mono v2.6.7 -------------------- We use four open source licenses: 1.The C# compiler is dual-licensed under the MIT/X11 license and the GNU General Public License (GPL). 2.The tools are released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). 3.The runtime libraries are under the GNU Library GPL 2.0 (LGPL 2.0). 4.The class libraries are released under the terms of the MIT X11 license. 5.ASP.NET MVC, the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF), the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR), System.Data.Services.Client, parts of System.Numerics and ASP.NET AJAX client software are released by Microsoft under the open source Microsoft Permissive License, some of them are dual licensed also as Apache2 Mono is available to be licensed commercially if the LGPL/GPL/X11 combination is not suitable for you. Xamarin offers commercial licensing options to redistribute Mono under non-LGPL terms. If your organization intends to redistribute software which embeds or bundles Mono, but is unable to comply with the terms of GNU LGPL v2, the Ultimate Edition may be right for you.