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All rights reserved. #ifndef PX_VEHICLE_DRIVE_H #define PX_VEHICLE_DRIVE_H /** \addtogroup vehicle @{ */ #include "vehicle/PxVehicleWheels.h" #include "vehicle/PxVehicleComponents.h" #ifndef PX_DOXYGEN namespace physx { #endif struct PxFilterData; class PxGeometry; class PxPhysics; class PxBatchQuery; struct PxRaycastQueryResult; class PxVehicleDrivableSurfaceToTireFrictionPairs; class PxShape; class PxMaterial; class PxRigidDynamic; /** \brief Data structure describing non-wheel configuration data of a vehicle that has engine, gears, clutch, and auto-box. @see PxVehicleWheelsSimData for wheels configuration data. */ class PxVehicleDriveSimData { public: friend class PxVehicleDriveTank; /** \brief Return the engine data */ PX_FORCE_INLINE const PxVehicleEngineData& getEngineData() const { return mEngine; } /** \brief Return the gears data */ PX_FORCE_INLINE const PxVehicleGearsData& getGearsData() const { return mGears; } /** \brief Return the clutch data */ PX_FORCE_INLINE const PxVehicleClutchData& getClutchData() const { return mClutch; } /** \brief Return the autobox data */ PX_FORCE_INLINE const PxVehicleAutoBoxData& getAutoBoxData() const { return mAutoBox; } /** \brief Set the engine data */ void setEngineData(const PxVehicleEngineData& engine); /** \brief Set the gears data */ void setGearsData(const PxVehicleGearsData& gears); /** \brief Set the clutch datta */ void setClutchData(const PxVehicleClutchData& clutch); /** \brief Set the autobox data */ void setAutoBoxData(const PxVehicleAutoBoxData& autobox); protected: /* \brief Engine simulation data @see setEngineData, getEngineData */ PxVehicleEngineData mEngine; /* \brief Gear simulation data @see setGearsData, getGearsData */ PxVehicleGearsData mGears; /* \brief Clutch simulation data @see setClutchData, getClutchData */ PxVehicleClutchData mClutch; /* \brief Autobox simulation data @see setAutoboxData, getAutoboxData */ PxVehicleAutoBoxData mAutoBox; /** \brief Test that a PxVehicleDriveSimData instance has been configured with legal data. \brief Call only after setting all components with setEngineData,setGearsData,setClutchData,setAutoBoxData @see PxVehicleDrive4W::setup, PxVehicleDriveTank::setup */ bool isValid() const; }; PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(0==(sizeof(PxVehicleDriveSimData) & 15)); /** \brief Data structure with instanced dynamics data for vehicle with engine, clutch, gears, autobox @see PxVehicleWheelsDynData for wheels dynamics data. */ class PxVehicleDriveDynData { public: friend class PxVehicleDrive; PxVehicleDriveDynData(); /** \brief Set all dynamics data to zero to bring the vehicle to rest. */ void setToRestState(); /** \brief Set an analog control value to drive the vehicle. */ void setAnalogInput(const PxReal analogVal, const PxU32 type); /** \brief Get the analog control value that has been applied to the vehicle. */ PxReal getAnalogInput(const PxU32 type); /** \brief Set that the gearup button has been pressed */ void setGearUp(const bool digitalVal) { mGearUpPressed = digitalVal; } /** \brief Set that the geardown button has been pressed */ void setGearDown(const bool digitalVal) { mGearDownPressed = digitalVal; } /** \brief Check if the gearup button has been pressed */ bool getGearUp() const { return mGearUpPressed; } /** \brief Check if the geardown button has been pressed */ bool getGearDown() const { return mGearDownPressed; } /** \brief Get the flag status that is used to select auto-gears */ PX_FORCE_INLINE bool getUseAutoGears() const { return mUseAutoGears; } /** \brief Toggle the autogears flag */ PX_FORCE_INLINE void toggleAutoGears() { mUseAutoGears = !mUseAutoGears; } /** \brief Get the current gear */ PX_FORCE_INLINE PxU32 getCurrentGear() const { return mCurrentGear; } /** \brief Get the target gear */ PX_FORCE_INLINE PxU32 getTargetGear() const { return mTargetGear; } /** \brief Start a gear change to a target gear */ PX_FORCE_INLINE void startGearChange(const PxU32 targetGear) { mTargetGear=targetGear; } /** \brief Force an immediate gear change to a target gear */ PX_FORCE_INLINE void forceGearChange(const PxU32 targetGear) { mTargetGear=targetGear; mCurrentGear=targetGear; } /** \brief Set the rotation speed of the engine (radians per second) */ PX_FORCE_INLINE void setEngineRotationSpeed(const PxF32 speed) { mEnginespeed = speed; } /** \brief Return the rotation speed of the engine. */ PX_FORCE_INLINE PxReal getEngineRotationSpeed() const { return mEnginespeed; } /** \brief Set the flag that will be used to select auto-gears */ PX_FORCE_INLINE void setUseAutoGears(const bool useAutoGears) { mUseAutoGears=useAutoGears; } public: enum { eANALOG_INPUT_ACCEL=0, eMAX_NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS=16 }; /** \brief All dynamic data values are public for fast access. */ /** \brief Analog control values used by vehicle simulation. \brief Accelerator pedal value used for vehicle simulation is equal to mControlAnalogVals[eVEHICLE_ANALOG_INPUT_ACCEL]. \brief Brake pedal value used by vehicle simulation is equal to mControlAnalogVals[eVEHICLE_ANALOG_INPUT_BRAKE]. \brief Handbrake value used by vehicle simulation is equal to mControlAnalogVals[eVEHICLE_ANALOG_INPUT_HANDBRAKE]. \brief Steer value used by vehicle simulation is equal to mControlAnalogVals[eVEHICLE_ANALOG_INPUT_STEER_RIGHT]-mControlAnalogVals[eVEHICLE_ANALOG_INPUT_STEER_LEFT]. @see setAnalogInput, getAnalogInput */ PxReal mControlAnalogVals[eMAX_NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS]; /** \brief Autogear flag used by vehicle simulation. Set true to enable the autobox, false to disable the autobox. @see setUseAutoGears, setUseAutoGears, toggleAutoGears */ bool mUseAutoGears; /** \brief Gearup digital control value used by vehicle simulation. If true a gear change will be initiated towards currentGear+1 (or to first gear if in reverse). @see setDigitalInput, getDigitalInput */ bool mGearUpPressed; /** \brief Geardown digital control value used by vehicle simulation. If true a gear change will be initiated towards currentGear-1 (or to reverse if in first). @see setDigitalInput, getDigitalInput */ bool mGearDownPressed; /** \brief Current gear @see startGearChange, forceGearChange, getCurrentGear */ PxU32 mCurrentGear; /** \brief Target gear (different from current gear if a gear change is underway) @see startGearChange, forceGearChange, getTargetGear */ PxU32 mTargetGear; /** \brief Rotation speed of engine @see setToRestState, getEngineRotationSpeed */ PxReal mEnginespeed; /** \brief Reported time that has passed since gear change started. @see setToRestState, startGearChange */ PxReal mGearSwitchTime; /** \brief Reported time that has passed since last autobox gearup/geardown decision. @see setToRestState */ PxReal mAutoBoxSwitchTime; private: PxU32 mPad[2]; /** \brief Test that a PxVehicleDriveDynData instance has legal values. @see setToRestState */ bool isValid() const; }; PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(0==(sizeof(PxVehicleDriveDynData) & 15)); /** \brief A complete vehicle with instance dynamics data and configuration data for wheels and engine,clutch,gears,autobox. @see PxVehicleDrive4W, PxVehicleDriveTank */ class PxVehicleDrive : public PxVehicleWheels { public: friend class PxVehicleUpdate; /** \brief Dynamics data of vehicle instance. @see setup */ PxVehicleDriveDynData mDriveDynData; protected: PxVehicleDrive() { } ~PxVehicleDrive() { } /** \brief Test that all instanced dynamics data and configuration data have legal values. */ bool isValid() const; /** \brief Set vehicle to rest. */ void setToRestState(); /** @see PxVehicleDrive4W::allocate, PxVehicleDriveTank::allocate */ static PxU32 computeByteSize(const PxU32 numWheels4); /** @see PxVehicleDrive4W::allocate, PxVehicleDriveTank::allocate */ static PxU8* patchupPointers(PxVehicleDrive* vehDrive, PxU8* ptr, const PxU32 numWheels4, const PxU32 numWheels); /** \brief Deallocate a PxVehicle4WDrive instance. @see PxVehicleDrive4W::free, PxVehicleDriveTank::free */ void free(); /** @see PxVehicleDrive4W::setup, PxVehicleDriveTank::setup */ void setup (PxPhysics* physics, PxRigidDynamic* vehActor, const PxVehicleWheelsSimData& wheelsData, const PxU32 numDrivenWheels, const PxU32 numNonDrivenWheels); }; PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(0==(sizeof(PxVehicleDrive) & 15)); #ifndef PX_DOXYGEN } // namespace physx #endif /** @} */ #endif //PX_VEHICLE_DRIVE_H