/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2011-2013,WebJet Business Division,CYOU http://www.genesis-3d.com.cn Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #pragma once #ifndef __TERRAINRENDERCOMPONENT_H__ #define __TERRAINRENDERCOMPONENT_H__ #include "graphicfeature/components/rendercomponent.h" #include "graphicsystem/Material/materialinstance.h" #include "appframework/actor.h" #include "graphicsystem/Camera/Camera.h" #include "resource/rawres.h" #include "terrainfeature/components/TerrainNodeTree.h" #include "terrainsystem/TerrainDataSource.h" #include "Lightmap/lightmapSetting.h" namespace App { const int sMaxControlMapSizeSize = 32; struct TerrainSettings { public: TerrainSettings():width(0.0f),length(0.0f),topheight(0.0f),baseheight(0.0f),heightmapRes(0.0f) {} float width; float length; float topheight; float baseheight; float heightmapRes;//heightMap resolution }; class TerrainRenderObject; class TerrainRenderComponent: public RenderComponent { __DeclareSubClass(TerrainRenderComponent, RenderComponent); public: typedef TerrainRenderObject RenderObjectType; typedef GPtr TerrainRenderObjectPtr; typedef Util::Dictionary TerrainRenderObjects; public: TerrainRenderComponent(); virtual ~TerrainRenderComponent(); protected: /// @Component::OnActivate called from Actor::ActivateComponents() virtual void OnActivate(); /// @Component::OnDeactivate called from Actor::DeactivateComponents() virtual void OnDeactivate(); virtual void OnRenderSceneChanged(); /// @Component::_OnBeginFrame called after movement has happened. virtual void _OnBeginFrame(); /// called before rendering happens virtual void _OnFrame(); virtual void _OnEndFrame(); /// @Component::Component called after movement has happened. virtual void _OnMoveAfter(); public: /// @Component::SetupCallbacks setup callbacks for this component, call by Actor in OnActivate() virtual void SetupCallbacks(); virtual void UpdateRenderLayer(); virtual void StandaloneRender(const GPtr& customMat); virtual void SetMaterialID( IndexT iSubMesh, const Resources::ResourceId& matID,const bool bCopy = false,Resources::Priority p = 0); virtual void InsertMaterialID( IndexT iSubMesh, const Resources::ResourceId& matID,const bool bCopy = false ); virtual void SetMaterialByShaderID( IndexT iSubMesh, const Resources::ResourceId& shaderID,const bool bSave = true,Resources::Priority p = 0 ); virtual void ModifyMaterialShaderID( IndexT iSubMesh, const Resources::ResourceId& shaderID); virtual void GetReferenceResourceId(Util::Array& list) const; virtual void SetVisible(bool bVisible); virtual void SetCastShadow( bool bCastShadow ); virtual bool GetCastShadow(); virtual void SetReceiveShadow( bool bReceiveShadow ); virtual bool GetReceiveShadow(); #ifdef __GENESIS_EDITOR__ virtual void SetEditorVisible(bool bVis); #endif protected: Resources::TextureResInfo* _GetTextureParam(IndexT index,const Graphic::ShaderParamString& shdTexKey); void _SetMaterialTextureParam(IndexT matIndex, const ShaderParamString& paramName, const Resources::ResourceId& texID, Resources::Priority priority = Resources::ResourcePriority::TextureDefault); /// Set texture's tileSize and tileOffset void _SetMaterialTileOffsetParam(IndexT index, const ShaderParamString& paramName, const Math::float4& value); void _ModifyTerrainMaterialDir(const Resources::ResourceId& oldMatID,Resources::ResourceId& outMatID); //=============================================================================================================== //TerrainData public: GPtr& GetTerrainDataSource(void) { return m_TerrainDataSource; } const GPtr& GetTerrainDataSource(void) const { return m_TerrainDataSource; } //Get for intersect TerrainNode* GetRootNode(){return m_TerrainTree->GetRootNode();} RenderBase::PrimitiveTopology::Code GetPrimitiveTopology(void) const; protected: GPtr m_TerrainDataSource; // Terrain's data GPtr m_TerrainTree; // manage terrain's LOD Node and render data Math::matrix44 m_TerrainWordTransform; // terrain's world transform, can only translate, can not scale or rotate bool mbCastShadow; bool mbReceiveShadow; //=============================================================================================================== //TerrainRender public: void AttachNodeToRender(TerrainNode& node); void DeattachNodeFromRender(TerrainNode& node); void RebuildAllNodes(); void CheckRenderables();//called after material being setted void CheckMaterials(); // Get all terrain renderobject TerrainRenderComponent::TerrainRenderObjects GetAllRenderObjects(); protected: void _ResetRenderableMark(int index); void _ClearRenderObjects(); virtual void _UpdateShadow(); /// check need or not update heightmap void _RebuildTerrainRenderData(); // When height,hole data changed, call this to rebuild render data void _RequestRebuildEffecedNodePrimitive(int x,int y,int w,int h); protected: TerrainRenderObjects m_RenderObjects; bool m_bIsHeightMapDirty; //=============================================================================================================== //TerrainSetting public: void ResetTerrainSetting(const TerrainSettings& settings); const Util::String& GetTerrainName(void) const; void SetTerrainName(const Util::String &name); Math::float3 GetTerrainSize(void) const; void SetTerrainSize(const Math::float3& size); int GetResolution(void) const; void SetResolution(int resolution); const int GetBaseHeight(); void SetBaseHeight(int baseHeight); protected: Util::String m_TerrainName; int m_BaseHeight; //=============================================================================================================== //HeightMap public: bool SetRawResID(const Resources::ResourceId& resId, Resources::Priority priority = Resources::ResourcePriority::Synchronization); const GPtr &GetRawResInfo(void) const { return m_RawResInfo; } /// Get normalized rawHeight void GetNormalizeHeights(int xStart, int yStart, int width, int height, Terrain::NormalizeLocalYArray& heights) const; void GetNormalizeHeights(int xStart, int yStart, int width, int height, float* heights) const; /// Set normalized rawHeight void SetNormalizeHeights(int xStart, int yStart, int width, int height, const Terrain::NormalizeLocalYArray& heights, bool forceMaxError = false); void SetNormalizeHeights(int xStart, int yStart, int width, int height, const float* heights, bool forceMaxError = false); void SetNormalizeHeights(GPtr &pInfo); float GetWorldYAtActorCoord(float fX, float fZ, int level = 0) const; protected: void _ResetHeightmapAttr(const float& defaultNormal, const float& fLow, const float& fHigh,const int& oldResolution, const int& newResolution); protected: GPtr m_RawResInfo; bool m_bIsResInfoDirty; //=============================================================================================================== //Terrain LOD public: void ResetHeightLOD(int xStart, int yStart, int width, int height, bool heightChange, bool HoleChange); Math::scalar GetPixError() const; void SetPixError(const Math::scalar& val) ; protected: /// Update LOD status and render data void _UpdateLodAndRender( Graphic::Camera* camera ); protected: Math::scalar m_PixelError; //=============================================================================================================== //TerrainTexture /// add Shader ID. public: void CreateBaseMap(); void CreateColorMap(); bool _CreateControlMapTexture(Util::String mapName); const Util::String GetControlMapName(IndexT idx); //Base Map Math::scalar GetBaseMapDis() const; void SetBaseMapDis(const Math::scalar& val) ; protected: void _DeleteControlMap(const int index); void _UpdateBaseMap(); void _UpdateColorMap(); void _AddControlMaps(void); void _UpdateLayerBlendIndex(); void _UpdataLayerControlMapName(); int _GetLayerMapCount(); /// convert tile size to tile count Math::float4 _ConvertTileSizeToTileCount(const Math::float2& tileSize, const Math::float2& offset); Math::float4 _ConvertTileCountToTileSize(const Math::float2& tileCount, const Math::float2& offset); protected: bool m_bIsTextureDirty; protected: Math::scalar m_BaseMapDis; //=============================================================================================================== //Terrain Texture Brush public: const int GetBrushCount(); Terrain::LayermapInfo GetBrushSetting(const int brushIndex); // brush color void SetBrushColor(IndexT brushIndex, Math::ColorF color); Math::ColorF GetBrushColor(IndexT brushIndex); /// change brush's data void AddMaterialBrush(const Resources::ResourceId &matID, const Math::float2 &size, const Math::float2 &offset, const Resources::ResourceId &texID, IndexT brushIndex = -1); void RemoveMaterialBrush(const int brushIndex); void ChangeBrushMaterial(const Resources::ResourceId &matID, IndexT brushIndex); void ChangeBrushTexture(IndexT brushIndex, const ShaderParamString ¶mName, const Resources::ResourceId &texID); void ChangeBrushTileOffset(IndexT brushIndex, Math::float2 tileSize, Math::float2 offset); bool CheckBrushMaterialParam(IndexT brushIndex, const ShaderParamString ¶mName); Util::String GetBrushMaterialID(IndexT brushIndex); Util::String GetBrushTextureName(IndexT brushIndex, const ShaderParamString ¶mName); Math::float4 GetBrushTileOffset(IndexT brushIndex); //BrushProjector #ifdef __GENESIS_EDITOR__ void SetRenderProjector(bool isRender); bool GetRenderProjector() const; void SetBrushActor(const GPtr& brushActor); #endif protected: Math::ColorF m_BrushColor; #ifdef __GENESIS_EDITOR__ GPtr mBrushActor; #endif //=============================================================================================================== //Terrain Hole public: void GetHole(int holeX, int holeY, int holeW, int holeH,Terrain::HoleDataArray& dataArray); bool MakeHole(int holeX, int holeY, int holeW, int holeH,const Terrain::HoleDataArray& dataArray); bool MakeHole(int holeX, int holeY, int holeW, int holeH,uchar val); void _SetBitMasks(int holeX, int holeY, int holeW, int holeH,uchar val); uchar _GetBitMasks(int xUint, int yUint); bool IsHole(int holeX, int holeY); //=============================================================================================================== // Serialization public: friend class TerrainRenderComponentSerialization; // @ISerialization::GetVersion. when change storage, must add SerializeVersion count virtual Version GetVersion() const; // @ISerialization::Load virtual void Load( Version ver, AppReader* pReader, const Serialization::SerializationArgs* args ); // @ISerialization::Save virtual void Save( AppWriter* pWriter ) const; void SaveTerrainFile(void); //=============================================================================================================== //LightMap public: void SetLightmapMode(LMMode lmMode) { m_LightmapMode = lmMode;} LMMode GetLightmapMode() const { return m_LightmapMode;} void SetLMSize(unsigned int lmSize); unsigned int GetLMSize() const; void SetLMIndex(int index); unsigned int GetLMIndex() const; void SetLMDirty(); const RenderBase::TextureHandle& GetLMTextureHandle(int subIndex); bool IsUseLM() const; const bool IsLMTextureHandleValid(); void ReflushLightmapHandle(); private: // used for lightmap unsigned int mLMSize; unsigned int mLMIndex; bool mLMDirty; bool m_LMTexHandleValid; RenderBase::TextureHandle mLMHandle[3]; LMMode m_LightmapMode; friend class TerrainRenderer; }; inline const int TerrainRenderComponent::GetBrushCount() { return _GetLayerMapCount(); } inline RenderBase::PrimitiveTopology::Code TerrainRenderComponent::GetPrimitiveTopology(void) const { return RenderBase::PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList; } inline Math::scalar TerrainRenderComponent::GetPixError() const { return m_PixelError; } inline void TerrainRenderComponent::SetPixError(const Math::scalar& val) { m_PixelError = val; } inline Math::scalar TerrainRenderComponent::GetBaseMapDis() const { return m_BaseMapDis; } inline void TerrainRenderComponent::SetBaseMapDis(const Math::scalar& val) { m_BaseMapDis = val; } inline void TerrainRenderComponent::SetLMSize(unsigned int lmSize) { mLMSize = lmSize; } inline unsigned int TerrainRenderComponent::GetLMSize() const { return mLMSize; } inline void TerrainRenderComponent::SetLMIndex(int index) { if ( index != mLMIndex) { mLMIndex = index; mLMDirty = true; } } inline unsigned int TerrainRenderComponent::GetLMIndex() const { return mLMIndex; } inline void TerrainRenderComponent::SetLMDirty() { mLMDirty = true; } inline const RenderBase::TextureHandle& TerrainRenderComponent::GetLMTextureHandle(int subIndex) { n_assert(subIndex >= 0 && subIndex <= m_LightmapMode) if (mLMDirty) { ReflushLightmapHandle(); mLMDirty = false; } return mLMHandle[subIndex]; } inline bool TerrainRenderComponent::IsUseLM() const { return mLMIndex != 0xFFFF; } inline void TerrainRenderComponent::ReflushLightmapHandle() { m_LMTexHandleValid = true; for (int i = 0; i <= m_LightmapMode; i++) { if ( IsUseLM() ) { mLMHandle[i] = LightmapSetting::GetInstance().GetLightmapTexHandle( mLMIndex, i ); } else { mLMHandle[i] = RenderBase::TextureHandle(); } m_LMTexHandleValid = m_LMTexHandleValid && mLMHandle[i].IsValid(); } } inline const bool TerrainRenderComponent::IsLMTextureHandleValid() { if ( mLMDirty ) { ReflushLightmapHandle(); mLMDirty = false; } return m_LMTexHandleValid; } } #endif//__TERRAINRENDERCOMPONENT_H__