zhongdaohuan 6e8fbca745 genesis-3d engine version 1.3.
match the genesis editor version
2014-05-05 14:50:33 +08:00

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/** \addtogroup physics
@{ */
#include "PxPhysX.h"
#include "common/PxSerialFramework.h"
#ifndef PX_DOXYGEN
namespace physx
\brief a joint between two links in an articulation.
The joint model is very similar to a PxSphericalJoint with swing and twist limits,
and an implicit drive model.
@see PxArticulation PxArticulationLink
class PxArticulationJoint : public PxSerializable
\brief set the joint pose in the parent frame
\param[in] pose the joint pose in the parent frame
<b>Default:</b> the identity matrix
@see getParentPose()
virtual void setParentPose(const PxTransform& pose) = 0;
\brief get the joint pose in the parent frame
\return the joint pose in the parent frame
@see setParentPose()
virtual PxTransform getParentPose() const = 0;
\brief set the joint pose in the child frame
\param[in] pose the joint pose in the child frame
<b>Default:</b> the identity matrix
@see getChildPose()
virtual void setChildPose(const PxTransform& pose) = 0;
\brief get the joint pose in the child frame
\return the joint pose in the child frame
@see setChildPose()
virtual PxTransform getChildPose() const = 0;
\brief set the target drive
This is the target position for the joint drive, measured in the parent constraint frame.
\param[in] orientation the target orientation for the joint
<b>Range:</b> a unit quaternion
<b>Default:</b> the identity quaternion
@see getTargetOrientation()
virtual void setTargetOrientation(const PxQuat& orientation) = 0;
\brief get the target drive position
\return the joint drive target position
@see setTargetOrientation()
virtual PxQuat getTargetOrientation() const = 0;
\brief set the target drive velocity
This is the target velocity for the joint drive, measured in the parent constraint frame
\param[in] velocity the target velocity for the joint
<b>Default:</b> the zero vector
@see getTargetVelocity()
virtual void setTargetVelocity(const PxVec3& velocity) = 0;
\brief get the target drive velocity
\return the target velocity for the joint
@see setTargetVelocity()
virtual PxVec3 getTargetVelocity() const = 0;
\brief set the drive strength of the joint acceleration spring.
The acceleration generated by the spring drive is proportional to
this value and the angle between the drive target position and the
current position.
\param[in] spring the spring strength of the joint
<b>Range:</b> [0,inf)<br>
<b>Default:</b> 0.0
@see getSpring()
virtual void setSpring(PxReal spring) = 0;
\brief get the drive strength of the joint acceleration spring
\return the spring strength of the joint
@see setSpring()
virtual PxReal getSpring() const = 0;
\brief set the damping of the joint acceleration spring
The acceleration generated by the spring drive is proportional to
this value and the difference between the angular velocity of the
joint and the target drive velocity.
\param[in] damping the damping of the joint drive
<b>Range:</b> [0,inf)<br>
<b>Default:</b> 0.0
@see getDamping()
virtual void setDamping(PxReal damping) = 0;
\brief get the damping of the joint acceleration spring
@see setDamping()
virtual PxReal getDamping() const = 0;
\brief set the internal compliance
Compliance determines the extent to which the joint resists acceleration.
There are separate values for resistance to accelerations caused by external
forces such as gravity and contact forces, and internal forces generated from
other joints.
A low compliance means that forces have little effect, a compliance of 1 means
the joint does not resist such forces at all.
\param[in] compliance the compliance to internal forces
<b> Range: (0,1]</b>
<b> Default:</b> 0.0
@see getInternalCompliance()
virtual void setInternalCompliance(PxReal compliance) = 0;
\brief get the internal compliance
\return the compliance to internal forces
@see setInternalCompliance()
virtual PxReal getInternalCompliance() const = 0;
\brief get the drive external compliance
Compliance determines the extent to which the joint resists acceleration.
There are separate values for resistance to accelerations caused by external
forces such as gravity and contact forces, and internal forces generated from
other joints.
A low compliance means that forces have little effect, a compliance of 1 means
the joint does not resist such forces at all.
\param[in] compliance the compliance to external forces
<b> Range: (0,1]</b>
<b> Default:</b> 0.0
@see getExternalCompliance()
virtual void setExternalCompliance(PxReal compliance) = 0;
\brief get the drive external compliance
\return the compliance to external forces
@see setExternalCompliance()
virtual PxReal getExternalCompliance() const = 0;
\brief set the extents of the cone limit. The extents are measured in the frame
of the parent.
Note that very small or highly elliptical limit cones may result in jitter.
\param[in] yLimit the allowed extent of rotation around the y-axis
\param[in] zLimit the allowed extent of rotation around the z-axis
<b> Range:</b> ([0,Pi), [0, Pi)]
<b> Default:</b> (0.0, 0.0)
virtual void setSwingLimit(PxReal yLimit, PxReal zLimit) = 0;
\brief get the extents for the swing limit cone
\param[out] yLimit the allowed extent of rotation around the y-axis
\param[out] zLimit the allowed extent of rotation around the z-axis
@see setSwingLimit()
virtual void getSwingLimit(PxReal &yLimit, PxReal &zLimit) const = 0;
\brief set the tangential spring for the limit cone
<b> Range:</b> ([0,infinity), [0, infinity)]
<b> Default:</b> (0.0, 0.0)
virtual void setTangentialSpring(PxReal spring) = 0;
\brief get the tangential spring for the swing limit cone
\return the tangential spring
@see setTangentialSpring()
virtual PxReal getTangentialSpring() const = 0;
\brief set the tangential damping for the limit cone
<b> Range:</b> ([0,infinity), [0, infinity)]
<b> Default:</b> (0.0, 0.0)
virtual void setTangentialDamping(PxReal damping) = 0;
\brief get the tangential damping for the swing limit cone
\return the tangential damping
@see setTangentialDamping()
virtual PxReal getTangentialDamping() const = 0;
\brief set the contact distance for the swing limit
The contact distance should be less than either limit angle.
<b> Range:</b> [0,Pi)
<b> Default:</b> 0.05 radians
@see getSwingLimitContactDistance()
virtual void setSwingLimitContactDistance(PxReal contactDistance) = 0;
\brief get the contact distance for the swing limit
\return the contact distance for the swing limit cone
@see setSwingLimitContactDistance()
virtual PxReal getSwingLimitContactDistance() const = 0;
\brief set the flag which enables the swing limit
\param[in] enabled whether the limit is enabled
<b>Default:</b> false
@see getSwingLimitEnabled()
virtual void setSwingLimitEnabled(bool enabled) = 0;
\brief get the flag which enables the swing limit
\return whether the swing limit is enabled
@see setSwingLimitEnabled()
virtual bool getSwingLimitEnabled() const = 0;
\brief set the bounds of the twistLimit
\param[in] lower the lower extent of the twist limit
\param[in] upper the upper extent of the twist limit
<b> Range: (-Pi,Pi)</b>
<b> Default:</b> (0.0, 0.0)
The lower limit value must be less than the upper limit if the limit is enabled
@see getTwistLimit()
virtual void setTwistLimit(PxReal lower, PxReal upper) = 0;
\brief get the bounds of the twistLimit
\param[out] lower the lower extent of the twist limit
\param[out] upper the upper extent of the twist limit
@see setTwistLimit()
virtual void getTwistLimit(PxReal &lower, PxReal &upper) const = 0;
\brief set the flag which enables the twist limit
\param[in] enabled whether the twist limit is enabled
<b>Default:</b> false
@see getTwistLimitEnabled()
virtual void setTwistLimitEnabled(bool enabled) = 0;
\brief get the twistLimitEnabled flag
\return whether the twist limit is enabled
@see setTwistLimitEnabled()
virtual bool getTwistLimitEnabled() const = 0;
\brief set the contact distance for the swing limit
The contact distance should be less than half the distance between the upper and lower limits.
<b> Range:</b> [0,Pi)
<b> Default:</b> 0.05 radians
@see getTwistLimitContactDistance()
virtual void setTwistLimitContactDistance(PxReal contactDistance) = 0;
\brief get the contact distance for the swing limit
\return the contact distance for the twist limit
@see setTwistLimitContactDistance()
virtual PxReal getTwistLimitContactDistance() const = 0;
virtual const char* getConcreteTypeName() const { return "PxArticulationJoint"; }
PxArticulationJoint(PxRefResolver& v) : PxSerializable(v) {}
PX_INLINE PxArticulationJoint() {}
virtual ~PxArticulationJoint() {}
virtual bool isKindOf(const char* name) const { return !strcmp("PxArticulationJoint", name) || PxSerializable::isKindOf(name); }
#ifndef PX_DOXYGEN
} // namespace physx
/** @} */