/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2006, Radon Labs GmbH Copyright (c) 2011-2013,WebJet Business Division,CYOU http://www.genesis-3d.com.cn Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #pragma once //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** @class IO::IoServer The central server object of the IO subsystem offers the following services: * associate stream classes with URI schemes * create the right stream object for a given URI * transparant (ZIP) archive support * path assign management * global filesystem manipulation and query methods */ #include "core/refcounted.h" #include "core/singleton.h" #include "util/array.h" #include "util/string.h" #include "util/hashtable.h" #include "io/filetime.h" #include "io/assign.h" #include "util/stringatom.h" #include "io/assignregistry.h" #include "io/schemeregistry.h" #include "io/iointerfaceprotocol.h" #include "FileService/fileservicesystem.h" #include "packagetool/PackageSystem.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace IO { class ArchiveFileSystem; //// [begin] by ZengZhuo 2011.11.4 class FileServiceSystem; //// [end] by ZengZhuo class Stream; class URI; class IoServer : public Core::RefCounted { __DeclareClass(IoServer); __DeclareThreadSingleton(IoServer); public: typedef GPtr ReadStreamPtr; /// constructor IoServer(); /// destructor virtual ~IoServer(); void DoWork(); /// setup FileService void SetupFileService(const Util::String& fileServiceDir, const Util::String& cacheDir, const Util::String& serverAddress); /// mount a file archive (without archive file extension!) bool MountArchive(const URI& uri); /// unmount a file archive (without archive file extension!) void UnmountArchive(const URI& uri); /// return true if a archive is mounted (without archive file extension!) bool IsArchiveMounted(const URI& uri) const; /// enable/disable transparent archive filesystem layering (default is yes) void SetArchiveFileSystemEnabled(bool b); /// return true if transparent archive filesystem is enabled bool IsArchiveFileSystemEnabled() const; /// mount standard archives (e.g. home:export.zip and home:export_$(platform).zip) void MountStandardArchives(); /// unmount standard archives void UnmountStandardArchives(); bool IsFileServiceSystemEnabled() const; //// [end] by ZengZhuo /// create a stream object for the given uri GPtr CreateFileStream(const URI& uri) const; /// create all missing directories in the path bool CreateDirectory(const URI& uri) const; /// delete an empty directory bool DeleteDirectory(const URI& path) const; /// return true if directory exists bool DirectoryExists(const URI& path) const; GPtr ReadFileFromFileSystem(const Util::StringAtom& resourceId) ; GPtr ReadFileFromFileSystem(const char* resourceId) ; GPtr ReadFileFromFileSystem(const Util::String& resourceId) ; GPtr ReadFileFromDisk(const IO::URI& uri) ; //if can't be found in file system, try in disk. GPtr ReadFile(const Util::String& path) ; GPtr ReadFile(const char* resourceId) ; GPtr GetIOReadStream(); /// copy a file bool CopyFile(const URI& from, const URI& to) const; /// delete a file bool DeleteFile(const URI& path) const; /// return true if file exists bool FileExists(const URI& path) const; bool FileExists(const Util::StringAtom& path) const; /// set the readonly status of a file void SetReadOnly(const URI& path, bool b) const; /// return read only status of a file bool IsReadOnly(const URI& path) const; /// get the CRC checksum of a file unsigned int ComputeFileCrc(const URI& path) const; /// set the write-time of a file void SetFileWriteTime(const URI& path, FileTime fileTime); /// return the last write-time of a file FileTime GetFileWriteTime(const URI& path) const; /// list all files matching a pattern in a directory Util::Array ListFiles(const URI& dir, const Util::String& pattern, bool asFullPath=false) const; /// list all subdirectories matching a pattern in a directory Util::Array ListDirectories(const URI& dir, const Util::String& pattern, bool asFullPath=false) const; /// WriteStream bool _WriteStream(const GPtr& msg); /// ReadStream bool _ReadStream(const ReadStreamPtr& msg); private: struct _check_file_info; typedef FileService::FsHandle _fs_handle; typedef Util::Array<_check_file_info> AsynCheckFiles; /// helper function to add path prefix to file or dir names in array Util::Array addPathPrefixToArray(const Util::String& prefix, const Util::Array& filenames) const; void asynFsCheck(const ReadStreamPtr& msg); bool readStream(const ReadStreamPtr& msg); bool readStream(GPtr& stream); struct _check_file_info { ReadStreamPtr stream; _fs_handle fs_handle; _check_file_info() :stream(NULL) ,fs_handle(0) { } }; GPtr archiveFileSystem; GPtr fileServiceSystem ; AssignRegistry* assignRegistry; GPtr schemeRegistry; AsynCheckFiles asynCheckFiles; bool fileServiceSystemEnabled; bool archiveFileSystemEnabled; GPtr mIOReadStream; // add this memmber to avoid create stream many times for io profile static Threading::CriticalSection ArchiveCriticalSection; static Threading::CriticalSection fileServiceCriticalSection; static bool StandardArchivesMounted; static Threading::CriticalSection AssignCriticalSection; static Threading::CriticalSection SchemeCriticalSection; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** NOTE: on platforms which provide transparent archive access this method is point less (the archiveFileSystemEnabled flag will be ignored, and IsArchiveFileSystemEnabled() will always return false). */ inline void IoServer::SetArchiveFileSystemEnabled(bool b) { this->archiveFileSystemEnabled = b; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** NOTE: on platforms which provide transparent archive access through the OS (like on PS3) this method will always return false. This saves some unecessary overhead in the Nebula3 IoServer. */ inline bool IoServer::IsArchiveFileSystemEnabled() const { #if NEBULA3_NATIVE_ARCHIVE_SUPPORT return false; #else return this->archiveFileSystemEnabled; #endif } } // namespace IO //------------------------------------------------------------------------------