/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2011-2013,WebJet Business Division,CYOU http://www.genesis-3d.com.cn Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __PHYSICSSHAPE_H__ #define __PHYSICSSHAPE_H__ #include "PhysicsDeclaration.h" #include "PhysicsMaterial.h" #include "math/float3.h" #include "math/matrix44.h" #include "foundation/util/scriptbind.h" #include "appframework/actor.h" #include "physXfeature/PhysicsBodyComponent.h" using namespace physx; namespace App { class PhysicsMaterial; class PhysicsShape : public Core::RefCounted { __DeclareSubClass( PhysicsShape, Core::RefCounted ); __ScriptBind public://nested type #define MinPrecision 0.001f struct FilterData { int word0; int word1; int word2; int word3; FilterData(){} FilterData(int w0,int w1,int w2,int w3) { word0 = w0; word1 = w1; word2 = w2; word3 = w3; } }; public://create and destory PhysicsShape(); virtual ~PhysicsShape(); static GPtr Create(PhyXShapeType type); virtual bool OnCreate(GPtr component) { return false; } virtual void OnDestory(); virtual void OnRecreate(GPtr component); virtual void OnResize(const Math::bbox& bb){} virtual void Save(AppWriter* pSerialize); virtual void Load(Version ver, AppReader* pReader); public://update logical //update physic param when the r.s.t of model changed virtual void UpdateTranslate(){} virtual void ScaleWithActor(const Math::vector& scale) {} virtual Math::scalar CaculateVolume() { return 1.0f;} public://physX 3.2 new feature:Simulation shapes and scene Query shapes void SetSimulationFilterData(const FilterData& data); PhysicsShape::FilterData GetSimulationFilterData() const; void SetQueryFilterData(const FilterData& data); PhysicsShape::FilterData GetQueryFilterData() const; void SetContactOffset(float contactOffset); void SetRestOffset(float restOffset); void DisableInShapePairIntersectTests(); void EnableInShapePairIntersectTests(); void DisableInSceneQueryTests(); void EnableInSceneQueryTests(); void SetCCDActive(bool isActive); bool GetCCDActive(); public://getter and setter void SetName(const Util::String& name){ m_Name = name; } const Util::String& GetName() const { return m_Name; } const Util::String& GetMaterialID() { return m_MatID; } void SetMaterialID(const Util::String& materialID); const GPtr GetMaterial() const { return m_pMaterial; } void SetCenter(const Math::float3& center); const Math::float3& GetLocalCenter() const { return m_Center; } void SetErular(const Math::float3& erular); const Math::float3& GetErular() const { return m_Euler; } void SetRotation(const Math::quaternion& rotation); const Math::quaternion& GetLocalRotation() const { return m_Rotation; } void SetTrigger(bool flag); void SetDensity(Math::scalar den); Math::scalar GetDensity() const { return m_fDensity; } PhyXShapeType GetType() { return m_ShapeType; } void SetGroup(App::LayerID layerID); App::LayerID GetGroup(); void SetUserData(void* data); void* GetUserData(); bool IsTrigger() const { return m_bTrigger; } public://base inherit /// @Component::SetupAcceptedMessages override to register accepted messages virtual void SetupAcceptedMessages(){} virtual bool CopyFrom( const GPtr& pShape ); virtual void GetGlobalTransform(Math::matrix44& tran); public: virtual bool IsValid() { return m_pGeometry != NULL; } virtual bool IsGeometryValid() { return false; } bool IsMassUpdate() { return m_bMassUpdate; } bool UpdateMass() { m_bMassUpdate = false; return true; } bool CreatePxShape(PxRigidActor* actor, uint layer); void ReleasePxShape(); void SetPhysicsEntity(PhysicsEntity* ety) { m_pEntity = ety; } PhysicsEntity* GetPhysicsEntity() const { return m_pEntity; } friend class PhysicsEntity; friend class PhysicsStatic; friend class PhysicsRole; public: virtual void UpdateShapePosition(); void SetPxShape(PxShape* pShape) { m_pShape = pShape; } protected: Util::String m_Name; Util::String m_MatID; Math::float3 m_Center; Math::quaternion m_Rotation; Math::float3 m_Euler; PxGeometry* m_pGeometry; PxShape* m_pShape; PhysicsEntity* m_pEntity; bool m_bInheritActor; bool m_bTrigger; bool m_bMassUpdate; float m_fDensity; PhyXShapeType m_ShapeType; GPtr m_pMaterial; }; } #endif