/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2011-2013,WebJet Business Division,CYOU http://www.genesis-3d.com.cn Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __intersectutil_H__ #define __intersectutil_H__ #include "apputil/mouserayutil.h" #include "appframework/actor.h" #include "resource/meshres.h" #include "terrainfeature/components/TerrainRenderComponent.h" #include "vegetationfeature/components/vegetationrendercomponent.h" namespace AppUtil { typedef uint SelectMark; struct IntersectResult { IntersectResult() :intersectPoint(0.0f) { } IntersectResult( const GPtr _actor, Math::scalar _f ) : actor(_actor) , intersectPoint(_f) { } GPtr actor; Math::scalar intersectPoint; inline bool operator < ( const IntersectResult& rhs ) const { return this->intersectPoint < rhs.intersectPoint; } }; struct IntersectTriangle { IntersectTriangle() :point0(0.0f),point1(0.0f),point2(0.0f){} IntersectTriangle(Math::float3& p1,Math::float3& p2,Math::float3& p3) { point0 = p1; point1 = p2; point2 = p3; } Math::float3 point0; Math::float3 point1; Math::float3 point2; }; typedef Util::Array IntersectResultList; class IntersectUtil { public: /// compute world-space ray from mouse position use main camera in game world. (mouse screen position is expected in the range 0..1) static bool ComputeDefaultWorldMouseRay( const App::Actor* cameraActor, const Math::float2& mouseScreenPos , Math::Ray& rayout ); // compute world-space line from mouse position use main camera in game world. (mouse screen position is expected in the range 0..1) static bool ComputeDefaultWorldMouseLine(const App::Actor* cameraActor,const Math::float2& mouseScreenPos , Math::line& lineout, float length); /** * IntersectWorld use ray to intersect world. * @param: const Math::Ray & worldRay ray in world space * @param: SelectMark selectMask only (the actor's layerID & selectMask) != 0 , the actor will be intersecting. use 0xFFFFFFFF for all Layer * @param: bool onlyUseBBox if true, we only intersect actor's boundingbox; if false, we will use exact intersect(eg. triangle intersect), slow!!!! * @param: IntersectResultList & result return the actors and nearest intersect points in worldRay. this list not sort, you can manu sort use IntersectResultList::sort * @param: Math::scalar fTolerance tolerance, default is N_TINY * @return: bool return true, if has some actor intersected. * @see: * @remark: */ static bool IntersectWorld( const Math::Ray& worldRay, SelectMark selectMask, bool onlyUseBBox, IntersectResultList& result , Math::scalar fTolerance = N_TINY, IntersectTriangle *triAngle = NULL); /** * IntersectActor use ray to intersect actor * @param: const Math::Ray & worldRay ray in world space * @param: const GPtr& actor the actor will intersect with worldRay * @param: SelectMark selectMask only (the actor's layerID & selectMask) != 0 , the actor will be intersecting. use 0xFFFFFFFF for all Layer * @param: bool onlyUseBBox if true, we only intersect actor's boundingbox; if false, we will use exact intersect(eg. triangle intersect), slow!!!! * @param: Math::scalar & fout if intersected, is the nearest in worldRay * @param: Math::scalar fTolerance tolerance, default is N_TINY * @return: bool return true, if has the actor intersected with worldRay. * @see: * @remark: */ static bool IntersectActor( const Math::Ray& worldRay, const GPtr& actor, SelectMark selectMask, bool onlyUseBBox, Math::scalar& fout, Math::scalar fTolerance = N_TINY, IntersectTriangle* triAngle = NULL); /** * IntersectMesh use ray to intersect actor * @param: const Math::Ray & localRay ray is mesh's space * @param: const GPtr & mesh the mesh will intersect with localRay * @param: Math::scalar & fout if intersected, is the nearest in localRay * @param: Math::scalar fTolerance tolerance, default is N_TINY * @return: bool return true, if has the MeshRes intersected with localRay. * @see: * @remark: */ static bool IntersectMesh(const Math::Ray& localRay, const GPtr& mesh,Math::scalar& fout, Math::scalar fTolerance = N_TINY, IntersectTriangle*triAngle = NULL); static bool IntersectTerrainNode(const Math::Ray& localRay, RenderBase::PrimitiveTopology::Code type, App::TerrainNode* node, Math::scalar& fout, Math::scalar fTolerance, IntersectTriangle*triAngle = NULL ); static bool IntersectTerrainNode_Visbile(const Math::Ray& localRay, RenderBase::PrimitiveTopology::Code type, App::TerrainNode* node, Math::scalar& fout, Math::scalar fTolerance, IntersectTriangle*triAngle = NULL ); static bool IntersectTerrain(const Math::Ray& localRay, const GPtr& TRComponent,Math::scalar& fout, Math::scalar fTolerance, IntersectTriangle*triAngle = NULL ); static bool IntersectTerrainPos(const Math::Ray& worldRay, const GPtr& actor, App::LayerID selectLayers, App::TagID selectTags , bool onlyUseBBox, Math::scalar& fout, Math::float3& pos, Math::scalar fTolerance = N_TINY, IntersectTriangle*triAngle = NULL ); // intersect primitive static bool IntersectPrimitive(const Math::Ray& localRay, RenderBase::PrimitiveTopology::Code type, const Resources::PositionData::value_type* verticies, SizeT numVertex, Math::scalar& fout, Math::scalar fTolerance = N_TINY, IntersectTriangle* triAngle = NULL); // intersect primitive index by 16 bit static bool IntersectPrimitive(const Math::Ray& localRay, RenderBase::PrimitiveTopology::Code type, const Resources::PositionData::value_type* verticies, const Resources::Index16Container::value_type* indicies, SizeT indexCount, Math::scalar& fout, Math::scalar fTolerance = N_TINY, IntersectTriangle* triAngle = NULL); // intersect primitive index by 32 bit static bool IntersectPrimitive(const Math::Ray& localRay, RenderBase::PrimitiveTopology::Code type, const Resources::PositionData::value_type* verticies, const Resources::Index32Container::value_type* indicies, SizeT indexCount, Math::scalar& fout, Math::scalar fTolerance = N_TINY, IntersectTriangle* triAngle = NULL); }; } #endif // __intersectutil_H__