param[in] stringTable Current string table address
virtual void setStringTable(const char* stringTable) = 0;
\brief Resolves external reference.
This is called by the serialization framework.
\param[in] name Name to be resolved
\return Resolved name
virtual const char* resolveName(const char* name) = 0;
\brief Container for user-defined names/references.
This is mainly a "link" object accessed by the framework when serializing and
deserializing subsets.
@see PxSerializable
class PxUserReferences
virtual ~PxUserReferences() {}
/** \brief Deprecated alias for getObjectFromRef.
\param[in] ref user-defined reference for this object
\return Corresponding object, or NULL if not found
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE PxSerializable* getObjectFromID(PxSerialObjectRef ref) const { return getObjectFromRef(ref); }
/** \brief Deprecated alias for setObjectRef.
\param[in] object Serializable object. See #PxSerializable
\param[in] ref user-defined object reference for this object
@see setObjectRef
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE void setUserData(PxSerializable* object, PxSerialObjectRef ref) { setObjectRef(*object, ref); }
\brief Gets PxSerializable object from its object reference.
This is called by the framework during deserialization, when external references are
passed to the deserialize function.
\param[in] ref user-defined reference for this object
\return Corresponding object, or NULL if not found
@see PxSerializable
virtual PxSerializable* getObjectFromRef(PxSerialObjectRef ref) const = 0;
\brief Sets the object reference for a PxSerializable.
This is called by the framework during deserialization, when object references are
retrieved from a deserialized collection.
This can also be called by users to link a subset to a completely different
subset than the one it was originally linked to.
\param[in] object Serializable object. See #PxSerializable
\param[in] ref user-defined reference for this object
\return true if success
@see PxSerializable
virtual bool setObjectRef(PxSerializable& object, PxSerialObjectRef ref) = 0;
\brief Test whether an object is referenced by this UserReferences.
Note that in general the mapping from references to objects may be many-to-one.
\return whether the object is referenced
@see setObjectRef getNbObjectRefs
virtual bool objectIsReferenced(PxSerializable& object) const = 0;
\brief Retrieves the number of object references.
\return the number of references
@see getObjectRefs
virtual PxU32 getNbObjectRefs() const = 0;
\brief Retrieve all object reference pairs.
\param[in] buffer an pointer to a buffer into which to write the pairs
\param[in] bufSize the size of the buffer
\return the number of pairs written
@see setObjectRef getNbObjectRefs
virtual PxU32 getObjectRefs(PxSerialObjectAndRef* buffer, PxU32 bufSize) const = 0;
\brief Deletes a user references object.
@see PxPhysics::createUserReferences()
virtual void release() = 0;
struct PxSerialFlag
enum Enum
eOWNS_MEMORY = (1<<0),
// eDISABLED = (1<<1),
eIN_SCENE = (1<<3),
#if (defined(PX_WINDOWS) || defined(PX_WINMODERN))
//! \cond
template class PX_PHYSX_COMMON_API PxFlags<PxSerialFlag::Enum, PxU16>; // needed for dll export
//! \endcond
typedef PxFlags<PxSerialFlag::Enum, PxU16> PxSerialFlags;
PX_FLAGS_OPERATORS(PxSerialFlag::Enum, PxU16);
typedef PxSerializable* (*PxClassCreationCallback)(char*& address, PxRefResolver& v);
\brief Collection class for serialization.
A collection is a container for serializable SDK objects. All serializable SDK objects inherit from PxSerializable.
Serialization and deserialization only work through collections.
A scene is typically serialized using the following steps:
1) create a collection
2) collect objects to serialize
3) serialize collection
4) release collection
For example the code may look like this:
PxPhysics* physics; // The physics SDK object
PxScene* scene; // The physics scene
SerialStream s; // The user-defined stream doing the actual write to disk
PxCollection* collection = physics->createCollection(); // step 1)
PxCollectForExportSDK(*physics, *collection); // step 2)
PxCollectForExportScene(*scene, *collection); // step 2)
collection->serialize(s); // step 3)
physics->releaseCollection(collection); // step 4)
A scene is typically deserialized using the following steps:
1) load a serialized block somewhere in memory
2) create a collection object
3) deserialize objects (populate collection with objects from the memory block)
4) add collected objects to scene
5) release collection
For example the code may look like this:
PxPhysics* physics; // The physics SDK object
PxScene* scene; // The physics scene
void* memory128; // a 128-byte aligned buffer previously loaded from disk by the user - step 1)
PxCollection* collection = physics->createCollection(); // step 2)
collection->deserialize(memory128, NULL, NULL); // step 3)
physics->addCollection(*collection, scene); // step 4)
collection->release(); // step 5)
@see PxSerializable
class PxCollection
friend class PxSerializable;
virtual void addUnique(PxSerializable&) = 0;
PxCollection() {}
virtual ~PxCollection() {}
/** \brief deprecated alias for setObjectRef.
\param[in] object Serializable object. See #PxSerializable
\param[in] ref user-defined object reference for this object
@see setObjectRef
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE void setUserData(PxSerializable& object, PxSerialObjectRef ref) { setObjectRef(object, ref); }
\brief Serializes a collection.
Writes out collected objects to a binary stream. Objects are output in the order
defined by PxSerialOrder, according to their type.
Object references and external references, as defined by the setObjectRef and
addExternalRef functions, are also serialized.
\param[in] stream User-defined serialization stream.
\param[in] exportNames If true, objects' names are serialized along with the objects. Not serializing names produce smaller files.
@see PxSerialOrder setUserData addExternalRef
virtual void serialize(PxOutputStream& stream, bool exportNames=false) = 0;
\brief Deserializes a collection.
Initializes/creates objects within the given input buffer, which must have
been deserialized from disk already by the user. The input buffer must be
128-bytes aligned.
Deserialized objects are added to the collection.
Object references for the collection can be retrieved, if necessary.
External references can be passed, if necesary.
\param[in] buffer128 Deserialized input buffer, 128-bytes aligned
\param[out] newReferences map of new object references created by deserialization, or NULL. See #PxUserReferences
\param[in] externalReferences map for resolving the collection's external references, or NULL. See #PxUserReferences
\return True if success
@see PxUserReferences
virtual bool deserialize(void* buffer128, PxUserReferences* newReferences, const PxUserReferences* externalReferences) = 0;
\brief Sets user-data/name for a PxSerializable.
This is used to assign an object reference to a PxSerializable. The references are serialized with the collection, and can be used
after deserialization to look up objects by reference.
\param[in] object Serializable object. See #PxSerializable
\param[in] ref user-defined object reference for this object
\return true if success
@see PxSerializable addExternalRef getObjectRef
virtual bool setObjectRef(PxSerializable& object, PxSerialObjectRef ref) = 0;
\brief Retrieves the object references specified by the user for this collection.
note that user references created by deserialization are not returned by this function.
virtual PxUserReferences* getObjectRefs() const = 0;
\brief Declares an reference to an object outside the collection.
Some objects in the collection might have pointers/references to objects that are not within
the collection. Such objects will not be serialized when the collection is serialized, and the
references will be marked for resolution when the collection is deserialized.
\param[in] object Serializable object. See #PxSerializable
\param[in] ref user-defined name for this object
\return true if success
@see PxSerializable setObjectRef
virtual bool addExternalRef(PxSerializable& object, PxSerialObjectRef ref) = 0;
\brief Retrieve all external reference pairs.
\note the pairs retrieved are those set by the application with addExternalRef. No external references are created in the
collection during deserialization.
\return the external references
@see addExternalRef getNbExternalRefs
virtual PxUserReferences* getExternalRefs() const = 0;
\brief Gets number of objects in the collection.
\return Number of objects in the collection
virtual PxU32 getNbObjects() const = 0;
\brief Gets object from the collection.
\param[in] index Object index, between 0 (incl) and getNbObjects() (excl).
\return Desired object from the collection
@see PxSerializable
virtual PxSerializable* getObject(PxU32 index) const = 0;
\brief Deletes a collection object.
This function only deletes the collection object, i.e. the container class. It doesn't delete objects
that are part of the collection.
@see PxPhysics::createCollection()
virtual void release() = 0;
class PxNameManager
virtual ~PxNameManager() {}
virtual void registerName(const char**) = 0;
class PxPtrManager
virtual ~PxPtrManager() {}
virtual void registerPtr(void*) = 0;
\brief Base class for serializable objects.
@see PxRefResolver PxCollection
class PxSerializable
\brief returns string name of dynamic type.
\return class name of most derived type of this object.
virtual const char* getConcreteTypeName() const { return NULL; }
/* brief dynamic casts a pointer to a pointer to the given type
\return a pointer to the given type, or NULL
template<class T> T* is() { return typeMatch<T>() ? static_cast<T*>(this) : NULL; }
/* brief dynamic casts a pointer-to-const to a pointer to the given type
\return a pointer to the given type, or NULL
template<class T> const T* is() const { return typeMatch<T>() ? static_cast<const T*>(this) : NULL; }
\brief Returns concrete type of object.
\return PxConcreteType::Enum of serialized object
@see PxConcreteType
PX_INLINE PxType getConcreteType() const { return mConcreteType; }
virtual PxU32 getOrder() const { return PxSerialOrder::eDEFAULT; }
\brief Adds an object to the collection.
\param[in] c collection to add the object to
@see PxCollection
virtual void collectForExport(PxCollection& c) { c.addUnique(*this); }
virtual bool getFields(PxSerialStream&, PxU32) const { return true; }
virtual bool getFields(PxSerialStream&, PxField::Enum) const { return true; }
virtual bool getFields(PxSerialStream&) const { return true; }
virtual const PxFieldDescriptor* getFieldDescriptor(const char*) const { return NULL; }
virtual PxU32 getObjectSize() const = 0;
virtual void exportExtraData(PxSerialStream&) { }
virtual char* importExtraData(char* address, PxU32&) { return address; }
virtual bool resolvePointers(PxRefResolver&, void*) { return true; }
virtual void registerNameForExport(PxNameManager&) { }
virtual void registerPtrsForExport(PxPtrManager& manager) { manager.registerPtr(this); }
virtual void disableInternalCaching(bool) {}
PX_INLINE void setSerialFlag(PxSerialFlag::Enum flag, bool value) { mSerialFlags = value ? mSerialFlags|flag : mSerialFlags&~flag; }
PX_INLINE void setSerialFlags(PxSerialFlags inFlags ) { mSerialFlags = inFlags; }
PX_INLINE PxSerialFlags getSerialFlags() const { return mSerialFlags; }
static void getMetaData(PxSerialStream& stream);
virtual ~PxSerializable() {}
PxSerializable(PxRefResolver& v)
mSerialFlags &= ~PxSerialFlag::eOWNS_MEMORY;
PxSerializable() : mConcreteType(PxConcreteType::eUNDEFINED), mSerialFlags(PxSerialFlag::eOWNS_MEMORY)
PX_INLINE void setSerialType(PxType t) { mConcreteType = t; }
template<class T> bool typeMatch() const
return PxU32(PxTypeInfo<T>::eFastTypeId)!=PxU32(PxConcreteType::eUNDEFINED) ? PxU32(getConcreteType()) == PxU32(PxTypeInfo<T>::eFastTypeId)
: isKindOf(PxTypeInfo<T>::name());
virtual bool isKindOf(const char* superClass) const { return !strcmp(superClass, "PxSerializable"); }
PxType mConcreteType; // Some kind of class identifier. Could use a string = class name
PxSerialFlags mSerialFlags; // Serialization flags
#ifndef PX_DOXYGEN
} // namespace physx
/** @} */