/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2006, Radon Labs GmbH Copyright (c) 2011-2013,WebJet Business Division,CYOU http://www.genesis-3d.com.cn Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #ifdef WIN32 #include "stdneb.h" #include "core/win32/win32sysfunc.h" #include "core/refcounted.h" #include "debug/minidump.h" #include "util/blob.h" #include "util/guid.h" #include "net/socket/socket.h" #include "debug/minidump.h" #include "threading/thread.h" #include "util/globalstringatomtable.h" #include "util/localstringatomtable.h" #include "system/systeminfo.h" #include namespace Win32 { using namespace Util; bool volatile SysFunc::SetupCalled = false; const Core::ExitHandler* SysFunc::ExitHandlers = 0; System::SystemInfo SysFunc::systemInfo; Util::GlobalStringAtomTable* globalStringAtomTable = 0; #if NEBULA3_ENABLE_THREADLOCAL_STRINGATOM_TABLES Util::LocalStringAtomTable* localStringAtomTable = 0; #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** This method must be called at application start before any threads are spawned. It is used to setup static objects beforehand (i.e. private heaps of various utility classes). Doing this eliminates the need for fine-grained locking in the affected classes. */ void SysFunc::Setup() { if (!SetupCalled) { SetupCalled = true; Memory::SetupHeaps(); #if !__MAYA__ Threading::Thread::SetupMyThreadRunTime("MainThread"); #endif Memory::Heap::Setup(); Blob::Setup(); #if !__MAYA__ Net::Socket::InitNetwork(); Debug::MiniDump::Setup(); #endif globalStringAtomTable = n_new(Util::GlobalStringAtomTable); #if NEBULA3_ENABLE_THREADLOCAL_STRINGATOM_TABLES localStringAtomTable = n_new(Util::LocalStringAtomTable); #endif //We do not use XNA-Math /* // check CPU for SSE/SSE2 support for XNA-Math if (!XMVerifyCPUSupport()) { n_error("no SSE/SSE2 support on this CPU. XNA-Math was compiled with SSE/SSE2 support\n"); } */ } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** This method is called by Application::Exit(), or otherwise must be called right before the end of the programs main() function. The method will properly shutdown the Nebula3 runtime environment, and report refcounting and memory leaks (debug builds only). This method will not return. */ void SysFunc::Exit(int exitCode) { // delete string atom tables n_delete(globalStringAtomTable); #if NEBULA3_ENABLE_THREADLOCAL_STRINGATOM_TABLES n_delete(localStringAtomTable); #endif // first produce a RefCount leak report #if NEBULA3_DEBUG Core::RefCounted::DumpRefCountingLeaks(); #endif // call exit handlers const Core::ExitHandler* exitHandler = SysFunc::ExitHandlers; while (0 != exitHandler) { exitHandler->OnExit(); exitHandler = exitHandler->Next(); } // shutdown the C runtime, this cleans up static objects but doesn't shut // down the process //_cexit(); // call static shutdown methods Blob::Shutdown(); // shutdown global factory object Core::Factory::Destroy(); // delete the memory pools #if NEBULA3_OBJECTS_USE_MEMORYPOOL n_delete(Memory::ObjectPoolAllocator); Memory::ObjectPoolAllocator = 0; #endif // report mem leaks #if NEBULA3_MEMORY_ADVANCED_DEBUGGING Memory::DumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif // finally terminate the process //ExitProcess(exitCode); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** This displays a Win32 error message box and quits the program */ void SysFunc::Error(const char* error) { #ifdef _DEBUG OutputDebugString(error); #endif /* HWND hwnd = FindWindow(NEBULA3_WINDOW_CLASS, NULL); if (hwnd) { ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_MINIMIZE); } */ int nCode = ::MessageBox(NULL, error, "GENESIS SYSTEM ERROR", MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE|MB_APPLMODAL|MB_SETFOREGROUND|MB_TOPMOST|MB_ICONERROR); /* Abort: abort the program */ if (nCode == IDABORT) { /* raise abort signal */ raise(SIGABRT); } /* Retry: call the debugger */ if (nCode == IDRETRY) { __asm int 3; /* return to user code */ return; } /* Ignore: continue execution */ #if !__MAYA__ Debug::MiniDump::WriteMiniDump(); #endif abort(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** This displays a Win32 message box */ void SysFunc::MessageBox(const char* msg) { #ifdef _DEBUG OutputDebugString(msg); #endif HWND hwnd = FindWindow(NEBULA3_WINDOW_CLASS, NULL); if (hwnd) { ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_MINIMIZE); } ::MessageBox(NULL, msg, "GENESIS MESSAGE", MB_OK|MB_APPLMODAL|MB_SETFOREGROUND|MB_TOPMOST|MB_ICONERROR); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Sleep for a specified amount of seconds, give up time slice. */ void SysFunc::Sleep(double sec) { int milliSecs = int(sec * 1000.0); ::Sleep(milliSecs); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Put a message on the debug console. */ void SysFunc::DebugOut(const char* msg) { OutputDebugString(msg); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Register a new exit handler. This method is called at startup time from the constructor of static exit handler objects. This is the only supported way to register exit handlers. The method will return a pointer to the next exit handler in the forward linked list (or 0 if this is the first exit handler). */ const Core::ExitHandler* SysFunc::RegisterExitHandler(const Core::ExitHandler* exitHandler) { const Core::ExitHandler* firstHandler = ExitHandlers; ExitHandlers = exitHandler; return firstHandler; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** */ const System::SystemInfo* SysFunc::GetSystemInfo() { return &SysFunc::systemInfo; } } // namespace Win32 #endif