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/** \addtogroup physics
#include "PxPhysX.h"
#include "common/PxSerialFramework.h"
#include "geometry/PxGeometry.h"
#include "geometry/PxGeometryHelpers.h"
#include "PxSceneQueryReport.h"
#ifndef PX_DOXYGEN
namespace physx
class PxBoxGeometry;
class PxSphereGeometry;
class PxCapsuleGeometry;
class PxPlaneGeometry;
class PxConvexMeshGeometry;
class PxTriangleMeshGeometry;
class PxHeightFieldGeometry;
class PxRigidActor;
struct PxFilterData;
struct PxRaycastHit;
struct PxSweepHit;
\brief Flags which affect the behavior of PxShapes.
@see PxShape PxShape.setFlag()
struct PxShapeFlag
enum Enum
\brief The shape will partake in collision in the physical simulation.
\note It is illegal to raise the eSIMULATION_SHAPE and eTRIGGER_SHAPE flags.
In the event that one of these flags is already raised the sdk will reject any
attempt to raise the other. To raise the eSIMULATION_SHAPE first ensure that
eTRIGGER_SHAPE is already lowered.
@see PxSimulationEventCallback.onContact() PxScene.setSimulationEventCallback() PxShape.setFlag(), PxShape.setFlags()
\brief The shape will partake in scene queries (ray casts, overlap tests, sweeps, ...).
\brief The shape is a trigger which can send reports whenever other shapes enter/leave its volume.
\note Triangle meshes and heightfields can not be triggers. Shape creation will fail in these cases.
\note Shapes marked as triggers do not collide with other objects. If an object should act both
as a trigger shape and a collision shape then create a rigid body with two shapes, one being a
trigger shape and the other a collision shape. It is illegal to raise the eTRIGGER_SHAPE and
eSIMULATION_SHAPE flags on a single PxShape instance. In the event that one of these flags is already
raised the sdk will reject any attempt to raise the other. To raise the eTRIGGER_SHAPE flag first
ensure that eSIMULATION_SHAPE flag is already lowered.
\note Shapes marked as triggers are allowed to participate in scene queries, provided the eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE flag is set.
@see PxSimulationEventCallback.onTrigger() PxScene.setSimulationEventCallback() PxShape.setFlag(), PxShape.setFlags()
eTRIGGER_SHAPE = (1<<2),
\brief Enable debug renderer for this shape
@see PxScene.getRenderBuffer() PxRenderBuffer PxVisualizationParameter
\brief Sets the shape to be a particle drain.
\brief Enables the shape's use of temporal bounds during the post integration broad phase check.
\brief collection of set bits defined in PxShapeFlag.
@see PxShapeFlag
typedef PxFlags<PxShapeFlag::Enum,PxU8> PxShapeFlags;
\brief Abstract class for collision shapes.
An instance can be created by calling the createShape() method of the PxRigidActor class.
\li PxVisualizationParameter::eCOLLISION_AABBS
\li PxVisualizationParameter::eCOLLISION_SHAPES
\li PxVisualizationParameter::eCOLLISION_AXES
@see PxRigidActor.createShape() PxBoxGeometry PxSphereGeometry PxCapsuleGeometry PxPlaneGeometry PxConvexMeshGeometry
PxTriangleMeshGeometry PxHeightFieldGeometry
class PxShape : public PxSerializable
\brief Deletes the shape.
Do not keep a reference to the deleted instance.
For static rigid actors it is not possible to release all shapes associated with the actor.
An attempt to remove the last shape will be ignored.
@see PxRigidActor::createShape()
virtual void release() = 0;
\brief Get the geometry type of the shape.
\return Type of shape geometry.
@see PxGeometryType
virtual PxGeometryType::Enum getGeometryType() const = 0;
\brief Adjust the geometry of the shape.
\note The type of the passed in geometry must match the geometry type of the shape.
\note It is not allowed to change the geometry type of a shape.
\note This function does not guarantee correct/continuous behavior when objects are resting on top of old or new geometry.
\param[in] geometry New geometry of the shape.
@see PxGeometry PxGeometryType getGeometryType()
virtual void setGeometry(const PxGeometry& geometry) = 0;
\brief Retrieve the geometry from the shape in a PxGeometryHolder wrapper class.
\return a PxGeometryHolder object containing the geometry;
@see PxGeometry PxGeometryType getGeometryType() setGeometry()
virtual PxGeometryHolder getGeometry() const = 0;
\brief Fetch the geometry of the shape.
\note If the type of geometry to extract does not match the geometry type of the shape
then the method will return false and the passed in geometry descriptor is not modified.
\param[in] geometry The descriptor to save the shape's geometry data to.
\return True on success else false
@see PxGeometry PxGeometryType getGeometryType()
virtual bool getBoxGeometry(PxBoxGeometry& geometry) const = 0;
\brief Fetch the geometry of the shape.
\note If the type of geometry to extract does not match the geometry type of the shape
then the method will return false and the passed in geometry descriptor is not modified.
\param[in] geometry The descriptor to save the shape's geometry data to.
\return True on success else false
@see PxGeometry PxGeometryType getGeometryType()
virtual bool getSphereGeometry(PxSphereGeometry& geometry) const = 0;
\brief Fetch the geometry of the shape.
\note If the type of geometry to extract does not match the geometry type of the shape
then the method will return false and the passed in geometry descriptor is not modified.
\param[in] geometry The descriptor to save the shape's geometry data to.
\return True on success else false
@see PxGeometry PxGeometryType getGeometryType()
virtual bool getCapsuleGeometry(PxCapsuleGeometry& geometry) const = 0;
\brief Fetch the geometry of the shape.
\note If the type of geometry to extract does not match the geometry type of the shape
then the method will return false and the passed in geometry descriptor is not modified.
\param[in] geometry The descriptor to save the shape's geometry data to.
\return True on success else false
@see PxGeometry PxGeometryType getGeometryType()
virtual bool getPlaneGeometry(PxPlaneGeometry& geometry) const = 0;
\brief Fetch the geometry of the shape.
\note If the type of geometry to extract does not match the geometry type of the shape
then the method will return false and the passed in geometry descriptor is not modified.
\param[in] geometry The descriptor to save the shape's geometry data to.
\return True on success else false
@see PxGeometry PxGeometryType getGeometryType()
virtual bool getConvexMeshGeometry(PxConvexMeshGeometry& geometry) const = 0;
\brief Fetch the geometry of the shape.
\note If the type of geometry to extract does not match the geometry type of the shape
then the method will return false and the passed in geometry descriptor is not modified.
\param[in] geometry The descriptor to save the shape's geometry data to.
\return True on success else false
@see PxGeometry PxGeometryType getGeometryType()
virtual bool getTriangleMeshGeometry(PxTriangleMeshGeometry& geometry) const = 0;
\brief Fetch the geometry of the shape.
\note If the type of geometry to extract does not match the geometry type of the shape
then the method will return false and the passed in geometry descriptor is not modified.
\param[in] geometry The descriptor to save the shape's geometry data to.
\return True on success else false
@see PxGeometry PxGeometryType getGeometryType()
virtual bool getHeightFieldGeometry(PxHeightFieldGeometry& geometry) const = 0;
\brief Retrieves the actor which this shape is associated with.
\return The actor this shape is associated with.
@see PxRigidStatic, PxRigidDynamic, PxArticulationLink
virtual PxRigidActor& getActor() const = 0;
\brief Retrieves the axis aligned bounding box enclosing the shape.
\return The shape's bounding box.
@see PxBounds3
virtual PxBounds3 getWorldBounds() const = 0;
/** @name Pose Manipulation
\brief Sets the pose of the shape in actor space, i.e. relative to the actor they are owned by.
This transformation is identity by default.
<b>Sleeping:</b> Does <b>NOT</b> wake the associated actor up automatically.
<i>Note:</i> Does not automatically update the inertia properties of the owning actor (if applicable); use the
PhysX extensions method #PxRigidBodyExt::updateMassAndInertia() to do this.
<b>Default:</b> the identity transform
\param[in] pose The new transform from the actor frame to the shape frame. <b>Range:</b> rigid body transform
@see getLocalPose()
virtual void setLocalPose(const PxTransform& pose) = 0;
\brief Retrieves the pose of the shape in actor space, i.e. relative to the actor they are owned by.
This transformation is identity by default.
\return Pose of shape relative to the actor's frame.
@see setLocalPose()
virtual PxTransform getLocalPose() const = 0;
/** @name Collision Filtering
\brief Sets the user definable collision filter data.
<b>Sleeping:</b> Does wake up the actor if the filter data change causes a formerly suppressed
collision pair to be enabled.
<b>Default:</b> (0,0,0,0)
@see getSimulationFilterData()
virtual void setSimulationFilterData(const PxFilterData& data) = 0;
\brief Retrieves the shape's collision filter data.
@see setSimulationFilterData()
virtual PxFilterData getSimulationFilterData() const = 0;
\brief Marks the object to reset interactions and re-run collision filters in the next simulation step.
This call forces the object to remove all existing collision interactions, to search anew for existing contact
pairs and to run the collision filters again for found collision pairs.
\note All persistent state of existing interactions will be lost and can not be retrieved even if the same collison pair
is found again in the next step. This will mean, for example, that you will not get notified about persistent contact
for such an interaction (see #PxPairFlag::eNOTIFY_TOUCH_PERSISTS), the contact pair will be interpreted as newly found instead.
\note Lost touch contact reports will be sent for every collision pair which includes this shape, if they have
been requested through #PxPairFlag::eNOTIFY_TOUCH_LOST or #PxPairFlag::eNOTIFY_THRESHOLD_FORCE_LOST.
\note This is an expensive operation, don't use it if you don't have to.
\note Can be used to retrieve collision pairs that were killed by the collision filters (see #PxFilterFlag::eKILL)
<b>Sleeping:</b> Does wake up the actor.
@see PxSimulationFilterShader PxSimulationFilterCallback
virtual void resetFiltering() = 0;
\brief Sets the user definable query filter data.
<b>Default:</b> (0,0,0,0)
@see getQueryFilterData()
virtual void setQueryFilterData(const PxFilterData& data) = 0;
\brief Retrieves the shape's Query filter data.
@see setQueryFilterData()
virtual PxFilterData getQueryFilterData() const = 0;
\brief Assigns material(s) to the shape.
<b>Sleeping:</b> Does <b>NOT</b> wake the associated actor up automatically.
\param[in] materials List of material pointers to assign to the shape. See #PxMaterial
\param[in] materialCount The number of materials provided.
@see PxPhysics.createMaterial() getMaterials()
virtual void setMaterials(PxMaterial*const* materials, PxU32 materialCount) = 0;
\brief Returns the number of materials assigned to the shape.
You can use #getMaterials() to retrieve the material pointers.
\return Number of materials associated with this shape.
@see PxMaterial getMaterials()
virtual PxU32 getNbMaterials() const = 0;
\brief Retrieve all the material pointers associated with the shape.
You can retrieve the number of material pointers by calling #getNbMaterials()
Note: Removing materials with #PxMaterial::release() will invalidate the pointer of the released material.
\param[out] userBuffer The buffer to store the material pointers.
\param[in] bufferSize Size of provided user buffer.
\return Number of material pointers written to the buffer.
@see PxMaterial getNbMaterials() PxMaterial::release()
virtual PxU32 getMaterials(PxMaterial** userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize) const = 0;
\brief Retrieve material from given triangle index.
The input index is the internal triangle index as used inside the SDK. This is the index
returned to users by various SDK functions such as raycasts.
This function is only useful for triangle meshes or heightfields, which have per-triangle
materials. For other shapes the function returns the single material associated with the
shape, regardless of the index.
\param[in] faceIndex The internal triangle index whose material you want to retrieve.
\return Material from input triangle
@see PxMaterial getNbMaterials() PxMaterial::release()
virtual PxMaterial* getMaterialFromInternalFaceIndex(PxU32 faceIndex) const = 0;
\brief Sets the contact offset.
Shapes whose distance is less than the sum of their contactOffset values will generate contacts. The contact offset must be positive and
greater than the rest offset. Having a contactOffset greater than than the restOffset allows the collision detection system to
predictively enforce the contact constraint even when the objects are slightly separated. This prevents jitter that would occur
if the constraint were enforced only when shapes were within the rest distance.
<b>Default:</b> 0.02f * PxTolerancesScale::length
<b>Sleeping:</b> Does <b>NOT</b> wake the associated actor up automatically.
\param[in] contactOffset <b>Range:</b> (maximum(0,restOffset),inf)
@see getContactOffset PxTolerancesScale setRestOffset
virtual void setContactOffset(PxReal contactOffset) = 0;
\brief Retrieves the contact offset.
\return The contact offset of the shape.
@see setContactOffset()
virtual PxReal getContactOffset() const = 0;
\brief Sets the rest offset.
Two shapes will come to rest at a distance equal to the sum of their restOffset values. If the restOffset is 0, they should converge to touching
exactly. Having a restOffset greater than zero is useful to have objects slide smoothly, so that they do not get hung up on irregularities of
each others' surfaces.
<b>Default:</b> 0.0f
<b>Sleeping:</b> Does <b>NOT</b> wake the associated actor up automatically.
\param[in] restOffset <b>Range:</b> (-inf,contactOffset)
@see getRestOffset setContactOffset
virtual void setRestOffset(PxReal restOffset) = 0;
\brief Retrieves the rest offset.
\return The rest offset of the shape.
@see setRestOffset()
virtual PxReal getRestOffset() const = 0;
\brief Sets shape flags
<b>Sleeping:</b> Does <b>NOT</b> wake the associated actor up automatically.
\param[in] flag The shape flag to enable/disable. See #PxShapeFlag.
\param[in] value True to set the flag. False to clear the flag specified in flag.
<b>Default:</b> PxShapeFlag::eVISUALIZATION | PxShapeFlag::eSIMULATION_SHAPE | PxShapeFlag::eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE
@see PxShapeFlag getFlags()
virtual void setFlag(PxShapeFlag::Enum flag, bool value) = 0;
\brief Sets shape flags
@see PxShapeFlag getFlags()
virtual void setFlags( PxShapeFlags inFlags ) = 0;
\brief Retrieves shape flags.
\return The values of the shape flags.
@see PxShapeFlag setFlag()
virtual PxShapeFlags getFlags() const = 0;
\brief Sets a name string for the object that can be retrieved with #getName().
This is for debugging and is not used by the SDK.
The string is not copied by the SDK, only the pointer is stored.
<b>Default:</b> NULL
\param[in] name The name string to set the objects name to.
@see getName()
virtual void setName(const char* name) = 0;
\brief retrieves the name string set with setName().
\return The name associated with the shape.
@see setName()
virtual const char* getName() const = 0;
\brief Raycast test against the shape.
\param[in] rayOrigin The origin of the ray to test the geometry object against
\param[in] rayDir The direction of the ray to test the geometry object against
\param[in] maxDist Maximum ray length
\param[in] hintFlags Specification of the kind of information to retrieve on hit. Combination of #PxSceneQueryFlag flags
\param[in] maxHits max number of returned hits = size of 'rayHits' buffer
\param[out] rayHits Raycast hits information
\param[in] firstHit Set to false if the closest hit point should be computed, else the query aborts as soon as the first valid hit point is found.
\param[in] shapePose Optional pose for the PxShape object. If NULL, the shape's global pose is used.
\return Number of hits between the ray and the shape
@see RaycastHit PxTransform
virtual PxU32 raycast(const PxVec3& rayOrigin, const PxVec3& rayDir, PxReal maxDist, PxSceneQueryFlags hintFlags,
PxU32 maxHits, PxRaycastHit* rayHits, bool firstHit, const PxTransform* shapePose=NULL) const = 0;
\brief Test overlap between the shape and a geometry object
\param[in] otherGeom The other geometry object to test overlap with
\param[in] otherGeomPose Pose of the other geometry object
\param[in] shapePose Optional pose for the PxShape object. If NULL, the shape's global pose is used.
\return True if the shape overlaps the geometry object
@see PxGeometry PxTransform
virtual bool overlap(const PxGeometry& otherGeom, const PxTransform& otherGeomPose, const PxTransform* shapePose=NULL) const = 0;
\brief Sweep a geometry object against the shape.
Currently only box, sphere, capsule and convex mesh shapes are supported, i.e. the swept geometry object must be one of those types.
\param[in] unitDir Normalized direction along which the geometry object should be swept.
\param[in] distance Sweep distance. Needs to be larger than 0.
\param[in] otherGeom The geometry object to sweep against the shape
\param[in] otherGeomPose Pose of the geometry object
\param[out] sweepHit The sweep hit information. Only valid if this method returns true.
\param[in] hintFlags Specification of the kind of information to retrieve on hit. Combination of #PxSceneQueryFlag flags
\param[in] shapePose Optional pose for the PxShape object. If NULL, the shape's global pose is used.
\return True if the swept geometry object hits the shape
@see PxGeometry PxTransform PxSweepHit
virtual bool sweep( const PxVec3& unitDir, const PxReal distance, const PxGeometry& otherGeom, const PxTransform& otherGeomPose,
PxSweepHit& sweepHit, PxSceneQueryFlags hintFlags, const PxTransform* shapePose=NULL) const = 0;
virtual const char* getConcreteTypeName() const { return "PxShape"; }
void* userData; //!< user can assign this to whatever, usually to create a 1:1 relationship with a user object.
PxShape(PxRefResolver& v) : PxSerializable(v) {}
PX_INLINE PxShape() : userData(NULL) {}
virtual ~PxShape() {}
virtual bool isKindOf(const char* name) const { return !strcmp("PxShape", name) || PxSerializable::isKindOf(name); }
#ifndef PX_DOXYGEN
} // namespace physx
/** @} */