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NVIDIA MAKES // NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO // THE MATERIALS, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT, // MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // Information and code furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. // However, NVIDIA Corporation assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such // information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may // result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent // or patent rights of NVIDIA Corporation. Details are subject to change without notice. // This code supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. // NVIDIA Corporation products are not authorized for use as critical // components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of // NVIDIA Corporation. // // Copyright (c) 2008-2013 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2008 AGEIA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2001-2004 NovodeX AG. All rights reserved. #ifndef PX_VEHICLE_CONTROL_H #define PX_VEHICLE_CONTROL_H /** \addtogroup vehicle @{ */ #include "vehicle/PxVehicleSDK.h" #include "vehicle/PxVehicleDrive4W.h" #include "vehicle/PxVehicleDriveTank.h" #ifndef PX_DOXYGEN namespace physx { #endif class PxVehicleDrive4W; /** \brief Used to produce smooth vehicle driving control values from key inputs. @see PxVehicle4WSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs, PxVehicle4WSmoothAnalogRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs */ struct PxVehicleKeySmoothingData { public: /** \brief Rise rate of each analog value if digital value is 1 */ PxReal mRiseRates[PxVehicleDriveDynData::eMAX_NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS]; /** \brief Fall rate of each analog value if digital value is 0 */ PxReal mFallRates[PxVehicleDriveDynData::eMAX_NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS]; }; PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(0==(sizeof(PxVehicleKeySmoothingData)& 0x0f)); /** \brief Used to produce smooth analog vehicle control values from analog inputs. @see PxVehicleDrive4WSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs, PxVehicleDrive4WSmoothAnalogRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs */ struct PxVehiclePadSmoothingData { public: /** \brief Rise rate of each analog value from previous value towards target if target>previous */ PxReal mRiseRates[PxVehicleDriveDynData::eMAX_NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS]; /** \brief Rise rate of each analog value from previous value towards target if target& steerVsForwardSpeedTable, const PxVehicleDrive4WRawInputData& rawInputData, const PxReal timestep, PxVehicleDrive4W& focusVehicle); /** \brief Used to smooth and set analog vehicle control values from analog inputs (gamepad). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values. */ void PxVehicleDrive4WSmoothAnalogRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs (const PxVehiclePadSmoothingData& padSmoothing, const PxFixedSizeLookupTable<8>& steerVsForwardSpeedTable, const PxVehicleDrive4WRawInputData& rawInputData, const PxReal timestep, PxVehicleDrive4W& focusVehicle); /** \brief Used to produce smooth analog tank control values from analog inputs. @see PxVehicleDriveTankSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs, PxVehicleDriveTankSmoothAnalogRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs */ class PxVehicleDriveTankRawInputData { public: PxVehicleDriveTankRawInputData(const PxVehicleDriveTank::eDriveModel mode) : mMode(mode) { for(PxU32 i=0;i=-0.01f && accel<=1.01f); mRawAnalogInputs[PxVehicleDriveTank::eANALOG_INPUT_ACCEL]=accel; } /** \brief Set the analog left thrust value from the gamepad In range (0,1) for standard mode, in range (-1,1) for special mode */ void setAnalogLeftThrust(const PxF32 leftAccel) { PX_ASSERT(leftAccel>=-1.01f && leftAccel<=1.01f); PX_ASSERT(PxVehicleDriveTank::eDRIVE_MODEL_SPECIAL==mMode || leftAccel>=-0.1f); mRawAnalogInputs[PxVehicleDriveTank::eANALOG_INPUT_THRUST_LEFT]=leftAccel; } /** \brief Set the analog right thrust value from the gamepad In range (0,1) for standard mode, in range (-1,1) for special mode */ void setAnalogRightThrust(const PxF32 rightAccel) { PX_ASSERT(rightAccel>=-1.01f && rightAccel<=1.01f); PX_ASSERT(PxVehicleDriveTank::eDRIVE_MODEL_SPECIAL==mMode || rightAccel>=-0.1f); mRawAnalogInputs[PxVehicleDriveTank::eANALOG_INPUT_THRUST_RIGHT]=rightAccel; } /** \brief Set the analog left brake value from the gamepad In range (0,1). */ void setAnalogLeftBrake(const PxF32 leftBrake) { PX_ASSERT(leftBrake>=-0.01f && leftBrake<=1.01f); mRawAnalogInputs[PxVehicleDriveTank::eANALOG_INPUT_BRAKE_LEFT]=leftBrake; } /** \brief Set the analog right brake value from the gamepad In range (0,1). */ void setAnalogRightBrake(const PxF32 rightBrake) { PX_ASSERT(rightBrake>=-0.01f && rightBrake<=1.01f); mRawAnalogInputs[PxVehicleDriveTank::eANALOG_INPUT_BRAKE_RIGHT]=rightBrake; } /** \brief Return the analog accel value from the gamepad */ PxF32 getAnalogAccel() const { return mRawAnalogInputs[PxVehicleDriveTank::eANALOG_INPUT_ACCEL]; } /** \brief Return the analog left thrust value from the gamepad */ PxF32 getAnalogLeftThrust() const { return mRawAnalogInputs[PxVehicleDriveTank::eANALOG_INPUT_THRUST_LEFT]; } /** \brief Return the analog right thrust value from the gamepad */ PxF32 getAnalogRightThrust() const { return mRawAnalogInputs[PxVehicleDriveTank::eANALOG_INPUT_THRUST_RIGHT]; } /** \brief Return the analog left brake value from the gamepad */ PxF32 getAnalogLeftBrake() const { return mRawAnalogInputs[PxVehicleDriveTank::eANALOG_INPUT_BRAKE_LEFT]; } /** \brief Return the analog right brake value from the gamepad */ PxF32 getAnalogRightBrake() const { return mRawAnalogInputs[PxVehicleDriveTank::eANALOG_INPUT_BRAKE_RIGHT]; } /** \brief Record if the gearup button has been pressed on keyboard or gamepad */ void setGearUp(const bool gearUp) {mGearUp=gearUp;} /** \brief Record if the geardown button has been pressed on keyboard or gamepad */ void setGearDown(const bool gearDown) {mGearDown=gearDown;} /** \brief Return if the gearup button has been pressed on keyboard or gamepad */ bool getGearUp() const {return mGearUp;} /** \brief Return if the geardown button has been pressed on keyboard or gamepad */ bool getGearDown() const {return mGearDown;} private: PxVehicleDriveTank::eDriveModel mMode; PxReal mRawAnalogInputs[PxVehicleDriveTank::eMAX_NUM_DRIVETANK_ANALOG_INPUTS]; bool mRawDigitalInputs[PxVehicleDriveTank::eMAX_NUM_DRIVETANK_ANALOG_INPUTS]; bool mGearUp; bool mGearDown; }; /** \brief Used to smooth and set analog tank control values from digital inputs (gamepad). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values. */ void PxVehicleDriveTankSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs (const PxVehicleKeySmoothingData& padSmoothing, const PxVehicleDriveTankRawInputData& rawInputData, const PxReal timestep, PxVehicleDriveTank& focusVehicle); /** \brief Used to smooth and set analog tank control values from analog inputs (gamepad). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values. */ void PxVehicleDriveTankSmoothAnalogRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs (const PxVehiclePadSmoothingData& padSmoothing, const PxVehicleDriveTankRawInputData& rawInputData, const PxReal timestep, PxVehicleDriveTank& focusVehicle); #ifndef PX_DOXYGEN } // namespace physx #endif /** @} */ #endif //PX_VEHICLE_CONTROL_H