/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2006, Radon Labs GmbH Copyright (c) 2011-2013,WebJet Business Division,CYOU http://www.genesis-3d.com.cn Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "stdneb.h" #include "io/uri.h" #include "io/ioserver.h" #include "io/fswrapper.h" #include "core/config.h" namespace IO { using namespace Util; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Resolve assigns and split URI string into its components. @todo: this is too complicated... */ bool URI::Split(const String& s) { n_assert(s.IsValid()); this->Clear(); this->isEmpty = false; // resolve assigns String str; if (AssignRegistry::HasInstance()) { str = AssignRegistry::Instance()->ResolveAssignsInString(s); } else { str = s; } // scheme is the first components and ends with a : IndexT schemeColonIndex = str.FindCharIndex(':'); String potentialScheme; bool schemeIsDevice = false; if (InvalidIndex != schemeColonIndex) { potentialScheme = str.ExtractRange(0, schemeColonIndex); if (FSWrapper::IsDeviceName(potentialScheme)) { // there is either no scheme given, or the "scheme" // is actually a device name // in both cases we fall back to the default scheme "file", and // just set the whole string as local path, there will be no // other components schemeIsDevice = true; } } if ((InvalidIndex == schemeColonIndex) || schemeIsDevice) { this->SetScheme(DEFAULT_IO_SCHEME); this->SetLocalPath(str); return true; } // check is a valid scheme was provided if (InvalidIndex != schemeColonIndex) { // a valid scheme is given this->SetScheme(potentialScheme); // after the scheme, and before the host, there must be a double slash if (!((str[schemeColonIndex + 1] == '/') && (str[schemeColonIndex + 2] == '/'))) { this->SetScheme(DEFAULT_IO_SCHEME); this->SetLocalPath(str); return true; } } // extract UserInfo, Host and Port components IndexT hostStartIndex = schemeColonIndex + 3; IndexT hostEndIndex = str.FindCharIndex('/', hostStartIndex); String userInfoHostPort; String path; if (InvalidIndex == hostEndIndex) { userInfoHostPort = str.ExtractToEnd(hostStartIndex); } else { userInfoHostPort = str.ExtractRange(hostStartIndex, hostEndIndex - hostStartIndex); path = str.ExtractToEnd(hostEndIndex + 1); } // extract port number if exists IndexT portIndex = userInfoHostPort.FindCharIndex(':'); IndexT atIndex = userInfoHostPort.FindCharIndex('@'); if (InvalidIndex != portIndex) { if (InvalidIndex != atIndex) { n_assert(portIndex > atIndex); } this->SetPort(userInfoHostPort.ExtractToEnd(portIndex + 1)); userInfoHostPort.TerminateAtIndex(portIndex); } if (InvalidIndex != atIndex) { this->SetHost(userInfoHostPort.ExtractToEnd(atIndex + 1)); userInfoHostPort.TerminateAtIndex(atIndex); this->SetUserInfo(userInfoHostPort); } else { this->SetHost(userInfoHostPort); } // split path part into components if (path.IsValid()) { IndexT fragmentIndex = path.FindCharIndex('#'); IndexT queryIndex = path.FindCharIndex('?'); if (InvalidIndex != queryIndex) { if (InvalidIndex != fragmentIndex) { n_assert(queryIndex > fragmentIndex); } this->SetQuery(path.ExtractToEnd(queryIndex + 1)); path.TerminateAtIndex(queryIndex); } if (InvalidIndex != fragmentIndex) { this->SetFragment(path.ExtractToEnd(fragmentIndex + 1)); path.TerminateAtIndex(fragmentIndex); } this->SetLocalPath(path); } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** This builds an URI string from its components. */ String URI::Build() const { if(this->IsEmpty()) { return ""; } String str; str.Reserve(256); if (this->scheme.IsValid()) { str.Append(this->scheme); str.Append("://"); } if (this->userInfo.IsValid()) { str.Append(this->userInfo); str.Append("@"); } if (this->host.IsValid()) { str.Append(this->host); } if (this->port.IsValid()) { str.Append(":"); str.Append(this->port); } if (this->localPath.IsValid()) { str.Append("/"); str.Append(this->localPath); } if (this->fragment.IsValid()) { str.Append("#"); str.Append(this->fragment); } if (this->query.IsValid()) { str.Append("?"); str.Append(this->query); } return str; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** This returns the "tail", which is the local path, the fragment and the query concatenated into one string. */ String URI::GetTail() const { String str; str.Reserve(256); if (this->localPath.IsValid()) { str.Append(this->localPath); } if (this->fragment.IsValid()) { str.Append("#"); str.Append(this->fragment); } if (this->query.IsValid()) { str.Append("?"); str.Append(this->query); } return str; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Returns the host and local path in the form "//host/localpath". If no host has been set, only "/localpath" will be returned. */ String URI::GetHostAndLocalPath() const { String str; str.Reserve(this->host.Length() + this->localPath.Length() + 8); if (this->host.IsValid()) { str.Append("//"); str.Append(this->host); str.Append("/"); } str.Append(this->localPath); return str; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Appends an element to the local path. Automatically inserts a path delimiter "/". */ void URI::AppendLocalPath(const String& pathComponent) { n_assert(pathComponent.IsValid()); this->localPath.Append("/"); this->localPath.Append(pathComponent); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** This parses the query part of the URI (in the form param1=value¶m2=value¶m3=value ...) into a dictionary. Ill-formatted query fragments will be ignored. */ Dictionary URI::ParseQuery() const { Dictionary result; Array keyValuePairs = this->query.Tokenize("&"); IndexT i; for (i = 0; i < keyValuePairs.Size(); i++) { Array keyValueTokens = keyValuePairs[i].Tokenize("="); if (keyValueTokens.Size() == 2) { result.Add(keyValueTokens[0], keyValueTokens[1]); } } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------ Util::String URI::GetRawPathFromUri( const char* uri ) { if (!uri) { return ""; } const IO::AssignRegistry* pAssignRegistry = IO::AssignRegistry::Instance(); n_assert(pAssignRegistry); Util::String uriStr = uri; if(uriStr.Length() < 1) { return ""; } IndexT index = uriStr.FindCharIndex(':'); Util::String pre; if (index == InvalidIndex) { pre = uriStr; } else if (index == 0) { return ""; } else { pre = uriStr.ExtractRange(0, index); } if (!pAssignRegistry->HasAssign(pre)) { return ""; } Util::String rawPath; if (index == InvalidIndex) { Util::String helper = ":a.b"; rawPath = pAssignRegistry->ResolveAssigns((uriStr + helper).AsCharPtr()).LocalPath(); rawPath = rawPath.ExtractRange(0, rawPath.Length() - helper.Length()); } else if (index == uriStr.Length()-1) { Util::String helper = "a.b"; rawPath = pAssignRegistry->ResolveAssigns((uriStr + helper).AsCharPtr()).LocalPath(); rawPath = rawPath.ExtractRange(0, rawPath.Length() - helper.Length() - 1); } else { rawPath = pAssignRegistry->ResolveAssigns(uri).LocalPath(); } //#ifdef __WIN32__ rawPath.ReplaceChars("\\", '/'); //#endif if (rawPath.BackwardFindChar('/') == rawPath.Length() - 1) { rawPath = rawPath.ExtractRange(0, rawPath.Length() - 1); } return rawPath; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ Util::String URI::GetUriFromRawPath( const Util::String spath ,const Util::String spre) { const char* path = spath.Get(); const char* pre = spre.Get(); if (!path || !pre) { return ""; } const IO::AssignRegistry* pAssignRegistry = IO::AssignRegistry::Instance(); n_assert(pAssignRegistry); Util::String assignPath = GetRawPathFromUri(pre); if (assignPath.Length() < 1) { return ""; } Util::String fullPath = path; if (fullPath.Length() < 1) { return ""; } if (fullPath.FindCharIndex(':') > 1) { fullPath = GetRawPathFromUri(path); } assignPath.ReplaceChars("\\", '/'); fullPath.ReplaceChars("\\", '/'); IndexT index = fullPath.FindStringIndex(assignPath, 0); if (index == 0) { Util::String extractedStr = fullPath.ExtractRange(assignPath.Length(), fullPath.Length() - assignPath.Length()); if (extractedStr.FindCharIndex('/') == 0) { extractedStr = extractedStr.ExtractToEnd(1); } Util::String result = pre; if (result.BackwardFindChar(':') != result.Length() - 1) { result = result + ":"; } result += extractedStr; return result; } else { return ""; // failed! } } } // namespace IO