/** @namespace Timing @section Nebula3TimingSystem The Nebula3 Timing Subsystem The Nebula3 Timing subsystem offers classes and servies for measuring elapsed time, and working with the calendar time (days, weeks, month, years). @subsection Nebula3TimingBasics Timing Subsystem Basics - Timing::Time represents a double-precision floating point number and contains a time value in seconds. - Timing::Tick represent an integer number contains a time value in milli-seconds (1/1000sec). - To convert between the 2 data types, use the global Timing::TicksToSeconds() and Timing::SecondsToTicks() functions. - To let a thread sleep for a specific amount of time, use the Timing::Sleep() method. - Use Timing::Sleep(0.0) to give up the current thread time slice. - Use the Timing::Timer class for measuring elapsed time. Timing::Timer is also "fast enough" to be used as a profiler around a block of code. - Use the Timing::CalendarTime class if you need to query the current wall-clock time and date. - The Timing::CalendarTime class also offers method to convert between calendar time and IO::FileTime. */