/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2008, Radon Labs GmbH Copyright (c) 2011-2013,WebJet Business Division,CYOU http://www.genesis-3d.com.cn Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #if WIN32 #include "stdneb.h" #include "core/types.h" #include "core/sysfunc.h" #include "memory/heap.h" #include "memory/poolarrayallocator.h" #include "exception/exceptions.h" namespace Memory { HANDLE volatile Win32ProcessHeap = 0; int volatile TotalAllocCount = 0; int volatile TotalAllocSize = 0; int volatile HeapTypeAllocCount[NumHeapTypes] = { 0 }; int volatile HeapTypeAllocSize[NumHeapTypes] = { 0 }; bool volatile MemoryLoggingEnabled = false; unsigned int volatile MemoryLoggingThreshold = 0; HeapType volatile MemoryLoggingHeapType = InvalidHeapType; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Allocate a block of memory from one of the global heaps. */ void* Alloc(HeapType heapType, size_t size) { n_assert(heapType < NumHeapTypes); // need to make sure everything has been setup Core::SysFunc::Setup(); void* allocPtr = 0; #if __XBOX360__ if (Xbox360GraphicsHeap == heapType) { allocPtr = Xbox360AllocPhysicalMemory(size, XALLOC_MEMPROTECT_WRITECOMBINE); } else if (Xbox360AudioHeap == heapType) { allocPtr = Xbox360AllocPhysicalMemory(size, 0); } else #endif __XBOX360__ { n_assert(0 != Heaps[heapType]); allocPtr = __HeapAlloc16(Heaps[heapType], 0, size); if(((uint)allocPtr & 15) != 0) n_warning("Memory not aligned!\n"); if (0 == allocPtr) { SYS_EXCEPT( Exceptions::MemoryException, STRING_FORMAT("Alloc: Out of memory\n"), GET_FUNCTION_NAME() ); } } #if NEBULA3_MEMORY_STATS Threading::Interlocked::Increment(TotalAllocCount); Threading::Interlocked::Add(TotalAllocSize, (int)size); Threading::Interlocked::Increment(HeapTypeAllocCount[heapType]); Threading::Interlocked::Add(HeapTypeAllocSize[heapType], (int)size); if (MemoryLoggingEnabled && (size >= MemoryLoggingThreshold) && ((MemoryLoggingHeapType == InvalidHeapType) || (MemoryLoggingHeapType == heapType))) { n_printf("Allocate(size=%d, heapType=%d): 0x%lx\n", size, heapType, (long unsigned int) allocPtr); } #endif return allocPtr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Reallocate a block of memory. */ void* Realloc(HeapType heapType, void* ptr, size_t size) { n_assert((heapType != Xbox360GraphicsHeap) && (heapType != Xbox360AudioHeap)); n_assert((heapType < NumHeapTypes) && (0 != Heaps[heapType])); #if NEBULA3_MEMORY_STATS SIZE_T oldSize = __HeapSize16(Heaps[heapType], 0, ptr); #endif void* allocPtr = __HeapReAlloc16(Heaps[heapType], 0, ptr, size); n_assert(((uint)allocPtr & 15) == 0); if (0 == allocPtr) { n_error("Realloc: Out of memory, allocating '%s' trying to allocate '%d' bytes\n", GetHeapTypeName(heapType), size); } #if NEBULA3_MEMORY_STATS SIZE_T newSize = __HeapSize16(Heaps[heapType], 0, allocPtr); Threading::Interlocked::Add(TotalAllocSize, int(newSize - oldSize)); Threading::Interlocked::Add(HeapTypeAllocSize[heapType], int(newSize - oldSize)); if (MemoryLoggingEnabled && (size >= MemoryLoggingThreshold) && ((MemoryLoggingHeapType == InvalidHeapType) || (MemoryLoggingHeapType == heapType))) { n_printf("Reallocate(size=%d, heapType=%d): 0x%lx\n", size, heapType, (long unsigned int) allocPtr); } #endif return allocPtr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Free a chunk of memory from the process heap. */ void Free(HeapType heapType, void* ptr) { // D3DX on the 360 likes to call the delete operator with a 0 pointer if (0 != ptr) { n_assert(heapType < NumHeapTypes); #if NEBULA3_MEMORY_STATS SIZE_T size = 0; #endif #if __XBOX360__ if (Xbox360GraphicsHeap == heapType) { #if NEBULA3_MEMORY_STATS size = Xbox360PhysicalMemorySize(ptr, XALLOC_MEMPROTECT_WRITECOMBINE); #endif Xbox360FreePhysicalMemory(ptr, XALLOC_MEMPROTECT_WRITECOMBINE); } else if (Xbox360AudioHeap == heapType) { #if NEBULA3_MEMORY_STATS size = Xbox360PhysicalMemorySize(ptr, 0); #endif Xbox360FreePhysicalMemory(ptr, 0); } else #endif // __XBOX360__ { n_assert(0 != Heaps[heapType]); #if NEBULA3_MEMORY_STATS size = __HeapSize16(Heaps[heapType], 0, ptr); #endif __HeapFree16(Heaps[heapType], 0, ptr); } #if NEBULA3_MEMORY_STATS Threading::Interlocked::Add(TotalAllocSize, -int(size)); Threading::Interlocked::Decrement(TotalAllocCount); Threading::Interlocked::Add(HeapTypeAllocSize[heapType], -int(size)); Threading::Interlocked::Decrement(HeapTypeAllocCount[heapType]); if (MemoryLoggingEnabled && (size >= MemoryLoggingThreshold) && ((MemoryLoggingHeapType == InvalidHeapType) || (MemoryLoggingHeapType == heapType))) { n_printf("Mem::Free(heapType=%d, ptr=0x%lx, allocSize=%d)\n", heapType, (long unsigned int) ptr, size); } #endif } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Duplicate a 0-terminated string. The memory will be allocated from the StringDataHeap (important when freeing the memory!) */ char* DuplicateCString(const char* from) { n_assert(0 != from); size_t len = (unsigned int) strlen(from) + 1; char* to = (char*) Memory::Alloc(Memory::StringDataHeap, len); Memory::Copy((void*)from, to, len); return to; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Test if 2 areas of memory areas are overlapping. */ bool IsOverlapping(const unsigned char* srcPtr, size_t srcSize, const unsigned char* dstPtr, size_t dstSize) { if (srcPtr == dstPtr) { return true; } else if (srcPtr > dstPtr) { return (srcPtr + srcSize) > dstPtr; } else { return (dstPtr + dstSize) > srcPtr; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Get the system's total memory status. */ TotalMemoryStatus GetTotalMemoryStatus() { MEMORYSTATUS stats = { NULL }; GlobalMemoryStatus(&stats); TotalMemoryStatus result; result.totalPhysical = (unsigned int) stats.dwTotalPhys; result.availPhysical = (unsigned int) stats.dwAvailPhys; result.totalVirtual = (unsigned int) stats.dwTotalVirtual; result.availVirtual = (unsigned int) stats.dwAvailVirtual; return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Dump detail memory status information. */ void DumpTotalMemoryStatus() { n_printf("DumpTotalMemoryStatus() not implemented yet in N3.\n"); } #if NEBULA3_MEMORY_STATS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Enable memory logging. */ void EnableMemoryLogging(unsigned int threshold, HeapType heapType) { MemoryLoggingEnabled = true; MemoryLoggingThreshold = threshold; MemoryLoggingHeapType = heapType; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Disable memory logging. */ void DisableMemoryLogging() { MemoryLoggingEnabled = false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Toggle memory logging. */ void ToggleMemoryLogging(unsigned int threshold, HeapType heapType) { if (MemoryLoggingEnabled) { DisableMemoryLogging(); } else { EnableMemoryLogging(threshold, heapType); } } #endif // NEBULA3_MEMORY_STATS #if NEBULA3_MEMORY_ADVANCED_DEBUGGING //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Debug function which validates the process heap and all local heaps. Stops the program if something is wrong. */ bool ValidateMemory() { bool res = true; // validate global heaps IndexT i; for (i = 0; i < NumHeapTypes; i++) { if (0 != Heaps[i]) { res &= (0 != HeapValidate(Heaps[i], 0, NULL)); } } // validate local heaps res &= Heap::ValidateAllHeaps(); // validate process heap res &= (TRUE == ::HeapValidate(::GetProcessHeap(), 0, NULL)); return res; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Write memory debugging info to log. */ void Checkpoint(const char* msg) { n_printf("MEMORY LOG: %s\n", msg); ValidateMemory(); // also dump a general alloc count/alloc size by heap type... n_printf("NEBULA ALLOC COUNT / SIZE: %d / %d\n", TotalAllocCount, TotalAllocSize); IndexT i; for (i = 0; i < NumHeapTypes; i++) { const char* heapName = GetHeapTypeName((HeapType)i); if (0 == heapName) { heapName = "UNKNOWN"; } n_printf("HEAP %lx ALLOC COUNT / SIZE: %s %d / %d\n", Heaps[i], heapName, HeapTypeAllocCount[i], HeapTypeAllocSize[i]); } // dump all Windows process heaps #if !__XBOX360__ n_printf("WIN32 PROCESS HEAPS\n"); HANDLE procHeaps[100]; DWORD procHeapIndex; DWORD numProcHeaps = ::GetProcessHeaps(100, procHeaps); n_printf("%d PROCESS HEAPS\n", numProcHeaps); const HANDLE defaultHeap = ::GetProcessHeap(); const HANDLE crtHeap = (HANDLE) _get_heap_handle(); SizeT totalAllocSize = 0; SizeT totalAllocCount = 0; SizeT totalUnusedSize = 0; SizeT totalUnusedCount = 0; for (procHeapIndex = 0; procHeapIndex < numProcHeaps; procHeapIndex++) { // test if current heap is a Nebula heap const char* heapName = 0; IndexT nebHeapIndex; for (nebHeapIndex = 0; nebHeapIndex < NumHeapTypes; nebHeapIndex++) { if (Heaps[nebHeapIndex] == procHeaps[procHeapIndex]) { heapName = GetHeapTypeName((HeapType)nebHeapIndex); break; } } // test if it's the CRT or standard process heap if (0 == heapName) { if (defaultHeap == procHeaps[procHeapIndex]) { heapName = "PROCESS HEAP"; } else if (crtHeap == procHeaps[procHeapIndex]) { heapName = "CRT HEAP"; } else { heapName = "UNKNOWN HEAP"; } } // compute number of allocations and data size of heap PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY walkEntry = { 0 }; SizeT allocSize = 0; SizeT allocCount = 0; SizeT unusedCount = 0; SizeT unusedSize = 0; ::HeapLock(procHeaps[procHeapIndex]); while (::HeapWalk(procHeaps[procHeapIndex], &walkEntry)) { if (walkEntry.wFlags & PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY_BUSY) { allocCount++; allocSize += walkEntry.cbData; } else if (walkEntry.wFlags & PROCESS_HEAP_UNCOMMITTED_RANGE) { unusedCount++; unusedSize += walkEntry.cbData; } } ::HeapUnlock(procHeaps[procHeapIndex]); n_printf(" heap at %lx (%s): allocCount(%d) allocSize(%d) unusedCount(%d) unusedSize(%d)\n", procHeaps[procHeapIndex], heapName, allocCount, allocSize, unusedCount, unusedSize); totalAllocSize += allocSize; totalAllocCount += allocCount; totalUnusedSize += unusedSize; totalUnusedCount += unusedCount; } n_printf(" PROCESS HEAPS TOTAL: allocCount(%d), allocSize(%d), unusedCount(%d), unusedSize(%d)\n", totalAllocCount, totalAllocSize, totalUnusedCount, totalUnusedSize); #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Generate a memory leak dump for all heaps managed by Nebula. */ void DumpMemoryLeaks() { // dump heap object memory leaks Heap::DumpLeaksAllHeaps(); // dump global heaps IndexT i; for (i = 0; i < NumHeapTypes; i++) { if (0 != Heaps[i]) { Heap::DumpHeapMemoryLeaks(GetHeapTypeName((HeapType)i), Heaps[i]); } } } #endif } // namespace Memory #endif