/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2011-2013,WebJet Business Division,CYOU http://www.genesis-3d.com.cn Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "stdneb.h" #include "appframework/actormanager.h" #include "graphicfeature/components/animationcomponent.h" #include "graphicfeature/graphicsfeature.h" #include "graphicfeature/graphicsfeatureprotocol.h" #include "basegamefeature/managers/timesource.h" #include "resource/resourceserver.h" #include "animation/AnimationServer.h" #include "animation/AnimationUtil.h" #include "graphicfeature/components/skeletoncomponent.h" #include "graphicfeature/components/skinnedmeshrendercomponent.h" #include "graphicfeature/components/locatercomponent.h" namespace App { using namespace Graphic; __ImplementClass(AnimationComponent, 'ACPN', App::Component); GPtr AnimationComponent::NullRes(0); Resources::ResourceId AnimationComponent::NullResId(""); Math::matrix44 AnimationComponent::m_IndentityMatrix(Math::matrix44::identity()); AnimationComponent::AnimationComponent() : m_bAnimInfosDirty(false), m_bAllLoaded(false), m_bHasAnyErrors(false), m_bHasBuildToRootX(false), m_bHasGotSkelTree(false), m_bFindUsedBones(false), m_nCurrentLayer(0), m_bHasBuildDefaultToRootX(false), m_bNeedAddDefaultAttach(false), m_UpdateFactor(0.3f), m_bIsDefaultInfoDirty(false), m_Animation(NULL) { m_Animation = Animation::Create(); } AnimationComponent::~AnimationComponent() { m_AnimInfos.animMap.Clear(); m_SkelTree.Clear(); m_Animation = NULL; } void AnimationComponent::OnActivate() { AnimationServer::Instance()->AttachAnimation(m_Animation); Actor::Check_Animation(this); Super::OnActivate(); } void AnimationComponent::OnDeactivate() { this->StopAnimations(); Super::OnDeactivate(); AnimationServer::Instance()->DetachAnimaton(m_Animation); } void AnimationComponent::SetupCallbacks() { mActor->RegisterComponentCallback(this, BeginFrame); mActor->RegisterComponentCallback(this, EndFrame); } void AnimationComponent::SetupAcceptedMessages() { Super::SetupAcceptedMessages(); } void AnimationComponent::HandleMessage(const GPtr &msg) { Super::HandleMessage(msg); } void AnimationComponent::SetAnimationID(const Resources::ResourceId &animName, Resources::Priority priority) { if (!animName.IsValid()) { return; } AnimationParamMap& animMap = m_AnimInfos.animMap; IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(animName); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { #ifdef __GENESIS_EDITOR__ if(priority == Resources::ResourcePriority::Synchronization) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; const Util::String resID = animName.AsString(); GPtr pAnimInfo = Resources::ResourceManager::Instance()->CreateAnimationResInfo(resID, priority); if (pAnimInfo.isvalid() && pAnimInfo->GetRes().isvalid()) { animParam.animRes = pAnimInfo->GetRes().downcast(); } } animMap[findAnim].dirty = true; DirtyAnimInfos(); #endif return; } else { AnimResParam animParam; animParam.animName = animName; animParam.animRes = NULL; animParam.dirty = true; if (mActor && mActor->PriorityDefinition()) { priority = mActor->GetPriority(); } animParam.priority = priority; if(priority == Resources::ResourcePriority::Synchronization) { const Util::String resID = animName.AsString(); GPtr pAnimInfo = Resources::ResourceManager::Instance()->CreateAnimationResInfo(resID, animParam.priority); if (pAnimInfo.isvalid() && pAnimInfo->GetRes().isvalid()) { animParam.animRes = pAnimInfo->GetRes().downcast(); if (animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { if(animParam.dirty) { AddAnimationRes(animParam.animRes); if (mActor != NULL) { SizeT count = animParam.animRes->GetClipCount(); for (IndexT i = 0; i < count; ++i) { FindUsedBones(animParam.animRes->GetClip(i), NULL, mActor); IndexT ret = InvalidIndex; for(int index = 0; index < m_AnimationClips.Size(); ++index) { ResourceId clipName = m_AnimationClips[index]->GetName(); if(animParam.animRes->GetClip(i)->GetName() == clipName) { ret = index; break; } } if (ret != InvalidIndex) { m_AnimationClips.EraseIndex(ret); } } } animParam.dirty = false; } } } else { animParam.animRes = NULL; } animMap.Append(animParam); m_bFindUsedBones = true; m_bAllLoaded = true; return; } animMap.Append(animParam); DirtyAnimInfos(); m_bAllLoaded = false; } } bool AnimationComponent::ContainAnimationID(const Resources::ResourceId& animName) { if (!animName.IsValid()) { return false; } AnimationParamMap& animMap = m_AnimInfos.animMap; IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(animName); return (findAnim != InvalidIndex); } bool AnimationComponent::AnimationIDLoaded(const Resources::ResourceId& animName) { return m_Animation->Contain(animName); } const Resources::ResourceId& AnimationComponent::GetAnimResID(IndexT iRes) const { if (iRes >= 0 && iRes < m_AnimInfos.animMap.Size()) { return m_AnimInfos.animMap[iRes].animName; } return Resources::Resource::EmptyResID; } bool AnimationComponent::ReFindUsedBones(const GPtr& pActor) { int keyValuePairIndex_Anim = m_UsedBonesIndex.FindIndex(m_CurrentAnimName); int keyValuePairIndex_Actor = 0;; if(keyValuePairIndex_Anim != InvalidIndex) { keyValuePairIndex_Actor = m_UsedBonesIndex[m_CurrentAnimName].FindIndex(pActor); } if(keyValuePairIndex_Actor == InvalidIndex || keyValuePairIndex_Anim == InvalidIndex) { bool ret = true; for (IndexT iClip = 0; iClip < m_Animation->GetAnimClipCount(); ++iClip) { ret &= FindUsedBones(m_Animation->GetAnimClips()[iClip], NULL, pActor); } IndexT animIndex = m_UsedBonesIndex.FindIndex(m_CurrentAnimName); if( InvalidIndex == animIndex ) return false; IndexT actorIndex = m_UsedBonesIndex[m_CurrentAnimName].FindIndex(pActor); if( InvalidIndex == actorIndex ) return false; return ret; } return true; } bool AnimationComponent::GetUsedBoneIndex(GPtr pActor, Util::Dictionary& usedBonesIndex) { bool found = ReFindUsedBones(pActor); if(found) { usedBonesIndex = m_UsedBonesIndex[m_CurrentAnimName][pActor].used; return true; } else { return false; } } bool AnimationComponent::GetUnusedBoneIndex(GPtr pActor, Util::Array& unusedBonesIndex) { bool found = ReFindUsedBones(pActor); if(found) { unusedBonesIndex = m_UsedBonesIndex[m_CurrentAnimName][pActor].unused; return true; } else { return false; } } float GetRatioInView(Math::vector objWorldPos, Math::bbox box, const App::Actor* actor) { Math::float4 boxSizeVec = box.pmax - box.pmin; float boxSize = boxSizeVec.x()*boxSizeVec.x()+boxSizeVec.y()*boxSizeVec.y()+boxSizeVec.z()*boxSizeVec.z(); float minViewSize = 400000000; if(!actor) { return boxSize/minViewSize; } const Graphic::RenderScene* renderScene = actor->GetRenderScene(); if(!renderScene) { return boxSize/minViewSize; } const Graphic::RenderScene::CameraList& cameraList = renderScene->GetCameraList(); for(IndexT cameraIndex = 0; cameraIndex < cameraList.Size(); cameraIndex++) { if(cameraList[cameraIndex]) { Math::vector cameraLocalPos = cameraList[cameraIndex]->GetTransform().get_position() - objWorldPos; float dis = cameraLocalPos.x()*cameraLocalPos.x()+cameraLocalPos.y()*cameraLocalPos.y()+cameraLocalPos.z()*cameraLocalPos.z(); float zNear = cameraList[cameraIndex]->GetCameraSetting().GetZNear(); float zFar = cameraList[cameraIndex]->GetCameraSetting().GetZFar(); float farWidth = cameraList[cameraIndex]->GetCameraSetting().GetFarWidth(); float farHeight = cameraList[cameraIndex]->GetCameraSetting().GetFarHeight(); float viewSize = dis/((zFar-zNear)*(zFar-zNear))*(farWidth*farWidth + farHeight*farHeight); minViewSize = Math::n_min(viewSize,minViewSize); } } return boxSize/minViewSize; } void AnimationComponent::_OnBeginFrame() { if (m_bAnimInfosDirty) { bool hasAnimDirty = false; if (m_AnimInfos.dirty) { int unLoadedCount = m_AnimInfos.animMap.Size(); int failedLoadedCount = 0; for (IndexT iRes = 0; iResGetState() == Resource::Loaded) { if(animParam.dirty) { AddAnimationRes(animParam.animRes); animParam.dirty = false; } unLoadedCount--; } else { if (animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Failed) { failedLoadedCount++; } } } else { const Util::String resID = animID.AsString(); GPtr pAnimInfo = Resources::ResourceManager::Instance()->CreateAnimationResInfo(resID, animParam.priority); if (pAnimInfo.isvalid() && pAnimInfo->GetRes().isvalid()) { animParam.animRes = pAnimInfo->GetRes().downcast(); if (animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { if(animParam.dirty) { AddAnimationRes(animParam.animRes); animParam.dirty = false; } unLoadedCount--; } else { if (animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Failed) { failedLoadedCount++; } } } else { animParam.animRes = NULL; } } } m_bAllLoaded = false; if (unLoadedCount == 0 || unLoadedCount == failedLoadedCount) { m_AnimInfos.dirty = false; m_AnimInfos.allLoaded = true; m_bAllLoaded = true; DelayProcess(); } } hasAnimDirty |= m_AnimInfos.dirty; m_bAnimInfosDirty = hasAnimDirty; } if (!m_bFindUsedBones && m_bAllLoaded) { bool hasAllFound = true; for (IndexT iClip = 0; iClip < m_AnimationClips.Size(); ++iClip) { hasAllFound &= FindUsedBones(m_AnimationClips[iClip], NULL, mActor); } if(hasAllFound) { m_AnimationClips.Clear(); m_bFindUsedBones = true; } } if(m_bNeedAddDefaultAttach) { if(!m_SkelTree.IsEmpty()) { AddDefaultAttachedActor(); } } //==================================================================================== //Use bbox size and camera distance to change animation's update rate bool bNeedLimitRate = true; #ifdef __GENESIS_EDITOR__ // edtior didn`t use bNeedLimitRate = false; #endif if(!bNeedLimitRate) return; Math::bbox box = mActor->GetWorldBoundingBoxWithChild(); float ratioInView = GetRatioInView(mActor->GetWorldPosition(), box, mActor); float MINTIME = 0.033f; float MAXTIME = 0.33f; float updateTime = MINTIME + (MAXTIME-MINTIME) * 0.001f / ratioInView * m_UpdateFactor; updateTime = updateTime>MAXTIME?MAXTIME:updateTime; m_Animation->SetUpdateTime(updateTime); } void AnimationComponent::_OnEndFrame() { m_bHasBuildToRootX = false; } void AnimationComponent::AddAnimationRes(GPtr &animRes) { SizeT count = animRes->GetClipCount(); for (IndexT iClip = 0; iClip& animClipTemp = animRes->GetClip(iClip); GPtr animClip = AnimationClip::Create(); animClipTemp->AnimationClip::Duplicate(animClip); animClip->SetName(animRes->GetResourceId().AsString()); if (animClip.isvalid()) { m_Animation->AddAnimClip(animClip); m_AnimationClips.Append(animClip); if (animClip->GetName() == m_CurrentAnimName) { m_bFindUsedBones = false; } } } } bool AnimationComponent::PlayAnimation(const Resources::ResourceId &name, int playMode) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimStateParam asParam; asParam.playMode = playMode; asParam.isPlay = true; asParam.name = name; IndexT findAS = m_AnimStateParam.FindIndex(name); if (findAS != InvalidIndex) { AnimStateParam& existedAS = m_AnimStateParam.ValueAtIndex(findAS); existedAS.playMode = playMode; existedAS.isPlay = true; } else { m_AnimStateParam.Add(name, asParam); } AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded ) { m_Animation->PlayAnim(name, playMode); if (m_CurrentAnimName != name) { m_CurrentAnimName = name; ClipControl* cc = m_Animation->GetClipControl(m_CurrentAnimName); if (cc) { AnimationClip* clip = cc->GetClip(); if (clip) { m_ParentIndexVec = m_Animation->GetNodeParentIndexVec(); m_ParentNameVec = m_Animation->GetNodeNameVec(); } } } m_bHasAnyErrors = false; return true; } m_bHasAnyErrors = true; return false; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); return false; } } const GPtr& AnimationComponent::GetCurrentAnimRes() { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap("m_CurrentAnimName+"); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { const AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; return animParam.animRes; } else { return NullRes; } } //Get played animation's current frame float AnimationComponent::GetCurrentFrame(const Resources::ResourceId& animName ) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(animName); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { ClipControl* cc = m_Animation->GetClipControl(animName); if (cc) { float frame = GetTime(animName) * cc->GetClip()->GetSampleRate(); return frame; } } return -1; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", animName.Value()); return -1; } } //Get played animation's current frame float AnimationComponent::GetCurrentFrame() { return GetCurrentFrame(m_CurrentAnimName); } int AnimationComponent::GetAnimFrameCount( const Resources::ResourceId& animName ) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(animName); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { ClipControl* cc = m_Animation->GetClipControl(animName); if (cc) { float frame = cc->GetClip()->GetClipDuration() * cc->GetClip()->GetSampleRate(); return (int)frame; } } return -1; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", animName.Value()); return -1; } } int AnimationComponent::GetCurrentAnimFrameCount() { return GetAnimFrameCount(m_CurrentAnimName); } void AnimationComponent::BlendingAnimation(const Resources::ResourceId &name, float weight, float time) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); weight = ClampWeightRange(weight); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { m_Animation->Blending(name, weight, time); if (m_CurrentAnimName != name) { m_CurrentAnimName = name; ClipControl* cc = m_Animation->GetClipControl(m_CurrentAnimName); if (cc) { AnimationClip* clip = cc->GetClip(); if (clip) { m_ParentIndexVec = m_Animation->GetNodeParentIndexVec(); m_ParentNameVec = m_Animation->GetNodeNameVec(); } } } } AnimStateParam asParam; asParam.targetWeight = weight; asParam.fadingTime = time; asParam.isNeedBlending = true; asParam.name = name; IndexT findAS = m_AnimStateParam.FindIndex(name); if (findAS != InvalidIndex) { AnimStateParam& existedAS = m_AnimStateParam.ValueAtIndex(findAS); existedAS.name = name; existedAS.targetWeight = weight; existedAS.fadingTime = time; existedAS.isNeedBlending = true; } else { m_AnimStateParam.Add(name, asParam); } m_bHasAnyErrors = false; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); return; } } void AnimationComponent::AddAffectedNodes(const Resources::ResourceId& animName, const Util::String& nodeName, bool recursive) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(animName); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded ) { m_Animation->AddAffectedNodes(animName, nodeName, recursive); } else { AnimStateParam asParam; asParam.affectedNodes.Add(nodeName, recursive); IndexT findAS = m_AnimStateParam.FindIndex(animName); if (findAS != InvalidIndex) { AnimStateParam& existedAS = m_AnimStateParam.ValueAtIndex(findAS); IndexT findExistedNode = existedAS.affectedNodes.FindIndex(nodeName); if (findExistedNode != InvalidIndex) { existedAS.affectedNodes.ValueAtIndex(findExistedNode) = recursive; } else { existedAS.affectedNodes.Add(nodeName, recursive); } } else { m_AnimStateParam.Add(animName, asParam); } } m_bHasAnyErrors = false; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", animName.Value()); return; } } void AnimationComponent::RemoveAffectedNodes(const Resources::ResourceId& animName, const Util::String& nodeName, bool recursive) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(animName); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded ) { m_Animation->RemoveAffectedNodes(animName, nodeName, recursive); } } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", animName.Value()); return; } } bool AnimationComponent::IsAnimNodeAffected(const Resources::ResourceId& animName, const Util::String& nodeName) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(animName); bool ret = false; if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded ) { ret = m_Animation->IsAnimNodeAffected(animName, nodeName); } } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", animName.Value()); } return ret; } void AnimationComponent::StopAnimations() { if ( m_Animation.isvalid() ) { m_Animation->Stop(); } } void AnimationComponent::ForceUpdate() { m_Animation->UpdateAnimation((float)GameTime::Instance()->GetFrameTime()); } bool AnimationComponent::StopAnimation(const Resources::ResourceId& name, float time) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimStateParam asParam; asParam.name = name; asParam.isPlay = false; asParam.isNeedCrossFading = false; asParam.fadingTime = time; IndexT findAS = m_AnimStateParam.FindIndex(name); if (findAS != InvalidIndex) { AnimStateParam& existedAS = m_AnimStateParam.ValueAtIndex(findAS); existedAS.isPlay = false; existedAS.isNeedCrossFading = false; } else { m_AnimStateParam.Add(name, asParam); } AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid()) { m_Animation->Stop(name, time); m_bHasAnyErrors = false; return true; } m_bHasAnyErrors = true; return false; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); return false; } } bool AnimationComponent::PauseAnimation(const Resources::ResourceId& name) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { m_Animation->Pause(name); return true; } else { AnimStateParam asParam; asParam.name = name; IndexT findAS = m_AnimStateParam.FindIndex(name); if (findAS != InvalidIndex) { return false; } else { m_AnimStateParam.Add(name, asParam); } } m_bHasAnyErrors = false; return false; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); return false; } } bool AnimationComponent::ResumeAnimation(const Resources::ResourceId& name) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { m_Animation->Resume(name); return true; } else { AnimStateParam asParam; asParam.name = name; IndexT findAS = m_AnimStateParam.FindIndex(name); if (findAS != InvalidIndex) { return false; } else { m_AnimStateParam.Add(name, asParam); } } m_bHasAnyErrors = false; return false; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); return false; } } void AnimationComponent::DelayProcess() { SizeT count = m_AnimStateParam.Size(); for (int i = 0; iGetState() == Resource::Loaded) { m_Animation->CrossFading(name, playMode, time); if (m_CurrentAnimName != name) { m_CurrentAnimName = name; ClipControl* cc = m_Animation->GetClipControl(m_CurrentAnimName); if (cc) { AnimationClip* clip = cc->GetClip(); if (clip) { m_ParentIndexVec = m_Animation->GetNodeParentIndexVec(); m_ParentNameVec = m_Animation->GetNodeNameVec(); } } } m_bHasAnyErrors = false; return true; } m_bHasAnyErrors = true; return false; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); return false; } } bool AnimationComponent::IsAnyAnimationPlaying() { SizeT count = m_Animation->GetAnimClipCount(); bool isPlaying = false; if (count) { isPlaying = m_Animation->IsPlaying(); return isPlaying; } else { return isPlaying; } } bool AnimationComponent::IsAnyAnimationPaused() { SizeT count = m_Animation->GetAnimClipCount(); bool isPaused = false; if (count) { isPaused = m_Animation->IsPaused(); return isPaused; } else { return isPaused; } } bool AnimationComponent::IsAnimationPlaying(const Resources::ResourceId& name) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); bool isPlaying = false; if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { isPlaying = m_Animation->IsPlaying(name); return isPlaying; } else { AnimStateParam asParam; asParam.name = name; IndexT findAS = m_AnimStateParam.FindIndex(name); if (findAS != InvalidIndex) { return false; } else { m_AnimStateParam.Add(name, asParam); return false; } } m_bHasAnyErrors = false; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); return false; } } bool AnimationComponent::IsAnimationPaused(const Resources::ResourceId& name) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); bool isPaused = false; if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { isPaused = m_Animation->IsPaused(name); return isPaused; } else { AnimStateParam asParam; asParam.name = name; IndexT findAS = m_AnimStateParam.FindIndex(name); if (findAS != InvalidIndex) { return false; } else { m_AnimStateParam.Add(name, asParam); return false; } } m_bHasAnyErrors = false; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); return false; } } void AnimationComponent::SetWrapMode(const Resources::ResourceId &name, int wrapMode) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { m_Animation->SetWrapMode(name, wrapMode); } AnimStateParam asParam; asParam.name = name; asParam.wrapMode = wrapMode; asParam.isSetWrapMode = true; IndexT findAS = m_AnimStateParam.FindIndex(name); if (findAS != InvalidIndex) { AnimStateParam& existedAS = m_AnimStateParam.ValueAtIndex(findAS); existedAS.name = name; existedAS.wrapMode = wrapMode; existedAS.isSetWrapMode = true; } else { m_AnimStateParam.Add(name, asParam); } m_bHasAnyErrors = false; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); return; } } int AnimationComponent::GetWrapMode(const Resources::ResourceId& name) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { return m_Animation->GetWrapMode(name); } else { IndexT findAS = m_AnimStateParam.FindIndex(name); if (findAS != InvalidIndex) { AnimStateParam& existedAS = m_AnimStateParam.ValueAtIndex(findAS); return existedAS.wrapMode; } else { return 2; } } } return 2; } void AnimationComponent::SetLayer(const Resources::ResourceId& name, int layer) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { m_Animation->SetLayer(name, layer); } AnimStateParam asParam; asParam.name = name; asParam.layer = layer; asParam.isSetLayer = true; IndexT findAS = m_AnimStateParam.FindIndex(name); if (findAS != InvalidIndex) { AnimStateParam& existedAS = m_AnimStateParam.ValueAtIndex(findAS); existedAS.name = name; existedAS.layer = layer; existedAS.isSetLayer = true; } else { m_AnimStateParam.Add(name, asParam); } m_bHasAnyErrors = false; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); return; } } void AnimationComponent::SetTime(const Resources::ResourceId& name, float time) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { m_Animation->SetTime(name, time); } AnimStateParam asParam; asParam.name = name; asParam.localTime = time; asParam.isSetTime = true; IndexT findAS = m_AnimStateParam.FindIndex(name); if (findAS != InvalidIndex) { AnimStateParam& existedAS = m_AnimStateParam.ValueAtIndex(findAS); existedAS.name = name; existedAS.localTime = time; existedAS.isSetTime = true; } else { m_AnimStateParam.Add(name, asParam); } m_bHasAnyErrors = false; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); return; } } float AnimationComponent::GetTime(const Resources::ResourceId& name) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); float weight = 0.0f; if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { weight = m_Animation->GetWrapTime(name); } } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); } return weight; } IndexT AnimationComponent::GetLayer(const Resources::ResourceId& name) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); IndexT layer = 0; if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { layer = m_Animation->GetLayer(name); } } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); } return layer; } void AnimationComponent::SetAnimationSpeed(const Resources::ResourceId &name, float speed) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { m_Animation->SetPlayRate(name, speed); } AnimStateParam asParam; asParam.name = name; asParam.speed = speed; asParam.isSetSpeed = true; IndexT findAS = m_AnimStateParam.FindIndex(name); if (findAS != InvalidIndex) { AnimStateParam& existedAS = m_AnimStateParam.ValueAtIndex(findAS); existedAS.name = name; existedAS.speed = speed; existedAS.isSetSpeed = true; } else { m_AnimStateParam.Add(name, asParam); } m_bHasAnyErrors = false; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); return; } } void AnimationComponent::SetWeight(const Resources::ResourceId& name, float weight) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); weight = ClampWeightRange(weight); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { m_Animation->SetWeight(name, weight); } AnimStateParam asParam; asParam.name = name; asParam.curWeight = weight; asParam.isSetWeight = true; IndexT findAS = m_AnimStateParam.FindIndex(name); if (findAS != InvalidIndex) { AnimStateParam& existedAS = m_AnimStateParam.ValueAtIndex(findAS); existedAS.name = name; existedAS.curWeight = weight; existedAS.isSetWeight = true; } else { m_AnimStateParam.Add(name, asParam); } m_bHasAnyErrors = false; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); return; } } float AnimationComponent::GetWeight(const Resources::ResourceId& name) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); float weight = 0.0f; if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { weight = m_Animation->GetWeight(name); } } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); } return weight; } void AnimationComponent::SetNormalizedTime(const Resources::ResourceId &name, float time) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { m_Animation->SetNormalizedTime(name, time); } AnimStateParam asParam; asParam.name = name; asParam.normalizedTime = time; asParam.isSetNormalizedTime = true; IndexT findAS = m_AnimStateParam.FindIndex(name); if (findAS != InvalidIndex) { AnimStateParam& existedAS = m_AnimStateParam.ValueAtIndex(findAS); existedAS.name = name; existedAS.normalizedTime = time; existedAS.isSetNormalizedTime = true; } else { m_AnimStateParam.Add(name, asParam); } m_bHasAnyErrors = false; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); return; } } void AnimationComponent::SetAnimationEnable(const Resources::ResourceId& name, bool enable) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { m_Animation->SetEnable(name, enable); } AnimStateParam asParam; asParam.name = name; asParam.enable = enable; asParam.isSetEnable = true; IndexT findAS = m_AnimStateParam.FindIndex(name); if (findAS != InvalidIndex) { AnimStateParam& existedAS = m_AnimStateParam.ValueAtIndex(findAS); existedAS.name = name; existedAS.enable = enable; existedAS.isSetEnable = true; } else { m_AnimStateParam.Add(name, asParam); } m_bHasAnyErrors = false; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); return; } } const SizeT AnimationComponent::GetAnimationsCount() const { return m_AnimInfos.animMap.Size(); } bool AnimationComponent::BuildToRootX() { Util::Array& toParent = m_Animation->GetToParentTrans(); if (toParent.IsEmpty() || m_ParentIndexVec.IsEmpty()) { m_ParentIndexVec = m_Animation->GetNodeParentIndexVec(); m_ParentNameVec = m_Animation->GetNodeNameVec(); if(m_ParentIndexVec.IsEmpty() || m_ParentNameVec.IsEmpty()) return false; } if ( !toParent.IsEmpty() && !IsUpdate() && !m_ToRootX.IsEmpty()) { return true; } m_ToRootX.Clear(false); for (IndexT iNode = 0; iNode < toParent.Size(); ++iNode) { ushort indiceNodeParent = m_ParentIndexVec[iNode]; if (indiceNodeParent != 0xFFFF) { Math::matrix44 toRootX = Math::matrix44::multiply( m_ToRootX[indiceNodeParent], toParent[iNode] ); m_ToRootX.Append(toRootX); } else if (indiceNodeParent == 0xFFFF) { m_ToRootX.Append( toParent[iNode] ); } } return true; } bool AnimationComponent::GetNodeTransform(const Util::String& nodeName, Math::matrix44& trans) { if (!m_bHasBuildToRootX) { //return false; } #ifdef __GENESIS_EDITOR__ Util::Array& toParent = m_Animation->GetToParentTrans(); if(toParent.IsEmpty() && !IsAnyAnimationPaused() && !IsAnyAnimationPlaying()) { //When every animation is stopped, create skeleton's default ToRoot, to make sure correct attach if(!HasBuildDefaultToRootX()) BuildDefaultToRootX(); Util::Array defaultToRootX = m_Animation->GetDefaultToRootX(); IndexT foundIndex = InvalidIndex; for(int i=0; i= m_ToRootX.Size() ) { return false; } else if (found != InvalidIndex) { trans = m_ToRootX[found]; return true; } else { if (m_bHasGotSkelTree && m_SkelTree.IsEmpty()) { n_assert("No Such Node !"); return false; } else if (! m_bHasGotSkelTree) { return false; } else if ( m_bHasGotSkelTree && !m_SkelTree.IsEmpty()) { found = m_SkelTree.FindIndex(nodeName); if (found == InvalidIndex) { n_assert("No Such Node !"); return false; } else { bool ret = GetAnimNodeTrans(nodeName, trans); return ret; } } return false; } } int AnimationComponent::GetNodeIndex(const Util::String& nodeName) { if (!m_bHasBuildToRootX) { //return false; } IndexT found = m_ParentNameVec.FindIndex(nodeName); if(found >= m_ToRootX.Size() ) { return -1; } else if (found != InvalidIndex) { return found; } else { return -1; } } bool AnimationComponent::GetNodeTransform(int nodeIndex, Math::matrix44& trans) { if (!m_bHasBuildToRootX) { //return false; } #ifdef __GENESIS_EDITOR__ Util::Array& toParent = m_Animation->GetToParentTrans(); if(toParent.IsEmpty() && !IsAnyAnimationPaused() && !IsAnyAnimationPlaying()) { //When every animation is stopped, create skeleton's default ToRoot, to make sure correct attach if(!HasBuildDefaultToRootX()) BuildDefaultToRootX(); Util::Array defaultToRootX = m_Animation->GetDefaultToRootX(); if(nodeIndex != InvalidIndex && nodeIndex < defaultToRootX.Size()) { trans = defaultToRootX[nodeIndex].toRootX; return true; } else { return false; } } #endif if(nodeIndex >= m_ToRootX.Size() ) { return false; } else if (nodeIndex != InvalidIndex) { trans = m_ToRootX[nodeIndex]; return true; } return false; } bool AnimationComponent::GetAnimNodeTrans(const Util::String& name, Math::matrix44& trans) { IndexT found = m_ParentNameVec.FindIndex(name); if (found != InvalidIndex) { trans = Math::matrix44::multiply(m_ToRootX[found], trans); return true; } else { Math::matrix44 parent; found = m_SkelTree.FindIndex(name); GPtr& pData = m_SkelTree.ValueAtIndex(found); parent = Math::matrix44::transformation(pData->scale, pData->rot, pData->pos); trans = Math::matrix44::multiply(parent, trans); if (pData->parent.isvalid()) { GetAnimNodeTrans( pData->parent->name, trans ); } return true; } } void AnimationComponent::SetSkelTree(Util::Dictionary< Util::String, GPtr >& skelTree) { m_SkelTree = skelTree; m_bHasBuildDefaultToRootX = false; m_bIsDefaultInfoDirty = true; } void AnimationComponent::SetSkelTree( Util::Array< GPtr >& skelTree ) { m_SkelTreeArray = skelTree; m_Animation->SetSkelTree(skelTree); m_bHasBuildDefaultToRootX = false; m_bIsDefaultInfoDirty = true; } const float AnimationComponent::GetDurationTime(const Resources::ResourceId& Name) { ClipControl* cc = m_Animation->GetClipControl(Name); if (cc) { AnimationClip* pClip = cc->GetClip(); if (pClip) { return pClip->GetClipDuration(); } } return 0.0f; } void AnimationComponent::RemoveClip(const Resources::ResourceId& clipName) { StopAnimation(clipName); AnimationParamMap& animMap = m_AnimInfos.animMap; IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(clipName); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { IndexT findAS = m_AnimStateParam.FindIndex(clipName); if (findAS != InvalidIndex) { AnimStateParam& existedAS = m_AnimStateParam.ValueAtIndex(findAS); existedAS.isSetSpeed = false; existedAS.isSetWrapMode = false; } animMap.EraseIndex(findAnim); m_Animation->RemoveAnimClip(clipName); } else { n_warning("Clip dose not exist!"); } } float AnimationComponent::GetAnimationSpeed( const Resources::ResourceId& name ) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(name); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) { ClipControl* cc = m_Animation->GetClipControl(name); if (cc) { return cc->GetSpeed(); } } else { IndexT findAS = m_AnimStateParam.FindIndex(name); if (findAS != InvalidIndex) { AnimStateParam& existedAS = m_AnimStateParam.ValueAtIndex(findAS); return existedAS.speed; } } return 1; } else { n_warning("there is no '%s' animation! \n", name.Value()); return 1; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AnimationComponent::CopyFrom( const GPtr& pComponent ) { if( !pComponent.isvalid() ) return; if( !pComponent->GetRtti()->IsDerivedFrom( *(this->GetRtti()) ) ) return; // TODO: GPtr pSource = pComponent.downcast(); n_assert(pSource.isvalid()); const SizeT animCount = pSource->GetAnimationsCount(); for (IndexT i = 0; iGetAnimResID(i); this->SetAnimationID(animId, 0); int warpMode = pSource->GetWrapMode(animId.AsString()); this->SetWrapMode(animId.AsString(), warpMode); float speed = pSource->GetAnimationSpeed(animId.AsString()); this->SetAnimationSpeed(animId.AsString(), speed); } this->SetDefaultAnimName(pSource->GetDefaultAnimName()); Util::Array< GPtr > skelTree = pSource->GetSkelTreeData(); this->SetSkelTree(skelTree); } bool AnimationComponent::IsAllResourceLoaded() { return m_bAllLoaded; } void AnimationComponent::SetupAllResource() { //TODO: return; } void AnimationComponent::AddAttachedActor(const GPtr& pActor, const Util::String& name) { if(!pActor.isvalid()) { n_warning("Invalid actor cannot be attached."); return; } IndexT found = m_AttachedActors.FindIndex(pActor); if (found != InvalidIndex) { Util::String& nodeName = m_AttachedActors.ValueAtIndex(found).attachedSkelName; if (name != nodeName) { nodeName = name; } } else { AttachedActorInfo attachedActor; attachedActor.attachedSkelName = name; attachedActor.attachedActorTrans = pActor->GetTransform(); m_AttachedActors.Add(pActor, attachedActor); } AddLocaterCom(pActor, name); } void AnimationComponent::AddToAttachedActorList( const GPtr& pActor, const Util::String& name ) { if(!pActor.isvalid()) { n_warning("Invalid actor cannot be attached."); return; } IndexT found = m_AttachedActors.FindIndex(pActor); if (found != InvalidIndex) { return; } else { AttachedActorInfo attachedActor; attachedActor.attachedSkelName = name; attachedActor.attachedActorTrans = pActor->GetTransform(); m_AttachedActors.Add(pActor, attachedActor); } } void AnimationComponent::RemoveAttachedActor(const GPtr& pActor) { if(!pActor.isvalid()) { n_warning("Cannot remove a invalid actor."); return; } IndexT found = m_AttachedActors.FindIndex(pActor); if (found != InvalidIndex) { //delete locaterCom RemoveLocaterCom(pActor); m_AttachedActors.EraseAtIndex(found); } } void AnimationComponent::RemoveAttachedActor( const Util::String skelName ) { for(int i=m_AttachedActors.Size()-1; i>=0; --i) { if(m_AttachedActors.ValueAtIndex(i).attachedSkelName == skelName) { Actor* pActor = m_AttachedActors.KeyAtIndex(i); //delete locaterCom RemoveLocaterCom(pActor); m_AttachedActors.EraseAtIndex(i); } } } bool AnimationComponent::FindUsedBones(const GPtr& clip, const GPtr& skelteon, const GPtr& pActor) { GPtr skeleton = pActor->FindComponent(SkeletonComponent::RTTI); if(skeleton.isvalid()) { GPtr pSkeletonCom = skeleton.downcast(); if(pSkeletonCom->IsSkelDirty()) { return false; } const GPtr& skeletonRes = pSkeletonCom->GetSkeleton(); if (skeletonRes.isvalid() && (skeletonRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded)) { if (! this->HasGotSkelTree() && !skeletonRes->IsSkelTreeEmpty()) { this->SetSkelTree(skeletonRes->GetSkelTree()); this->SetSkelTree(skeletonRes->GetSkelTreeArray()); this->SetGetSkelTree(true); } const Util::Array& SkelNames = skeletonRes->GetSkelNames(); const Util::Array& ParentIndex = m_Animation->GetNodeParentIndexVec(); const Util::Array& ParentNames = m_Animation->GetNodeNameVec(); const SizeT bonesCount = skeletonRes->GetBonesCount(); Util::Dictionary SkelPairs = skeletonRes->GetSkelKeyPairs(); Util::Dictionary usedboneIndex; Util::Array unusedboneIndex; for (IndexT iNode = 0; iNode < ParentIndex.Size(); ++iNode) { IndexT index = SkelNames.FindIndex(ParentNames[iNode]); if (index != InvalidIndex) { if(SkelPairs.Contains(index)) { usedboneIndex.Add(iNode, index); SkelPairs.Erase(index); } else { n_warning("Skeleton has error, may contains duplicate name"); } } } for (IndexT iBone = 0; iBone < SkelPairs.Size(); ++iBone) { IndexT remainBone = SkelNames.FindIndex(SkelPairs.ValueAtIndex(iBone)); unusedboneIndex.Append(remainBone); } BoneMatrix boneMatrix; boneMatrix.used = usedboneIndex; boneMatrix.unused = unusedboneIndex; IndexT found = m_UsedBonesIndex.FindIndex(clip->GetName()); Util::Dictionary, BoneMatrix> actorBonesMatrix; actorBonesMatrix.Add(pActor, boneMatrix); if (found == InvalidIndex) { m_UsedBonesIndex.Add(clip->GetName(), actorBonesMatrix); } else { IndexT foundActor = m_UsedBonesIndex[clip->GetName()].FindIndex(pActor); if (foundActor == InvalidIndex) { m_UsedBonesIndex[clip->GetName()].Add(pActor, boneMatrix); } else { m_UsedBonesIndex[clip->GetName()] = actorBonesMatrix; } } } } bool hasFound = true; int childCount = pActor->GetChildCount(); for(int childIndex=0; childIndex childActor = pActor->GetChild(childIndex); hasFound &= FindUsedBones(clip, NULL, childActor); } return hasFound; } void AnimationComponent::FindAttachedActor(const GPtr& pActor) { if(!pActor.isvalid()) { n_warning("Invalid actor."); return; } m_AttachedActors.Clear(); //Find can attached actor int childCount = pActor->GetChildCount(); for(int i = 0; i childActor = pActor->GetChild(i); IndexT found = m_CanAttachedActor.FindIndex(childActor); if(found == InvalidIndex) { GPtr skeleton = childActor->FindComponent(SkeletonComponent::RTTI); GPtr skinmesh = childActor->FindComponent(SkinnedMeshRenderComponent::RTTI); //If actor has skeleton animation, it can not be attached if(!skeleton.isvalid() && !skinmesh.isvalid()) { AddActorCanAttached(childActor); } } } //Update the canattachedActors List for(int i = m_CanAttachedActor.Size()-1; i >=0; i--) { GPtr actor = m_CanAttachedActor[i]; if(NULL == actor) m_CanAttachedActor.EraseIndex(i); else { int fastid = actor->GetFastId(); IndexT found = pActor->FindChildIndex(fastid); if(found == InvalidIndex) m_CanAttachedActor.EraseIndex(i); } } for(int i = 0; i childActor = m_CanAttachedActor[i]; if(childActor.isvalid()) { GPtr locater = childActor->FindComponent(LocaterComponent::RTTI); if(locater.isvalid()) { GPtr locaterCom = locater.downcast(); AttachedActorInfo attachedActor; attachedActor.attachedSkelName = locaterCom->GetAttachedSkelName(); m_AttachedActors.Add(childActor, attachedActor); } } } } void AnimationComponent::FindAttachedActor() { //Use actor's GUID refind actor if(m_TempAttachedActors.Size() > 0) { m_AttachedActors.Clear(); for(int i=0; iFindActiveActorByGUID(guid); if(pActor == NULL) pActor = ActorManager::Instance()->FindActorByGUID(guid); m_AttachedActors.Add(pActor, m_TempAttachedActors.ValueAtIndex(i)); /////////////////////////////////////////////// //Use loaded attach data create LocaterComponent //////////////////////////////////////////////// LoadLocaterCom(pActor, m_TempAttachedActors.ValueAtIndex(i).attachedSkelName); } m_TempAttachedActors.Clear(); } FindAttachedActor(mActor); } void AnimationComponent::SetAttachedActors(Util::Dictionary< GPtr, AttachedActorInfo >& attachedActors) { m_AttachedActors = attachedActors; } void AnimationComponent::AddActorCanAttached( const GPtr& pActor ) { IndexT found = m_CanAttachedActor.FindIndex(pActor); if (found == InvalidIndex) { m_CanAttachedActor.Append(pActor); } } const GPtr& AnimationComponent::GetCanAttachedActor( IndexT index ) { if(index >= 0 && index < m_CanAttachedActor.Size()) { return m_CanAttachedActor[index]; } return App::Actor::NullActor; } void AnimationComponent::AddDefaultAttachedActor() { if(m_SkelTree.IsEmpty()) { m_bNeedAddDefaultAttach = true; } else { FindAttachedActor(); for(int i=0; iGetName(); IndexT foundIndex = m_SkelTree.FindIndex(name); if(foundIndex != InvalidIndex) { AddAttachedActor(m_CanAttachedActor[i], name); } } m_bNeedAddDefaultAttach = false; } } bool AnimationComponent::IsInCanAttachedList(GPtr actor) { if(!actor.isvalid()) { n_warning("Invalid actor."); return false; } if(m_CanAttachedActor.FindIndex(actor) != InvalidIndex) return true; GPtr skeleton = actor->FindComponent(App::SkeletonComponent::RTTI); GPtr skinmesh = actor->FindComponent(SkinnedMeshRenderComponent::RTTI); //If actor has skeleton animation, it can not be attached if(!skeleton.isvalid() && !skinmesh.isvalid()) { return true; } return false; } void AnimationComponent::ClearAttachedActorList() { m_AttachedActors.Clear(); } Util::Dictionary< Util::Guid, AttachedActorInfo > AnimationComponent::GetTempAttachedActors() { return m_TempAttachedActors; } void AnimationComponent::SetTempAttachedActors( Util::Dictionary< Util::Guid, AttachedActorInfo > tempAttach ) { m_TempAttachedActors = tempAttach; } void AnimationComponent::GetReferenceResourceId(Util::Array& list) const { const AnimationParamMap& animMap = m_AnimInfos.animMap; SizeT nCount = animMap.Size(); Util::Array refIds; for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { list.Append(ReferenceResource()); list.Back().id = animMap[i].animName; } Super::GetReferenceResourceId(list); } bool AnimationComponent::BuildDefaultToRootX() { bool ret = m_Animation->BuildDefaultToRootTrans(); if(ret) { m_bHasBuildDefaultToRootX = true; return true; } else { m_bHasBuildDefaultToRootX = false; return false; } } void AnimationComponent::AddLocaterCom( const GPtr& pActor, const Util::String& attechedName) { if(!pActor.isvalid()) { n_warning("Invalid actor cannot add LocaterComponent."); return; } GPtr locaterCom; locaterCom = pActor->FindComponent( LocaterComponent::RTTI ); if( !locaterCom.isvalid())//add and reset Locater { GPtr locaterComponent = LocaterComponent::Create(); locaterCom = locaterComponent.upcast(); pActor->AttachComponent(locaterCom); locaterComponent->SetAttachedSkelName(attechedName); locaterComponent->SetupLocater(); } else //when load Locater { GPtr locaterComponent = locaterCom.downcast(); locaterComponent->SetAttachedSkelName(attechedName); locaterComponent->SetupLocater(); } } void AnimationComponent::LoadLocaterCom( const GPtr& pActor, const Util::String& attechedName) { if(!pActor.isvalid()) { n_warning("Invalid actor."); return; } GPtr locaterCom; locaterCom = pActor->FindComponent( LocaterComponent::RTTI ); if( !locaterCom.isvalid())//add and reset Locater { GPtr locaterComponent = LocaterComponent::Create(); locaterCom = locaterComponent.upcast(); pActor->AttachComponent(locaterCom); locaterComponent->SetAttachedSkelName(attechedName); locaterComponent->SetupLocater(); } else //when load Locater { GPtr locaterComponent = locaterCom.downcast(); locaterComponent->SetAttachedSkelName(attechedName); } } void AnimationComponent::RemoveLocaterCom(const GPtr& pActor) { if(!pActor.isvalid()) { n_warning("Invalid actor."); return; } GPtr locaterCom; locaterCom = pActor->FindComponent( LocaterComponent::RTTI ); if(locaterCom.isvalid()) { GPtr locaterComponent = locaterCom.downcast(); locaterComponent->SetupLocater(); pActor->RemoveComponent(locaterCom); } } void AnimationComponent::ReFindSkelTree() { if (! this->HasGotSkelTree()) { int childCount = mActor->GetChildCount(); for(int childIndex=0; childIndex childActor = mActor->GetChild(childIndex); GPtr skeleton = childActor->FindComponent(SkeletonComponent::RTTI); if(skeleton.isvalid()) { GPtr pSkeletonCom = skeleton.downcast(); const GPtr& skeletonRes = pSkeletonCom->GetSkeleton(); if (skeletonRes.isvalid() && (skeletonRes->GetState() == Resource::Loaded) && !skeletonRes->IsSkelTreeEmpty()) { this->SetSkelTree(skeletonRes->GetSkelTree()); this->SetSkelTree(skeletonRes->GetSkelTreeArray()); this->SetGetSkelTree(true); break; } } } } } bool AnimationComponent::GetAnimLoaded( const Resources::ResourceId& animName ) { IndexT findAnim = FindFromAnimParamMap(animName); if (findAnim != InvalidIndex) { AnimResParam& animParam = m_AnimInfos.animMap[findAnim]; if (animParam.animRes.isvalid() && animParam.animRes->GetState() != Resource::Failed) { if(animParam.animRes->GetResourceId() == ResourceManager::DefaultAnimationID) { return false; } else { return true; } } } return false; } IndexT AnimationComponent::FindFromAnimParamMap( const Resources::ResourceId& animName ) { AnimationParamMap& animMap = m_AnimInfos.animMap; for(int i=0; i